I'd like to clear things up here. I have not, for one second, referred to dogball's nature of handicapping business. I have not emmitted a favourable judgement nor a pernicious statement about anybody's choice of earning a living. Each man is entitled to choose what he wants to do with his own life. It's not something I have inference on.
The reason why I came in here and said dogball is a dime player, it's because I was returning a courtesy. I like to conduct myself as a gentleman. A gentleman should always be corteous. Dogball has had the courtesy to stand up for us in the past, whenever there have beed erroneous information posted about us. All I have done here is confirm the fact that his unit of play is well over 1K. And I did it very specifically posted to Ivan.
I never said anything about his posted record in any sport. I have not posted anything that is not truthful. And I have not posted anything to misinform any player or customer.
Your wars are yours to enjoy guys. I just read and laugh.
Patrick McIrish:
I know for a fact you have always been a gentleman to us. I have no opinion on anybody's form of conducting business. The forums are a rough environment, and I thought I would return a courtesy given to us by a fellow poster; I would and will do the very same thing for any loyal customer of ours, if requested. Including you, Pat.
If I came out as a pricky shill, I guess I screwed up. That was not my intention.
If you guys feel I deserve to get my balls busted for this irrelevant issue, then so be it. But you know damn well I wasn't shilling. The truth remains the truth, gents.
P.S.: I guess I'd rather lurk in this RR from now on. It's lot more fun.
Good luck to all