Guilty until proven innocent?


May 27, 2007
Staten Island Woman Arrested For Sex With 13-Year-Old Boy

A 20-year-old day care worker from Staten Island was arrested early Wednesday morning for allegedly having sex with a 13-year-old boy in the Prince’s Bay area. The Post reports that Megan Donovan allegedly had intercourse with the victim on Tuesday night and the pair exchanged a slew of risqué text messages with each other after the incident occurred.

And we've had a look at her Facebook page, which suggests she was a bit risqué on social media.

After the alleged incident, the boy bragged to his friends about his romp in the hay with Donovan, and for some reason decided to share the information with his mother. Outraged, the victim’s mother called the NYPD, who promptly arrested Donovan at her Prince’s Bay home around 3 a.m. and charged her with statutory rape, sex abuse and endangering the welfare of a child. The Staten Island DA’s office and the NYPD press office would not provide any further information on the scandal. And an acquaintance of the suspect also refused to comment—but did acknowledge the distastefulness of Donovan’s alleged actions.
Feb 20, 2002
You just didn't like what he said Pedo Bear. It's tough to hear when someone says your a rapist. Doesn't feel good I imagine.


Here's a guy calling someone else a rapist and he supports child murder. LOL!

A pedo is someone who has a sexual interest in prepubescent kids. If he had such an interest but hasn't for 10 years, then he is no longer a pedophile.

Likewise if a guy raped 17 years ago but not since then, he is not a rapist.

However if you still want to insist that he is, then i'll have to insist that at heart you are a sinner, and therefore both a serial rapist and a serial murderer.

That you may not have actually committed a physical act of rape or murder is besides the point. The only reason you haven't yet is that the circumstances have not yet presented themselves and forced you to do so. Because once they do you will surely act out what is in your deceitfull and desperately wicked soul.


May 27, 2007

Here's a guy calling someone else a rapist and he supports child murder. LOL!

A pedo is someone who has a sexual interest in prepubescent kids. If he had such an interest but hasn't for 10 years, then he is no longer a pedophile.

Likewise if a guy raped 17 years ago but not since then, he is not a rapist.

However if you still want to insist that he is, then i'll have to insist that at heart you are a sinner, and therefore both a serial rapist and a serial murderer.

That you may not have actually committed a physical act of rape or murder is besides the point. The only reason you haven't yet is that the circumstances have not yet presented themselves and forced you to do so. Because once they do you will surely act out what is in your deceitfull and desperately wicked soul.


Dude, just keep your religious beliefs out of the discussion and stick to the law. Abortion is legal, sex with a 13-year-old is not. No dispute, no argument. Just shut your cake hole.
Sep 21, 2004
X-files showing quotes by Chris Paradise and Sumday to try and defend his views. A couple of the biggest idiots ever to show up at therx... both
of which have been banned from this site.

Keep trying to defend your kiddie-fucking lusts, it's good for a daily laugh, if it doesn't make you sick to your stomach.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Boonton 19-year-old man accused of having sex with missing 13-year-old girl

BOONTON — A 19-year-old Boonton man was arrested today on charges he had sexual relations with a 13-year-old girl who had been reported missing, according to the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office.

Abdallah Sahili was charged with two counts of sexual assault, statutory; and two counts of child endangerment, according to Capt. Jeffrey Paul, a spokesman for Prosecutor Robert Bianchi.

Superior Court Judge Stuart Minkowitz, sitting in Morristown, set Sahili's bail at $75,000, with no 10 percent option. Sahili is being held at the Morris County jail, Paul said.

The girl told Boonton police that she missed school on Tuesday and took a taxi to Sahili’s home at his request, according to an affidavit signed by Boonton police Detective Sgt. Christian Trowbridge. The girl said she had consensual sex with Sahili and later said she had also engaged in sexual intercourse with him a month-and-half ago, Trowbridge said.

The girl’s disappearance was reported to Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Missing Person Unit at 12:55 a.m. today, and the girl was later found at Sahili’s home, according to the affidavit.

Staten Island Woman Arrested For Sex With 13-Year-Old Boy

A 20-year-old day care worker from Staten Island was arrested early Wednesday morning for allegedly having sex with a 13-year-old boy in the Prince’s Bay area. The Post reports that Megan Donovan allegedly had intercourse with the victim on Tuesday night and the pair exchanged a slew of risqué text messages with each other after the incident occurred.

And we've had a look at her Facebook page, which suggests she was a bit risqué on social media.

After the alleged incident, the boy bragged to his friends about his romp in the hay with Donovan, and for some reason decided to share the information with his mother. Outraged, the victim’s mother called the NYPD, who promptly arrested Donovan at her Prince’s Bay home around 3 a.m. and charged her with statutory rape, sex abuse and endangering the welfare of a child. The Staten Island DA’s office and the NYPD press office would not provide any further information on the scandal. And an acquaintance of the suspect also refused to comment—but did acknowledge the distastefulness of Donovan’s alleged actions.

I guess this just goes to show how much more mature a 13 year old girl is than a 13 year old boy. Here goes the girl being self sufficient enough to taxi it over to some dudes house at 1:00am for a booty call and it wasn't her first time. It also sounds like the girls parents knew all about the relationship too. Why else the added drama of filing a missing persons report for your daughter who obviously sneaked out of the house. If they were truly clueless to the fact that their daughter was a slut who likes 19 year old dick then why not assume she sneaked out of the house to hang with her friends. Glad to see the tax dollars are going to good use to send out a task force to locate someones slutty daughter who went off on a midnight quest for some dick. I sure hope this girls parents didn't punish her for sneaking out of the house to go get fucked. Because after all it was the 19 year old dude who put the Jedi Mind Trick on the girl and got it in her head to spend her allowance on a taxi to go see him again and again. She was just so innocent under this Jedi rapists control.

Typical immature 13 year old boy. Goes and gets laid and announces it to the world and brags to his mama. Gee no wonder those teenage girls don't want to fuck the loud mouthed boys that are their age.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Dude, just keep your religious beliefs out of the discussion and stick to the law. Abortion is legal, sex with a 13-year-old is not. No dispute, no argument. Just shut your cake hole.

Sorry bro but most of us live their life to a certain code and that code comes from the bible and not from the bullshit laws that our constables conjured up to suit their personal agendas.

Don't sit here and be a hypocrite and tell us you live your life to the letter of the law even if you don't agree with the laws. Just because some people have ignored a law that you have always followed doesn't make you a Saint. While you are at it judging the actions on this board and using the letter of the law as testimony be sure to check in and judge those that admitted to illegal drug use on the "What is your drug of choice" and "Help me get out of jury duty" threads.

Enfuego you ooze nothing but estrogen and I am sure you are constantly menstruating. You are the type of bitch who would tell your friends girlfriend or wife that your friend is cheating on them. I bet you get jumped a lot when you were growing up too and the people at your office ignore and avoid you like the plague. It must suck to be left off those inner office email invites for happy hour after work.

May 27, 2007
Sorry bro but most of us live their life to a certain code and that code comes from the bible and not from the bullshit laws that our constables conjured up to suit their personal agendas.

Don't sit here and be a hypocrite and tell us you live your life to the letter of the law even if you don't agree with the laws. Just because some people have ignored a law that you have always followed doesn't make you a Saint. While you are at it judging the actions on this board and using the letter of the law as testimony be sure to check in and judge those that admitted to illegal drug use on the "What is your drug of choice" and "Help me get out of jury duty" threads.

Enfuego you ooze nothing but estrogen and I am sure you are constantly menstruating. You are the type of bitch who would tell your friends girlfriend or wife that your friend is cheating on them. I bet you get jumped a lot when you were growing up too and the people at your office ignore and avoid you like the plague. It must suck to be left off those inner office email invites for happy hour after work.

1) A code that comes from the bible? Does that code enable you to troll for 8th graders? That's a damn good code you live by pedo bear.

2) Don't be a hypocrite? How am I being hypocritical? Site an example. I don't care about some other stupid thread about drug use. Drug use is a decision you make that impacts your body not an 8th grade girl.

3) Never been jumped once. And I know you woudn't jump me either. I know what is truth and what is not.

You are the kind of guy that needs a little girl to fullfill your appetite for sex because you can't get a grown woman of your own. Probably either a skinny little nerdy guy that is shy to ask a girl to the movies or a big tub of shit that takes two trips to haul ass. Either way, you decided not once but two times to commit statuatory rape and actually describe and admit it on a public forum. That tells you right there you are both a rapist and slow.

New member
Aug 12, 2006

2) Don't be a hypocrite? How am I being hypocritical? Site an example. I don't care about some other stupid thread about drug use. Drug use is a decision you make that impacts your body not an 8th grade girl

Haven't you ever seen those PSA's. "Parents that use drugs, have kids that use drugs." So drug and alcohol abuse doesn't affect children? Tell that shit to all of the crack babies and premature babies due to the mothers abuse. I guess no kids have ever died from an auto related accident at the hands of an adult who get behind the wheel shit faced or hopped up on drugs. Or an adult who passed out on the couch only to wake up and find their small child got into their half open bottle of pills they left out and they kid swallowed them mistaking it for candy. But like you said you don't care about all of that shit your only concern is making sure teenagers practice abstinence. Like I said your a fucking hypocrite.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
pedo bear in Anaheim even using thanksgiving to type a fresh 1000+ words defending adult men fucking seventh grade girls


New member
Aug 12, 2006
pedo bear in Anaheim even using thanksgiving to type a fresh 1000+ words defending adult men fucking seventh grade girls. That is why I choose to fuck adult men. A little stool on the tool is the way to go. Gobble, gobble gobble!!!


Feb 20, 2002
Enfuego said:
Silent voters weren't silent when they voted 26-1 that Hosrapist is in fact a child predator.

Well, Enflamo, let's look at the facts:

1. The poll question was "is hosnatcher a rapist?"

2. A pedophile is no longer a pedo when his sexual interest in prepubescent children ceases. He is then a changed man.

"An adult or late teenager who is sexually attracted to prepubescent children

3. A 90 year old who ceased stealing at the age of 6 when he swiped a candy bar is no longer a thief. He has changed his ways.

4. A rapist who 20 years ago ceased raping is no longer a rapist. He has changed.

5. Therefore, hosnatcher is no longer a rapist and the correct poll answer was NO, he is not a rapist.

6. The poll was at 27-4 today. At least 4 people got it right. As usual, you didn't.

7. As to the separate question "was hosnatcher ever a rapist" in his ancient history, 17 years ago, assuming his story is true, that would depend on where the consentual sex with the almost 14 year old teen slut occured, and what the letter of the law was at that time. These things were not mentioned let alone discussed in the thread in question.

8. Men in Spain have a "choice" to LEGALLY bang a 13 year old teen girl. "It's as simple as that."
Twenty-five year old men in Colorado have a LEGAL "choice" to have sex with 15 year old school girls. "It's as simple as that."
Nineteen year old adults in Hawaii and Canada have a LEGAL "choice" to screw 14 year old teenie boppers. "It's as simple as that."
Eighteen year old guys in the US Capitol [Washington] have a LEGAL "choice" to hump 14 year old young ladies. "It's as simple as that."

9. BTW, you, Enfuego the flamo, support murdering preborn children, which IMO is a million times worse than a 19 year old boy having consentual sex with an almost 14 year old teen slut. Get a clue.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Well, Enflamo, let's look at the facts:

1. The poll question was "is hosnatcher a rapist?"

2. A pedophile is no longer a pedo when his sexual interest in prepubescent children ceases. He is then a changed man.

"An adult or late teenager who is sexually attracted to prepubescent children

3. A 90 year old who ceased stealing at the age of 6 when he swiped a candy bar is no longer a thief. He has changed his ways.

4. A rapist who 20 years ago ceased raping is no longer a rapist. He has changed.

5. Therefore, hosnatcher is no longer a rapist and the correct poll answer was NO, he is not a rapist.

6. The poll was at 27-4 today. At least 4 people got it right. As usual, you didn't.

7. As to the separate question "was hosnatcher ever a rapist" in his ancient history, 17 years ago, assuming his story is true, that would depend on where the consentual sex with the almost 14 year old teen slut occured, and what the letter of the law was at that time. These things were not mentioned let alone discussed in the thread in question.

8. Men in Spain have a "choice" to LEGALLY bang a 13 year old teen girl. "It's as simple as that."
Twenty-five year old men in Colorado have a LEGAL "choice" to have sex with 15 year old school girls. "It's as simple as that."
Nineteen year old adults in Hawaii and Canada have a LEGAL "choice" to screw 14 year old teenie boppers. "It's as simple as that."
Eighteen year old guys in the US Capitol [Washington] have a LEGAL "choice" to hump 14 year old young ladies. "It's as simple as that."

9. BTW, you, Enfuego the flamo, support murdering preborn children, which IMO is a million times worse than a 19 year old boy having consentual sex with an almost 14 year old teen slut. Get a clue.

Can't say I ever slept with a prepubescent girl neither before or after I turned 18. So that makes me no pedophile.

So what do you call somebody who has slept with a postpubescent teenage girl in their younger partying days if technically they aren't pedophiles or perverts by definition?

Prepubescent -The period of life before puberty, marked by increased growth. Associated with purity, innocence, and simplicity of life.

Postpubescent - Describes one who has reached the adult stages of their life, thus already having the associated elements gained in puberty (i.e. body hair, genital maturation, etc.).

I guess one can say as long as there is grass on the infield then play ball.

May 27, 2007
Well, Enflamo, let's look at the facts:

1. The poll question was "is hosnatcher a rapist?"

2. A pedophile is no longer a pedo when his sexual interest in prepubescent children ceases. He is then a changed man.

"An adult or late teenager who is sexually attracted to prepubescent children

3. A 90 year old who ceased stealing at the age of 6 when he swiped a candy bar is no longer a thief. He has changed his ways.

4. A rapist who 20 years ago ceased raping is no longer a rapist. He has changed.

5. Therefore, hosnatcher is no longer a rapist and the correct poll answer was NO, he is not a rapist.

6. The poll was at 27-4 today. At least 4 people got it right. As usual, you didn't.

7. As to the separate question "was hosnatcher ever a rapist" in his ancient history, 17 years ago, assuming his story is true, that would depend on where the consentual sex with the almost 14 year old teen slut occured, and what the letter of the law was at that time. These things were not mentioned let alone discussed in the thread in question.

8. Men in Spain have a "choice" to LEGALLY bang a 13 year old teen girl. "It's as simple as that."
Twenty-five year old men in Colorado have a LEGAL "choice" to have sex with 15 year old school girls. "It's as simple as that."
Nineteen year old adults in Hawaii and Canada have a LEGAL "choice" to screw 14 year old teenie boppers. "It's as simple as that."
Eighteen year old guys in the US Capitol [Washington] have a LEGAL "choice" to hump 14 year old young ladies. "It's as simple as that."

9. BTW, you, Enfuego the flamo, support murdering preborn children, which IMO is a million times worse than a 19 year old boy having consentual sex with an almost 14 year old teen slut. Get a clue.

The laws in the U.S. support my stance and don't support Hosmolestor's rape of a minor.

Guess the law is wrong and I'm on the wrong side. Go figure. Now go run along X-Files and protest all of those abortion clinics. You go out and make a difference young man.

May 27, 2007
Haven't you ever seen those PSA's. "Parents that use drugs, have kids that use drugs." So drug and alcohol abuse doesn't affect children? Tell that shit to all of the crack babies and premature babies due to the mothers abuse. I guess no kids have ever died from an auto related accident at the hands of an adult who get behind the wheel shit faced or hopped up on drugs. Or an adult who passed out on the couch only to wake up and find their small child got into their half open bottle of pills they left out and they kid swallowed them mistaking it for candy. But like you said you don't care about all of that shit your only concern is making sure teenagers practice abstinence. Like I said your a fucking hypocrite.

Not even in my top 50 of concerns Pedo Bear but thanks for pretending like you know me.
Feb 20, 2002
Dude, just keep your religious beliefs out of the discussion and stick to the law. Abortion is legal, sex with a 13-year-old is not. No dispute, no argument. Just shut your cake hole.

You want me to "stick to the law". Here's the law:

Men in Spain have a "choice" to LEGALLY bang a 13 year old teen girl. "It's as simple as that."

Twenty-five year old men in Colorado have a LEGAL "choice" to have sex with 15 year old school girls. "It's as simple as that."

Nineteen year old adults in Hawaii and Canada have a LEGAL "choice" to screw 14 year old teenie boppers. "It's as simple as that."

Eighteen year old guys in the US Capitol [Washington] have a LEGAL "choice" to hump 14 year old young ladies. "It's as simple as that."
Feb 20, 2002
I just read this comment on a forum & found it interesting:

"sluts. I love sluts, but a 15 year old slut? WTF. Well in my day, a 15 year old slut was the one girl who everyone shunned in your grade, and there was only 1 and she hung out in the parking lot, if she was at school at all, and some old guy was her bf and picked her up in a car.... yes, a car. Today, all the boys say all the girls act like "hos". Not only that, they dress like hos. Not only that, they attend blow job parties to suck off guys. Not only that, it's not uncommon for them to prostitute themselves just so they can buy that stupid LV handbag to show off in school. I blame the black (and white) rap losers for setting females back another 100 years. It's their fault and the fault of these loser kids who worship their dumb asses."

Feb 20, 2002

"I'm waiting for that first case that will be all over the media...

You know the one, the inevitable grimacing angry father clutching his 15 year-old daughter. (who he believes to be an innocent angel but regularly attends frat parties and has an 18 year-old fake ID so she can drink in Hull.)

The stupid-yet-tragic 20 year-old kid who is now labelled a pedophile, his best years of life ruined, no real faults except for his naivete.

Yeah, that story. Wait for it..."


"Yes - I believe I heard that story first hand. It was several years ago and it was actually a pissed off mother because she found out about her 13 year old daughter hanging out with older kids (she looked much older than 13). Turns out she had sex with her 18 year old boyfriend (who, interestingly enough, didn't look a day over maybe 16).

Well nobody went to jail, nobody was labelled a pedophile. If anything, the mother was asked if she could explain what her daughter normally does after school and on weekends. Turned out she didn't really know. Hmmm... what's going on here? The daughter, questioned separately, was insistent that it was consensual and in the end rational heads prevailed - kids will be kids.

Now if the 15 year old girl in your example is forced, intimidated or coerced by the 20 year old, or if she hooks up with a 40 year old freak from the internet, then you'll hear all about it... I hope!"

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Have you ever heard of the expression "You are only as faithful as your options"?

Well Enfuego is one of those D-Bags who sit there and brag and tell the world he is faithful and would never cheat on his spouse. But it is an easy thing to preach when nobody else out there wants to fuck you. So no matter if the bitch is 30, 18 or 13 years old unless she is roofied or paid she wouldn't go nowhere near the likes of Enfuego. He uses his ugliness and the fact that he was able to coerce some fat, ugly, awkward special needs cow he met online to marry him to preach his oath of hypocrisy. When in reality he probably takes his 13 year old sons yearbook into the bathroom and masturbates to the entire underage female student body.

May 27, 2007
Have you ever heard of the expression "You are only as faithful as your options"?

Well Enfuego is one of those D-Bags who sit there and brag and tell the world he is faithful and would never cheat on his spouse. But it is an easy thing to preach when nobody else out there wants to fuck you. So no matter if the bitch is 30, 18 or 13 years old unless she is roofied or paid she wouldn't go nowhere near the likes of Enfuego. He uses his ugliness and the fact that he was able to coerce some fat, ugly, awkward special needs cow he met online to marry him to preach his oath of hypocrisy. When in reality he probably takes his 13 year old sons yearbook into the bathroom and masturbates to the entire underage female student body.

You've got a lot to say for a guy that could be arrested for statuatory rape.

BTW - Can you please provide more details regarding the 8th graders you took advantage of? There are a few lawyers and lawmen on the board that are interested in your stories. In all reality, if the act is ok and you feel there's no issue with it, you should have no problem openly talking about it right?

Tell us some stories about doing speed and banging little girls Chester. We're very interested.
Sep 21, 2004
Deluded X-files thinks that because he cites some country's lack of a law
to prohibit men from banging little girls, that somehow it puts
a stamp of approval on his pedophilia.

You can't make this shit up.

And, even though I pointed out the utter stupidity of the argument, he
keeps repeating it over and over.

Conclusion: Not only is X-files a sexual pervert, he's also just plain stupid.

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