Dave may have chimed in on a topic or two in the main forum but his posts had nothing to do with the poly forum.
Only a total broke attention whore with no life would spend time all his reading a forum he was banned in, then try to join in on topics by creating new threads in the rubber room.
Really? You were that paranoid about becoming irrelevant?
poker fraud vtard with this amazing millionaire lifestyle just couldn't stay away!
"Dave may have chimed in". Lmao. So his chiming in is ok but mine isn't. Typical con man Joe logic.
You were banned by mods and came back with a different name. That's how desperate you were to be here. After being laughed off EOG and Obamaconspiracy.org.......you came crawling back here with a new name.....then you lied you were Joe C. Now that's pathetic.
when I was in rubber room .....it got more posters there than here. If you left....nobody would even know.