Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
Superbeets - now if you keep posting Guesser is liable to come after you lol.

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Oct 19, 2007
Hillary Asks Donors for $1

6:51 PM, JUN 9, 2015 • BY DANIEL HALPER

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Hillary Clinton is asking supporters to chip in a buck. In an email this afternoon, Clinton writes, "I’m asking you to step up today, give just $1, and become a Launch Donor -- one of the tough, essential supporters who stood with me from the very beginning."
But Clinton says it's not about the dollar.
"It's not about the money. It's about knowing that when I step on the stage on Saturday, you’re with me. You have my back -- just like I’ll have yours."
The ask is a lot less expensive than the one Clinton is making of those who want to attend the fundraiser with singer Jon Bon Jovi. A ticket to that event costs between $1,000-$2,700.

Whaaaaaaaaaat?? She is asking people to donate money?? When will this criminal ever be put behind bars! I'm definitely voting Republican now.

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Nov 10, 2010

November 2010: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (R) talks to Prime Minister David Cameron during the opening session of the Nato Summit in Lisbon

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Nov 10, 2010

September 2010: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton chats with former Prime Minister Tony Blair

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Nov 10, 2010

December 2011: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (L) hugs Burma's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi as they meet at Suu Kyi's house in Rangoon

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Nov 10, 2010

August 2012: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton meets former president of South Africa Nelson Mandela at his home in Qunu, South Africa

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Nov 10, 2010

April 2013: U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama (L) poses with former first ladies (2nd L-R) Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Bush and Rosalynn Carter as they attend the dedication ceremony for the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas

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Nov 10, 2010

Although she earned wide praise, and largely floated above partisan politics, the security failures ahead of the assault on the US consulate in Benghazi will remain part of her legacy.


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Nov 10, 2010

So, now in 2015 how can Hillary Clinton's campaign harness the former president's immense political talents in a way that doesn't overshadow his wife or distract from her message? The question is one that Mrs Clinton's aides have been grappling with as they try to avoid repeating the pitfalls of the 2008 campaign.


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Nov 10, 2010

The danger is that the gregarious Mr Clinton simply steals the spotlight from his less extroverted wife. That risk was on display in Iowa last year (above), when both Clintons spoke at a local Democrat event but Bill quickly became the centre of attention.


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Nov 10, 2010

If Mrs Clinton faces any serious opposition in the Democratic primary Bill may join the fray but he will certainly be at her side to make the case against the Republicans in November.


Aug 6, 2006
"Superbeets - now if you keep posting Guesser is liable to come after you lol"

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Jan 9, 2009
Favors to foundation donors stretch back to Hillary Clinton’s Senate days

Earmarks, legislative action benefited husband’s benefactors

Analysts on political money have said the pattern of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s intervention on behalf of donors to her husband’s charity raise troubling ethical questions. (Associated Press) more >


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By Kelly Riddell - The Washington Times - Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Hillary Rodham Clinton’s efforts to provide favors to major donors to her husband’s global charity or her own political career stretch back far earlier than her tenure as America’s top diplomat, dating to the time she served as a U.S. senator and had the power to earmark federal funds and influence legislation, records show.
For instance, Mrs. Clinton introduced a bill when she was New York’s junior senator that allowed a donor to the Clinton Foundation to use tax-exempt bonds to build a shopping center in Syracuse, New York, public records show.
She also went to bat for Freddie Mac, working to defeat legislation that would have subjected the mortgage giant to tougher regulations before the housing bubble burst and led to a major recession . That same year, Freddie Mac donated $50,000 to $100,000 to her husband’s charity, originally called the William J. Clinton Foundation records show.

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Mrs. Clinton also used her leverage as a senator to help persuade the Chinese government to reduce tariffs on Corning Inc.’s fiber optic products. The centralNew York company’s employees and executives contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to her campaigns and political action committee.
Analysts on political money have said the pattern of Mrs. Clinton’s intervention on behalf of donors to her husband’s charity raise troubling ethical questions.
“It seems like the Clinton Foundation operates as a slush fund for the Clintons,” Bill Allison, a senior fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, a government watchdog group, told the New York Post in April after conflict-of-interest reports started surfacing between the Clinton Foundation and Mrs. Clinton’s political work. Mr. Allison declined to be interviewed for this article .

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A Fox News poll released last week suggests that Americans agree with Mr. Allison’s viewpoint. Sixty-one percent of voters said it was somewhat likely that the Clintons were “selling influence to foreign contributors” who made donations to the Clinton Foundation while Mrs. Clinton served as secretary of state.
In a CNN/ORC poll conducted this month, 57 percent of Americans said Mrs. Clinton was not honest and trustworthy, up from 49 percent in March.
Mrs. Clinton’s tenure as New York’s senator only adds to the storyline of political favors for wealthy contributors.
In 2004, Robert J. Congel, an upstate New York builder, contributed $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation — one month after Mrs. Clinton, as senator, helped enact legislation that allowed Mr. Congel’s firm to use tax-free bonds to build a mega-shopping center dubbed Destiny USA in Syracuse.
About year later, Mrs. Clinton put an additional earmark in a highway bill for $5 million for Mr. Congel’s development project, which passed nine months afterMr. Congel donated to the Clinton Foundation.
Overall, Destiny USA, now the sixth-largest shopping mall in the U.S., received 15 government tax subsidies valued at more than $703.6 million, making theSyracuse property one of the biggest recipients of economic development dollars in the nation, according to a report released by Good Jobs First, a research center in Washington. Not all the money was paid out during Mrs. Clinton’s term as senator.
Mr. Congel declined to be interviewed for this article, as did a spokesman for Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign . But back in 2009, Mrs. Clinton’s spokesman Philippe Reines told The New York Times that there was no connection between Mr. Congel’s donation and her legislative work on his project.
Mrs. Clinton supported expansion of the mall “purely as part of her unwavering commitment to improving upstate New York’s struggling economy, and nothing more,” Mr. Reines told the New York paper. He added that Mrs. Clinton didn’t solicit the money from Mr. Congel or discuss it with him or anyone on his behalf and was unaware of its timing and size until some years later.
Mrs. Clinton’s team was quick to note that she was just one of a number of New York politicians, both Democratic and Republican, who helped enact the bill that gave the tax breaks to Destiny USA.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Report: Hillary Clinton’s State Department May Have Intervened to Protect a Pedophile[/h]BY: Andrew Stiles
June 10, 2015 12:08 pm



The Washington Examiner reported Tuesday that the State Department Inspector General’s office removed portions of a 2013 report that would have reflected poorly on then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The omitted details, which were brought to light by whistleblower in the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, concerned the efforts of Clinton’s security team to cover up alleged misconduct, including sexual abuse and pedophilia, by State Department staff.
An early draft of the report provided by whistleblower Richard Higbie noted that “in some cases superiors in [diplomatic security] and in senior levels of the State Department have prejudiced the commencement, course and outcome of [special investigations division] investigations.” However, the final, published version of the report is much more vague, simply noting that “the perception exists among knowledgeable parties that external influences have negatively affected some [special investigations division] investigations,” and that the oversight process “lacks a firewall to preclude the [diplomatic security] and Department of State hierarchies from exercising undue influence in particular cases.”
The early draft also mentioned a specific case involving a Regional Security Office alleged to have “engaged in serious criminal conduct including sexual abuse of local embassy staff.” For some reason, this did not appear in the published report. Another omitted passage suggested that a senior member of the Secretary of State’s staff may have intervened to protect an ambassador who was being investigated for pedophilia:
“Sources reported that a senior ’7th Floor’ Department official ordered [diplomatic security] to stop the investigation of an ambassador accused of pedophilia, and another such senior official had [diplomatic security] stop an investigation of an ambassador-designate,” the draft reads.
The seventh floor is the location of the secretary of state’s office, as well as the offices of the deputy secretary and the undersecretaries, according to the State Department’s website. If any of these details were removed because of exculpatory information, this is never stated.
Hillary Clinton successfully defended a child rapist in 1975, in part by attacking the victim’s credibility. Her client’s profession of innocence, she said, “forever destroyed” her faith in lie-detector tests.


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Jan 9, 2009



Michael Loccisano/Getty Images/AFP

by BREITBART NEWS10 Jun 201529

From Sarah Westwood writing at the Washington Examiner:
A pair of Clinton Foundation donors with financial ties to the former first family have both been at the center of major corruption cases, raising questions about why they chose to give millions to the Clintons’ charity.
Nigerian businessman Gilbert Chagoury’s connections to the Clintons have come under scrutiny following revelations that State Department policy may have benefited him personally while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state.
Sen. David Vitter (R-LA)

, R-La., has repeatedly pressed the State Department for documentation of Hillary Clinton’s decision not to place Boko Haram on the terrorist watch list while serving as secretary of state.​

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Jan 9, 2009
Bill Clinton contradicts Hillary on email claims

Published June 10,

Report: State Dept. officials removed criticisms of Clinton

Bill Clinton appeared Wednesday to contradict his wife's claims about their personal email use, saying he's only sent two emails in his life -- despite Hillary Clinton saying some of the private messages on her personal server were from her and her husband.
The former president addressed his very sparing email use at a Clinton Global Initiative meeting in Denver.
He said the "only time" he got on the Internet was to do "two emails" and order Christmas presents.
"Otherwise I found people said embarrassing things on emails. I didn't want to be one of them," Clinton said, to laughter.
The statement echoes what a spokesman told the Wall Street Journal in March -- that the ex-president had only sent two emails in his life, one to U.S. troops and the other to astronaut John Glenn.
Yet, when Hillary Clinton held a press conference in March explaining her personal email use, she said her private server "contains personal communications from my husband and me."

The now-Democratic presidential candidate gave this detail in asserting that she would not turn over her personal server for examination -- as Republican lawmakers have requested.
Her office, though, has turned over thousands of pages of emails to the State Department, which has started to release some of them.

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Nov 10, 2010
Bill Clinton has said he will stop giving paid speeches if his wife, Hillary Clinton, is elected US president.
Republicans and media commentators have criticised both Clintons for earning millions of dollars from paid speeches, saying the practice raises the possibility of conflicts of interest.

The former president said he would continue to give speeches without compensation if Hillary Clinton, the frontrunner for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, enters the White House.
“I will still give speeches, though, on the subjects I’m interested in, and I’ve really enjoyed those things,” he told Bloomberg TV at a Clinton Foundation conference in Denver on Wednesday.
Asked whether he would keep giving paid speeches if Hillary Clinton entered the White House, Clinton said: “No. I don’t think so. I don’t think that – because once you get to be president then you’re just making a daily story.”
In an interview with CNN at the conference, Clinton gave one of his lengthiest rebuttals yet of allegations Hillary Clinton gave favorable treatment to donors to the family’s charities while she was US secretary of state.
“No one has ever asked me for anything,” he said of the foundation’s donors.
Clinton said he did not know whether foreign governments, companies and other foundation donors were seeking anything in return beyond supporting philanthropy.
“And I don’t think Hillary would know, either,” he said. “She was pretty busy those years. I never saw her study a list of my contributors, and I had no idea who was doing business before the state department.”

Journalists and political opponents have failed to turn up any proof that Clinton’s state department sold favors. The Clintons dismiss the allegations as politically motivated.
But an increasing number of Americans have said they find Hillary Clinton untrustworthy in polls.
“Yeah, but I mean we’re used to it,” her husband said.
He described Hillary Clinton as “the rock” of his family and said he believed that Americans would come to learn more about that side of her.
“I trust her with my life and have on more than one occasion,” he said. “And I don’t mean I was facing physical death,” he added in the interview, which CNN said it would broadcast on Sunday.
He described being “plagued by self-doubt” in his late 20s, particularly after an unsuccessful run for Congress. “Whenever I had trouble, she was the rock in the family.”


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]WHISTLEBLOWER: Senior State Department Officials Under Hillary Clinton Quashed Investigations into Alleged Misconduct[/h]BY: Andrew Stiles
June 11, 2015 3:57 pm



The Washington Examiner hasfollowed up on a previous report exposing the Clinton State Department’s efforts to cover up alleged misconduct with new details about some of the “most egregious” examples of investigations thwarted by agency staff, and the frustration felt by investigators:
The eight cases mentioned in the memo included an incident in which at least five members of Clinton’s security detail allegedly solicited prostitutes in a number of countries while on official travel, including on trips to Russia and Colombia. A diplomatic security guard was permitted to continue overseeing Clinton’s security operations at a Moscow hotel after allegedly soliciting prostitutes “despite obvious counterintelligence questions,” the memo said.
A top official in the bureau of diplomatic security “reportedly told [an investigator] to shut down the four investigations” into the accused security guards, three of whom received one-day suspensions before being transferred to other assignments.
Another case involved a regional security officer in Lebanon who was alleged to have sexually assaulted local embassy staff, and who had a “long history of misconduct allegations” at his other posting in North Africa and the Middle East. Officials looking into the matter were given just three days to investigate, after a State Department official described the inquiry as a “witch hunt.” An inspector general’s report published in 2014 noted that investigators “encountered resistance” from senior State Department officials, who exhibited “undue influence and favoritism” in the case.
Perhaps the most egregious of the episodes involved “an ambassador in Belgium” who in May 2011 was accused of “ditch[ing] his protective security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children,” according to an inspector general’s memo. A subsequent review found
a number of flaws in the subsequent probe of the Belgian ambassador.
“[Diplomatic security] assigned an agent from its internal investigations unit to conduct a preliminary inquiry. However, two days later, the agent was directed to stop further inquiry because of a decision by senior department officials to treat the matter as a ‘management issue,’” the Linick report said.
“The ambassador was recalled to Washington and, in June 2011, met with the undersecretary of state for management and the then chief of staff and counselor to the secretary of state. At the meeting, the ambassador denied the allegations and was then permitted to return to post,” the report continued. “The department took no further action affecting the ambassador.”
Patrick Kennedy, the State Department’s undersecretary for management, told the inspector general’s office that he declined to pursue the Belgian matter further because “solicitation of a prostitute … was not a crime in the host country.”
Before becoming Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton successfully defended a child rapist she (most likely) believed to be guilty.


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