Great Covid News! Sweden's infections rates are declining significantly, showing their method is very likely the best path forward


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Butt butt butt butt

CNN and The Daily Kos said something, so it must be true

Dec 15, 2004
Herd Immunity works. Ask Negan.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Or you can ask Sweden or any country or any state that's on the back nine

They all have the same graph

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

Swedens deaths = 5744
Massachusetts deaths = 8638

Oh and Sweden has 3 million more people.

Yeah, Sweden did it worse @):mad:

still laughing.

[h=1]Sweden COVID-19 Death Rate Lower Than Spain, Italy and U.K., Despite Never Having Lockdown[/h]
Feb 20, 2002
still laughing.

Sweden COVID-19 Death Rate Lower Than Spain, Italy and U.K., Despite Never Having Lockdown

Unlike Sweden, Italy received thousands of infected from the virus origin point - Wuhan, China - months ago before the lockdowns.

Compare my comment earlier in this thread:

Sweden wasn't infested with large numbers of infected people from China, Iran, Italy, etc, as the USA was early on before international travel was shut down. Reverse their locations - put Sweden where NY or other high infection zones in the US were - and you'ld see how worse off Sweden would have been and how much better off NY, etc, would have been. Better to compare Sweden with its neighboring countries to get a better guage of how it's doing relative to another approach.

"But the strategy has also resulted in Sweden having one of the highest death rates in the world, at 56.4 per 100,000, and it’s unclear whether the economy will fare much better than in neighboring Denmark and Norway, which initially imposed strict lockdowns and have seen substantially lower fatalities.

“We do not know how the virus strategy will affect the economies in the long run,” said Nordea economist Torbjorn Isaksson in emailed comments. “Our Nordic neighbors locked down but may be able to open up and normalize faster.”
Feb 20, 2002
The expectation is that herd immunity is only needed to be at 20-30% instead of the expected 60-70% as lots of people who have had the common cold (another Coronavirus) have a certain level of immunity already.

Great news, everyone!

It's wishful thinking. Hopefully there's some degree of truth to it. Time will tell.

New member
May 24, 2018
It's wishful thinking. Hopefully there's some degree of truth to it. Time will tell.

fact of the matter is Sweden is not wearing masks and not socially distancing and also does not have many cases and almost no deaths.

How else would you explain that? Especially since you think masks are crucial.

Repeat the facts and then explain them.

1. Sweden is not wearing masks.

2. Sweden is wide open, no social distancing.

3. Sweden has low cases and almost no new deaths.

now explain why
Oct 26, 2003
Thailand...a country of 66 million...

58 deaths

Thailand wearing masks

Thailand with social distancing

Now explain why....

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
fact of the matter is Sweden is not wearing masks and not socially distancing and also does not have many cases and almost no deaths.

How else would you explain that? Especially since you think masks are crucial.

Repeat the facts and then explain them.

1. Sweden is not wearing masks.

2. Sweden is wide open, no social distancing.

3. Sweden has low cases and almost no new deaths.

now explain why

yep, numbers dropping in US, another false numbers discovered out of Texas yesterday. Hospital numbers were skewed, MSM fear with dems behind pushing it for agendas. Not even trying to hide it

suckers/fools fall for it. Old man though , I get it

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Thailand...a country of 66 million...

58 deaths

Thailand wearing masks

Thailand with social distancing

Now explain why....

Country willing to lock down literally everything, throw people in jail for years for violating a curfew, and it obviously doesn't depend on economic growth as we do.

Such draconian measures can never be imposed here, and you can't compare the freedoms of the two countries

Cuba also has a relatively crime free society and only 87 deaths :)
Oct 26, 2003
Country willing to lock down literally everything, throw people in jail for years for violating a curfew, and it obviously doesn't depend on economic growth as we do.

Such draconian measures can never be imposed here, and you can't compare the freedoms of the two countries

Cuba also has a relatively crime free society and only 87 deaths :)

Thailand’s bars and restaurants now open with continued social more curfew.....the only thing that is hurting the economy now are closed borders to tourists....really bad for the local businesses.....

Listening to health experts here saved lives....listening to governmental policies will maybe destroy lives...apples and oranges comparing Thailand with the USA....

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I did a little reading on Thailand, an article about demographics and lifestyle, found a few interesting things.

Although having one of the least free societies (Actually rated as NOT FREE by the people who create such rankings), but people still tend to be happy which outweighs most everything.

They're presently having protests against the government, calling for new elections a new constitution and an end to repressive laws

One of the most visited countries in the world, meaning it has to be a pretty special place blessed with natural beauty and resources

Mostly Buddhists? With Muslims moving into some regions

No welfare

No unemployment, in large part because 66% of the population is self-employed

I'm beginning to think VD is a closet Republican :)
Feb 20, 2002
fact of the matter is Sweden is not wearing masks and not socially distancing and also does not have many cases and almost no deaths.

How else would you explain that? Especially since you think masks are crucial.

Repeat the facts and then explain them.

1. Sweden is not wearing masks.

2. Sweden is wide open, no social distancing.

3. Sweden has low cases and almost no new deaths.

now explain why

Evidently you are misinformed. According to articles i posted early in this thread most Swedes have been social distancing for months:

Swedes in general have changed their behavior to a great extent during the pandemic and the practice of social distancing as well as physical distancing in public places and at work has been widespread," said Maria Furberg, MD, PhD, an infectious diseases expert at Umea University Hospital in northeastern Sweden."

During the months of March to early June, all shops were practically empty, people stopped dining with friends, and families stopped seeing even their closest relatives," Furberg told MedPage Today. "A lock-down could not have been more effective. Handwashing, excessive use of hand sanitizers, and staying home at the first sign of a cold became the new normal very quickly.

So Sweden was in effect practically in lockdown mode, even though there wasn't an official government order to lockdown.

...While Sweden didn't officially lock down, many in the country have described a locked-down "feeling" that has eased in the summer months."

At the start of the outbreak, only high schools and universities closed; daycare and elementary schools have been open. Businesses have also remained open, but typically at reduced hours, and restaurants have functioned at reduced capacity.
Swedes have been asked to keep their distance in public, refrain from non-essential travel, and work from home when possible. Gatherings of more than 50 people are also banned. People age 70 and over are advised to stay away from others as much as possible.

If Sweden had worn masks their death count wouldn't have been so high. As it played out they have had way more deaths than their Nordic neighbors who also have had a low incidence of mask wearing yet far fewer deaths.

Instead of recommending mask wearing Sweden recommended elderly people isolate themselves, people work from home, social distance, etc. And they did. Sweden did not treat C-19 like "just another flu". If they had their hospitals may have been overwhelmed resulting in more deaths from being unable to treat non C-19 emergency cases.

...the stated goal of the Swedish authorities was always not to minimize the epidemic but rather slow it down, so that the health care system wouldn’t be overwhelmed.

...on a per-capita basis, Sweden far outpaces its Scandinavian neighbors in COVID deaths, with 567 deaths per million people compared with Denmark's 106 deaths per million, Finland's 59 deaths per million, and Norway's 47 deaths per million. The Swedish figure is closer to Italy's 581 deaths per million.

...others have criticized the approach, including two dozen Swedish academics who published a recent USA Today editorial.
"In Sweden, the strategy has led to death, grief, and suffering," they wrote. "On top of that, there are no indications that the Swedish economy has fared better than in many other countries. At the moment, we have set an example for the rest of the world on how not to deal with a deadly infectious disease."

...Tegnell told reporters last week he thought the recent trends indicated that immunity was now widespread in the country. But with rates of antibody positivity around 10%, that seems impossible.

...Spurkland said it's still "too early yet to conclude whether the Swedish approach was the wisest over all," as it remains to be seen whether Norway and other countries that did lock down will avoid a second wave of infections in the fall.

Yet she cautions that choosing to take on a higher case load may have health consequences far beyond the immediate infection.
"What we have learned these months is that COVID-19 is not only about death, it is also about ill health," Spurkland said. "Quite a number of people going through the infection have long-term symptoms, that may be stopping them from resuming their daily life. We do not know yet how large a proportion of those who get the virus will fall into this category, but it is certainly a concern.

...Sweden has a death toll greater than the United States: 564 deaths per million inhabitants compared with 444, as of July 27.
Sweden also has a death toll nearly five times greater than that of the other four Nordic countries combined — more than twice per million inhabitants. For a number of weeks, Sweden has been among the top in the world when it comes to reported deaths per capita.

...perhaps an unwillingness to admit early mistakes and take responsibility for thousands of unnecessary deaths plays into this resistance to change...

We do believe that Sweden can be used as a model, but not in the way it was thought of initially. It can instead serve as a control group and answer the question of how efficient the voluntary distancing and loose measures in Sweden are compared with lockdowns, aggressive testing, tracing and the use of masks.

In Sweden, the strategy has led to death, grief and suffering. On top of that, there are no indications that the Swedish economy has fared better than in many other countries. At the moment, we have set an example for the rest of the world on how not to deal with a deadly infectious disease.

In the end, this too shall pass and life will eventually return to normal. New medical treatments will come and improve the prognosis. Hopefully, there will be a vaccine. Stick it out until then. And don’t do it the Swedish way.
Oct 26, 2003
I did a little reading on Thailand, an article about demographics and lifestyle, found a few interesting things.

Although having one of the least free societies (Actually rated as NOT FREE by the people who create such rankings), but people still tend to be happy which outweighs most everything.

They're presently having protests against the government, calling for new elections a new constitution and an end to repressive laws

One of the most visited countries in the world, meaning it has to be a pretty special place blessed with natural beauty and resources

Mostly Buddhists? With Muslims moving into some regions

No welfare

No unemployment, in large part because 66% of the population is self-employed

I'm beginning to think VD is a closet Republican :)

There are actually 3 or 4 Republicans that I liked back in 2016....Trump was not one of them....

New member
May 24, 2018
Thailand’s bars and restaurants now open with continued social more curfew.....the only thing that is hurting the economy now are closed borders to tourists....really bad for the local businesses.....

Listening to health experts here saved lives....listening to governmental policies will maybe destroy lives...apples and oranges comparing Thailand with the USA....

I remember when men used to argue freedom was worth sacrificing their life.

Now they cry about Trump considering banning a chinese app that spies on Americans and has children doing sexual dances. Unreal how quickly society is crumbling morally.

Mar 5, 2009
still laughing.

Sweden COVID-19 Death Rate Lower Than Spain, Italy and U.K., Despite Never Having Lockdown

You know you bury a poster when he starts sending you negative reputation points (whatever the fuck those are).....I've never received a negative one before I feel special.
Maybe Rx will kick me off now @):mad:

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
You know you bury a poster when he starts sending you negative reputation points (whatever the fuck those are).....I've never received a negative one before I feel special.
Maybe Rx will kick me off now @):mad:

Imagine when they start pretending they're your clients and leave fictitious and fraudulent reviews

That's ownership

And it proves how little character they really have

New member
May 24, 2018
You know you bury a poster when he starts sending you negative reputation points (whatever the fuck those are).....I've never received a negative one before I feel special.
Maybe Rx will kick me off now @):mad:

Did X-Files really give you negative reputation points for posting facts? That's hilarious.

Mar 5, 2009
Imagine when they start pretending they're your clients and leave fictitious and fraudulent reviews

That's ownership

And it proves how little character they really have

I've read that stuff, so crazy. Have to be an extreme low life to pull that shit.

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