Hey man, just a couple questions....
1. I take TwinLab Creatine Fuel before and after workouts. It says to take about 4-5 grams daily (so 2.5 grams before and 2.5 grams after workout). Is this what you recommend as well?
2. Also with the Creatine, should I be taking it on 'off days' as well when I dont work out? And if so, how much?
3. I normally workout chest, back, and shoulders together, and bi's, tri's, forearms, and abs together, and then legs on a third day. Are these groups ok? Would you recommend any changes? And would you suggest changing up the order somedays?
4. Lastly, how many days do you recommend working out each muscle of your body (chest, biceps, etc). I currently work each muscle about twice a week.
Thx a lot man!!!
Hey man, just a couple questions....
1. I take TwinLab Creatine Fuel before and after workouts. It says to take about 4-5 grams daily (so 2.5 grams before and 2.5 grams after workout). Is this what you recommend as well?
2. Also with the Creatine, should I be taking it on 'off days' as well when I dont work out? And if so, how much?
3. I normally workout chest, back, and shoulders together, and bi's, tri's, forearms, and abs together, and then legs on a third day. Are these groups ok? Would you recommend any changes? And would you suggest changing up the order somedays?
4. Lastly, how many days do you recommend working out each muscle of your body (chest, biceps, etc). I currently work each muscle about twice a week.
Thx a lot man!!!