Could Browns trade for DeShaun Watson be the worst in NFL history?


Oct 31, 2004
Lol Willie gonna clean you up in those football wagers :)
I only have 1 wager with will .
It’s that the pats win less then 32 games the next 3 years .
I would be happy to let you in on that if you think he has the best of it .

And yea you do have to put up money for the bet .
Let me know .
You normally go silent when money is involved so I won’t hold my breath

Dec 15, 2017
I only have 1 wager with will .
It’s that the pats win less then 32 games the next 3 years .
I would be happy to let you in on that if you think he has the best of it .

And yea you do have to put up money for the bet .
Let me know .
You normally go silent when money is involved so I won’t hold my breath
Is that next 3 years or inclusive of 2021? I feel like you sprinkled on after the Matt Patricia news but not sure

And inclusive of playoffs?

I thought you also had a Jimmy g wager but maybe that one settled

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Total is 31

Chop laying 110

Remember, they're playing 17 games per year. I too love my position

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Entering year 2, have 10 in hand which was a pretty good start

An injury to Mac Jones would change everything, otherwise their roster is as good as they get (not counting Brady of course)

Dec 15, 2017
Entering year 2, have 10 in hand which was a pretty good start

An injury to Mac Jones would change everything, otherwise their roster is as good as they get (not counting Brady of course)
Mac looks like he’s improved his conditioning a bit.

New England probably leading that second tier in the AFC behind Cincy, KC, Buffalo — so Im thinking double digit wins if health holds.

Not sold on the AFC West hype. Denver in particular is waaaaaay overrated

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
The one thing Watson and the Browns have going for them, the decision is being made by an outside arbitrator, a judge. Roger's track record is not very good when rulings are made outside his office.

Roger wins, like in the Brady case, when he's the judge, jury and executioner. He then falls back on the collective bargaining agreement that gave him such authority and courts conclude "evidence doesn't matter, he was given this authority by the union"

Dec 15, 2017
Sounds like maybe only 12 games for Watson

If that deal is offered to him he should snag it in a heartbeat. Kind of surprised if it's that low

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Sounds like maybe only 12 games for Watson

If that deal is offered to him he should snag it in a heartbeat. Kind of surprised if it's that low

I disagree, I think he's aiming higher (fewer games)

As of this moment, it's not in Roger's hands and Roger loses when it leaves his office. Roger knows this, hence the suspension is decreasing (assuming your statement is accurate)

Having said that, if the compromise is final, it might be in Watson's best interest to take it. At some point in the future, the lying POS scumbag commissioner will be looking for any reason to impose his absolute authority by keeping some future event inside his office and suspending Watson again.
Dec 11, 2006
I disagree, I think he's aiming higher (fewer games)

As of this moment, it's not in Roger's hands and Roger loses when it leaves his office. Roger knows this, hence the suspension is decreasing (assuming your statement is accurate)

Having said that, if the compromise is final, it might be in Watson's best interest to take it. At some point in the future, the lying POS scumbag commissioner will be looking for any reason to impose his absolute authority by keeping some future event inside his office and suspending Watson again.
And that's why you're Wise Willie.

Dec 13, 2007

Deshaun Watson’s trade to the Cleveland Browns rankles area massage therapists....

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- When Theresa Gorski, a licensed massage therapist with an Ohio City private practice, learned the Cleveland Browns had acquired star quarterback Deshaun Watson, she logged onto Facebook to sound an alarm.

The March trade for Watson, who, at the time, faced 22 sexual misconduct lawsuits brought by massage professionals, was an affront to her industry, Gorski believed, and posed a danger by fostering a culture where sexual harassment is acceptable.

Gorski called on area therapists to boycott the Browns organization, using hashtags like #massageban and #believewomen. “I pledge to not work on ANYONE IN THE ENTIRE FRANCHISE during his tenure with the Browns,” she wrote.

lol Not the onion or bee, for real
Dec 11, 2006

Deshaun Watson’s trade to the Cleveland Browns rankles area massage therapists....

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- When Theresa Gorski, a licensed massage therapist with an Ohio City private practice, learned the Cleveland Browns had acquired star quarterback Deshaun Watson, she logged onto Facebook to sound an alarm.

The March trade for Watson, who, at the time, faced 22 sexual misconduct lawsuits brought by massage professionals, was an affront to her industry, Gorski believed, and posed a danger by fostering a culture where sexual harassment is acceptable.

Gorski called on area therapists to boycott the Browns organization, using hashtags like #massageban and #believewomen. “I pledge to not work on ANYONE IN THE ENTIRE FRANCHISE during his tenure with the Browns,” she wrote.

lol Not the onion or bee, for real
Boo hoo.

I have a question. Did all these aggrieved "therapists" who are settling with DeS Watson work at the same massage parlor?
Dec 11, 2006
pretty funny...hows the tomatoes coming along?
Man, I fkd up. Or should I say that the nursery I bought six starter plants from fkd up. The little marking paddle said "Roma". Cool. Those are my sauce tomatoes. The plants were growing incredibly well. (It has been very dry and hot here. I'm discovering that the veggies and fruits love this climate). But when the little yellow flowers began turning to fruit I noticed that the little green tomatoes were round, not Roma elongated. Piss!!! Turns out I had nurtured 6 cherry tomato plants for the past two months. So I found them five new tenders who don't have veggie gardens but would love a potted cherry tomato plant. I wasn't sure how this experiment of transplanting would work so I proceeded very cautiously. The plants themselves have about 6 or 7 or eight vines of about 3 or 4 feet each. So I pitch forked them up from the rich, loose soil I have built into my raised beds. The roots were in some cases about two feet long. Yowza! Didn't expect that. But in the big plastic pots I have I filled the bottom with a layer of compost, then a layer of wet horse manure I keep in a barrel, then another layer of compost filling in for the plant root ball. Picked up the pot and vines with the help of my nephew very carefully so as not to snap the vines and placed them on 4x4 pallets which I put in the back of my van and carefully drove to each of their new homes one at a time. I made five people happy. Most really, really happy, especially my ex who I am still in love with so good outcomes can trickle out of not great situations!

So aside from that fk up, I'm having pretty damned good success with everything else this season. The cuke plants are going crazy and have climbed near to the top of an eight foot trellis I devised. I'm going to have hundreds of cukes out of four little plants planted. The green peppers are actually growing for me for the first time ever. The eggplants are looking good. Same with the swiss chard. I've been eating lettuce straight from the garden for several weeks now. The strawberry patch is lush but chipmunks ate near the whole first crop. I've been trying different things to ward them off from the second crop which is fruting right now. Fingers crossed. I think I'm succeeding by sticking moth balls down the holes where they live. Sorry Chippies but I tried to warn you with less toxic means but you just wouldn't listen!

THe concord grapes are on target and plentiful. The cantaloupe and watermellon plants are thriving after a slow start. Little cantaloupes have started to form. My little potted fig trees are blossoming with many more figs than ever before. The blueberry plants I planted last year are slow to grow and not blossoming blueberries. I'm trying to have patience there.

Back to the tomatoes. I have two each, Big Boy, Better Boy, and Jet Star. They are growing well and have set some nice looking green tomatoes. THey are probably a few weeks away from ripeness.

Gonna go cut some rhubarb later this afternoon and make some strawberry(from the market) rhubarb compote. Psyched.

You get any tomatoes yet in that cold wet climate you live in? Does it dry up ever? Does it get to the eighties ever? Doesn't sound ideal for growing veggies.

Enough. I've got baseball handicapping to do.

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