No, of course Alfie didn't try to hit Neidermayer after he looked at the clock, turned and unloaded a slapper up high. Just like Alfie didn't try to injure Hank Talinder with a vicious x-check from behind sending Talinder head first into the boards. Luckily Hank escaped bloodied instead of paralyzed.
Not sure what's more pathetic ... the fact that you apologise for this crap, or the fact that you actually believe Pronger is the only one that plays dirty. Oh, right ... I'm a Sabres homer that can't stand either team so the die hard Sens fan MUST be the voice of reason. My only bias is that Briere was allowd to tee off the girls tee at OP CC week despite his play against Ott. You'd expect gambling and logic to be insanely correlated, but this one just bucks the odds. The Buster Douglas of look what I pulled from my a** odds.
Interesting stat for those not keeping score .. through 3 games in which Ana has been the better time (home ice maybe, but not the point).
PPs Ott 18 Ana 11
5-on-3 PPs Ott 3 Ana 0
And speaking of shots to the head ..