dude, he needs to keep it simple out of necessity
any argument more complex than "it's Bush's fault" is way beyond his comprehension level
he thinks Obama's hand picked stimulus worked, either that or it's failure was Bush's fault
he still thinks you can keep your health insurance, and if you lost it it's Bush's fault
and while ending the Iraqi war is one of Obama's greatest accomplishment, the subsequent rise of ISIS is Bush's fault (it's as if he doesn't even know what ISIS stands for)
it's painful to watch good and smart people trying to reach him
You aren't named Wrong Way for a reason. Franco C was right about you. Your incompetence is endless.
Do you want to bump the thread where you lied about Bush leaving troops in Iraq.....and then you credited GW Bush ended the war.
Do you know that all the previous threads where you were wrong are still here? They don't disappear.