Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Caught Obstructing Congressional Investigation Into Private Server[/h][FONT=&quot]Congress will vote to hold Clinton's email server company in contempt[/FONT]
BY: Adam Kredo — October 20, 2016 3:49 pm
The congressional leader of a key House committee governing the use of technology announced on Thursday that Congress is taking unprecedented action to officially hold in contempt a computer company that supplied former secretary of state Hillary Clinton with her private email server, which has since been found to have contained classified information in violation of federal protocol.

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Jan 9, 2009
WikiLeaks: Bill’s Top Aide on Foundation Conflicts of Interests: I Could Name ‘500 Different

from the above:
Schweizer explained how the Wikileaks emails reveal how Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta secured “75,000 common shares” from his membership on the executive board of an energy company, Joule Unlimited, which received $35 million from a Putin-connected Russian government fund.

“You literally have the campaign chairman of the Clinton campaign business partners, directly, with Vladimir Putin,” Schweizer said. “When it comes to Russian ties and Russian financial ties, you have to begin with the Clintons.”

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Jan 9, 2009
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Hillary campaigns at early voting location — in violation of NC law?

OCTOBER 23, 2016


Hillary Clinton campaigned at an early voting location on Sunday in Raleigh, North Carolina, in a potential violation of electioneering laws.
Clinton was “mobbed” at the early voting location at Chavis Community Center, Reuters reporter Luciana Lopez tweeted today.
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Luciana Lopez

.@HillaryClinton getting mobbed at early voting at Chavis Community Center in Raleigh.
3:11 PM - 23 Oct 2016

Campaign staffer Michael Gwin also posted a photo from her appearance, claiming “she decided to check it out for herself.”
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But she wasn’t just there to “check it out.” She blatantly campaigned.

North Carolina AIDS Action Network Executive Director Lee Storrow posted a photo, noting Clinton was “hanging at the polling site.”
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Lee Storrow @leestorrow

.@HillaryClinton hanging at early voting site in Raleigh. She has a strong selfie game. #ncpol
2:41 PM - 23 Oct 2016

Her appearance is potentially a violation of state and local election laws.
According to polling location regulations implemented by Wake County — the governmental unit that oversees electioneering laws:
N.C.G.S. §163-166.4(a) states, “No person or group of persons shall hinder access, harass others, distribute campaign literature, place political advertising, solicit votes, or otherwise engage in election-related activity in the voting place or in a buffer zone…”
The buffer zone will be 50 feet from the entrance to the polling place except where deemed by the Wake County Board of Elections to be necessarily closer, but no less than 25 feet from the entrance to the polling place. There will be publication of information regarding the entrance location and distance of the buffer zone no later than 30 days before the election.

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It’s not clear whether Clinton was ever closer than 50 feet from the entrance to the location, but it is clear her intent was to influence voters outside the location.
In March, Bill Clinton ended up in hot water after he appeared outside a polling location during the primary to rally voters for Hillary.
A Massachusetts voter was fuming after she said her polling location was shut down to accommodate a visit by the former president.
Angela Grace posted cell phone video showing orange barrels and yellow police line tape at what she said was a New Bedford voting location.

“I haven’t seen one person be able to come in and be able to vote in here. Everything is blocked off. No person can park here.
“They are affecting the voting at this poll. It’s ridiculous. It’s fraud and illegal,” she declared while panning the camera across the scene showing the media and police milling about while dozens of observers are cordoned off.
“From one side of the street to the other, there’s no way anybody can get down here to vote.”
She laid the blame at the feet of the New Bedford mayor, Jon F. Mitchell.
“Mayor of New Bedford, MA campaigning for Hillary and blocking this voting poll!!! No one has come here to vote in the 2 hours I’ve been here by the door!!” she wrote in the video description.

Oct 30, 2006
The Silent Majority

15 hrs ·

Hillary Clinton’s security detail hated her so much that they privately snickered after she accidentally fell and broke her arm when she was secretary of state in 2009, one of her former guards told the Post.
Clinton, then 61, was in the State Department basement on her way to meet President Obama when she took a spill — and ended up in the hospital for an operation to repair her shattered right elbow.
“We sort of got the last laugh. It was kind of like payback: You’re treating us like s–t. Hey karma is a bitch! We were smiling to ourselves,” the agent told The Post on Wednesday.

Hillary Clinton’s security detail laughed when she broke her elbow
Hillary Clinton’s security detail hated her so much that they privately snickered after she accidentally fell and broke her arm when she was secretary of state…

Oct 30, 2006

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