as long as you figure all line offs the same way you should be alright ... i tend to take the middle of the week line...but i'll do my own numbers 1st chance i get during the week...longer i wait things happen and then i have to make the time to get my calculations...and selections
figure your version of myline as soon as you can after adding new calculations into prior weeks totals...and you can do your value calculations whenever you want
once you get into it you'll see why ace is so busy
so should I be using the opening pointspread as opposed to the closing pointspread?
as long as you figure all line offs the same way you should be alright ... i tend to take the middle of the week line...but i'll do my own numbers 1st chance i get during the week...longer i wait things happen and then i have to make the time to get my calculations...and selections
figure your version of myline as soon as you can after adding new calculations into prior weeks totals...and you can do your value calculations whenever you want
once you get into it you'll see why ace is so busy