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For example take anything- like Barmans post which was:
DARRYL P: So Michael Scott = Phaedrus is your (MarkLContrarian's) working hypothesis then?
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DARRYL P: So Michael Scott = Phaedrus is your (MarkLContrarian's) working hypothesis then?. (
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Do you believe Michael Scott? - Page 2 - Sportsbetting Forums ...
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=j>Aug 6, 2008
So Michael Scott =
Phaedrus is your (
working hypothesis then? I know it's hard for
your psyche to accept that
p=5626868 - 98k - 7 hours ago - <NOBR>
Cached -
Similar pages</NOBR>
Click on this and the entire thread shows up.
Its unbelievable. Every fucking word is seemingly data mined for future? purposes. They now know what you know. They know what you think. They know how you think. Welcome to the NWO. Who now is against big liberal govt prying into your lives? The Pugs have utilized the big Govt method on you a thousand times more than the Libs ever did.
Like somebody once said. "The Internet is the greatest spying device ever invented."