Drew Brees' wife, Brittany, apologizes: 'We are the problem'


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
and when you cower and bow and kiss the mob's feet they lose complete respect for you and tell you it's not enough...I truly enjoy the woke eating each other up for not being woke enough. It's a race to the woke finish line that I'll never enter.

Eagles’ Malik Jackson won’t accept Saints’ Drew Brees’ apology

“I don’t accept his apology,” Jackson said. “I think he’s only apologizing because people came for him and people are disagreeing with him and he understands that his base in Louisiana, there’s a lot of black people.”

“Definitely excited to play him this year,” Jackson said. “I’m going to have a lot to say. Hopefully, I don’t get too wild with it, but I don’t understand how you could say that when you have people blocking for you who are black, catching balls from you who are black and people that are running the ball for you who are black.”


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
A little early for "evidence of this" and a lot if not all will not be reported.

SO RED EYE, you say he should not have answered in the first place, and been a patriot? That is not good, either, is it? The word police, speech police, thought police win.

And if you understood the nature of the violent threats, and think about your wife-children-grandchildren-brothers-sisters you would understand. If done to you, you would fold, too.

Hell Flynn was threatened by the FBI/Special Council that his kid would get arrested and he pled guilty to protect his son (that is not the previous situation that I am citing just a situation to think about, too)

I would tell some of these people to fuck off. Probably cowards making threats..

Flynn a little different.. You're in alot bigger vice than some idle threats from people that need their diapers changed

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Brees fucked up by answering the question honestly, in his position just needed to do lip service and tow the line.

He has to play with and against far too many idiots to risk being honest. Guys on his own team may not block for him, may not try for him, may ignore him totally
He is the team leader, QB, if he has lost the team then he can't play anymore or worse they lay down and he gets his ass kicked playing.
Let alone his family being shunned, harassed, etc..

He had not choice but to kneel down and give in to the ignorant idiots....

I feel bad because he looks foolish, his wife looks foolish, he must feel foolish, and now he has to kiss the ass of all the ignorant pieces of shit he plays with and against.

He's at the end of his career. He should have stood his ground. First missed block done on purpose , I walk off the field. Tell them to fuck themselves

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
A little early for "evidence of this" and a lot if not all will not be reported.

SO he should he should not have answered in the first place, and been a patriot? That is not good, either, is it? The word police, speech police, thought police win.

And if you understood the nature of the violent threats, and think about your wife-children-grandchildren-brothers-sisters you would understand. If done to you, you would fold, too.

Hell Flynn was threatened by the FBI/Special Council that his kid would get arrested and he pled guilty to protect his son (that is not the previous situation that I am citing just a situation to think about, too)
He shouldn't have wrote a check with his mouth that his ass couldn't cash. And what threats?
Anonymous threats? Did someone shoot a bullet through the front window of his house?

And you comparing it to what happened to Flynn is amusing. The FBI/Special Council
actually had the ability to make it happen until they were outed for false prosecution.

If you're going to succumb to criticism then you're better off keeping your mouth shut.

New member
Mar 17, 2015
Good peoples. They realized they made a terrible mistake and are asking for forgiveness. Typical Trumptards would double-down on stupidity and keep defending their ignorance.

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
Why don't you go fuck yourself ? You've been a piece of shit here from day 1
You're the guy in the room that says Neil Armstrong's walk on the moon was filmed in a Hollywood studio aren't you?

Nov 17, 2004
You're the guy in the room that says Neil Armstrong's walk on the moon was filmed in a Hollywood studio aren't you?

Uh no. That was some moron named Runmaker. Do you read anything or just come in and start making up shit?

New member
Jan 18, 2005
and when you cower and bow and kiss the mob's feet they lose complete respect for you and tell you it's not enough...I truly enjoy the woke eating each other up for not being woke enough. It's a race to the woke finish line that I'll never enter.

Eagles’ Malik Jackson won’t accept Saints’ Drew Brees’ apology

“I don’t accept his apology,” Jackson said. “I think he’s only apologizing because people came for him and people are disagreeing with him and he understands that his base in Louisiana, there’s a lot of black people.”

“Definitely excited to play him this year,” Jackson said. “I’m going to have a lot to say. Hopefully, I don’t get too wild with it, but I don’t understand how you could say that when you have people blocking for you who are black, catching balls from you who are black and people that are running the ball for you who are black.”

Funny or not so funny part is this ignorant moron talking here should look at how much money and charity work Brees has done in New Orleans.
For the people of New Orleans, how many he has helped there. He does not because he is ignorant and you can't help ignorant.

I would bet Brees has done more to help blacks than this piece of shit!
Oct 26, 2003
Funny or not so funny part is this ignorant moron talking here should look at how much money and charity work Brees has done in New Orleans.
For the people of New Orleans, how many he has helped there. He does not because he is ignorant and you can't help ignorant.

I would bet Brees has done more to help blacks than this piece of shit!

For once you are making a valid point....

Feb 2, 2010
Word is he cowardly backtracked because NBC threatened his analyst or broadcaster in those lines. What he said wasnt bad by any stretch. His opinion. Who cares.....now he looks like a weakling

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Babylon Bee drops the hammer satire-style

Drew Brees Sets New NFL Record For Number Of Apologies
June 9th, 2020

NEW ORLEANS, LA—In an unprecedented display of public contrition, New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees set a new record over the weekend for apologies by an NFL quarterback, saying he was sorry 742 times in the space of 48 hours.

After controversially stating his personal preference for standing during the National Anthem, the Super Bowl MVP unleashed a heretofore unseen sequence of remorse, explaining that he meant to say people should kneel, or should not not kneel, or should not tell others not to not kneel. He then apologized for not being aware of the things he should apologize for, and he apologized for not being aware that he was not aware of those things.

“The calls for an apology were being screeched from all sides, and Drew responded like the future Hall of Famer he is,” one commentator gushed. “This was a prodigious run of penance. Most impressive was the variety of atonement Brees displayed. Audio, video, texts, social media posts, Zoom calls, written statements- we’ve never seen such a complete and well-rounded exhibition of self-reproach from a quarterback. This record may never be broken.”

According to league statisticians, Brees shattered the previous record held by Jets QB Mark Sanchez, who apologized 380 times for introducing the term “butt fumble” into sports vernacular.


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