Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009

It takes 270 electoral votes to win this election - The states where there are Soros connected voting machines = 243 electoral votes. Hmmmmm

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Jan 9, 2009

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Jan 9, 2009


Lawyers announce in Vegas their plan for paternity suit

Published: 2 hours agoimage:
JEROME R. CORSI About | Email | Archive

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NEW YORK – In the hours before the third and final presidential debate, attorneys for Danney Williams, the 30-year-old who has for decades claimed to be the black son of Bill Clinton, were in Las Vegas to announce their intention to file a paternity suit demanding DNA evidence from the former president.
Accompanying the dramatic announcement is a rap music video celebrating Williams that has begun to go viral on the Internet.
“Justice for Danney Williams” is the title of the piece produced by the act Freenauts. It can be found on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.
George V. Gates IV of New Orleans and Bruce Fein, of Washington, D.C., held a press conference Wednesday with Williams in Las Vegas, the site of the debate.
The mask is off! Get October’s stunning pre-election Whistleblower issue, “HILLARY’S ULTIMATE WEAPON: America’s biased and abusive news media finally abandon all pretense of fairness”
The attorneys announced their intention to seek legal action against former President Clinton to obtain DNA evidence for a paternity suit they plan to file. They claim that Clinton, actively blocked by Hillary Clinton for political reasons, has failed to make good on child support obligations since Danney was born.
“Today I have authorized my attorney’s George V. Gates IV of New Orleans and Bruce Fein of Washington, DC to file a suit in New York State where my father lives to get a judge to order a court supervised test,” Williams said in a statement released Wednesday at a press conference.
“It is also our intention to name my stepmother, Hillary Clinton in this action,” Williams’ statement continued.
As WND reported last week, Williams has been trying since at least 1999 to be acknowledged as the out-of-wedlock son of former President Clinton and a black prostitute in Little Rock, Arkansas.
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Just one month before the presidential election, he posted a nine-minute video on his Facebook and Twitter pages in a new initiative to establish the legitimacy of his claim.
“I have no doubt that I am Bill Clinton’s son,” Williams declares at the beginning of the video, which currently has over a half-million views on YouTube. “It was common knowledge in Arkansas where I grew up. Everywhere I went, people would point and say, ‘There’s Bill Clinton’s son. He looks like Bill Clinton, doesn’t he? Look at him, Danney Williams is a black Bill Clinton.’”
See the Danney Williams video feature:

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“I tell my children, yes, it is real. Bill Clinton is my father, and I’m going to make sure you meet him one day,” he says in the video.
He concludes with a plea: “Hillary, please do not deny I exist. I am your stepson. Chelsea is my sister. And Bill is my father.”
‘I want to know the truth’
In a statement released Wednesday, Williams said when he was conceived in 1985, his mother was a single parent raising two boys on her own and “would sometimes sell herself to men to make ends meet for her family.”
“During this dark period in her life, Governor Clinton was the only Caucasian man she was having sexual relations with at the time I was conceived,” Williams’ said. “In 1997, my mother passed a lie-detector test conducted by investigative reporters to corroborate her claimed that Bill Clinton was her only white suitor at the time she conceived her bi-racial son.”
Williams stressed that at 30 years old, with five children of his own, it is time to know the truth.
“If and when a DNA test proves that President Clinton is my father … I just want to meet him and shake his hand,” Williams stressed in his statement released to media. “I want my kids to meet their grandfather, a simple man from Arkansas who became the leader of the free world. In essence, I am seeking what all sons desire from their fathers – acceptance. That is all I seek.”
Williams said he hoped Hillary Clinton would not stand in the way.
“It is my hope that my step-mom, Mrs. Clinton, will not allow politics to interfere with my need to know the truth,” Williams concluded. “That is why ask that Mrs. Clinton encourage her husband to do as I ask, to demonstrate her stated belief that all black lives matter, even those which might reveal an inconvenient truth.”
No definitive DNA test
WND also reported last week evidence that no DNA test was conducted in 1999, as the media widely reported when Williams’ claim first surfaced.
Clinton defenders since 1999 have contended the tabloid Star Magazine conducted a “DNA showdown” proving Bill Clinton was not Williams’ father, citing Star Magazine editor Phil Bunton saying at the time, “There was no match, nothing even close.”
But in an interview, Bunton told WND that no blood sample was obtained from Clinton and Star Magazine never published a story documenting a laboratory test.
“I don’t remember ever seeing any laboratory test that was done on Clinton’s DNA,” Bunton told WND.
Bunton is now the owner of the Rivertown Magazine in Haverstraw, New York.
He affirmed to WND that the tabloid relied on the DNA evidence for Clinton published by independent counsel Kenneth Starr, extracted from the infamous Monica Lewinsky blue dress.
“We got a lot of phone calls from several people in the media, including the New York Times, wanting to know when we were going to get the DNA back,” Bunton recalled to WND. “We thought it was going to turn out to be his son, but when the DNA came back there was no story there even to write.”
The DNA test released by Kenneth Starr was the second of two DNA laboratory tests the FBI had run on Clinton, but the public record leaves no doubt that Starr withheld the more robust test conducted by the FBI.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Well the debates are over. I think that the debates showed that Clinton is a life long politician who has accomplished little if anything. What are the chances she will turn that around and make this a better country based on her past. She avoided the question concerning open borders and said under her leadership the national debt would not increase by a penny…..right. She did not say she would reduce the national debt….big difference. Increasing taxes will not benefit the economy and I think that is obvious.

On the other hand it was very obvious that Trump is not a life long politician. He is simply someone who has entered politics in an effort to effect changes that will make this a better country. Look back at all the promises Obama made. How many of those have been fulfilled. Are blacks better off now? More blacks on welfare than ever just for starters. Being a practiced political debater does not mean Hillary can come up with a formula to change this country and make it better. She is part of the pack that got us where we are at.
Hillary said some very aggressive things about Russia and Putin and linked them to WikiLeaks. She avoids facing the truth about her emails but that is her in a nutshell. For most people their records speak for themselves, not for Hillary. Lies abound and avoiding the truth is her approach to being the ultimate politically correct person there is. Politics are not correct, they are more corrupt than correct.

She referred to her watching Bin Laden get killed. Bin Laden was a sitting duck who had been accessible for years. That was strictly a political move by her and Obama. Now where were they when Benghazi happened. One was sleeping and the other was getting ready to go to Vegas.

The debates are a political format that was exposed for what it really is this time around. It’s not what you say, it is what you do. Based on her record electing Hillary means more of the same that is bringing us down. Electing Trump is the only alternative and since he has no political record but has emphasized change that inserts hope into the picture.

There is a lot of focus on our borders. I think it is just as important to look beyond our borders and see how the rest of the world sees us. They see us in a state of decline and many countries like that. The only possibility of beginning to regain our stature is not by electing Hillary Clinton. Trump is the only candidate who could initiate positive changes and get us started back in the right direction. I really cannot come up with a single reason how Hillary could do the same based on her past and on her present policies.

New member
Jan 9, 2009


Donald Trump
Fact-Check: Yes, the Clinton Foundation Took Millions from Countries That ‘Treat Women Horribly’ READ MORE >

Hillary Clinton
Fact-Check: Yes, Hillary Clinton Will ‘Add a Penny to the Debt’ — Trillions READ MORE >

Donald Trump
Fact-Check: Yes, Hillary Clinton Wants a 550% Increase in Syrian Refugees in U.S. READ MORE >

Donald Trump
Fact-Check: Yes, Hillary Clinton Wants Open Borders READ MORE >

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Fact-Check: No, Planned Parenthood Does Not ‘Provide Cancer Screenings’ READ MORE >

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Fact-Check: No, the Clinton Foundation Did Not ‘Spend Ninety Percent’ of Money Donated on ‘Programs’[/h]


Michael Loccisano/Getty Images/AFP

by JEROME HUDSON19 Oct 20162,765
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Clinton Defends Clinton Foundation While Trump Says The Foundation Is Criminal Enterprise
CBS Dallas-Fort Worth
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[h=2]Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said during the third presidential debate, “We at the Clinton Foundation spend ninety percent — ninety percent — of all the money that is donated on behalf of programs of people around the world and in our own country.”[/h]Fact-Check: FALSE

Video: Opinion Journal: Clinton Foundation Favors

Indeed, Clinton’s “ninety percent” claim is false according to her troubled charity’s own tax filings.
Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large, and author of Clinton Cashsaid the Clinton Foundation has spent as little as six percent of its total income on actual charitable endeavors.
“If you actually look at the numbers of their filings and 990s, that’s what it indicates,” Schweizer said last month in an interview with SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Breitbart News Daily. “The Clinton Foundation will say, ‘We assisted or facilitated in 100,000 kids getting immunizations.’ Well, okay, what does that mean? And they don’t really tell you. They don’t really explain to you how it works.”
“So the number is absolutely correct, that six percent goes to other charities,” Schweizer continued. “The other 94 percent is in this stew of marketing, and management, and travel expenses, and sort of all these obscure things, that it’s really hard to dissect what is the end result of that 94 percent being spent.”
What’s more? Political analyst Sean Davis, the co-founder of The Federalist and a former adviser to Sen. Tom Coburn and Gov. Rick Perry, examined the Clinton Foundation’s 2013 tax filings and found that “Hillary Clinton’s non-profit spent more on office supplies and rent than it did on charitable grants.”
“The Clinton Foundation spent nearly $8.5 million–10 percent of all 2013 expenditures–on travel,” Davis contends. “Nearly $4.8 million–5.6 percent of all expenditures–was spent on office supplies.”

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Today Trump said he would cutoff Federal funds to sanctuary cities. Love it.
He also said it is time to drain the swamp in DC. Right on.
He also said he would support law enforcment.
And also ending common core.
All steps in the right direction.

New member
Jan 9, 2009



[h=1]Fact-Check: Yes, Hillary Clinton Will ‘Add a Penny to the Debt’ — Trillions[/h]


Andrew Burton/Getty Images

by JEROME HUDSON19 Oct 20164,371

[h=2]Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said during the third presidential debate in Las Vegas on Wednesday that she “will not add a penny to the debt” if elected president. [/h]Fact-Check: FALSE
Indeed, Hillary Clinton’s claim is not even close to true.
The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget predicts that under Clinton’s policies, the debt would increase by $9 trillion over a decade.
“Clinton’s plan would increase both spending and revenue,” the Washington, D.C.-based independent non-profit’s analyst said. “Under our preliminary updated central estimate, she would increase primary spending by $1.65 trillion over the next decade, including about $500 billion of spending on college education, $300 billion each on paid family leave and infrastructure, and significant new health-related spending.”


New member
Jan 9, 2009
About last night's charity even - where was Bill????

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Caught Obstructing Congressional Investigation Into Private Server[/h][FONT=&quot]Congress will vote to hold Clinton's email server company in contempt[/FONT]
BY: Adam Kredo — October 20, 2016 3:49 pm
The congressional leader of a key House committee governing the use of technology announced on Thursday that Congress is taking unprecedented action to officially hold in contempt a computer company that supplied former secretary of state Hillary Clinton with her private email server, which has since been found to have contained classified information in violation of federal protocol.

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