Great Covid News! Sweden's infections rates are declining significantly, showing their method is very likely the best path forward


New member
May 24, 2018
I've read that stuff, so crazy. Have to be an extreme low life to pull that shit.

Well, the left wanted to assault a 15 year old white kid for standing still and smiling.

That's the craziest thing that moderates don't understand here. The left doesn't *hate* Trump... they hate *all conservatives* and they just channel all of that hatred onto Trump.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
You know you bury a poster when he starts sending you negative reputation points (whatever the fuck those are).....I've never received a negative one before I feel special.
Maybe Rx will kick me off now @):mad:

Lol. Not that anyone pays attention to X worthless post anyway , yours made him more worthless
Feb 20, 2002
"[FONT=&quot]If immunity exists, [/FONT]it may prove short-lived[FONT=&quot] – but as with much else, it is too early to say for sure. “We are only about eight months into this outbreak,” says Krutika Kuppalli, an infectious disease specialist. “That is still the infancy of an infection. We’ve known about HIV for over 40 years and we’re still learning new things about it every day.”


"My Other Vehicle Is a Locomotive"
Sep 6, 2005
The truth appears to be that the virus has to run it's course. The curves are all very similar. Slow start, rapid growth, fairly quick decline in new cases

The worst thing done by anyone anywhere was Cuomo sending the foxes into the chicken coops (A/K/A sending COVID-19 patients into nursing homes)

That was bad but this was worse. #FatNixon never took Covid seriously until it was too late.

[FONT=&quot]On February 26, President Trump boasted that the coronavirus was about to disappear altogether from the United States. “You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero,” he insisted.[/FONT]
Sep 21, 2004
That was bad but this was worse. #FatNixon never took Covid seriously until it was too late.

On February 26, President Trump boasted that the coronavirus was about to disappear altogether from the United States. “You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero,” he insisted.

OH God... Look who the cat dragged in from the gutter.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
That was bad but this was worse. #FatNixon never took Covid seriously until it was too late.

On February 26, President Trump boasted that the coronavirus was about to disappear altogether from the United States. “You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero,” he insisted.

Hahaha how is that possibly worse?
One is policy that actually directly killed people.

Seriously this has become the hill to die on for liberals with Trump/covid. "He didn't take it seriously enough until it was too late." So fucking weak.
He was fed bogus info from "experts" - even your hero Fauci flip-flopped like a real pro for months.

The truth of the matter is he couldn't have done the right thing no matter what in your minds. If he would have taken it more seriously he would have been "fear-mongering" and "xenophobic". 100%.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
That was bad but this was worse. #FatNixon never took Covid seriously until it was too late.

On February 26, President Trump boasted that the coronavirus was about to disappear altogether from the United States. “You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero,” he insisted.

Sorry, all the states and all the countries have similar results, just an undeniable trend.

I know libtard nation can't think for themselves, so you have to regurgitate whatever news they spoon feed you. You're just another 10 second sound bite man, your very words prove that point.

If any one governor has a horrible track record, that was slow to react Cuomo who also sent COVID-19 patients into nursing homes. Besides listening to the WHO and Fauci in January and trusting China, the biggest mistake made in the world. The biggest mistake made by any elected official anywhere.


Blue states

NY 28,000
NJ 16,000
MA 9,000
CA 9,000

Red states

FL 7,000
TX 7,000

and Florida and Texas are 2nd and 3rd in terms of population

and these fucktards bash Republican governors, you just can't make this ignorance up

Furthermore, new cases in both Florida and Texas are plummeting, just like I said they would

Educate yourself before engaging me, bitches
Feb 20, 2002
that was bad but this was worse. #fatnixon never took covid seriously until it was too late.

[font=&amp]on february 26, president trump boasted that the coronavirus was about to disappear altogether from the united states. “you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero,” he insisted.[/font]

Feb 20, 2002
""He argues that while that might be true on the surface, especially with masks — which Sweden is one of the few countries not to recommend wearing in public — the differences elsewhere are exaggerated. Swedes have stopped travelling just as much as neighbours; hotels and restaurants may not have closed but have been severely affected."

"He points to the markings in supermarkets showing people where to stand and detailed restrictions on restaurants in terms of how many people they can have and how they serve them."

" “These types of restrictions don’t exist almost anywhere else than in Sweden." "

"..."I’ve worked in hospitals. I’ve seen the flu epidemics and people coming in and overflooding the hospitals." "

" Our conversation ends with Tegnell again swimming against the tide, and warning that a vaccine — if and when it comes — will not be the “silver bullet”. He adds: “Once again, I’m not very fond of easy solutions to complex problems and to believe that once the vaccine is here, we can go back and live as we always have done. I think that’s a dangerous message to send because it’s not going to be that easy.” "

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
stats, facts, and science tells the story

  • 1st graph: Sweden's excess mortality vs other European countries with the largest economies.
  • 2nd graph: Sweden's economic growth vs Western Europe.


Feb 20, 2002
The only relevant comparison of whether or not Sweden failed is with its Nordic neighbours:

"Denmark, Norway and Finland, with a combined population of around 16.75 million, have recorded 4,331 deaths attributed to coronavirus as of Thursday (259 per million). All three enforced lockdowns early on in the pandemic. Sweden, by contrast, has registered 12,798 deaths, and possesses a population 10.2 million, meaning it has a far higher death rate than its immediate neighbors (1,255 per million), according to Johns Hopkins University data."

Any other comparisons are not between apples & apples, but between an apple & banana peels, figs & rotten grapes.

Yup, Sweden = a colossal covid failure.

Feb 20, 2002
"There are a lot of problems comparing countries that are far away from each other and have very different health and support infrastructure. So this is fine for what it is, but you can't get too caught up in it.
That's why Sweden was normally compared to the other Scandanavian/Nordic countries who took different approaches. That gave a slightly more realistic natural experiment.
(They fare badly there as well.)"
Feb 20, 2002
"Sweden has highest new Covid cases per person in Europe"

"Figure of 625 new infections per 1m people is many times larger than Nordic neighbours

"Sweden has reported Europe’s highest number of new coronavirus infections per head over the past week and has more patients in intensive care than at any time since the pandemic’s first wave.

" ...The figure was many times higher than the 65, 111 and 132 per million in Sweden’s Nordic neighbours Finland, Denmark and Norway.

"... The Swedish public had “really changed its behaviour and daily life is, to a very great extent, already very restricted”, said the health minister, Lena Hallengren.

Feb 20, 2002
So people are still trying to compare Sweden with places like Italy and France where normal social distancing is measures in millimeters and people great each other by licking each other's faces. You know, instead of comparing Sweden with say Denmark where people can't wait for the 2m rule to be over so they can get back to their usual 3 to 5 m of social distance or even Finland where 5km is kinda a bit too close.

Thing is this has been brought up many times.




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