I do not believe in marrying outside your race...
I do not believe in homosexualality or lesbisum.
I do not believe in pornagraphy.
I do not believe in abortion.
I do not believe in women voting.
I do not believe in fornication or adultery.
I do not believe in womens rights.
I do not believe in gay rights
I do not believe in animal rights.
I do not believe in foreigner rights.
These are just a few of the things i dont believe in...now
I have just as much right to believe that way as you do to believe the opposite.
I dont think you could scare yourself out of a paper bag.
And that's while you'll always be on the fringe of society, quietly letting your anger burn you up until one day after realizing no one is listening, and your thoughts don't matter, you load up some guns and go shoot up a school.
Would love to talk more, but I have a Wiccan meeting I am running late for. We are having a black rabbi speaking today about starting a new Asian/African American/homosexual/Mexican chapter.
What is your inmate number? I will be sure to include you in our emails
I have done a lot of animal breeding...and i am here to tell you...the genes can get out of whack...just like in people.
About 70 years ago or so, there was someone in Europe...I can't recall his name, but you sound like you could be a member of his club. Your bylaws sound exactly the same.
I am not sure how that turned out, but maybe you can track down some of his followers. Try Argentina and Brazil, rumor has it that they are in that area.
His teachings and values were wriiten down, and I think you are guilty of plagiarism. Maybe his patent has expired.
Damn, can't think of the guys name, but you guys sure do think alike
I dont own any guns nor have any...and my anger is no different from yours...are you not angry at those whom you accuse me of being...yes you are...your just another brainwashed hipocrite...
a stupid 1 at that.
About 70 years ago or so, there was someone in Europe...I can't recall his name, but you sound like you could be a member of his club. Your bylaws sound exactly the same.
I am not sure how that turned out, but maybe you can track down some of his followers. Try Argentina and Brazil, rumor has it that they are in that area.
His teachings and values were wriiten down, and I think you are guilty of plagiarism. Maybe his patent has expired.
Damn, can't think of the guys name, but you guys sure do think alike
David Duke!!, no that was only 20 years ago. I will think of it here in a second.
what does hitler have to do with you being a kook and you posting the writing of a 12 year old...
here is what i think about hitler...
he was a nut...he was stupid and a kook...he was from the devil...just like you.
But shouldnt you forgive and love everyone? Isnt that what god wants? Maybe instead of preaching hate you should be teaching the word of god. I doubt god cares if you date outside your race.
Do you know any of his teachings...if so...why so since you hate the man so much...if not then stfu...cause you dont know what you are talking about.