Yep, no warming going on here! The scientists are just making it up!
You are really dumb. How convenient that your picture is 11 years old, and CONVENIENTLY uses a very cherry-picked interval. Too bad that artic sea ice has
grown 60% in the last 3 years.
What a dumb fucker you are.
There has been no measurable atmospheric global warming for 17+ years.
RSS satellite data of atmospheric temperatures shows no increase in 17 years
link link Temperatures in the past 12 years which include atmospheric and surface stations have actually cooled somewhat. The UN IPCC in damage control mode.
Total global polar sea ice is largely unchanged over the past 35 years. Antarctic sea ice set records for size in September 2014!! Arctic sea ice has grown 60% in the past three years.
*When adding the sea ice volumes at both poles there is about the same ice as 30 years ago
link. The global sea ice in January 2014 was 17,932,000 km², which is the highest ever recorded during January in the satellite era. Antarctica has 90% of the world's ice and had the most sea ice ever recorded in Septermber 2014.
link View today's Antarctic sea ice extent compared to the 1979-2007 average (National Snow and Ice Data Center)
link link A strong storm in the Arctic during the late Summer of 2012 caused the Arctic ice area to shrink to a record low yet the ice is now expanding at a fast rate. The Berring Sea off Alaska in 2012 had the most ice area ever recorded.
link The Antarctic sea ice extent in September 2009 is also growing and is 1 million square kilometers more than the previous year. In September 2013 Antarctica broke another record and had the largest sea ice extent ever recorded
link. View today's Arctic sea ice extent, NSIDC
link DMI
View todays Antarctic sea ice extent Univ. Illinois Cyrosphere
See current ice conditions in the Northern Hemisphere
link and the Southern Hemisphere
link Water temperature and currents and not air temperature is the largest driver of Arctic ice extent, learn why.
Ocean temperatures are not warming
*NSIDC/NASA AMSR-E also shows that the overall trend of ocean temperatures since 2002 is one of cooling in spite of a recent short lived El Nino warming event
The oceans have been cooling which is contrary to climate model predictions
link See how Argo is measuring ocean temperatures throughout the globe
link Argo research (with its 3,300 ocean buoys) has found ocean temperatures are cooler.
link link
The PDO (Pacific) is moving towards a cool period (La Nina). See current ocean surface temperatures from the NOAA
link link
Track mid Atlantic storm formation here, NOAA