Golfer charged with killing noisy bird during video shoot


I say vee cut off your Chonson !!!!
Sep 21, 2004
To me it seems like one of those things you do without ACTUALLY thinking you're going to do it. If you're hitting a golf ball at a fairly spry bird at some distance are you actually thinking you're going to strike and kill the bird? Probably not. Shit was a fluke and I'm sure he felt bad about it.

How many times have you been at the driving range...seen the guy enter the field driving the tractor to pick up the balls..and instinctively hit your ball towards him trying to hit it? You do it because odds are you aren't going to hit it, and odds are he's protected enough that it wouldn't do anything.

What if your ball went through a tiny hole in the protective cage and knocked the kid out? Of course you'd feel bad...freak accident, that's all.

Well if you missed the kid 6 times in a row, and then on the 7th time came really close and proclaimed "I got him now" ... and then proceeded to miss 3 more shots then finally hit him. Would that be a freak accident too ?? This guy isn't some hacker on the range either. He plays in the PGA tour, has been golfing all his life and I would bet has a hell of a lot more control and power then the scenario you proposed for the average Joe Schmoe on the driving range. I'm not saying he purposely killed the bird, but its quite obvious he was trying to hit it and if thats the case should be responsible for the consequences that follow.

New member
Sep 20, 2001
A guy who works at my supply house had his eye blown completely out from a guy trying to play thru because he thought the guy was playing to slow, instead of asking to play thru he thought he'd hurry him up by driving a golf ball in his direction- POW right in the eye.

Nov 20, 2004
put 100 people in tripps shoes and over 90 do the exact same thing. he isnt the only one to blame. the crew could have moved or gone over and tried to shooo it way. i agree. you people are fukt in the head if you think the guy killed a bird on purpose. you are also fucking stupid if you think that because has money or grew up with money that that had anything to do with it. thats just envy talking and you look like a dumbass for saying it.

like i said before, anyone who has spent anytime at all on a driving range practicing has aimed in the direction of an animal. obviously, not thinking they could hit it and by no means meaning to do harm to it. this is an accident that is getting shitty press because of the marine/dog bullshit.

red, what is it that you think is a lie here? you think he said "hey look here guys, im going to try to kill this bird" thats fucking stupid and you know it didnt happen. doesnt matter. like i said, he will pay a small fine and go on about his business. super nice guy who was pressured into doing something and an accident came from it. get over people

are you fuckin stupid? If you hit golfballs aimed at a hawk hoping to scare it, you have to be prepared for just in case you do hit it. Really you should just leave this thread because every post you make, its make you like stupidier then the last post if that is really possible. Lmfaooooooooo he was hitting the balls at the hawk but he really didnt think he was gonna hit it, lmfaooooooooooooooooo. Man you are screwed up in the head.

Dec 12, 2006
Lmfaooooooooo he was hitting the balls at the hawk but he really didnt think he was gonna hit it, lmfaooooooooooooooooo. Man you are screwed up in the head.

Maybe he thought he wouldn't hit it because his crappy ass can't get his tour card and plays the Nationwide tour.

Nov 20, 2004
To me it seems like one of those things you do without ACTUALLY thinking you're going to do it. If you're hitting a golf ball at a fairly spry bird at some distance are you actually thinking you're going to strike and kill the bird? Probably not. Shit was a fluke and I'm sure he felt bad about it.

How many times have you been at the driving range...seen the guy enter the field driving the tractor to pick up the balls..and instinctively hit your ball towards him trying to hit it? You do it because odds are you aren't going to hit it, and odds are he's protected enough that it wouldn't do anything.

What if your ball went through a tiny hole in the protective cage and knocked the kid out? Of course you'd feel bad...freak accident, that's all.

really are you fuckin retarded too? Listen if you aim anything in the direction of an animal, then you have to be prepared for in case you do hit it. Heres the thing genius, if he didnt want to hit the hawk, the simple thing to do was not fuckin hit golfballs in its direction, that my friend doesnt take a fuckin rocket scientist to figure out. I really cant believe the stupidity coming from a bunch of you.
Well at least peta will haunt this guy for the rest of his life.

Nov 20, 2004
Maybe he thought he wouldn't hit it because his crappy ass can't get his tour card and plays the Nationwide tour.

doesnt matter if he thought he could hit it or not, bottomline is if you dont want to hit the bird, dont aim in its direction. This is a very simple concept

Nov 20, 2004
Heres 2 examples, one is intent to do harm and one is an accident

If this guy was hitting his golfball toward the pin and he happened to hit a bird, that is an accident. no problem then

But when you purposely aim your golfball in the direction of an animal and you hit the animal, well that is intent to hurt the animal. It doesnt matter if you think you are really not gonna hit it, if you aim it that way, its intent. Case closed.

New member
Jan 31, 2007
i think those fucking geese have it out for the state of tn. gator. we layed out thousands of pieces of alka seltzer in an attempt to kill them. one of the hunting gurus said it would kill them. they just left for a week or so. they absolutely destroy golf courses and eat all the seed layed. i can do without them...

i dont got anything for you betedge. if you think they were hitting balls at the bird in an attempt to kill it, then you are sadly mistaken and have absolutely no idea of what happened. nice clueless opinion you have though, thanks for sharing. they were merely trying to get it to fly away for a few minutes so they could film. i got this information from one of tripps good buddies on tour so i know the truth. thanks for all the name calling though. awfully nice of you to make these great comments without knowing a single fucking thing about the situation. maybe next time you will hold off on the name calling until you have some sort of proof or some facts. i know what happened and was just trying to tell the story. the paper didnt say anything about him trying to kill a bird. i hope you feel good about yourself for jumping to a conclusion when you have no idea what you are talking about. i have never had any problems with you but you just reached assclown status with me.
so let me ask you this my friend, why could they just not go over to the tree and shew the bird away if was such a problem for their video? they are not SMART enough to REALIZE that if they actually hot the bird that it MIGHT kill it? or maybe they could have put their heads together to figure out a more reasonable way instead of just like acting some little spoiled rich kid's who don't have to be held accountable for their actions. in my opinion i hope they get what they deserve, jail time and fines. then maybe next time they might have the decentcy to have some respect for something that does not know where it is appropiate for it to live or be able to fly. as for the name calling, i apologize if it offened you.

Dec 12, 2006
doesnt matter if he thought he could hit it or not, bottomline is if you dont want to hit the bird, dont aim in its direction. This is a very simple concept

Relax, that was sarcasm. Read post #40. I was saying this before any of you.

New member
Jan 31, 2007
wow your a really big macho man:103631605 in fact you are now my new idol.
what a friggin loser to make a post like that.
agreed. i wonder this loser would think if someone did this to hos mom or dad or another loved and said " oop's, i was just trying to scare them away, i didn't mean to splatter their brains all over the ground" this guy is obviously bent in the head.

New member
Jan 31, 2007
Heres 2 examples, one is intent to do harm and one is an accident

If this guy was hitting his golfball toward the pin and he happened to hit a bird, that is an accident. no problem then

But when you purposely aim your golfball in the direction of an animal and you hit the animal, well that is intent to hurt the animal. It doesnt matter if you think you are really not gonna hit it, if you aim it that way, its intent. Case closed.
this is logic. ray and mopsi seem to have misplaced their's on some golf course.....

New member
Feb 14, 2007
cd, you need to get laid. you are way too stressed and really have no idea of what the circumstances were. thats okay, opinions are like assholes anyways. what you think you know about the subject is your opinion.

i dont know why the crew didnt try to shooo the bird away. what i do know is that the bird was up in a tree and shoooing wasnt going to do any good. would you feel better if they threw something at it from the ground and right below the tree? no. hey, i dont know why they didnt move to a different part of the course. but it wasnt tripps call anyways. it was the film crews. so the bird is almost a hundred yards away and up in a tree and they were trying to scare it away so the video wouldnt pick up all the noise. me and 95% of the golfers in the world would have taken a few shots at it. like he knew it was some special fucking bird. cmon.

why dont you go critisize hunters and dog fighters and whatever else you find important. killing the bird was an accident, regardless of what you think. no jail and maybe no fine. shit happens.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Yeah, the big stink is because it's a protected species.

But do you think he knew it was a special bird, a protected species?

I doubt it. Knucklehead probably just thought it was some damn annoying bird.

Nov 20, 2004
cd, you need to get laid. you are way too stressed and really have no idea of what the circumstances were. thats okay, opinions are like assholes anyways. what you think you know about the subject is your opinion.

i dont know why the crew didnt try to shooo the bird away. what i do know is that the bird was up in a tree and shoooing wasnt going to do any good. would you feel better if they threw something at it from the ground and right below the tree? no. hey, i dont know why they didnt move to a different part of the course. but it wasnt tripps call anyways. it was the film crews. so the bird is almost a hundred yards away and up in a tree and they were trying to scare it away so the video wouldnt pick up all the noise. me and 95% of the golfers in the world would have taken a few shots at it. like he knew it was some special fucking bird. cmon.

why dont you go critisize hunters and dog fighters and whatever else you find important. killing the bird was an accident, regardless of what you think. no jail and maybe no fine. shit happens.

you really are stupid and just dont have a fuckin clue. You say i dont know what the circumstances were? Well what circumstances do i need to know besides they were shooting a video and the hawk was making noise, so this dickhead decided to hit golfballs at it. Geez i must be missing something. First off are you that fuckin dumb not to know the difference between an accident and intent. If you aim that way, you have to expect that you could just get lucky an actually hit the bird, so dont fuckin aim that way. Read my post up above and maybe you will learn something. Listen its not a fuckin accident if you aim in the direction of animal, doesnt matter if you were just trying to scare it or didnt think you would hit it. Dont fuckin aim that way and then there would be no hawk getting hit. Why your dumb ass cant seem to grasp this logic is beyonf me, but i guess it explains why we have so many stupid people in our world. So let me see, the hawk is 100 yards away singing like hawks do, at that distance i would think for sure that the nosie couldnt have been that bad and certainly not bad enough that they wouldnt have been able to edit the hawk out.
Like i said up above if the guy was playing a round of golf and he hit the hawk, we wouldnt even be having this conversation.

Maybe if you hear this over and over again, you will finally understand it.
Either way tell your buddy of tripp, that tripps life is basically over and the peta people will haunt him forever, no matter where he goes.

So the next time the neighbor kids are in the street making noise, i can go outside and shoot things at them trying to just scare them away, but if i should hit them, i can tell the cops it really was just an accident.

RX Chef
Dec 27, 2007
really are you fuckin retarded too? Listen if you aim anything in the direction of an animal, then you have to be prepared for in case you do hit it. Heres the thing genius, if he didnt want to hit the hawk, the simple thing to do was not fuckin hit golfballs in its direction, that my friend doesnt take a fuckin rocket scientist to figure out. I really cant believe the stupidity coming from a bunch of you.
Well at least peta will haunt this guy for the rest of his life.

Maybe the hawk should have minded its own god damn business instead of squaking like a jerk at a bunch of golfers just trying to have a good time. Maybe the hawk was retarded for not flying away after 6 golf balls were shot in its direction.

What do you say to THAT, cd?

Nov 20, 2004
But do you think he knew it was a special bird, a protected species?

I doubt it. Knucklehead probably just thought it was some damn annoying bird.

protected or not protected bird the guy shouldnt have been aiming his balls at the bird.

Do you know why animals are on the protected lists? Its because of stupid humans like this guy killing them, thats what puts animals on the protected list.

This hawk had no clue it was doing anything wrong and had more rights being there then this dickhead making his video.

Nov 20, 2004
Maybe the hawk should have minded its own god damn business instead of squaking like a jerk at a bunch of golfers just trying to have a good time. Maybe the hawk was retarded for not flying away after 6 golf balls were shot in its direction.

What do you say to THAT, cd?

go fuck yourself, thats what i say to you. Your just a jerkoff, probably been that way your whole life and probably will stay that way until the day you die.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
put 100 people in tripps shoes and over 90 do the exact same thing. he isnt the only one to blame. the crew could have moved or gone over and tried to shooo it way. i agree. you people are fukt in the head if you think the guy killed a bird on purpose. you are also fucking stupid if you think that because has money or grew up with money that that had anything to do with it. thats just envy talking and you look like a dumbass for saying it.

like i said before, anyone who has spent anytime at all on a driving range practicing has aimed in the direction of an animal. obviously, not thinking they could hit it and by no means meaning to do harm to it. this is an accident that is getting shitty press because of the marine/dog bullshit.

red, what is it that you think is a lie here? you think he said "hey look here guys, im going to try to kill this bird" thats fucking stupid and you know it didnt happen. doesnt matter. like i said, he will pay a small fine and go on about his business. super nice guy who was pressured into doing something and an accident came from it. get over people

the lie?? i was referring to tripp saying it was an accident...

the witnesses from the tv crew have said what this douchebag tripp said and did.
Sep 21, 2004
But do you think he knew it was a special bird, a protected species?

I doubt it. Knucklehead probably just thought it was some damn annoying bird.

I highly doubt it-especially if it was in a tree which the media reports that I've seen seem to have failed to mention.

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