Drew Brees' wife, Brittany, apologizes: 'We are the problem'


Sep 17, 2010
Brees and family were threatened, no doubt, based on what occured in another similar incident, you can count on the same.

ALL data demonstrates clearly that African males are NOT killed disporpotunately compared to whites. In fact, whites and white cops in encounters with Africans are killed by Africans at an alarmingly higher %. Who denies this?

And nationally, Africans commit 7 times more murders than white (prorated %). And similar for rapes. And similar for violent assaults.


Sure, Chauvin is guilty of a crime, but to riot, damage, burn down, loot billions and assault thousands and kill people (10?) including at least 5 Africans, accomplishes nothing, in fact it hurts the Africans.

The Africans are being used by the Democrats, again, to win elections. Then nothing happens after the Dems get what they want.

Do any of the smart mouth SJW's on this board dispute the overwhelming FBI/DOJ data that demonstrates Africans commit far far more violent crimes than whites? Last 5 years... tell me.

Cherry pick the Floyd killing and blow it up for weeks (months)(years), media and Dem propaganda all day and all night: white priveledge, systemic racism, genocide, white supremecy, stop killing us....?

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Good to see you've come around to judging any group by their worst members. Those of us in favor of police reform and ending police violence welcome you.

They carry your mantel, they're in the spotlight, and democrats are found defending them more so than distancing yourself from them

Maybe you're the ones that need to speak out against the wrong doing

New member
Apr 7, 2016
Actually it was prior to the National Anthem being played and it's about as disingenuous as it gets to claim otherwise (but can't say I'm surprised by the bogus claim).


Players for both the Miami Dolphins and New Orleans Saints took a knee on the field today during the opening moments of a football game on Sunday in London, the day after President Trump tweeted that it is “very important” that players stand up for the playing of the national anthem.

Dolphins receiver Kenny Stills, tight end Julius Thomas and safety Michael Thomas took a knee for the United States national anthem. Afterwards, along with every other player on the team, they stood up for the playing of the United Kingdom national anthem, "God Save the Queen."

Across the field at the game at Wembley Stadium, the entire New Orleans Saints team took a knee for a moment, then rose as a group as "The Star-Spangled Banner" played.

The decision by the Saints appeared to follow the Dallas Cowboys’ lead. On Monday night, before “America’s Team” competed against the Arizona Cardinals, the players and their owner, Jerry Jones, displayed their own version of unity by kneeling on the field before rising as a group prior to the playing of the national anthem.

liberals always lying

New member
Apr 7, 2016
New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees apologized multiple times last week for his comments against kneeling during the national anthem. His wife, Brittany, followed it up with an apology of her own on Saturday.“I write this with tears in my eyes and I hope you all hear our hearts,” Brittany Brees wrote. “I have read these quotes and scripture 1000 times and every time I read it and the words sink into my heart. I think yes this is what it’s all about...Only until the last few days, until we experienced the death threats we experienced the hate… Did I realize that these words were speaking directly to us.. how could anyone who knows us or has had interactions with us think that Drew or I have a racist bone in our body? But that’s the whole point. Somehow we as white America, we can feel good about not being racist, feel good about loving one another as God loves us.“We can feel good about educating our children about the horrors of slavery and history. We can read books to our children about Martin Luther King, Malcolm X., Hank Aaron, Barack Obama, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman.. and feel like we are doing our part to raise our children to love , be unbiased and with no prejudice,” Brittany Breez continued. “To teach them about all of the African Americans that have fought for and risked their lives against racial injustice. Somehow as white Americans we feel like that checks the box of doing the right thing. Not until this week did Drew and I realize THAT THIS IS THE PROBLEM. To say “I don’t agree with disrespecting the flag” .. I now understand was also saying I don’t understand what the problem really is, I don’t understand what you’re fighting for, and I’m not willing to hear you because of our preconceived notions of what that flag means to us.She continued: “That’s the problem we are not listening, white America is not hearing. We’re not actively LOOKING for racial prejudice. We have heard stories from men and women we have known and loved for years about the racism that occurred in their lives .. stories that were never shared or talked about because somehow they were considered normal. To all of our friends and anyone we hurt ...we will do better.. We want to do better, we want to HEAR you, and we will fight for you because thinking we are not part of the problem...is checking the box it means we are are not doing enough. It’s our job to educate ourselves. We are sorry.”
and some people understand...that you bent the knee 2 the mob

New member
Nov 21, 2013
HSO - Some cheerful potential irony looming

Pres Tiny denounced 2017 scattershot kneeldowns w his usual empty bombastic threats of "we will do something about it"

And this fall after watching the direction of America after 3+ years under Tiny lead, we could well see *all* players from *all* teams do a collective pregame kneeldown accompanied by a firm public statement supporting reform of police v civilians

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
HSO - Some cheerful potential irony looming

Pres Tiny denounced 2017 scattershot kneeldowns w his usual empty bombastic threats of "we will do something about it"

And this fall after watching the direction of America after 3+ years under Tiny lead, we could well see *all* players from *all* teams do a collective pregame kneeldown accompanied by a firm public statement supporting reform of police v civilians

And Im sure the league will lose alot of support. Its not all about Trump with this issue.

Sep 21, 2004
​Just political retorts to protect their bank accounts! F THEM !cheersgifcheersgifcheersgif

Sep 17, 2010
If teams do complete team kneeldowns and these millionaires disrespect the flag, I will never watch a down, despite my fondness for wagering

I am certain 98% of my friends will not watch , either

IMO there will be massive boycotts, patriots are not going to support it if they all disprespect the flag, based on their outrageous ideology mostly based on propaganda and lies

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Brees is the new poster child for being a coward
Drew Brees has become a eunuch at the hands of his wife.

Why people say things and then profusely apologize baffles me.

Always say what you believe and if someone doesn't like it then tough shit.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
If teams do complete team kneeldowns and these millionaires disrespect the flag, I will never watch a down, despite my fondness for wagering

I am certain 98% of my friends will not watch , either

IMO there will be massive boycotts, patriots are not going to support it if they all disprespect the flag, based on their outrageous ideology mostly based on propaganda and lies

Agree with you. Its part of my fabric to enter contests , place futures , the whole years. Tune out everything when Im focused on football. But they go down this road , I will take my own stand.. Worried about if we see this in college football too..

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
You either tell the truth or keep the peace. Brees opted to abandon the truth in exchange for peace.

Sep 17, 2010
You either tell the truth or keep the peace. Brees opted to abandon the truth in exchange for peace.


But if your family is threatened, you take the only path available... sadly, this happens a lot lately

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001

But if your family is threatened, you take the only path available... sadly, this happens a lot lately

Whether his family was threatened or not is debatable. But most likely he will use that as his excuse if he has too..

Sep 17, 2010
Whether his family was threatened or not is debatable. But most likely he will use that as his excuse if he has too..

Trust me.
In a very, very similar situation, I am absolutely certain that the person(s) involved were threatened multiple times. Then the central figure(s) realize the wife, children, brothers, sisters, grandchilren et al will be harrassed to some extent, maybe to an extreme extent, for decades, maybe forever.
So you just let it go and apologize, for your family.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Whether his family was threatened or not is debatable. But most likely he will use that as his excuse if he has too..
That is correct. No one knows whether or not Brees and his family were threatened.

Pure speculation. But if you're looking for a way out it makes for a good excuse.

Maybe next time he'll keep his mouth shut and then he won't end up looking like a wuss.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
That is correct. No one knows whether or not Brees and his family were threatened.

Pure speculation. But if you're looking for a way out it makes for a good excuse.

Maybe next time he'll keep his mouth shut and then he won't end up looking like a wuss.

Surely no evidence of this. But it makes for a good excuse for a coward

Sep 17, 2010
A little early for "evidence of this" and a lot if not all will not be reported.

SO RED EYE, you say he should not have answered in the first place, and been a patriot? That is not good, either, is it? The word police, speech police, thought police win.

And if you understood the nature of the violent threats, and think about your wife-children-grandchildren-brothers-sisters you would understand. If done to you, you would fold, too.

Hell Flynn was threatened by the FBI/Special Council that his kid would get arrested and he pled guilty to protect his son (that is not the previous situation that I am citing just a situation to think about, too)

New member
Jan 18, 2005
Brees fucked up by answering the question honestly, in his position just needed to do lip service and tow the line.

He has to play with and against far too many idiots to risk being honest. Guys on his own team may not block for him, may not try for him, may ignore him totally
He is the team leader, QB, if he has lost the team then he can't play anymore or worse they lay down and he gets his ass kicked playing.
Let alone his family being shunned, harassed, etc..

He had not choice but to kneel down and give in to the ignorant idiots....

I feel bad because he looks foolish, his wife looks foolish, he must feel foolish, and now he has to kiss the ass of all the ignorant pieces of shit he plays with and against.

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