As I said in my last post, you appear to have lost touch with reality.
But I admit you impress me. Rarely has someone managed to make so many posts with so little substance. Not to mention your countless unfounded assertions, of which your last post is an extreme example:
When did I do that? You may want to actually read and try to understand what people write (your failure to do so is probably the main reason why this 'interesting' conversation started in the first place).
No, you don't. Your post is beside the issue, like all your other ones.
Several things in this sentence.
1. Pointing out that it's advisable to read an article in its entirety before making a judgement is not arrogant.
2. You have dragged my ass?
3. You have rubbed in my hypocrisy despite being unable to explain where I have been hypocritical?
4. In what respect is my view small-minded, how could it be more objective and how have I refused making it so? (I guess to answer these questions you'd have to know what my view is, which apparently you don't even if I have spelled it out for you several times)
In what respect is the fact that I have no special interest in Caterpillar inconsistent with the point I made in post# 9?
Name just one "pathetic argument of convenience". Actually I didn't even need many arguments as you provided almost nothing that needed to be responded to with counter arguments.
Read: No, I cannot sensibly answer your questions so I try ad hominem attacks in an atempt to conceal it.
Bilbal, I admit I'm surprised that you won't let this thread die despite the punishment you take. Can't let someone else have the last word, eh?