even a quarter wit such as yourself should know that useless, unenforceable, ridiculous "agreement" wasn't worth the paper it was written on. face)(*^%
Annual economic growth under Bush was a pathetic 2.1%. You'd have to be a clueless, stupid, brain dead, naive, simpleton to wind up with a growth rate less than that. The annual growth rate under Obama is 1.3%. face)(*^%
Bush warned Obama not to leave early or let Iraq "call the shots", but D'OHBama was far too concerned with his Nobel Peace prize and naively declared Iraq "sovereign, stable, and self reliant" and then the buffoon called ISIS a "JV Team". O'Bozo spent his entire campaign promising an end to wars and has spent his entire presidency at war (even longer than Bush), recklessly invading countries without Congress' approval and leaving a trail of destruction and power vacuums in his and Hilarity's wake. And no president has ever fought harder for the mass release of captured terrorists than Obama. That will be his legacy, freeing the terrorist who pulls off the next 9/11 on us. Scary what he did to this country...