Doc Mercer Revisited...


Should we Ban Doc Mercer?

  • Ban Doc Mercer Indefinitely.

    Votes: 87 54.7%
  • Allow Doc Mercer to continue to post indefinitely.

    Votes: 72 45.3%

  • Total voters

New member
Sep 27, 2004
xpanda said:
You'll have to ask his supporters that. Why do they still support him despite all of the above?

(My theory: he posts enough to balance and/or drown out the right ... the left doesn't have to do as much work with Doc in the picture. Jinn said as much a week ago.)
I can only speak for myself, Doc is trying to get the US troops home safe and sound before they become tomorrow's casualties. The right resents this and their complicitness makes them feel guilty - or should. Doc's spamming and homophobic myopia pales in comparison with the overall greater goal of trying to save lives of men and women that should be looked out for by the President of the US. Obviously, Bush does not care about his word or he wouldn't be nation-building in a place where it will never come to a successful fruition. That is, unless you count our President and Vice-President and their pals getting rich on the body count of heroic soldiers and civilians that actually mean well.

In that vein, this little political forum is not very important in light of the greater good of standing for what is right and trying to stop perfidious behaviour in our own backyard.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
I can only speak for myself, Doc is trying to get the US troops home safe and sound before they become tomorrow's casualties. The right resents this and their complicitness makes them feel guilty - or should. Doc's spamming and homophobic myopia pales in comparison with the overall greater goal of trying to save lives of men and women that should be looked out for by the President of the US. Obviously, Bush does not care about his word or he wouldn't be nation-building in a place where it will never come to a successful fruition. That is, unless you count our President and Vice-President and their pals getting rich on the body count of heroic soldiers and civilians that actually mean well.

In that vein, this little political forum is not very important in light of the greater good of standing for what is right and trying to stop perfidious behaviour in our own backyard.

With all due respect, Captain, this is a message board. Doc is not going to get the troops home any faster by posting his ass off. And I don't believe his detractors are concerned as much with his views as his style. After all, I've not heard a single right-winger call for the banning of anyone else, not you, me, eek, Jinn or anyone who opposes their views.

I know in your heart of hearts you agree that Doc goes way over the top in his posts, and that it should be a really simple matter for him to stop. There comes a point when you have to accept that he is what he is and isn't going to change his behaviour.

New member
Sep 27, 2004
xpanda said:
With all due respect, Captain, this is a message board. Doc is not going to get the troops home any faster by posting his ass off. And I don't believe his detractors are concerned as much with his views as his style. After all, I've not heard a single right-winger call for the banning of anyone else, not you, me, eek, Jinn or anyone who opposes their views.

I know in your heart of hearts you agree that Doc goes way over the top in his posts, and that it should be a really simple matter for him to stop. There comes a point when you have to accept that he is what he is and isn't going to change his behaviour.
You may be right about Doc, X , but I disagree with the part about changing public opinion and maybe, just maybe getting the troops home quicker. If we could save one family the horrific tragedy of losing a loved one in Iraq by promoting the quickest withdrawal possible- all the trying would have been worth it.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
You may be right about Doc, X , but I disagree with the part about changing public opinion and maybe, just maybe getting the troops home quicker. If we could save one family the horrific tragedy of losing a loved one in Iraq by promoting the quickest withdrawal possible- all the trying would have been worth it.

Not saying that these forums can't help change public opinion, even if in limited amounts. That is how movements go. What I meant, specifically, is that Doc is not going to change these things by posting his ass off, or otherwise being a bad poster.

I can't speak for anyone else here, but a poster like Doc would never incline me to change my views of something. On the other hand, more reasonable posters like Levi and Phaedrus have had remarkable influences on my politics. But if either of them did the sort of stuff that Doc does, it would only undermine their arguments.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
On the other hand, more reasonable posters like Levi and Phaedrus have had remarkable influences on my politics.

Leaving someone out by any chance???? I'm offended. Phaedrus needs to go back to school and learn about sugar subsidies before I read another post by him.

New member
Feb 1, 2005
Canada sent a few troops to afghanistan and went along with it -- is not the same as sending 100's of thousands of troops to two wars which the u.s. started.

So Afghanistan wasnt an invasion? Just Iraq? Got it:103631605


hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Leaving someone out by any chance???? I'm offended. Phaedrus needs to go back to school and learn about sugar subsidies before I read another post by him.

haha. I remember that! If memory serves, he corrected himself and apologised for the error.

Where have you been, btw? It's been nearly two years, I think, that you've been MIA, yes? Did you have a girlfriend or something? Or did they throw you in some kind of institution?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
haha. I remember that! If memory serves, he corrected himself and apologised for the error.

Where have you been, btw? It's been nearly two years, I think, that you've been MIA, yes? Did you have a girlfriend or something? Or did they throw you in some kind of institution?

I think I might be the only one ever to prove Phaedrus wrong on something. I remember telling him the only MENSA buffet he'll ever be at is if he was serving.

It probably has been two girlfriend ditched me a while back and when I didn't hear from you I was devastated. The blow up dolls will only go so far. Think I drifted away mainly due to the number of lunatic posts....I would occasionaly drop a bomb on Doc Mullah and then hit the road. Should be back more often now especially if you're a mod.....get ready to hit the ban button!!

P.S. When are they going to have a bash on the East about Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun?<!-- / message -->

New member
Sep 27, 2004
xpanda said:
Not saying that these forums can't help change public opinion, even if in limited amounts. That is how movements go. What I meant, specifically, is that Doc is not going to change these things by posting his ass off, or otherwise being a bad poster.

I can't speak for anyone else here, but a poster like Doc would never incline me to change my views of something. On the other hand, more reasonable posters like Levi and Phaedrus have had remarkable influences on my politics. But if either of them did the sort of stuff that Doc does, it would only undermine their arguments.
It can very exasperating, at times, when the other side is name-calling and what you think is lying, about you and you do not want to stoop to their level, but noone can help you because you are stuck in cyberspace holding your proverbial member. At that point you are glad to have Doc around to go on the offensive and play on their level. Some of us grew up in an era where it is not right to rat somebody out and settle everything , one on one. But in cyberspace everybody can act like the 600 pound gorilla. Once again, Doc is nice to have around to jump in and do the dirty work, so to speak. Several posters here I would like to meet.

New member
Sep 27, 2004
bigplay said:
Does it take a 2/3 'rds majority to pass this legislation?
2/3 majority vote is necessary to override Anonymous Owner X's (not our XPanda) Doc unbanned VETO! :puppy:

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
bigplay said:
Does it take a 2/3 'rds majority to pass this legislation?
I was wondering the same. Maybe Wil gives a ruling at some point? Who knows. I want no part of this, other than to just chat a little.

Also, there is no close date on this poll for some reason. I have no idea if this intentional or not.

Regardless, I think this has been an enjoyable thread! And not just becuase of Doc. How can you not like the candidness of the posters here? :toast:

New member
Oct 21, 2002
xpanda said:
You'll have to ask his supporters that. Why do they still support him despite all of the above?

(My theory: he posts enough to balance and/or drown out the right ... the left doesn't have to do as much work with Doc in the picture. Jinn said as much a week ago.)
Thanks for the interpretation(this is what I get for not living on this forum). No one wants anyone drowned out. I merely submitted that we are not all able to attend to this forum 24-7 and as your post illustrates we need to be on constant guard of misinterpretation of our own words let alone those that hold the torch for us in public office.
The left doesn't have to do as much work with Doc in the picture.
My job that I work at is not on this fucking forum thank you, yours was.
I had taken a pass on this debate pretty much this time and true to my word had not voted. But since my own words can be manipulated by anyone, it seems, I will vote.
Also since this is a political forum and this dust up is in the main political a quid pro quo is in order. I say if Doc is banned his own personal harpy TheRightSide be band as well as he serves no useful purpose other than to harass Mercer.
If Doc is banned and I see one post by TheRightSide in here I'm gone as well.
And BTW some did quite well on my NFL picks last year though I am loath to bring it up.

New member
Nov 8, 2004
John Rikki, let us know where you go. Want to see those NFL picks.

GL, bp

head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
Damn, looking like Doc is making a late rally! Ohhh what will they do without a clear majority? this is going to be fun to watch this be explained, from the looks of it Doc is back and seemingly he is going to force your hand.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
JinnRikki said:
Thanks for the interpretation(this is what I get for not living on this forum). No one wants anyone drowned out. I merely submitted that we are not all able to attend to this forum 24-7 and as your post illustrates we need to be on constant guard of misinterpretation of our own words let alone those that hold the torch for us in public office. My job that I work at is not on this fucking forum thank you, yours was.
I had taken a pass on this debate pretty much this time and true to my word had not voted. But since my own words can be manipulated by anyone, it seems, I will vote.
Also since this is a political forum and this dust up is in the main political a quid pro quo is in order. I say if Doc is banned his own personal harpy TheRightSide be band as well as he serves no useful purpose other than to harass Mercer.
If Doc is banned and I see one post by TheRightSide in here I'm gone as well.
And BTW some did quite well on my NFL picks last year though I am loath to bring it up.

Jinn, I also said 'balance out' the right. You said, yourself, that Doc 'guards the towers, so to speak.'

If you didnt mean that he posts enough so that other lefties don't have to worry about the right-wingers dominating, then I apologise. But that was my interpretation.

I don't disagree with you about TRS.

New member
Sep 27, 2004
This feels like one of those 'Dead Man Walking' vigils outside the Big House where all the Cons are waiting to celebrate when the innocent prisoner gets electrocuted in the electric chair and all the Libs are huddled around waiting to see if the clemency call from the Governor arrives!:puppy:

New member
Oct 21, 2002
What I meant, to be explicit, was that often times the right will throw out some bs story, for example, how peachy everything in Iraq is (taking the fight to them, blah, blah, blah). And this monumental pile of elephant dung will sit there all day while working people toil away and in the evening come in here to find said thread raised to the status of the holy grail by those on the right. Where as Doc comes in right away and presents an opposition viewpoint.
Same as if I start a thread and have to leave not to return for sometimes days I will find my thread shat upon by countless rightwing individuals with the perfunctory ad hominem attacks. Whereas we can count on Doc to not let these things go without rebuttal until we can get back and pick up our own sword.
That is what I meant. Doc doesn't necessarily speak for me but he does defend some of my positions in my absence.
And he also does the heavy lifting of giving it back in terms of personal attacks that some shy away from.
I used to try and act with appropriate decorum while engaged in debate here but soon learned taking the high road only leads to high blood pressure.

New member
Sep 9, 2005
Jinn you must be kidding. He never debates he just flames in some gay bashing tirade about Gannon doing soebody in the ass. So please spare us that stupidity.

New member
Feb 1, 2005
This coming from TheRightSide, the model of civility...

Some of Rightsides recent rants...

Well here's your post jackass don't let the door hit ya on the way out
LMAO what a loser way to add dipshit. 2 for 1 would mean 2 for 19.95 hey I could use 1 also my dartboard is all but used up.
Stay out of my thread you POS. I hope you lose all your money and have to turn into the homeless man on the corner with a sign that reads
"I'm a dumbass I thought I could make money gambling" If...
wow CC tryto pull your tounge off of Doc's Bunghole long enough to have a complete thought. Your cheerleading is 1 of the problem that remains in here. lol You "left" my great country in protest...
WOW like we all didn't know your an idiot already. This is the final proof for us all. What are you going to post when the summer comes and goes. Are you just going to post along like you always...

LMAO there is no line. The mods have made that clear. The administration has made that clear. It's a free for all in here. If turdspammy can do as he wants so can I. The mods are pussies and all leftwing nutjobs. Will, X, Funkster all lefty kooks that with thier actions have shown us there is no line. I am sick and tired of idiots placing blame on the rights when that is not the truth. The left is always the side trying to run our lives. CC said something so stupid about the smoking ban yesterday. Now where is he saying oops I was wrong on that WINDSOR IS IN CANADA. Yet he blamed it on Bush what an idiot.

And I find it funny that DocStupid calling anyone out on insulting people. Have you apoligized to the poster you said his mom should have has an abortion. What about that moron. When you apoligize for that I will apoligize to CC. This is CC's fault anyway with his daily cheerleading of DocStupid. He gets what he gets.
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TheRightSide said:
Jinn you must be kidding. He never debates he just flames in some gay bashing tirade about Gannon doing soebody in the ass. So please spare us that stupidity.

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