Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Jul 4, 2012
Just because a fucking moron like YOU has never heard of hm doesn't mean jack shit.

The fact that you can't understand that your link in now way demonstrates what you are saying is true is quite funny.

You literally do not know what your own posts mean. Because you're not literate and are a fucking moron.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Terry McAuliffe Named His Pet Chicken ‘Hillary’[/h]SHARE

Chicken, Hillary Clinton / Wikimedia Commons, AP

BY: Brent Scher
June 30, 2015 12:37 pm

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D.) keeps pet chickens at the state’s Executive Mansion in Richmond, and one of them is named Hillary, according to a report in the Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Hillary is just one of four “gubernatorial chickens” kept by McAuliffe. The other three are named Dolly, Snape, and Camo.
The McAuliffes say Hillary is a “big attraction” for kids visiting the mansion.
It is not particularly surprising that McAuliffe would name a beloved family pet after Hillary Clinton. He was chairman of her failed 2008 presidential campaign and is one of Bill Clinton’s closest friends. Hillary Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, also worked with McAuliffe to secure funding through foreign investors for his electric car company, GreenTech Automotive.
It is unclear whether Hillary is one of the three red dorking hens or the golden comet.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
The fact that you can't understand that your link in now way demonstrates what you are saying is true is quite funny.

You literally do not know what your own posts mean. Because you're not literate and are a fucking moron.
Lmao. From the guy who has posted links that have directly contradicted his own views. Lmao

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]FLASHBACK: When David Axelrod said he didn't know anything about Clinton's private server[/h]BY T. BECKET ADAMS | JULY 1, 2015 | 8:00 AM

David Axelrod said in June that he was unaware she conducted business from an unauthorized,...Former White House senior adviser David Axelrod said in June he was unaware Hillary Clinton conducted business from a personal email server when she served as secretary of State – but a State Department document dump Tuesday evening raises questions about how much he knew.
Asked last month in an interview whether he knew anything about Clinton's "homebrew" system when they worked together in the Obama administration, Axelrod responded, "I didn't know."
RELATED: Complete coverage of Hillary Clinton's email scandal
However, correspondences from 2009 show that Axelrod may have had reason to know about Clinton's questionable email behavior. While it's possible Axelrod may not have been aware that Clinton was using a private server, he contacted her at least once with a "get better" note at one of her private email addresses.
Evidence of this begins with an email from Clinton's chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, dated June 8, 2009.
"Axelrod wants your email – remind me to discuss with you if I forget," Mills wrote.
Clinton responded that same day, writing, "Can you send to him or do you want me to? Does he know I can't look at it all day so he needs to contact me thru you or Huma or Lauren during work hours."

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Proof: Despite Denials, White House Aides Knew about Hillary’s Private E-Mail Account (Yana Paskova/Getty) SHARE ARTICLE ON FACEBOOKSHARE TWEET ARTICLETWEET PLUS ONE ARTICLE ON GOOGLE PLUS+1 PRINT ARTICLE EMAIL ARTICLE ADJUST FONT SIZEAA by BRENDAN BORDELON June 30, 2015 11:30 PM @BRENDANBORDELON New Hillary Clinton e-mails released late Tuesday night by the State Department reveal that, despite denials to the contrary, top Obama-administration officials were aware, within the first nine months of President Obama’s first term, of then–secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server to conduct government business. The White House has not said when President Obama and his lieutenants first learned of Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server, noting only that they became aware in August 2014, after Republican lawmakers got hold of the information, that it could become a political problem. But e-mails from 2009 show that chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and senior adviser David Axelrod understood at the time that Clinton used a private e-mail account and server for official business. Indeed, top officials were forced to explicitly ask Clinton aides for her e-mail address. VIDEO: Who Is Hillary Clinton? “Axelrod wants your emails,” read the subject line of an e-mail from Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills on June 8, 2009. “Can you send it to him or do you want me to?” ADVERTISING Clinton replied from her e-mail account “Does he know I can’t look at it all day so he needs to contact me thru you or Huma or Lauren during work hours.” But, despite this 2009 e-mail, Axelrod told MSNBC host Mike Brzezinski on June 17 this year that he was unaware Clinton was using a private e-mail address and server in a government capacity. “I was there, I was the senior adviser. I didn’t know that,” he said. “I might’ve asked a few questions about that.” RELATED: Blumenthal’s Advice to Hillary ‘Unsolicited’? E-mails Suggest Otherwise A top Emanuel aide also asked Clinton’s team for her private e-mail account on September 5, 2009. “The Secretary and Rahm are speaking, and she just asked him to email her,” wrote Emanuel’s assistant. “Can you send me her address please?” Mills deferred to Clinton. “Do you want him to have your email?” she asked. Clinton agreed, replying from a different private account, Future Obama counsel John Podesta was also aware of Hillary’s private e-mail server. “Tried you a couple days ago, but email bounced back,” he wrote to on June 25, 2009. “Neera [Tanden, president of Center for American Progress] says this is the right one. How are you doing?” Podesta was not in the White House when the e-mail was sent, so it is unclear whether he understood that Clinton’s account was being used for official purposes.

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Jan 9, 2009

Sep 22, 2007
The fact that you can't understand that your link in now way demonstrates what you are saying is true is quite funny.

You literally do not know what your own posts mean. Because you're not literate and are a fucking moron.

Who are you, Pee Wee Herman: "I know I AM, but what are you?" When you and the Repubs get butt fucked next year, it's gonna be even more fun than the last two national elections. Donald Trump leading the Republicans in a poll, what a fucked up party...

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Has Clinton Dispatched Oppo Researchers to UVM's Sanders Archive?[/h]By PAUL HEINTZ @PAULHEINTZ

click to enlarge

  • [*=left]PAUL HEINTZ
    [*=left]The two mystery men pictured leaving Bailey/Howe Library last Thursday afternoon
Librarians at the University of Vermont's special collections say interest is spiking in the "Bernard Sanders papers" — 30 boxes of meticulously organized material documenting Sanders' eight years as mayor of Burlington.
That should come as no surprise, given the independent senator's rapid rise in the polls in New Hampshire and Iowa, which hold the nation's first presidential nominating contests.
Media outlets, such as the Guardian, have drilled deep into the archives and unearthed tasty tidbits — but they're not the only ones interested in getting to know the senator.
Last Thursday, two casually dressed twentysomethings were spotted combing through the Sanders files and decades-old Vermont newspapers. As they were on their way out the door at the end of the day, Seven Days asked what they were doing.
"No comment," said one of the young men, dressed in a T-shirt and flannel. "No comment."
As they emerged into the sunlight outside Bailey/Howe Library, Seven Dayspressed again: "Come on! We're all doing the same thing."
"No, we're not," Flannel Man shot back.
"We're just looking," said the other one, dressed in a white shirt with black stripes.
"Looking at what?"
"Old newspapers," Stripy said. "Vermont history."
So who were these mysterious characters? Opposition researchers working for one of Sanders' rivals? Earlier that day a super PAC supporting former Maryland governor Martin O'Malley launched the first negative ad of the race targeting Sanders.
Asked if Team O'Malley had dispatched Flannel Man and Stripy to Burlington, campaign spokeswoman Lis Smith said, "We have not, and they are not affiliated with our campaign."
But wait! Here's a clue: That T-shirt Flannel Man was wearing? It read, "New Hampshire for Jeanne Shaheen."
Earlier this year, Hillary Clinton absorbed much of Shaheen's political operation to run her Granite State campaign: state director Mike Vlacich, senior political aide Kari Thurman and spokesman Harrell Kirstein.
Asked if Flannel Man and Stripy belonged to Team Clinton, Kirstein did not respond.
Welcome to Burlington, Hillary. Next time, tell your people to leave their Shaheen shirts at home.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
2016 Elections, Hillary Clinton, Top Stories

[h=1]An Inside Look at How Hillary Clinton Plays the Media[/h]
[h=3]" malleable."[/h]—By Daniel Schulman
| Wed Jul. 1, 2015 8:39 AM EDT

Hillary Clinton speaks at George Mason University’s Patriot Center on June 26, 2015. Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP
On Tuesday night, the State Department released some 3,000 pages of emailsbetween Hillary Clinton and her aides during her tenure as secretary of state. The correspondence offers a fascinating behind-the-scenes view of American diplomacy in action, as well as the former first lady's fashion choices. But some of the more intriguing exchanges involved the media—how her team sought to shape the news, the journalists they considered receptive to their message, and the close degree to which Clinton monitored how she was covered.
Much of this email traffic involved Philippe Reines, a senior advisor and spokesman for Clinton known for his combative exchanges with the press. One email thread that underscored the Clinton team's focus on message-control came in late May 2009, ahead of a meeting of the Organization of American States. Its member-nations span North and South America and were poised to vote on whether to revoke Cuba's decades-long suspension from OAS.

"If we set the expectation now that the outcome is likely to not go our way, ANY alternative - even one kicking the can down the road...- would be seen as a significant victory," Reines emailed Clinton, who was planning to attend part of the OAS session in Honduras.
"How will we set any expectations?" Clinton replied. "Did anyone background the press yet?"
Reines responded that "in terms of setting expectations it would be a combo of a few overt and not overt things." And he noted, "There's one blogger that folks loosely follow, I know how to get her something through a 3rd party."
After OAS members voted to revoke Cuba's suspension, Clinton wrote to her advisers on June 3, 2009: "CNN is reporting this as being done against my wishes. Any way to salvage?"
Reines replied with a lengthy email explaining why the narrative was not as "dire as it seems in the moment." He noted that President Barack Obama would be delivering a major speech in the Middle East the following day that would "blanket coverage and extinguish the Cuba stuff, so we just need to weather the night."
He wrote:
we are suffering from two significant tactical problems: 1) you are here and removed 2) our press corps was out of position today and in flight, so the people we worked on all week and the ones likely to skew our way were replaced by reporters not connected to us. The two issues above will be rectified tomorrow in your two interviews - especially Greta who is malleable. We can use that to make a strong case on the principle, and the simple fact Cuba wasn't in the OAS yesterday, and won't be tomorrow. Everyday that passes reinforces that point. The time difference to East Coast will help us in moving whatever is said in these interviews tomorrow.
In his email, Reines was referring to an interview with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren, which aired the following day. The topic of the OAS meeting did indeed come up:
VAN SUSTEREN: I know you've been to Honduras. The OAS, after you left—it looks like Cuba's going to be invited back in.
CLINTON: No, that wasn't the outcome.
VAN SUSTEREN: It wasn't the outcome? What happened?
CLINTON: Well, we were very adamantly opposed to those who wanted to lift the 1962 suspension and leave it at that. That was not acceptable to the United States. That's, unfortunately, the path that they were on earlier. And we made the case to many countries and found a receptive audience that we could agree to lift something from so long ago that was really part of the cold war, but we had to reaffirm the values and principles of the OAS. We had to explicitly reaffirm democracy and human rights. And then we had to have a process.
So yes, you can lift the suspension, but that's the beginning, that's not the end. Then Cuba has to decide whether it wishes to become a member of the OAS. And then the OAS must, according to its practices, purposes and principles, enter into a dialogue with Cuba and make a decision.
So this was the beginning. Unlike what some had hoped, to have a kind of fait accompli, we were able to create a consensus that the majority of countries in the OAS agreed with the United States.
VAN SUSTEREN: So we haven't been snubbed.
CLINTON: Oh, not at all. In fact, this was a very good example of the kind of diplomatic engagement that we want to be involved with.
Later that year, Reines emailed Clinton a PDF of the "gorgeous cover" of Timemagazine, which carried a cover story by Joe Klein on Clinton.
"How does the article compare to the cover???" she replied.
At another point in 2009, Clinton received an email from Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a major fundraiser for her 2008 presidential campaign and a leading PUMA (Party Unity, My Ass) activist who opposed Obama's nomination that year. Rothschild told Clinton of her recent get-together with Leslie Gelb, the onetime president of the Council on Foreign Relations and a veteran New York Timesjournalist:
I spent yesterday with Les Gelb on Nantucket. He had lots to say which might be of interest, but I thought the most important thing to tell you is to make sure you are aware of the Parade magazine piece he wants to do about you. He would like to do a day in your life, when you meet with members of Congress and international figures. He wants to show the impact you are having domestically and internationally. He said he would give you a veto over content and looked me in the eye and said, "she will like it". Maybe you know this, but did not want it to fall between the cracks. Enjoy your vacation and love to all of you.
Clinton forwarded Rothschild's email to her staff: "Pls see below and scheduling options requested. Is this a cover story? Does anyone know?"
An aide later replied, "Yes, we're trying to find a date that works for Les, but he is a little, shall we say picky."
Clinton responded, "We should create a day--meeting w Webb about Burma, McCain/Lieberman/Graham about Af-Pak, etc. Meeting w Mitchell/Holbrooke etc." (She was referring to Jim Webb, John McCain, Joseph Lieberman, Lindsey Graham, George Mitchell, and Richard Holbrooke.)
Gelb did indeed get his day-in-life-with-Hillary piece, which ran in Parade on October 25, 2009.
"Our 24 hours together would prove both grueling and inspirational, full of diplomatic pageantry, big meetings with policy brainiacs, small sessions with trusted aides, a stream of time-consuming formal duties, and, of course, phone calls and more phone calls," Gelb wrote. The day included a meeting with Holbrooke, the late diplomat then serving as the special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, who described "a practical way to counter Taliban propaganda and enhance America’s image in Pakistan." George Mitchell also made a cameo in the story: "On a line electronically secured from eavesdroppers, she converses with George Mitchell, the Middle East envoy (twice)."
Gelb concluded his story: "The Secretary, with her unfailing smile, repairs to her office for more calls and reading. It's hard to read the mind of someone frozen in the public spotlight like Hillary Clinton. She has to be perpetually onstage. But what I think I glimpse beneath the unflagging smile and constant concentration is a very tired person—tense, frustrated, but absolutely determined to make her tenure as Secretary of State a success and to accomplish important things."


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Emails Show Hillary’s State Department Communicating With Google About Blocked Benghazi Video[/h]Exchange shows administration concerned about video after it publicly declared Benghazi a preplanned act of terror

Gutted U.S. consulate / AP

BY: Stephen Gutowski
July 1, 2015 4:00 pm

Emails among State Department officials show the administration was in contact with Google regarding a blocked YouTube video after President Obama conceded that the Benghazi attack was a preplanned act of terror.
On Sept. 27, 2012, Nora Toiv, a special assistant to the counselor of the Department, sent an email to other State Department officials with the subject line “RE: Google and YouTube.” The email referenced a phone conversation with a person named Sue who assured Toiv a block would remain on an unnamed video at least through Oct. 1, 2012. “Sue just called back and the block will stay through Monday,” Toiv said in the email. “They will not/not be unblocking it before then.”
Toiv’s message, sent at 1:35 pm, was in response to an email sent an hour earlier by Denis McDonough, current White House Chief of Staff who was then the Deputy National Security Adviser. McDonough’s email appears to contain the mobile and office phone numbers of Google CEO Larry Page and YouTube CEO Salar Kamangar. The numbers have been redacted in the copies made available to the public.
The email, which was made public in May as part of the State Department’s release of 296 emails related to the Benghazi attacks, was reported on by the Daily Caller and ABC News.
Although the emails do not name the video that is being blocked, much of the controversy following the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, centered on a YouTube video called The Innocence of Muslims. Hillary Clinton and other State Department and White House officials blamed the Benghazi attack on the video but later backed off the claim.
Radical Islamists in several countries did organize protests over the video, among other issues, including a large demonstration at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, that occurred on the same day as the Benghazi attack.
In her first public remarks after the Benghazi attacks, Hillary Clinton addressed the video. “The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others,” she said. “Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation.”
Charles Woods, father of Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods who was killed in Benghazi, said in an interview with Glenn Beck that Hillary Clinton promised to arrest and prosecute the person responsible for making The Innocence of Muslims at a memorial for his son. That man, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, was later arrested and prosecuted in connection to producing the video. The Obama administrationbought $70,000 of ads on Pakistani television featuring clips of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton disavowing the video.
In the days after the attacks the White House requested Google remove The Innocence of Muslims under YouTube’s policy against hosting hate speech. Google refused to do so, according to the New York Times. The emails from Toiv and McDonough show the State Department was still in contact with Google well after the White House’s request.
Although Google refused to remove the video from YouTube it did block it for residents of numerous Middle Eastern countries in the immediate aftermath of the attacks. “This video—which is widely available on the Web—is clearly within our guidelines and so will stay on YouTube,” YouTube told CNN. “However, given the very difficult situation in Libya and Egypt we have temporarily restricted access in both countries.”
It is unclear if or when Google lifted those blocks on viewing in those countries. However, YouTube remains banned by local governments in several countries including Pakistan.
The emails show the State Department was still concerned about the video after the president declared the attacks in Benghazi were preplanned. “It was a preplanned act of terrorism directed against American citizens,” President Obama told the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 25, 2012, two days before the email exchange between McDonough and Toiv.
The State Department declined to comment on the content of the video. “I cannot offer further context on that specific email,” Alec Gerlach, a State Department communications adviser, told theWashington Free Beacon. “But if you’re asking about the Innocence of Muslims video, this has been addressed by the Administration.”
Gerlach then directed the Free Beacon to a May 1st, 2014, press conference by then-White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.
“What we know is that there was an attack, that there were extremists involved, and four Americans were killed,” Carney said in the briefing. “We have been saying that from the beginning. Again, if you look at the language provided at the time by the IC to members of Congress and the White House, that’s what Ambassador Rice stuck to.”
“And as I said and others, it was based on what we believed to be true at the time, and they were caveating all the time about the fact more information might become available, more details might become available, and as they did there would be more information to provide.”
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and Google did not respond to requests for comment.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Hillary Clinton Really Liked Max Blumenthal’s First Book[/h]‘I just finished the book and it's great’

Max Blumenthal / Wikimedia Commons

BY: Alana Goodman
July 1, 2015 3:07 pm

Hillary Clinton praised a book written by the anti-Israel activist Max Blumenthal in emails released by the State Department on Tuesday, garnering Blumenthal his most prominent public endorsement since David Duke’s website gave another of his books its stamp of approval.
Clinton called Blumenthal’s book Republican Gomorrah—which sought to document radicalism in the GOP—“great” in a Sept. 11, 2009 email to the author’s father, Sidney Blumenthal, a long-time Clinton confidante.
“Max is #10 [on the Amazon bestseller list], now ahead of Glenn Beck; #1 political and history book,” wrote the elder Blumenthal.
Clinton replied with a congratulatory note.
“[Max] should be–I just finished the book and it’s great. Congrats to all!” she wrote.
A few days later, Clinton emailed Sidney Blumenthal again and asked, “Is Max still rising up the best seller list?”
The book Republican Gomorrah is described as a “bestiary of dysfunction, scandal and sordidmess [sic] from the dark heart of the forces that now have a leash on the [Republican] party.”
Since writing the 2009 book, Max Blumenthal has turned his attention to anti-Israel activism. His latest book, Goliath, was published in 2013 and drew parallels between Israel and Nazi Germany.
The book, which included chapters such as “The Night of Broken Glass” and “The Concentration Camp,” earned a spot on the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s list of top 10 anti-Semitic slurs of 2013.
The left-leaning writer Eric Alterman also criticized it in a review for the Nation, writing that it “could have been published by the Hamas Book-of-the-Month Club.” After the article, Sidney Blumenthal launched an email campaign attacking Alterman.
However, Goliath was reviewed favorably by David Duke’s official website, which called Blumenthal’s work “extremely valuable in teh [sic] study of Jewish extremism, as he is not shy about using his Jewish name and looks to gain access to Jewish extremists in order to document the ugliest side of Zionism.”
Max Blumenthal did not respond to a request for comment.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Hillary Clinton Corresponded with Foreign Lobbyist as Secretary of State[/h]SHARE


BY: Andrew Stiles
July 2, 2015 12:23 pm

As secretary of state, Hillary Clintonexchanged personal emails with a former Clinton administration official who was lobbying on behalf of a foreign government, emails released by the State Department show:
The lobbyist, Jeffrey Farrow, emailed Clinton in 2009 about the American relationship with Palau while the United States was determining how much financial assistance it would give the Micronesian island, and shortly after Palau agreed to become the first nation to accept prisoners from the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay.
The email release includes a handful of messages from Farrow to Clinton and one response from the secretary of state, as well as two instances where Clinton forwarded Farrow’s messages to top members of her staff.
While none of the emails reveal Clinton granting Farrow out-sized influence, they recall earlier questions about relationships between foreign governments and both Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Farrow advised Bill Clinton’s White House on matters relating to Puerto Rico and other territories, and played a similar role for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.
Records show that Farrow registered to lobbying on behalf of Palau in 2009, the same year Hillary Clinton became secretary of state. He first emailed Clinton in June 2009, and made repeated requests to Clinton for a larger U.S. aid package to his client.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007

Nearly 20 years ago, the late columnist William Safire of The New York Times described Hillary Clinton as a "congenital liar."

The list of her whoppers was long then and it has been growing ever since.

She claimed that as a novice investor in Arkansas she made a 10,000% killing trading cattle futures by reading The Wall Street Journal. Something one observer said was akin to "driving to Hawaii."

She said she came under sniper fire in Bosnia in 1996. She didn't.

She said her daughter was jogging around the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. She wasn't.

She even once claimed that she was named for Sir Edmund Hillary after he became the first man to climb Mount Everest.

But that didn't happen until five years after she was born.

More recently she claimed she'd turned over all her job-related e-mails from her days as Secretary of State. But more work-related e-mails have since turned turned up that the State Department didn't have. And she claimed the notorious Sidney Blumenthal was just an old friend with whom she kept in touch and who sent her unsolicited e-mails. Turns out as we've heard she was reaching out to him in the dark of night during the first year of the Obama administration and her e-mails make clear she welcomed and encouraged his advice.

With such a record of mendacity, and there are numerous other examples, one thing is clear, it's a good thing for Hillary Clinton that she's not a Republican.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Irony abounds in the liberal world. Here we have Hillary's hatchet men working on Sander's background. They did not anticipate they would have to do that (that tells you how arrogant the Hillary camp is). Yet all they could find on Rubio was some traffic violations. The tards on this thread don't like Hillary's opposition hammering away at her past and exposing her for what she is. Yet, that is ok for her axe men to do with Sanders. Hypocrisy abounds in the liberal world. Sanders is already much more than a speed bump and her camp was caught by surprise. First of many I am sure. Meanwhile our boy Trey is doing his thing and Hillary and her emails are becoming a bigger story. It is all about transparency. If you are not honest and trustworthy then transparency is not possible. Exposing Hillary is getting easier and easier and more and more obvious.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
How long before Sanders surpasses this arrogant, unlikable, corrupt bitch in the polls?

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
How long before Sanders surpasses this arrogant, unlikable, corrupt bitch in the polls?

I would like to think it’s a possibility however reality says Sanders is the Democrats answer to Ron Paul.

I suppose it might happen but I wouldn’t bet on it.

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