Golfer charged with killing noisy bird during video shoot


Sep 4, 2006
Accident?You have to be kidding or just the most ignorant person I have ever seen on here. How is ot an accident when he is hitting the ball's directly at hte bird? This was no accident, it was very intensional. They don't know how to edit their video's? This is why golf is such a joke, shhhh, nobody say a word the little pretty boy golfer is going to hit a ball. Oooh such a tough sport, get a real life dude before you end up in prison....


You sir, are a fuqing retard.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
rome just went off on this loser tripp on his espn show.
was quite funny.

Nov 20, 2004
i think those fucking geese have it out for the state of tn. gator. we layed out thousands of pieces of alka seltzer in an attempt to kill them. one of the hunting gurus said it would kill them. they just left for a week or so. they absolutely destroy golf courses and eat all the seed layed. i can do without them...

i dont got anything for you betedge. if you think they were hitting balls at the bird in an attempt to kill it, then you are sadly mistaken and have absolutely no idea of what happened. nice clueless opinion you have though, thanks for sharing. they were merely trying to get it to fly away for a few minutes so they could film. i got this information from one of tripps good buddies on tour so i know the truth. thanks for all the name calling though. awfully nice of you to make these great comments without knowing a single fucking thing about the situation. maybe next time you will hold off on the name calling until you have some sort of proof or some facts. i know what happened and was just trying to tell the story. the paper didnt say anything about him trying to kill a bird. i hope you feel good about yourself for jumping to a conclusion when you have no idea what you are talking about. i have never had any problems with you but you just reached assclown status with me.

who gives a rats ass what your buddy told you because he was there. Bottomline here, is the guy was hitting golf balls in the direction of the hawk. It never crossed his silver spoon pampered ass that just maybe one of those balls might hit the hawk and if it did it the hawk, what was going to happen? I guess they didnt teach common sense in the silver spoon college he attended.
This jerk had a bunch of choices, wait until bird left, move to another part of course or edit the tape.
Fuck him and fuck tripps good buddies too. I hope peta haunts this guy for the rest of his life.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i think those fucking geese have it out for the state of tn. gator. we layed out thousands of pieces of alka seltzer in an attempt to kill them. one of the hunting gurus said it would kill them. they just left for a week or so. they absolutely destroy golf courses and eat all the seed layed. i can do without them...

i dont got anything for you betedge. if you think they were hitting balls at the bird in an attempt to kill it, then you are sadly mistaken and have absolutely no idea of what happened. nice clueless opinion you have though, thanks for sharing. they were merely trying to get it to fly away for a few minutes so they could film. i got this information from one of tripps good buddies on tour so i know the truth. thanks for all the name calling though. awfully nice of you to make these great comments without knowing a single fucking thing about the situation. maybe next time you will hold off on the name calling until you have some sort of proof or some facts. i know what happened and was just trying to tell the story. the paper didnt say anything about him trying to kill a bird. i hope you feel good about yourself for jumping to a conclusion when you have no idea what you are talking about. i have never had any problems with you but you just reached assclown status with me.

right, tripp and his buddies are great guys who would never lie....:think2:
Oct 26, 2003
Raydog...ever been hit with a golf ball hit by someone else? It hurts, and sometimes it kills..would seem to me that there are better ways to chase off these birds...just my 2 cents...

Sep 4, 2006
I went and caught some catfish last week and cleaned them and put them in the freezer. Btw, while they were wriggling around on my cutting board gasping for air, I picked up my trusty claw hammer and smashed them in the head. Just thought you bleeding heart peta lovers might like to know. Peace.

Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
why didnt someone just walk out to where the bird was and say real loud

shoooo , shoooo , shoooo....

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Question: Is this a big deal only because it was a special hawk? If this had just been some ordinary bird, would anyone have cared? Just wondering whether it's this particular or the general idea of aiming for a bird.

Nov 20, 2004
I went and caught some catfish last week and cleaned them and put them in the freezer. Btw, while they were wriggling around on my cutting board gasping for air, I picked up my trusty claw hammer and smashed them in the head. Just thought you bleeding heart peta lovers might like to know. Peace.

wow your a really big macho man:103631605 in fact you are now my new idol.
what a friggin loser to make a post like that.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
love yahoo golf main page

"birdbrain" next to that douchebag

Hey Let Me Hold Some Ends I'll Hit You Back On The
Dec 13, 2007
What the guy did is dense no doubt. But he's a golfer. And worse yet, a serious golfer. He has a lame hobby that too many people take seriously and he gets paid a lot to be good at that lame hobby.

a bit of irony....

Guys that would want to kill some 19 year old for missing two free throws but are all up in rage over a guy killing a bird.

If he ate the bird would it have been ok?

I'm sure every chicken Mickey D's gets there hands on died instantly before ending up in your pie hole.

Don't step on any ants this summer.

New member
Feb 14, 2007
put 100 people in tripps shoes and over 90 do the exact same thing. he isnt the only one to blame. the crew could have moved or gone over and tried to shooo it way. i agree. you people are fukt in the head if you think the guy killed a bird on purpose. you are also fucking stupid if you think that because has money or grew up with money that that had anything to do with it. thats just envy talking and you look like a dumbass for saying it.

like i said before, anyone who has spent anytime at all on a driving range practicing has aimed in the direction of an animal. obviously, not thinking they could hit it and by no means meaning to do harm to it. this is an accident that is getting shitty press because of the marine/dog bullshit.

red, what is it that you think is a lie here? you think he said "hey look here guys, im going to try to kill this bird" thats fucking stupid and you know it didnt happen. doesnt matter. like i said, he will pay a small fine and go on about his business. super nice guy who was pressured into doing something and an accident came from it. get over people
Sep 21, 2004
Question: Is this a big deal only because it was a special hawk? If this had just been some ordinary bird, would anyone have cared? Just wondering whether it's this particular or the general idea of aiming for a bird.

Yeah, the big stink is because it's a protected species.

I say vee cut off your Chonson !!!!
Sep 21, 2004

Red Shouldered Hawk

I say vee cut off your Chonson !!!!
Sep 21, 2004
put 100 people in tripps shoes and over 90 do the exact same thing. he isnt the only one to blame. the crew could have moved or gone over and tried to shooo it way. i agree. you people are fukt in the head if you think the guy killed a bird on purpose. you are also fucking stupid if you think that because has money or grew up with money that that had anything to do with it. thats just envy talking and you look like a dumbass for saying it.

like i said before, anyone who has spent anytime at all on a driving range practicing has aimed in the direction of an animal. obviously, not thinking they could hit it and by no means meaning to do harm to it. this is an accident that is getting shitty press because of the marine/dog bullshit.

red, what is it that you think is a lie here? you think he said "hey look here guys, im going to try to kill this bird" thats fucking stupid and you know it didnt happen. doesnt matter. like i said, he will pay a small fine and go on about his business. super nice guy who was pressured into doing something and an accident came from it. get over people

It sounds like that is exactly what he tried to do, and accomplished. Kill the Bird ....

<P>The 39-year-old player, whose real name is John Henry Isenhour III, became angry while filming “Shoot Like A Pro” on Dec. 12 at the Grand Cypress Golf Club when a squawking red-shouldered hawk roughly 300 yards away forced another take.</P> <P>He drove closer to the bird in his golf cart and starting hitting balls at it. The bird didn’t move and Isenhour gave up and drove away.</P> <P>Isenhour started again when the hawk moved within about 75 yards, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officer Brian Baine indicated in a report.</P> <P>Isenhour allegedly said, “I’ll get him now,” and aimed for the hawk.</P> <P>“About the sixth ball came very near the bird’s head, and (Isenhour) was very excited that it was so close,” Baine wrote.</P> <P>A few shots later, witnesses said he hit the hawk. The bird, protected as a migratory species, fell to the ground bleeding from both nostrils.</P><!-- SpaceID=95863480 loc=RICH noad -->

Sounds like malicious intent to me

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Not trying to make light of killing the Hawk but this is funny regardless.

The should have called the Bugmen - Exterminators Extroidinaire..

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

New member
Apr 21, 2002
Are you guys seriously trying to say he didn't do this on purpose? What do you expect when you have a bunch of guys hitting golf balls at a bird? The thing was obviously not moving out of there. Whether or not you think what he did was right or wrong, I don't see any senile way for anyone to think this was all a big accident.

New member
Nov 19, 2004
No more Toms hitting balls onto the roof of his house.

PGA Tour have a new ad for their motto:

'These guys are good'

RX Chef
Dec 27, 2007
To me it seems like one of those things you do without ACTUALLY thinking you're going to do it. If you're hitting a golf ball at a fairly spry bird at some distance are you actually thinking you're going to strike and kill the bird? Probably not. Shit was a fluke and I'm sure he felt bad about it.

How many times have you been at the driving range...seen the guy enter the field driving the tractor to pick up the balls..and instinctively hit your ball towards him trying to hit it? You do it because odds are you aren't going to hit it, and odds are he's protected enough that it wouldn't do anything.

What if your ball went through a tiny hole in the protective cage and knocked the kid out? Of course you'd feel bad...freak accident, that's all.

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