Guilty until proven innocent?


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Since my once-a-day chortle post on Thanksgiving, xf and pedobear in anaheim have each burned another 1000+ fresh words on Why Adult Men fucking 7th grade girls is All That


May 27, 2007
Since my once-a-day chortle post on Thanksgiving, xf and pedobear in anaheim have each burned another 1000+ fresh words on Why Adult Men fucking 7th grade girls is All That


The anticipation of getting in the pants of girls in 7th and 8th grade must be such a turn on for these sick bastards. I bet pumping up the Justin Bieber from the back of the chevy van must have them running in anticipation. Imagine XF and Hosmolestor in the fan together in the parking lot...

"Man, Hos...that little girl sure looks older than 13."

"But that's the thing X Files, she's not but her boobs just look so big. Why isn't it legal to try and seduce her?"

"I don't know why it's illegal. These guys on the RX must be so jealous of our ability to reel them in."

"Ok, let's make our move. I think she just smiled at me right through her braces."
Feb 20, 2002

"Morally, I think most would agree that a sexual relationship between a 20, 30, 40 year old and 15 yeard old is questionable and probably unacceptable, whether against the law or not. It is certainly a challenge to define the validity of a relationship based purely on the age of the two parties involved. Could it be we should be more concerned with the epidemic of failed responsible parenting? It seems raising the age of consent is little more than cosmetic legislation passed to raise popular opinion.


"cait50 - it is highly unlikely that a 20-year old who sleeps with a consenting 15 year old would ever be labelled a pedophile - that is a term reserved for more heinous crimes. I question what a 15yr old and 20yr old would have in common anyway, outside of hormones. But young girls have been known to fake being older (I know, I was one of them) and horny young men tend to lead with the weaker decision making mechanisms. - as do young women. Just another reason why 16 is a more reasonable age of consent.


"14 was a little low, regardless of how they act or dress they are still very much children at that age.

"18 is a little high, some kids are in college at 17 now and really by 16 they ought to know what's what.


"I'm not quite sure how I feel about raising the AoC. My knee-jerk reaction is that it wasn't necessary; especially after seeing it's been like that for well over a century. I know, I know, lots has changed in the past 100 years; don't get your knickers in a knot.

"The reason I think it's a little silly is this. Take a look at all these kids in university. 19, 20, 21. Whatever the age, they sure aren't very mature. That is to say, not significantly more mature than a kid in grade 12. So I don't know that the difference-of-age clause works very well in this scenario.
Feb 20, 2002
"You admit to lying about your age as a teenager, I did too, so do a LOT of teenage girls.


" matter how high you put the age of conscent however, you will always have the horny, rebel teeny bopper that will say the wrong things in a chat room and agree to meet with some random online stranger.


" "WHY would a normal adult want to have sex with a 14 or 15 year-old?"

"Well a normal adult might if the that 14 year old was claiming to be 19. It happens a lot actually. I remember when I was 19 we bumped in my friends younger sister and all her friends who were all 14 in the bar where you had to 18 to get in. She had a fake ID that said she was 19 and she even looked 19. The guys were all over them until my friend informed the bouncer about it. The bouncer then kicked the whole group out ID or no ID. Now in the bar you pretty much assume everyone in there is at least the legal drinking age which at minimum is at least 18, 19, or 21 depending where you are.

Then there was this friend of mine who had a girlfriend that looked like she was 12 when in reality she was 26. She was just short with real baby face. She still look extremely young to this day and she's in 30s now.

Another case might be an 18 year old but they covered that with the provision of with 5 years of age. Now a 40 year old guy cruising the high schools, that's not normal."


"Ooooo, read one article on here saying that young girls sometimes lie about their ages. Aw, don't ya just feel sorry for the poor adults who are taken advantage by that?

"Suggestion: Check for a birth certificate or license. If one can't be provided, keep your parts in your pants.
Feb 20, 2002

New member
Aug 12, 2006
You've got a lot to say for a guy that could be arrested for statuatory rape.

BTW - Can you please provide more details regarding the 8th graders you took advantage of? There are a few lawyers and lawmen on the board that are interested in your stories. In all reality, if the act is ok and you feel there's no issue with it, you should have no problem openly talking about it right?

Tell us some stories about doing speed and banging little girls Chester. We're very interested.

What is this thread like a Penthouse Forum for you. Do you dribble all over yourself just reading about teenaged girls getting banged. Go rub another one out you hypocrite.

May 27, 2007
What is this thread like a Penthouse Forum for you. Do you dribble all over yourself just reading about teenaged girls getting banged. Go rub another one out you hypocrite.

The guy that is an admitted pedo telling another guy he's obsessed with teenaged girls. Only on the RX.
Feb 20, 2002
Deluded X-files thinks that because he cites some country's lack of a law to prohibit men from banging little girls, that somehow it puts a stamp of approval on his pedophilia.

And, even though I pointed out the utter stupidity of the argument, he
keeps repeating it over and over.

First of all, Zitsky, you seem confused, since i made no such argument and it was Enfuego who posted saying "stick to the law".

Secondly, are you going to tell me what i think and do, like you have an omniscient source that blows out from your rear end? Dream on. Is that the same source, the tooth fairy, that told you the RR is the least popular forum? Evidently so.

Thirdly, and further re the repeatedly false accusations of pedophilia, etc, which is getting boring, i'd suggest you look in your own household and to yourself for the most likely suspect of a sexual predator. You said you have an 11 year old daughter which makes you the number one individual most likely to sexually molest her or otherwise inflict violence on her.

The fact of your continually swearing [using words like 'fucking' and 'dipshit'] and calling others "stupid", etc, indicates the likelihood of an angry holier than thou person without self control. You may have self esteem issues.

This does not suggest good odds for your daughter being free from violence - sexual, verbal or physical - at your hand, if it hasn't happened already. It would not at all surprise me. It could be your special interest in this topic in a number of threads is an attempt to atone for past mistakes. So I am concerned for your little girl and suggest you get professional help and anger management therapy.

I can only wonder what she'd think reading your comments on this site. Shame on you!

"...all research suggests that the most severe sexual abuses of children are related to incestuous relations within the family."

"Adolescents pubescent manifestations arouse non-solved problems in parents about their own adolescence."

"The incestuous act happens within this difficult family context which is worsened by family breakups, early sexual activity in children, power abuse from adults and parents´ behaviour disturbances."

(Behaviour disturbances. Are you paying attention, Zit?)

"...The most frequent type of incest involves fathers and daughters and it has destructive affects."

So, young man, instead of chatting about politics, why don't you spend your time focusing on your child's safety, deal with your own internal issues, practice prayer and meditation, and search for articles on how to be a better parent.

Total Posts:13,117.
Posts Per Day:5.00.
Current Activity:Viewing Forum Political Satire
Join Date:09-20-2004.

May 27, 2007
First of all, Zitsky, you seem confused, since i made no such argument and it was Enfuego who posted saying "stick to the law".

Secondly, are you going to tell me what i think and do, like you have an omniscient source that blows out from your rear end? Dream on. Is that the same source, the tooth fairy, that told you the RR is the least popular forum? Evidently so.

Thirdly, and further re the repeatedly false accusations of pedophilia, etc, which is getting boring, i'd suggest you look in your own household and to yourself for the most likely suspect of a sexual predator. You said you have an 11 year old daughter which makes you the number one individual most likely to sexually molest her or otherwise inflict violence on her.

The fact of your continually swearing [using words like 'fucking' and 'dipshit'] and calling others "stupid", etc, indicates the likelihood of an angry holier than thou person without self control. You may have self esteem issues.

This does not suggest good odds for your daughter being free from violence - sexual, verbal or physical - at your hand, if it hasn't happened already. It would not at all surprise me. It could be your special interest in this topic in a number of threads is an attempt to atone for past mistakes. So I am concerned for your little girl and suggest you get professional help and anger management therapy.

I can only wonder what she'd think reading your comments on this site. Shame on you!

"...all research suggests that the most severe sexual abuses of children are related to incestuous relations within the family."

"Adolescents pubescent manifestations arouse non-solved problems in parents about their own adolescence."

"The incestuous act happens within this difficult family context which is worsened by family breakups, early sexual activity in children, power abuse from adults and parents´ behaviour disturbances."

(Behaviour disturbances. Are you paying attention, Zit?)

"...The most frequent type of incest involves fathers and daughters and it has destructive affects."

So, young man, instead of chatting about politics, why don't you spend your time focusing on your child's safety, deal with your own internal issues, practice prayer and meditation, and search for articles on how to be a better parent.

Total Posts:13,117.
Posts Per Day:5.00.
Current Activity:Viewing Forum Political Satire
Join Date:09-20-2004.

You have absolutely no clue what kind of parent he is. None.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Another 24 hours and another 400+ word defense from PedoX bragging about adult men fucking seventh grade girls


powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
Another 24 hours and another 400+ word defense from PedoX bragging about adult men fucking seventh grade girls


and the biggest retard on the rx x-fails defending him..........tis the season
Feb 20, 2002
Keep it up Jedi Younglings, barman and steak tartar, perhaps one day you will learn to control 'the force' and mind control innocents into confessing guilt.

"The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi to Luke Skywalker

"Should the trick succeed, he or she then agreed to whatever was being said to them without being able to think for themselves."

"Your mind powers will not work on me, boy."

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
So now we have

Romeo&Juliet = Joseph&Mary* = Luke & Leia = 19year old American man fucking a seventh grade girl

Got it

*Joseph of course did not impregnate the (supposedly) young teenage Mary....She conceived via the Immaculate Reception

May 27, 2007
Watching Real Sports on HBO right now and they are airing a story about legendary tennis pro Bob Hewitt. I guess he prayed on 12-year-olds.

The girl he screwed in the story was 12 when Hewitt told her to kiss his penis. She says on the show "I was 12, I had no idea what that even meant so I did what he said."

Sound familiar Hosmolestor?
Feb 20, 2002
"Several studies have argued that, unlike physical and sexual maltreatment, an isolated incident does not constitute emotional abuse. Tomison and Tucci write, "emotional abuse is characterised by a climate or pattern of behaviour(s) occurring over time [...] Thus, 'sustained' and 'repetitive' are the crucial components of any definition of emotional abuse."[6] Andrew Vachss, an author, attorney and former sex crimes investigator, defines emotional abuse as "the systematic diminishment of another. It may be intentional or subconscious (or both), but it is always a course of conduct, not a single event."[7]

"Subtler emotionally abusive tactics include insults, putdowns, arbitrary and unpredictable inconsistency, and gaslighting (the denial that previous abusive incidents occurred). Modern technology has led to new forms of abuse, by text messaging and online cyber-bullying."
Feb 20, 2002
"Cyber-bullying is the use of the Internet and related technologies to harm other people, in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner.[1] As it has become more common in society, particularly among young people, legislation and awareness campaigns have arisen to combat it.

"....The term "cyberbullying" was first coined and defined by Bill Belsey, as "the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others."[1]

"Cyber-bullying has subsequently been defined as "when the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person".[2] Other researchers use similar language to describe the phenomenon.[3][4]

"Cyber-bullying can be as simple as continuing to send e-mail to someone who has said they want no further contact with the sender, but it may also include threats, sexual remarks, pejorative labels (i.e., hate speech), ganging up on victims by making them the subject of ridicule in forums, and posting false statements as fact aimed at humiliation.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
x-files track record( my proof hes retarded)

stuck for james t kirk in the stiff thread..kirk was proven to a shot taking stiff -1 for x-files
sticking up for hosnatcher a not yet convicted rapist(but only a matter of time) -2 for x-files
x-files thinks OJ is innocent and casey anthony would make a good baby sitter too

retard to the max
Feb 20, 2002
x-files track record( my proof hes retarded)

stuck for james t kirk in the stiff thread..kirk was proven to a shot taking stiff -1 for x-files
sticking up for hosnatcher a not yet convicted rapist(but only a matter of time) -2 for x-files
x-files thinks OJ is innocent and casey anthony would make a good baby sitter too

retard to the max

I tend to speak up for the underdog who is being cyber bullied by a mob mentality, although where in either case have i said the individuals were innocent?

I wouldn't call that "retarded" any more than any individual accused of a crime recieving fair representation in court. You do support that idea, don't you?

As for OJ i look forward to you providing quotes and links where i ever even made a serious comment on that subject, let alone said he is innocent. I assume you refer to the murder trial.

Regarding Casey Anthony, i have no idea who she or he even is. But i'm looking forward to your supporting evidence [quotes with url/links] on that topic as well. Certainly i won't hold my air at either end waiting for a reply!

Of course, hotshot, you have already admitted to being pro choice [i.e. the murder of preborn babies] in certain cases. This appears to be in contradiction to your opposition to child abuse in this thread. A phrase to describe those two viewpoints when held by one person is hypocrisy of beliefs.

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