So beammeup if you seen me and my mixed daughter in a store would you give me dirty looks and tell me im a traitor to the white man. Also does the black race go to heaven or is it white only?
i am 5 foot 11 inches and i weight right now 215 lbs with a 31 inch waist...i have abs...all of them at 215 right now...i work out in a gym...2 times a day and on a heavy punching bag every day and run 2 to 4 miles every the gym where i work out...they come ask me if i am finished with whatever equipment i was using before they use it if i was using it before them...even the young punks fear me.
so let me get something straight, you would confront me in front of my daughter and if i said something back you would attack me in front of my daughter.
I do not believe in marrying outside your race...
I do not believe in homosexualality or lesbisum.
I do not believe in pornagraphy.
I do not believe in abortion.
I do not believe in women voting.
I do not believe in fornication or adultery.
I do not believe in womens rights.
I do not believe in gay rights
I do not believe in animal rights.
I do not believe in foreigner rights.
These are just a few of the things i dont believe
I have just as much right to believe that way as you do to believe the opposite.
Thou cometh from the apes. Big Bangeth Theory
So sayeth The History Channel Verse 2, Chapter 1 (aired 8-22-2009 in the year of your lord.
Hillary and Nancy portrayeth moderneth woman.
Next time you get a bj, consider thou are sinning as much as thou's homo buddies when they taketh one in the asseth accourding to thou's good book.