Poll: Trump beats Hillary head-to-head
The poll by SurveyUSA finds that matched up directly, Trump garners 45 percent to Clinton’s 40 percent.
In other head-to-head matchups, Trump beats out Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) by 44 percent to 40 percent; Vice President Joe Biden by 44 percent to 42 percent; and former Vice President Al Gore by 44 percent to 41 percent.
The poll also found that 30 percent of respondents believe Trump will eventually be the Republican nominee, leading the field.
So much for the theory that "Trump can't win"
Donald J. Trump
4 mins · Facebook Mentions ·
By self-funding my campaign, I am not controlled by my donors, special interests or lobbyists. I am only working for the people of the U.S.!
They should outlaw this 5 million contribution bullshit from lobbyists anyhow!.....We the people do the voting so we are the ones they should be working for...Trump I think only accepting up to $2,500 donations anyway....He's doing it exactly right & PISS on the fucking LOBBYISTS!
"....I had yesterday a lobbyist call me up. He said, "Donald I want to put 5 million into your campaign. I said I don't need it, I don't want it. Because when you come back in two years and you want help for a company
that you're representing, I'm going to do the right thing for the people of the United States. And I don't want to have to insult you"
SHOCK POLL: Trump receives 25% of black vote in general election matchup
September 6, 2015
For all the talk about Donald Trump allegedly driving minorities away from the Republican Party,
could he actually bring people in?
A SurveyUSA poll released Friday shows in a hypothetical matchup with Hillary Clinton, Trump
is ahead 45% to 40%.
But digging into the racial breakdown of the respondents is revealing. For example,
the poll finds 25% of black respondents say they would vote for Trump over Clinton.
How impressive is that? Let’s look at the last several presidential results for Republicans.
Mitt Romney was able to muster only 6% of the black vote
John McCain in 2008, the Republican received a measly 4%,
Bush received 11% of the black vote, while in 2000, in 2004 he received 9%.
Interestingly, Trump is also outpacing Romney’s support among Hispanics.
The SurveyUSA poll finds 31% of Hispanics would vote for Trump. In the 2012
general election, Romney received only 27%, according to the Roper Center.'
So much for this nonsense the Beltway Republicans have been spewing to
try to damage Trumps chances. He does better with blacks than any Republican
in memory & his 31% among Latinos debunks all scenarios by the pundits that
that his immigration policies would doom the party, hardly!
Do you think Trump is going to get Reagan Democrats?
I do and here’s why.
During the 1980 election a dramatic number of Democratic voters in the U.S., disillusioned with the economic malaise of the 1970s and the presidency of Jimmy Carter, broke ranks with the Democratic party and supported former California governor (and former Democrat) Ronald Reagan. The term Reagan Democrat is sometimes used to describe moderate Democrats who are more conservative than liberal on certain issues like national security and immigration.
Just replace Carter with Obama in the above scenario and it’s déjà vu all over again.
SHOCK POLL: Trump receives 25% of black vote in general election matchup
September 6, 2015
For all the talk about Donald Trump allegedly driving minorities away from the Republican Party,
could he actually bring people in?
A SurveyUSA poll released Friday shows in a hypothetical matchup with Hillary Clinton, Trump
is ahead 45% to 40%.
But digging into the racial breakdown of the respondents is revealing. For example,
the poll finds 25% of black respondents say they would vote for Trump over Clinton.
How impressive is that? Let’s look at the last several presidential results for Republicans.
Mitt Romney was able to muster only 6% of the black vote
John McCain in 2008, the Republican received a measly 4%,
Bush received 11% of the black vote, while in 2000, in 2004 he received 9%.
Interestingly, Trump is also outpacing Romney’s support among Hispanics.
The SurveyUSA poll finds 31% of Hispanics would vote for Trump. In the 2012
general election, Romney received only 27%, according to the Roper Center.'
So much for this nonsense the Beltway Republicans have been spewing to
try to damage Trumps chances. He does better with blacks than any Republican
in memory & his 31% among Latinos debunks all scenarios by the pundits that
that his immigration policies would doom the party, hardly!
Did Nate Silver tell you that?
I think you're actually giving Asap a run as the biggest fucking moron on this forum: you already made a complete and utter fool of yourself talking about Silver earlier in this very thread-who can forget your using a sports prediction of his as "proof" of failed picks by him, not to mention your ludicrous claim that he NEVER picks Repubs, lol. Aren't you tired of having it rammed up your ass and broken, you brainless prick?azzkick(&^Slapping-silly90))cockingasnook():nohead:kth)(&^Loser!@#0^^:madasshol:trx-smly0:kissingbb:fckmad::Countdown:laughingb
Silver predicted Harry Reid would lose. Guy can't pick his ass.
Easy to predict Democrat victories when the GOP nominates back-to-back RINOs and their base doesn't show up.
Also easy to see how you were voted the dumbest fuck in this forum.
Do you think Trump is going to get Reagan Democrats?
I do and here’s why.
During the 1980 election a dramatic number of Democratic voters in the U.S., disillusioned with the economic malaise of the 1970s and the presidency of Jimmy Carter, broke ranks with the Democratic party and supported former California governor (and former Democrat) Ronald Reagan. The term Reagan Democrat is sometimes used to describe moderate Democrats who are more conservative than liberal on certain issues like national security and immigration.
Just replace Carter with Obama in the above scenario and it’s déjà vu all over again.
Do you think Trump is going to get Reagan Democrats?
I do and here’s why.
During the 1980 election a dramatic number of Democratic voters in the U.S., disillusioned with the economic malaise of the 1970s and the presidency of Jimmy Carter, broke ranks with the Democratic party and supported former California governor (and former Democrat) Ronald Reagan. The term Reagan Democrat is sometimes used to describe moderate Democrats who are more conservative than liberal on certain issues like national security and immigration.
Just replace Carter with Obama in the above scenario and it’s déjà vu all over again.