My brother was specifically approved and authorized to utilize my computer. Sometimes he places wagers from his computer and when he is with me he uses mine. He was specifically authorized to do so and doesn't have a problem. The problem is because my friend used my computer as well to place wagers. I made the incorrect assumption that because Corby told me he liked the action I and my brother was giving him, even though they were similar wagers at times, and because my friend had specific permission to use my computer to open the account, I concluded my friend could make wagers as well. I also think it may have been mentioned in passing at account opening, but I can't swear to it and customer service only recalls specific permission to open the account. We are not talking about many wagers anyway. My friend only opened the account two weeks ago. Krackman, I not a novice as you know. To avoid potential problems I initiated the call to Corby to inquire about similar wagers.