Do you believe that breitbart and drudge polls are a reliable sample?
Certainly not scientific, before the debate even started I checked out the Drudge Report & the Drudge Poll already had
over 15,000 votes with Don Trump getting over 40%. But these online polls do show indicators. Rand Paul when I first checked
had only 7% before the debate started and now with almost 300,000 votes tallied he's at 15% Paul will get a bump in the
more sophisticated polls that will come out probably around Saturday.
After the 2nd debate in which Fiorina came in 2nd to Trump on Drudge she did get a momentary bump that made the
beltway republicans giddy but support for her was never really there. She was a paper tiger erected by the press.
Polls in late September were all just media created—poll numbers being pumped up by media of the
Beltway anti-Trump faction, hoping for almost anyone to slay the Trump dragon.
Rich Lowry for example after that debate embarrassed himself gleefully on Fox stating that Fiorina
'Cut Trumps balls off' in that debate showing how little his analysis amounts to. After the 3rd debate
Lowry realizing his newfound candidate Fiorina was a flop, found a new candidate in Rubio.
Lowry's amount of drooling for an anti-Trump candidate should come with a year’s supply of bibs.
Look the instant online polls do show trends and in fact show those trends far better than the
Beltway pundits who after every debate seem to show their crystal balls are lacking.