Everyone needs to watch this video


Buy low sell HIGH
Nov 13, 2004
Continued happiness Illini.......I hope the beautiful lady knows what she is getting into. And I'm not trying to be funny or rude. I had a VERY good friend of mine lose it and he is still not all there. It blows me away......one day cool as heck next thing you know he's bible thumping like you've never seen before. And like I said I am a Christian of strong faith. Extremism is not healthy regardless of beliefs. If I were you I would get help and continue to get help while involving those you love in the process because it is a process.

End of days ain't happening anytime soon.......rough times? Possibly....end of times? No way

May 27, 2007
Do you honestly believe this Illini ?

come on man

Yes I watched it.

Ckid has a better chance of winning the national spelling bee championship then this happening

Tulsa will win a CFB Title before this happens.

Feb 10, 2009
Is the rapture a real belief, by an actual church? i thought that was cult stuff. Which churches support this, and which do not?

I would suspect most US Christians believe in the rapture. It's not a radical belief. If youre a reader, read the "Left Behind" Book/series (dont watch the movie though). It's NOT science fiction to believers. It's what they expect to happen in a "fictional" story. I'm not bashing either, I grew up in the Church, even went to Christain school for a while. It's a very normal part of the teachings. But reading the book(s) which I thoroughly enjoyed even as an Atheist, may shed some light on what majority of Christians believe.

Sep 21, 2004
Continued happiness Illini.......I hope the beautiful lady knows what she is getting into. And I'm not trying to be funny or rude. I had a VERY good friend of mine lose it and he is still not all there. It blows me away......one day cool as heck next thing you know he's bible thumping like you've never seen before. And like I said I am a Christian of strong faith. Extremism is not healthy regardless of beliefs. If I were you I would get help and continue to get help while involving those you love in the process because it is a process.

End of days ain't happening anytime soon.......rough times? Possibly....end of times? No way
The time to worry about me was everyday for the last 18 years until June. I'm the most blessed man I could ever imagine now and wouldn't trade places with Tom Brady for all the Bitcoins in the world. Suffering is the greatest gift one can receive because it makes one more like Christ and when the suffering ends, the blessing is awesome.

Buy low sell HIGH
Nov 13, 2004
The time to worry about me was everyday for the last 18 years until June. I'm the most blessed man I could ever imagine now and wouldn't trade places with Tom Brady for all the Bitcoins in the world. Suffering is the greatest gift one can receive because it makes one more like Christ and when the suffering ends, the blessing is awesome.


Oct 31, 2004
Yep, sure do.

Do you even want Him to come back? I've made my case, and I suppose it doesn't matter for those that know God. You don't have to believe the rapture is close to be raptured.

Should be hard not to believe, Israel tells the whole story.

if you honestly believed this you would not be planning a wedding .
People say things and think they mean it and believe it but in reality deep down inside they really don't .

if you really examine yourself you will come to the conclusion that you really don't believe that's going to happen in 3 days.

If you truly did you would not be on this forum.
you would not go to work tomorrow .

You would spend every dollar to your name .

But the fact is you don't really believe it .

Nobody will ever come up with a magical number for when this will happen.


Like a thief in the night .

not some blog or video with a million views

Sep 21, 2004
if you honestly believed this you would not be planning a wedding .
People say things and think they mean it and believe it but in reality deep down inside they really don't .

if you really examine yourself you will come to the conclusion that you really don't believe that's going to happen in 3 days.

If you truly did you would not be on this forum.
you would not go to work tomorrow .

You would spend every dollar to your name .

But the fact is you don't really believe it .

Nobody will ever come up with a magical number for when this will happen.


Like a thief in the night .

not some blog or video with a million views
Matthew 24:10. It's not God's plan that we spend all our money and stop living. I'm not a religious nut, nor am I extreme. I simply believe Jesus paid for my sins and the sins of the whole world. 1 John 2:2. His way is the abundant life....a life of freedom and joy. I believe anyone that doesn't choose evil over light, like the satanists that rule the world, will be saved. I think that 50% are going and 50% are staying and will have to endure the tribulation. Parable of the 10 virgins.

Sep 21, 2004
This is one of the strangest threads I've ever read at the RX.

Hahaha what part are you talking about him continuing to crush the books with air bets :ohno:

Somethings you just can't forget:ohno:

Sep 21, 2004
Is it global warming or what it says in the scriptures happening :think2:

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
This is one of the strangest threads I've ever read at the RX.
anytime you get a sad, confused, suicidal individual that just found god you're going to get strange threads

this dude is simply grasping to make any sense out of his life and, unfortunately, pulling us into his dysfunction on a betting forum

May 27, 2007
anytime you get a sad, confused, suicidal individual that just found god you're going to get strange threads

this dude is simply grasping to make any sense out of his life and, unfortunately, pulling us into his dysfunction on a betting forum

Why can't you get your life on track without religion? I've always wondered that.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Is it global warming or what it says in the scriptures happening :think2:

The Bible mentions more numerous earth quakes and floods and signs in the sun and moon so with the recent eclipse , earthquakes and floods / hurricanes many think time is near. Actually it's sign of the times but not the immediate end. A lot more will happen toward Israel down the road that will be deeper signs of end times

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I'm more concerned about the next 70,000 year cycle of global cooling, history tells us it can't be very far away (relatively speaking that is, something like 1 day to 3,000 years)

that's because global warming cycles are estimated to average 15,000 to 20,000 years, and we're in year 17,000 of the current cycle

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
[h=2]Unspecified date[edit][/h]
[FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]I saw one, one time, that said, "The next week, the world is ending." And in the next week's paper, they said, "We were miraculously saved at the zero hour by a koala-fish mutant bird." Crazy shit.
<cite style="font-style: normal; position: relative; z-index: 2;">—Tabloid-reading customer in Clerks</cite>


  • Zoroastrianism claims that the end of the world will happen when a comet, called Gochihr, strikes the earth. It will cause all the world's metals to melt and will burn up the world. At the same time, sinners and the pious will pass through this river of molten metal. Sinners will have their sins burnt away and the pious will feel like they're "passing through warm milk."[SUP][2][/SUP]
  • Norse myths say that Ragnarök will be the battle between the gods, killing all but two of the humans, who will then repopulate the earth.[SUP][3][/SUP]
  • A number of scientific disasters have been suggested throughout the years. For example: epidemics,[SUP][4][/SUP] various asteroids/comets, super-volcanoes[SUP][5][/SUP] and global warming.
[h=2]1[SUP]st[/SUP] century CE[edit][/h]
[h=2]7[SUP]th[/SUP] century[edit][/h]
  • Muslims believed in the Qiyamah (Last Judgement) during which time Jesus[SUP][7][/SUP] will come to earth, end all wars, and kill ad-Dajjal — the Muslim anti-Christ. Then every person who ever lived will be bodily resurrected, before being judged by God. The faithful go to heaven, and the rest to hell. Apparently there's also room for some "People of the Book," i.e. Jews and Christians, though hopefully there won't be any wars between the lot in heaven.
[h=2]16[SUP]th[/SUP] century[edit][/h]

A little grandiose, eh?​

  • Circa 1504: Painter Sandro Botticelli believed he was living during the End Times/Tribulation, according to an inscription on his painting The Mystical Nativity.
  • 1533: Michael Stifel, Judgement Day.[SUP][8][/SUP] A common saying in German for PIDOOMA is to "calculate" or "talk a Stifel."[SUP][9][/SUP]
[h=2]18[SUP]th[/SUP] century[edit][/h]
  • 1719: Jacob Bernoulli: a comet seen in 1680 would return and collide with the Earth.[SUP][10][/SUP] Said comet hasn't been seen since.[SUP][11][/SUP]
[h=2]19[SUP]th[/SUP] century[edit][/h]
  • The "Great Disappointment": William Miller predicts the end would come in 1843... then 1844... oh. His many thousands of followers reacted in different ways to his utter failure: some wised up and gave up on his predictions, while others became Seventh Day Adventists. They're still waiting. Still others became the Jehovah's Witlesses, who badly retconned Miller's prediction so they could claim it actually did happen, just not the way he predicted.
  • 1865: predicted by Edward Bishop Elliott, a Victorian Biblical scholar; he later revised this to 1941.[SUP][12][/SUP][SUP][13][/SUP]
  • 1881: according to an 1862 edition of the prophecies of Mother Shipton, who allegedly wrote "The world to an end shall come, In eighteen hundred and eighty one."[SUP][14][/SUP]
  • Native Americans in Spring 1891: All the whites are gonna die really soon!
[h=2]20[SUP]th[/SUP] century[edit][/h]
  • 1910: Halley's Comet's tail crosses the Earth and people think that the world will be gassed to death by cyanogen gas.[SUP][15][/SUP]
  • 1914: Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[SUP][16][/SUP]
  • 1915: Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[SUP][16][/SUP]
  • 1918: Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[SUP][16][/SUP]
  • 1920: Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[SUP][16][/SUP]
  • 1923: Wilbur Glenn Voliva: Flat Earth to end[SUP][17][/SUP]
  • 1925: Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[SUP][16][/SUP]
  • 1927: Wilbur Glenn Voliva[SUP][17][/SUP]
  • 1930: Wilbur Glenn Voliva[SUP][17][/SUP]
  • 1934: Wilbur Glenn Voliva[SUP][17][/SUP][SUP][18][/SUP]
  • 1935: Wilbur Glenn Voliva[SUP][17][/SUP]
  • 1941: Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[SUP][16][/SUP]
  • 1941: Victorian scholar Edward Bishop Elliott, based on his interpretation of the Book of Revelation, came up with this date after his earlier predictions in the 1860s proved untrue.[SUP][19][/SUP]
  • 1975: Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[SUP][16][/SUP][SUP][20][/SUP]
  • Mid-1970s: David Wilkerson: Worldwide economic depression.[SUP][21][/SUP]
  • 1977: William Branham: Destruction of the U.S., termination of all governments into a world government, Second Coming.[SUP][22][/SUP]
  • 1977: Pyramidologist Adam Rutherford: Beginning of the Millennium.[SUP][23][/SUP]
  • 1978: Jim Jones took his cult with him.
  • 1979-1980: John Todd: Installation of a world government ruled by the Illuminati, with Jimmy Carter as the anti-Christ.
  • 1980: Pat Robertson: "A year of sorrow and bloodshed that will have no end soon, for the world is being torn apart, and my[SUP][24][/SUP] kingdom shall rise from the ruins of it."
  • 1981: Hal Lindsey: Pre-tribulational rapture.
  • 1982: Pat Robertson: Great Tribulation.
  • 1982: R.E. McMaster: World War III and/or economic depression, based on cyclical theory.[SUP][25][/SUP]
  • 1985: Pat Robertson: Worldwide economic collapse.
  • 1988: Hal Lindsey: Second Coming.
  • September 11-13, 1988: Edgar Whisenant: Second Coming.[SUP][26][/SUP]
  • 1988: Colin Deal: Second Coming.[SUP][27][/SUP]
  • 1989: Edgar Whisenant: Second Second Coming.[SUP][28][/SUP]
  • 1990: Elizabeth Clare Prophet: Global thermonuclear war.
  • 1991: Louis Farrakhan: The looming Gulf War would be the "War of Armageddon which is the final war."
  • 1992 (September 28): Rollen Stewart: Second Coming.
  • 1992: Mission for the Coming Days: Second Coming.[SUP][29][/SUP]
  • 1992: First end of the world prediction from collision with the Pleiades star cluster (a.k.a., "photon belt")
  • 1994: Harold Camping: Second Coming.[SUP][30][/SUP]
  • 1994: Some Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[SUP][31][/SUP]
  • 1997: Heaven's Gate: Earth changes and a UFO abduction coinciding with the Hale-Bopp comet. Mass suicide in the hopes of hitching a ride on said UFOs.
  • 1997: Jehovah's Witnesses: Armageddon.[SUP][20][/SUP]
  • 1998: The Church of the SubGenius: the Rupture. Every year on July 5th, they meet <s>and party</s> in reverence, certain that it will happen this year. (Recent writings have inverted the year to "8661.")
  • 1999: according to some interpretations of Nostradamus[SUP][32][/SUP]
  • 1999:A now little-known collision with Planet X
  • 1999-2000: David Wilkerson: Worldwide economic depression.[SUP][33][/SUP]
  • May 5, 2000: Cataclysmic crust displacement predicted by Richard W. Noone[SUP][34][/SUP]
  • 2000: Y2K: Collapse of civilisation. Christian preachers in Papua New Guinea predicted the end.[SUP][35][/SUP] Hal Lindsey failed on this one again.
[h=2]21[SUP]st[/SUP] century[edit][/h]
  • ≤2001: Cataclysmic crust displacement predicted by William Hutton.[SUP][36][/SUP]
  • 2002 (December 8): Survivalist Bruce Beach (of Ark Two fame) predicted it on a Penn & Teller: Bullshit! episode that was not aired until 2003.[SUP][37][/SUP]
  • 2003: Mary 2003 was supposed to have Earth cataclysmically smash into Nibiru/Planet X, according to ZetaTalk.
  • 2005-2026: William Strauss and Neil Howe — a crisis period in the U.S. comparable in effect to the American Revolution, Civil War, and Great Depression/WWII.[SUP][38][/SUP]
  • 2007: Hal Lindsey — the Second Second Coming.
  • 2007: Pat Robertson — the Great Tribulation.
  • 2008 (whenever she dies): Sarah Palin believes she is of the "Final Generation" and will see the End Times during her lifetime.[SUP][citation needed][/SUP]
  • 2008 (whenever it shuts down): The Large Hadron Collider will destroy the world with black holes, strangelets, or something similarly scary and science-y.[SUP][39][/SUP] (You can keep up to date with whether this has happened yet here.[SUP][40][/SUP])
  • 2009: David Wilkerson — Earth-shattering calamity engulfing the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America experiencing riots and blazing fires.[SUP][41][/SUP]
  • 2011: Harold Camping tries again — <s>Third</s> Second coming/rapture. May 21[SUP]st[/SUP], to be precise.[SUP][42][/SUP] He put up billboards![SUP][43][/SUP] Later postponed to October 21[SUP]st[/SUP], but again nothing came of it. Camping might hold on to the money people sent him if he weren't dead now, though he evidently blew a bundle on billboard advertisements.[SUP][44][/SUP] though followers were encouraged to drain their savings for Camping's campaign funds and many are deeply disappointed.[SUP][45][/SUP]
  • 2011: Ronald Weinland: Second Coming on the 29[SUP]th[/SUP] of September. Strike one!
  • 2012: But of course! Un-naturally failed apocalypse, NASA pushed away space rock expected to hit in series of attempts to bombard asteroids in previous years.[SUP][46][/SUP] (They even did this to the moon!) The following trail fell to/passed Earth in early 2013.[SUP][47][/SUP] ;)
  • 2012: Ronald Weinland — Second Coming on the 27[SUP]th[/SUP] of May. Strike two!
  • 2012: Last known end of the world prediction from collision with the Pleiades star cluster
  • 2012 (December 21[SUP]st[/SUP]): Eastern Lightning cult predicted the end of the world.[SUP][48][/SUP]
  • 2013: 2012 was just a warm up, the real bad stuff starts 2013 or something and it seems Isaac Newton predicted it.[SUP][49][/SUP]
  • 2013: Ronald Weinland — Second Coming on the 9[SUP]th[/SUP] of May. Strike three, you're out!
  • 2014 (February 22[SUP]nd[/SUP]): Ragnarok — the end of the present world according to Norse mythology.[SUP][50][/SUP]
  • 2014 (March 21[SUP]st[/SUP]): Asteroid?[SUP][51][/SUP]
  • 2014: World War III, resurrected Nostradamus prophecy of a fire in the North for the reference of the end of the age of the fifth sun,[SUP][52][/SUP] believed to be a specific Northern region of a country, current speculation is North Korea, as relative to the resolution of a Popeprediction.[SUP][53][/SUP] Oh, and the Rapture.[SUP][54][/SUP] And a giant asteroid hitting the Caribbean.[SUP][55][/SUP]
  • between April 2014 and October 2015: A tetrad of lunar eclipses (or blood moons) will signal the start of the end times, according to megachurch pastor John Hagee. [SUP][56][/SUP]
  • Unspecified time during the reign of Pope Francis, the pope succeeding Benedict XVI. Mediaeval Saint Malachy supposedly predicted Peter the Roman (Petrus Romanus) would be the last pope, Rome would be destroyed and a terrible judge would judge his people, The end.[SUP][57][/SUP] Doomsayers have already started shoehorning the new pope into the prediction.[SUP][58][/SUP]
  • 2015: Solar flare.[SUP][59][/SUP]
  • 2015 (September 23[SUP]rd[/SUP]): (some references give a margin of September 18th to September 25th) Asteroid.[SUP][60][/SUP]
  • 2015 (October 7[SUP]th[/SUP]): eBible Fellowship, an organization vaguely related to the late-Harold Camping, is confident they've got the date right this time.[SUP][61][/SUP]
  • 2016: Tom Wattkins:[SUP][62][/SUP] He had a vision of the Great tribulation claiming to have met the beast of revelation, etc. Turns out the same day is a solar eclipse.[SUP][63][/SUP], though of course he'll mention that.[SUP][62][/SUP]
  • 2016 (April 6[SUP]th[/SUP]): Warren Jeffs, in no way due to a contemporaneous arrangement.[SUP][64][/SUP]
  • 2016 (May 16[SUP]th[/SUP]): Pastor Richardo Salazar was allegedly told by God that an asteroid fully made of ice, with a 9km diameter, traveling at 30,000km per hour would strike earth killing 1,200 million people. As you probably can tell, that definitely happened and those totally dead 1,200 million people will be forever missed.[SUP][65][/SUP]
  • 2016 (June 3-4): Modern scholars got the Mayan date wrong. It was never 2012, rather it was June 2016 and there are plenty of numbers involved.[SUP][66][/SUP]
  • 2016 (June 14[SUP]th[/SUP]-August 19[SUP]th[/SUP]): According to this super reliable, super honest, super definitely-NOT-bullshiting "NASA scientist", there was meant to be a magnetic reversal between June and August which would cause the Van Allen belt to fall killing 80% of life on Earth. He got this information from aliens via HAARP. Yup, aliens told our good 'ol <s>uncle</s> Dr. Sal that the sky is falling.[SUP][67][/SUP]
  • 2016 (October 31[SUP]st[/SUP]): Walid Shoebat alleges that the world is "100% certain" to end on this exact arbitrary nutjob date. As the basis for this claim, he refers to his own science of "Futurology 101".[SUP][68][/SUP]
  • 2016 (Fall): Bible student and computer scientist Nora Roth on MarkBeast.com claims as much through a lot of numerology surrounding seventy "sevens".[SUP][69][/SUP]
  • 2016 (December): Bible student and computer scientist Nora Roth subsequently revised her claim to December.[SUP][70][/SUP]
  • September 23, 2017: Nibiru/Planet X will again collide with Earth, this time according to David Meade and Steve Jobs.[SUP][71][/SUP]. Plus a rare constellation alignment will start the Rapture[SUP][72][/SUP]
  • October 2017: a forecast made earlier by David Meade[SUP][73][/SUP][SUP][74][/SUP]
  • 2017: Various Christians say we'll be chipped, and the Great Tribulation will begin.[SUP][75][/SUP]
  • 2017 to 2113: Asteroids.[SUP][76][/SUP]
  • 2018: 24[SUP]th[/SUP] of June, obscure crank Mathieu Jean-Marc Joseph Rodrigue ensures that doom is upon us, based on some middle school math.[SUP][77][/SUP]
  • 2018: Hal Lindsey — the Third Second Coming.
  • 2018: The Bible guarantees May 20, 2018 Pentecost, or your money back.
  • 2026: More asteroids.[SUP][78][/SUP]
  • 2028: Fred Clark — a tongue-in-cheek offer guaranteeing 15 years of Bible-prophecy hucksterism for four easy payments of $39.99.[SUP][79][/SUP]
  • 2030: Approximate date of a mass extinction event predicted by Bob Geldof. Myles Allen of Oxford University claims "Competing hyperbole" are unhelpful in understanding real climate change. [SUP][80][/SUP]
  • 2035: Even more asteroids.[SUP][81][/SUP]
  • 2036: Yet more asteroids.[SUP][82][/SUP]
  • 2037: Hal Lindsey &;mdash First Third Coming.
  • 2038: Deterioration of the fundamental older technology that still underlies the most crucial systems today.[SUP][83][/SUP]
  • 2039: End of life, the universe and everything. Also known as the Ascension.
  • 2040: Still more asteroids.[SUP][84][/SUP] This seems to be a fan favourite.
  • 2041: March 35[SUP]th[/SUP] (sic) Not another asteroid.[SUP][85][/SUP]
  • 2085: The original prediction for Nibiru's collision with Earth, later deprecated to 2012 for more <s>profits</s> prophets.
[h=2]22[SUP]nd[/SUP] century[edit][/h]
  • 2106: Asteroids never seem to stop.[SUP][86][/SUP]
[h=2]29[SUP]th[/SUP] century[edit][/h]
  • 2880: Asteroids suck![SUP][87][/SUP]
[h=2]51[SUP]st[/SUP] century[edit][/h]
[h=2]87[SUP]th[/SUP] century[edit][/h]
  • 8661: Updated end of the world date for the Church of the SubGenius (from the original 1998).
[h=2]112[SUP]th[/SUP] century[edit][/h]
  • 11103: The Doomsday argument, first stated in 1983, predicts that there is a 95% chance that the human species will go extinct within 9120 years.[SUP][88][/SUP]
[h=2]400[SUP]th[/SUP] century[edit][/h]
[h=2]8,000,000[SUP]th[/SUP] century[edit][/h]
  • According to current models, the Sun is expected to increase in luminosity by 10% in the next 800 million years. This will cause several changes to the climate that will make the continued existence of life on Earth impossible, starting with photosynthetic organisms and eventually killing off all life.[SUP][89][/SUP]
[h=2]40 millionth century[edit][/h]
  • The galaxy Andromeda (currently 2.5 million light years away) is expected to collide and merge with our galaxy, the Milky Way. This is unlikely to have much of an effect on whatever life is around, as galaxies are mostly empty space, although for any given planet, there is a tiny chance that its orbit could be disrupted due to gravitational tugs from passing stars.
[h=2]50 millionth century[edit][/h]
  • 5 billion years from now: According to accepted models of stellar evolution, the Sun will run out of hydrogen in its core to fuse into helium and will transition to a red giant as a result, expanding massively.[SUP][90][/SUP] The Sun will swallow Mercury and Venus, and may get large enough to swallow Earth as well. Even if it doesn't, Earth will be roasted to a cinder crisp.[SUP][citation NOT needed][/SUP] One school of thought predicts that the drag from the Sun's outer gas envelope will cause the Earth to spiral into the Sun, but as with all things scientific, there is another school of thought that says this won't happen.[SUP][91][/SUP] If it isn't swallowed, Earth will likely get flung out into interstellar space due to tidal interactions with the Sun and the Sun's gradual loss of mass once it enters the red giant stage.
[h=2]200 millionth century[edit][/h]
  • 20 billion years from now: If the current rate of expansion of the universe grows, in 20 billion years, the universe could be expanding so rapidly that atoms will no longer be able to hold on to their electrons. This predicted event is known as the "Big Rip." Blame dark energy.
[h=2]3×10[SUP]41[/SUP] [SUP]st[/SUP] century[edit][/h]
  • 3×10[SUP]43[/SUP] years from now: estimated maximum time for all nucleons in the observable universe to decay, if protons are unstable. Whether they are is currently an unresolved question in physics. [COLOR=#477979 !important]Exasecond and longer[/COLOR][SUP] [/SUP] and [COLOR=#477979 !important]Future of an expanding universe[/COLOR][SUP] [/SUP] have a pile of similarly apocalyptic events that actually have some scientific basis. This is the Total Existence Failure of the entire universe, anything complex enough to be considered life that would care about it would likely have evaporated to nothing long before this. Out of all the above, this is the most likely.
[h=2]1 Googolth century[edit][/h]
  • The [COLOR=#477979 !important]heat death of the universe[/COLOR][SUP] [/SUP] is a scientific prediction that eventually the universe will expand so much it will no longer contain any thermodynamic free energy with which to do work. At this point the universe will be cold, dark, and essentially empty forever. That is, unless quantum fluctuations or some other phenomena eventually cause something to occur, like a new Big Bang. Forever is a long time, and this kind of physics is poorly understood at present.

Oct 12, 2008

All I have to say is that those that confess Christ will not be left behind. The thief on the cross did, and Jesus said "Today, you will be with me in paradise."

Peace of Christ and God Bless to all.

happy to hear you are at peace. Religion is a way for many.

strict interpretation of the scriptures , as in all religions, can be concerning. Just sayin'. Sir, keep in mind The Pope, the highest living order of Christianity ? lives in a castle. Protected . Well fed. .........

we are all born good. We dont really need someone to tell us what is right and wrong. We inherently KNOW what is right and wrong. Love wins, brother.
Sep 21, 2004
happy to hear you are at peace. Religion is a way for many.

strict interpretation of the scriptures , as in all religions, can be concerning. Just sayin'. Sir, keep in mind The Pope, the highest living order of Christianity ? lives in a castle. Protected . Well fed. .........

we are all born good. We dont really need someone to tell us what is right and wrong. We inherently KNOW what is right and wrong. Love wins, brother.

Um, The pope doesn't represent Christ, Christianity or anything I stand for. He's the head of a corrupt, man-made institution.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Why can't you get your life on track without religion? I've always wondered that.
because these people are of low character with no back bone and they simply cannot make good choices in their own lives so they always have to rely on SOMETHING to get them through...drugs, scotch, crime...finally they "follow" Christ after decades of bad choices because they're told all of their past misdoings are forgiven, no matter how many people they have fucked over. it's a clean slate which is something nothing else in this world will ever give them. the fact they're still complete fuck-ups, and usually really awful people, will never change they just gloss it over by saying "amen" sitting in a pew once a week

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