GOP debate in-game thread


New member
Jan 16, 2013
Republican Presidential Nominee odds:
Rubio 2/1
Bush 3/1
Trump 4/1
Carson 8/1
Cruz 16/1
Fiorina 17/1
Kasich 20/1

It is mind boggling to me that anyone is taking Jeb Bush to make him 3:1.

Sportingbet, Hollywood family of Spoertsbooks has the odds a lot closer to reality;
Rubio +230
Trump +260
Carson +700
Bush +800
Cruz +800
Christie +1800
Florina +2000
Kasich +2500

Before the debate Rubio was +320, Trump +340 & Bush +400 Trump & Rubio up Bush down big

Jul 14, 2007
I guess my point is, for years all these professional leagues (the NFL especially) stuck their heads in the sand and went out of their way to avoid the stigma of 'gambling' (even mentioning a pointspread on air was frowned upon) it wasn't happening. Now they're suddenly discovering how lucrative it is?

If they really wanted to, pro sports probably have enough clout and power to shut down Vegas completely and integrate every dollar wagered on their products into their business models.

We aren't talking peanuts...the $$$ amount would be staggering, potentially even more than the gross revenues they take in right now!

Like someone couldn't have figured this out sooner???

My guess is a lot of this has to do with how competitive the entertainment landscape is these days. Like chop said, a world series game was on last night and it didn't exactly capture the attention of an entire nation.

For most of its existence, pro sports just had a much more solidified monopoly than it does right now.

The internet, netflix, etc is all relatively new.

Jul 14, 2007
That was a surprise but let's face it. Who won that verbal tug of war Trump won not the moderator, even when he
fibs a little Trump seems to have a 3 point landing.

Not like it would've hurt him too much since he is the Teflon Don but Trump did get a little lucky there that Becky wasn't too Quick to have the info ready. He said he didn't say that about H1B's and Zuckerberg and it cleary says that on his website. She pointed it out like 20 minutes later, but by then nobody really cared.

Zuckerberg is like the 15th richest person in the world. My guess is he isn't having his name being brought into political debate without having someone attempt to take care of it. Probably had his people reach out to Trump's people to explain the pros about H1B's for Facebook and that was that. Then Trump's other people just didn't take it off the website.

New member
Jan 16, 2013
It looks like my prediction from a few weeks ago is coming true.
The Rubio surge is starting.
I have no idea why Bush is getting so much respect.

And here is my next bold prediction.

Bush will drop out before the next debate.
Mark it down.
Lock city.

How about this for crushing the prediction markets;
I had Bush pegged as a loser early on

7/2/15 12:50pm$60.00$50.00Pending7/18/15 8:00am Politics Other Sports 902 Field wins Republican Nomination -120* vs Jeb Bush is Republican Nominee

7/7/15 10:47pm$50.00$52.50Pending7/18/16 8:00am Politics Other Sports 902 Field wins Republican Nomination +105* vs Jeb Bush is Republican Nominee

New member
Aug 22, 2013
LMAO at you guys...The World Series was on and you guys were all watching the losers debate. Wow.....

I won't waste my time with anything except to keep checking odds like those below. There's a reason grandma is better than even money favorite. The REAL game hasn't even begun and all you conservatards are having orgasms for Donald to Make America White Again. LMAO...He may in fact win the nomination. And he will get DESTROYED in the general because this is NOT EVEN CLOSE to being your Dad's electorate. And the Clintons FORGOT more about winning elections than all the people Donald will try to buy. The bookies know this. They have it right.

I won't waste any more time on this BS. This is Grandma Clinton in a LANDSLIDE against Donald. I think Rubio would likely come closer but he too would lose. This election was over right after Donald said he was gonna go door to door looking for illegals and their families to deport. No hispanic vote = No victory. Game over. He will lose EVERY swing state by LARGE margins. Worse than Romney.

But keep living in la la land...I'll just keep checking the odds.

Tue 11/8 951 Hillary Clinton wins Election -140
6:00AM 952 Field wins Presidential Election +100
Tue 11/8 953 Marco Rubio wins Election +475
6:00AM 954 Field wins Presidential Election -825
Tue 11/8 957 Jeb Bush wins Election +750
6:00AM 958 Field wins Presidential Election -1580
Tue 11/8 959 Bernie Sanders wins Election +760
6:00AM 960 Field wins Presidential Election -1600
Tue 11/8 961 Donald Trump wins Election +850
6:00AM 962 Field wins Presidential Election -1750
Tue 11/8 963 Ben Carson wins Election +1350
6:00AM 964 Field wins Presidential Election -3250
Tue 11/8 965 Ted Cruz wins Election +1900
6:00AM 966 Field wins Presidential Election -5700
Tue 11/8 967 Chris Christie wins Election +2500
6:00AM 968 Field wins Presidential Election -7500
Tue 11/8 969 Carly Fiorina wins Election +4500
6:00AM 970 Field wins Presidential Election -17500


Jul 14, 2007
It is 2015. I can watch multiple things at once quite easily. Don't follow MLB at all really so WS doesn't interest me.

The debate didn't suck because of the candidates. It sucked because of the format not facilitating discussion and the panel questions.

So screw everything else but electoral math? Sounds like a plan.

New member
Aug 22, 2013
It is 2015. I can watch multiple things at once quite easily. Don't follow MLB at all really so WS doesn't interest me.

The debate didn't suck because of the candidates. It sucked because of the format not facilitating discussion and the panel questions.

So screw everything else but electoral math? Sounds like a plan.

That's how ALL these debates are. They all suck! Maybe to varying degrees but no doubt they ALL suck.

Let me guess....They all talked about how tax cuts for billionaires were gonna save the country again right? And when their numbers don't add up they say it's just the media screwing it up right?

C'mon man...Seen this TONS of times now.

Reality: Supply-Side Economics DOES NOT WORK, Has NEVER WORKED, and NEVER WILL WORK.
Example: Kansas

Common Sense Economics DOES work.
Example: Minnesota.

If you want Kansas economics then by all means vote for whoever gets the repub nomination. Meanwhile...I'll be busy running my business, taking care of my family, and having fun watching sports and gambling on it.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It amazes me so many posters are wondering why the debate was held on the same night as a WS game.

I'd imagine the debate schedule was set well before any WS dates were even known. The only time they wouldn't do this IMO would be Super Bowl Sunday...otherwise, no sporting event would force them to reconsider.

Also, a DVR epidemic has broken out in this country. Plus YouTube, blogs, Twitter, etc...all of which weren't available 20 years ago. In other words, the disgusting filth in the lame stream media are sad they can no longer set the narrative they want the American public to consume. Anyone can now go see the whole debate for themselves, or just find out what the notable snippets were. Cruz pimp slapping the media seems to have been the highlight on social media so far.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
It amazes me so many posters are wondering why the debate was held on the same night as a WS game.

I'd imagine the debate schedule was set well before any WS dates were even known. The only time they wouldn't do this IMO would be Super Bowl Sunday...otherwise, no sporting event would force them to reconsider.

Also, a DVR epidemic has broken out in this country. Plus YouTube, blogs, Twitter, etc...all of which weren't available 20 years ago. In other words, the disgusting filth in the lame stream media are sad they can no longer set the narrative they want the American public to consume. Anyone can now go see the whole debate for themselves, or just find out what the notable snippets were. Cruz pimp slapping the media seems to have been the highlight on social media so far.

I watched a few minutes but just in between commercials of the World Series. The Cruz media bashing isnt gonna do much.....most every repub watching hates the media anyway.

Sep 21, 2004
I watched a few minutes but just in between commercials of the World Series. The Cruz media bashing isnt gonna do much.....most every repub watching hates the media anyway.
Yep, Cruz knows his audience and how to manipulate them well. His best shot for advancement in polls and debate performance is railing against the media.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Yep, Cruz knows his audience and how to manipulate them well. His best shot for advancement in polls and debate performance is railing against the media.

Yep.....all he needs now is an anti Obama book.....put the bait on that hook and bring them onto the boat.

Jul 14, 2007
It amazes me so many posters are wondering why the debate was held on the same night as a WS game.

I'd imagine the debate schedule was set well before any WS dates were even known. The only time they wouldn't do this IMO would be Super Bowl Sunday...otherwise, no sporting event would force them to reconsider.

Also, a DVR epidemic has broken out in this country. Plus YouTube, blogs, Twitter, etc...all of which weren't available 20 years ago. In other words, the disgusting filth in the lame stream media are sad they can no longer set the narrative they want the American public to consume. Anyone can now go see the whole debate for themselves, or just find out what the notable snippets were. Cruz pimp slapping the media seems to have been the highlight on social media so far.

Sure we got DVR and then all the other ways that we can consume a debate but game 1 of the World Series used to be a huge deal. Nobody was saying they were surprised, just a commentary on how the world series isn't the event it used to be.

Can you imagine Bush/Kerry in '04 being on the same night as game 1 of the Red Sox/Cardinals? Just no way.

It is known the world series is going to be running in late October, so any debate in late October has decent chance to run up against it.

Baseball is still really popular, it is just more popular on a regional level with limited national discussion. I.e Mets fans root for the Mets, Cubs fans for the Cubs, Giants for the Giants and once their teams get eliminated then they don't really care.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Here's why the gaystream media can't stand Ted Cruz (and the libtards in THIS forum like sheep to slaughter also hate him without knowing exactly WHY, other than the fact their puppet masters told them to, lol):

Because he can take them down in 30 seconds on ANY issue at ANY time when they LEAST expect it.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Here's why the gaystream media can't stand Ted Cruz (and the libtards in THIS forum like sheep to slaughter also hate him without knowing exactly WHY):

Because he can take them down in 30 seconds on ANY issue at ANY time when they LEAST expect it.

Just red meat stuff for the idiots that will whack off to any media or liberal insult.

It worked.....look at the same idiots who fall for it all the time.....falling again. The Joe types who are brainless.

The narrative that he's the smartest guy in the room is hysterical. So smart he can't get himself better than 16/1 to defeat 9 other clowns. Yeah, brilliant.

Sep 21, 2004
Of course, the R's were lying though their teeth last night, and the moderators got most everything right. But it doesn't matter because the dumb, low information, sound bite sheep most of these Candidates are going for don't care about facts and truth, they just care about attacking the media, and the D's.

Sep 21, 2004
Chuck Todd: GOP Candidates Launched ‘Premeditated Attack’ Against Debate Moderators

Kyle Drennen

More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.
Despite the incredibly biased performance of the moderators of CNBC’s Republican presidential debate, on Thursday’s NBC Today, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd portrayed his business network colleagues as victims of a GOP plot: “Look, in many ways this was a premeditated attack. There had been some leaked ideas that, you know, beforehand, they were going to go after the moderators and say, ‘Hey, the Democrats didn't get questions like this,’ and they determined this before the debate even started.”
Todd made that accusation in response to co-host Savannah Guthrie observing: “...the media was the opponent not on the stage right with them but, clearly, a big part of this debate. Fairly or unfairly, this is a winning strategy for candidates.”

New member
Jan 16, 2013
Makes sense. Rubio best chance to beat Hillary. The trump, Carson, Cruz trio can't but Rubio can.

No surprise that someone who thinks Nancy Pelosi is a middle of the roader & John Boehner is a right wing nut job wants to
run against Rubio. Someone from the democratic left wing base handicapping the Republican candidates, that's priceless!

If that were the case Hillary would likely pick as her VP HUD secretary & former
mayor of San Antonio Julian Castro who has far more clout,
with the Latino Community than Rubio could ever imagine to have I'm sure you know that
Clinton & Castro will campaign for Citizenship right away for the
illegals living here while if Rubio did the same he'd lose
the Republican base en mass. A Rubio candidacy would give
Mrs. Clinton the gretest landslide a Democrat has had since
the 1930's. I can't think of a state Rubio would be favored in.

Julian Castro: Castro is the U.S. housing and urban development secretary and
former mayor of San Antonio. At 40 years old (Clinton will be 68 in 2016), Castro
is relatively young, and he’s also Hispanic, which would diversify the ticket and blunt
attacks about the Clinton name evoking the past, not the future. He was also the
keynote speaker at the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina,
a plum spot usually given to a rising star in the party. At the 2004 convention, a then-unknown
Illinois state senator named Barack Obama used the speech to raise his national profile.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Some things never change.

3 debates and the only one to gain ground is Cruz.

The establishment candidates are realizing it isn’t going to happen for them.

Donald Trump and Ben Carson together command more than half of voters' preference atop the Republican field after Wednesday night's debate, while Texas Sen. Ted Cruz rose to third place in the latest national NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll released Friday evening.

In a survey of Republicans and Republican-leaning independent voters, Trump and Carson both earned 26 percent, while Cruz took 10 percent. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio followed with 9 percent, trailed by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (5 percent), Carly Fiorina (4 percent) and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (all at 2 percent).

Read more:

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
It's way too early to know which way this thing is going swing (unforeseen scandals can derail candidate), but if you compare this cycle to 2012, we end up with something like this:

Trump (Trump)
Bush (Perry)
Rubio (Romney)
Carson (Cain)
Cruz (Gingrich)

Last cycle, each of those candidates got "their turn" as front runners and eventually faltered or faded, with Romney the eventual winner by process of elimination.

The significant difference between 2012 and now is this time the environment is fiercely anti-establishment.

The wildcard is Trump. In 2012, he took himself out with his f-bomb speech in Vegas. Will history repeat itself?

I wish Trump would have stayed in 4 years ago and launched a full out attack against Obama as only Trump can do...he might have changed the outcome of the election.

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