Forgot that blacks overwhelmingly vote democratic no matter the candidate.
If this is not proof that we are way past the days of slavery I dont know what is.
Although I did not vote for Obama(not because of race) this proves that a black or minority can go as far as they want to go in life. The American Dream at least for now is alive and well. You can be what you want to be regardless of race or backgound.
I hope that this messege becomes loud and clear to everyone. People have been using race (mainly minorities) as an excuse for over a century. If Obama getting elected ends all that, then maybe this will turn into a good thing down the road.
Congrats to Obama and all his supporters. I did everything in my power to keep him from winning, now that he has won its time for me to turn the page and give him my support until he proves unworthy of my support.
Lets hope this ends all the race, hate and division that we have been fighting all these years.
Good luck OBAMA.
I will be pulling for you to prove me wrong.
if 95% of the whites voted fr Mcain it would be conisdered racism but its just amazing to me that with 95% of Blacks voting for Obama its nots not considered reverse racism. What a load of crap.I dont want to hear this BS spewed any longer from the Black community.
Forgot that blacks overwhelmingly vote democratic no matter the candidate.
I am laying all my prejudgments aside and giving him a clean slate.
Forgot that blacks overwhelmingly vote democratic no matter the candidate.
Funniest part is that blacks and latino's think they are going to get daily handouts for doing nothing.
Sorry, but you still have to get up off your ass everyday and work just like everyone else. I can't wait until the black community starts whining that Obama isn't helping them enough.