Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Sep 22, 2007

RUSTED Brain, My MAN, I'd forgotten all about you. How they hangin'? STILL fervently trying to "connect those dots," huh? In your singled minded, focused quest, it may have escaped your attention that there are a few dots to connect to Herr Drumpf, as well...

New member
Aug 28, 2012
We'll also see that before any of your "Ben Carson lost his license in all 50 states" are found to be accurate...:nohead:Loser!@#0:pointer:cockingasnook()azzkick(&^popcorn-eatinggifSlapping-silly90))
Oct 30, 2006
[h=1]HUGE PROBLEM for HILLARY: 16-year Old Girl Claims Ex Pres Bill Clinton is Her Father.[/h]

New member
Jan 9, 2009
04-23-2015, 11:55
A couple of years after Obama took office I began to be concerned about the direction he was taking this country. I decided to look into his past and began connecting the dots with his past. It became very enlightening and it did not take long to see where he was coming from and where he was trying to take this country.

I have decided to do the same with Hillary Clinton but to do so before the next election comes up. Why? Well Obama's past was pretty much a mystery, not much known about him. With Hillary it is the exact opposite. There are so many questionable issues and events that some even escape most of our memories.

Here is something to start with, something that will refresh some memories. I will add more articles and you can feel free to add some yourself. Those of you who are Hillary defenders can try to defend her lol (best of luck with that).


That was my first post on this thread. All the dots connected to Hillary are on this thread and many have contributed them. Anyone can google up 22 scandals involving the Clintons. The patterns of the way Clinton’s use politics to help their financial well being progressed from Bill’s time as Attorney General of Arkansas and Hillary’s involvement was in step all the way. Look at her investing $1000 and winding up with $100,000.00. That has progressed to her and the Foundation making millions by accepting the money from foreign countries who wanted special preference that only a Secretary of State could provide.

Those who support Hillary through all of this prefer to run down Trump any way they can. It boils down to something he might have said versus what Hillary and Bill have done. The bottom line is that politics are ruining this country and that includes both parties. Many Republicans are anti-Trump simply because he is not a true politician he is simply someone who wants to make this country great again. If Hillary is elected it will simply be more of the same. Immigration is ruining this country and even dividing this country.

The most important factor in this election is that whoever is elected POTUS will wind up appointing replacements to the Supreme Court. Making changes to the Supreme Court will make or break this country. Obama has divided this country and both he and Hillary are closely connected to Alinsky and his way of thinking. That alone tells you all you need to know. Throw in George Soros and the writing is on the wall. Too many people, mostly liberals, ignore all that. This country has lost respect under Obama and it would continue under Hillary.

Emails continue to be released and the email façade shows how any Presidents power is controlled and that the FBI and the DOJ are now merely puppets. Again it is all about politics and the power that comes from political control.

I was completed blown away by Hillary lying about being shot at in Boznia. That was surpassed when she lied to a Benghazi victim’s mother and blaming the attack on a video then calling the victim’s mother a liar. You can connect hundreds of dots but those two stand out to me because they define Hillary.

I want to thank everyone who has participated in this thread. At this point only time will tell. Polls are not reliable and the voter participation is the key. I think anyone who has attempted to look at the dots connected to Hillary should at the very least be wondering why they should vote for her. Trump has little or no political ties much less connections to politicians from either party who he owes much if anything. He will at least try to help the economy, reduce the debt, and control immigration. It boils down to voting for who will try to make this country great again or for who will just give us more of the same that is dragging us down. It really is that simple.

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