
New member
Sep 21, 2004
butternuts,youre doin the same thing you did the last & im still not impressed with a mod who gets out of control every time one negative word is said to not interested in a name callin contest with you,im gettin my games capped 4 argument is with touts using my fellow cappers who are compulsive gamblers.lets discuss this like gentlemen if possible.
Dicky, Elmer was the "you should be pistol whipped and thrown in the river" Billy Joe McCallister..

You know, the guy from the movie and song, had butt-sex with a hick and jumped off the

Refused to keep his dumbass flames in the RubberRoom, was banned after weeks of warnings.

He seems to be doing much better as Elmer9, at least as far as location is concerned.
Elmer, my post had nothing to do with you, or Dogball, i was responding to Raiders remarks regarding Hollywood and Will.

You jumped in with your brilliant thoughts, i responded.

UB- Anyone that says that Dogball is a sharp player is a shill. Dogball has lost 3 months in a row in his posted plays. He's in the bottom 10% of the cappers that visit the RR. I've watched his plays for 6 months and he sucks as a capper. Why do you think I accepted his challenge. 9 out of 10 guys down here are better.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
ub,any clear thinking person can see your obvious bias.what is your motive for jumpin in here with the name callin & "correcting" raiders?

The Keeper of Records
posteddocument.write(''+ myTimeZone('Mon, 30 December 2002 22:28:31 GMT-0800','12-31-02 01:28 AM')+'');12-31-02 01:28 AM 12-31-02 01:28 AM
DOGBALL_____99-73____+22.45 UNITS____+431.85units
KODIAK_____333-282___+19.34 UNITS___+1161.9units
THEERODFATHER__57-41__+12 UNITS___+101.9units
REX FOSTER___36-28___+5.5 UNITS_____+62.3units
LOCKLINE____10-5____+4.5 UNITS____+19.5units
HEINEKEN_____7-4____+2.6 UNITS_____+1.6units
PATRICK MCIRISH___23-19___+2.1 UNITS__+2.1units
RX-MANIAC___85-79____-0.15 UNITS___-120.5units
BIG LOU_____33-33____-3.05 UNITS____-2.1units
COLLEGE GURU___9-13___-5.2 UNITS____-5.2units
HITMAN_______53-65___-6.25 UNITS___-6.25units
RPM_________76-76_____-7 UNITS_____-7units
JAKE THOMPSON___34-41___-10.4 UNITS__-8.86units
SILVER GOBLIN___10-19___-10.9 UNITS___-36.8units
BOLIVAR_____38-47___-13.7 UNITS____-13.7units

Congratulations to all of the players,I hope that this has helped people win some money!
Good Luck!
Posts: 1123 | Registered
ELITE ONE ___95-76____+17.25 UNITS____+17.25units
PATRICK MCIRISH__71-54___+11.6 UNITS___+11.6units
THEERODFATHER____32-24___+4.5 UNITS____+8.5units
KBMNM247______38-39_____-4.9 UNITS____+6.1units
PANTHER_____106-102____-6.2 UNITS______-7.3units
RPM_______127-128____-8.6 UNITS______-8.6units
DOGBALL_____51-56____-10.75 UNITS______-86.9unit
BLACKLAB____36-44____-11.9 UNITS____-19.65units
MADCAPPER_____22-34____-15.4 UNITS____-14.5units
KODIAK___502-469____-17.65 UNITS____+410.6units
IDENTITY____39-52___-18.1 UNITS______-161.7units
NORTHERN ICE___68-81___-21.1 UNITS____-23.6units
RX-MANIAC___139-157___-33.1 UNITS____-394.3units
JAKE THOMPSON__129-150__-34.05 UNITS__-29.51units

New member
Sep 21, 2004
thanks raiders,im laughin so hard i got a headache!!!!! please stop!!!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Will is a regular at Rx. , and i imagine he read some of the posts here, and wanted to put his 2 cents in.
You call that "shilling", i call it decency.

There's no way a book would let out personal info about a player unless it was requested by the player. Dogball asked Will to do it.


Dogball claiming he is over 400 units when the truth speaks for himself down well over 80 units..

probably in the 100 unit mark.

playing $1000 a game down 100 units = $100,000

Do you think this kid really lost this kind of change?


because he never had this amount to begin with!
Dogball the 30 yrs old pussy
won't even have a challenge with me.

Either in NBA. NHL nor MLB?

DOGBALL are you man enough???

Oviously he says NO and will make up some false excuse or better yet try to attack me because he can't back up his talk.

Very easy to talk the talk but can you walk the walk Mr. Dogball (or should I call you Mr. CONARTIST)??

Which do you prefer
Will - I've been trying to be decent of late (and admit Dog has been to me the last day or two) but I still don't think it's smart for you to come in and say that sort of stuff. I don't know but when you get involved in player stuff it doesn't look good IMO. I'm sure it didn't happen here but I could call a dozen guys from books to come in here and talk highly of me if I wanted to. So could a bunch of other guys in here. I'm pretty sure the last time I played with you I recieved a small 4 digit check and then transferred another 4 digits into another sportsbook (since I couldn't bet the overnights) and that was my wife playing out of the account. LOL. I'm not kidding either.

Though no one officially kept Dogball's record I'm sure he did well in baseball and it was obvious he did well in the NFL but if he bet 1000 a play in the NBA he has lost over $100,000 on this site alone. I just checked the standings in the NBA forum. I know he says he does better elsewhere but I would look closely at any book policy of sticking up for touts around here Will, don't think it's a cool thing to do. If you told me to follow Dogball right before the NBA season started I wouldn't be too happy with Hollywood right now. Actually I don't think it's smart for any book to be a walking testimonial around here for any poster but for a guy selling his plays makes it even worse but that is just my opinion.

Anyway I am trying to move past my Dogball war. I have better things to focus on and of late and I try and leave people alone that leave me be no matter what they do for a living. However I'm not keen at all on you coming into the forum and propping up what touts win or lose in your book. You could steer some people wrong and I don't think it's appropriate. Anyway just my opinion on this, obviously do what you want. I know you fairly well myself from this forum and I myself think you are a good guy Will that is just trying to help someone that has been decent to you and your book. So peace and no hard feelings about it no matter what you decide to do......


<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> There's no way a book would let out personal info about a player unless it was requested by the player. Dogball asked Will to do it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Good point, didn't think about that.

It is obvious Dogball will FOREVER be a LOSER and I will be the WINNER.

Dogball do you want to face me in a challenge?

Not even 1 week you pussy?

This guy is down over $100,000 based on $1000 bets as tracked by the RecordKeeper.

Dogball 'supposedly' is good at what he does.


Have you seen this guy even write ONE SENTENCE on why he likes the bet?


He probably copies other ppl for all we know...or maybe flips coins for fun at $5-10 bets and claims $1000 bets to boost his ego.

DOGBALL IS A CON ARTIST - I rest my case!

He talks the talk but won't walk the walk on my CHALLENGE


Who will win?

Ivan -440
Dogball +400

Will Dogball accept the challenge? (ANY SPORTS any amount of time)

YES +1100
NO -1500

DOGBALL couldn't even afford $100 for the TOUT challenge lol

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> he bet 1000 a play in the NBA he has lost over $100,000 on this site alone <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


New member
Sep 21, 2004
guys,thanks for your support on this,if it aint obvious to you by now that dogball is a crook,its because you have an ulterior motive.i think butternuts should be at least reprimanded for his actions in relation to dogball.i dont want any problems with the mods around here but this is blatant favoritism & its just plain will attack me when he reads this & try & bait me into calling him somethin so he can ban me.i dont want to get banned but its not right for him to take such a personal interest & try all that bully crap,just because we are telling the truth.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
nhl opinions =44-23 & lickin my chops for the playoffs,we dont need all this chicanery!!god bless america(agin)

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