Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton

Oct 30, 2006
Tim RabbitttoThe Trump Party

6 hrs · North Palm Beach, FL ·

Saudi Arabia forfeits the wrestling match in the Olympics to Israel Because they don't recognize Israel as a country. 20% of Hillary Clinton's campaign being funded by Saudi Arabia. Obviously this country is a bunch of bigots. So if she's being backed by Saudi Arabia you know she's not going to support Israel. Why would any Jewish people in America vote for this Bitch? Just saying!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Bill Clinton On Emails Found W/ Classified Info: System Is “Too Complicated To Explain To People”


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Millions in Clinton Charitable Giving Ends Up at Clinton Foundation[/h][h=2]Clinton Family Foundation has passed over $4 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation[/h]SHARE

Bill and Hillary Clinton / AP

BY: Joe Schoffstall
August 15, 2016 4:59 am

Hillary Clinton gave $1,042,000 to charity last year, with $1 million going to the Clinton Family Foundation, according to her 2015 tax return released Friday.
The Clinton Family Foundation is a charitable vehicle used by the Clintons and an entirely separate entity from the scandal-plagued Clinton Foundation. Bill Clinton acts as the foundation’s president while Hillary Clinton is its secretary and treasurer. Chelsea Clinton is the director. They do not compensate themselves from the group.
Almost all of the money the Clintons have written off as charity on their tax returns was given to the Clinton Family Foundation. From this foundation, the Clintons then cut donations to numerous charities including the American Nurses Foundation, Arkansas Children’s Hospital Foundation, and Georgetown University, among others.

The Clintons have donated to other Clinton-linked groups through the Clinton Family Foundation on a number of occasions. For instance, the Clinton Family Foundation donated $250,000 to the Diplomacy Center Foundation in 2014. Hillary sits on the group’s board of directors and acts as its honorary co-chair.
The Clintons initially wrote off millions of dollars on their taxes that ultimately ended up at the much larger Clinton Foundation. The family foundation’s largest contribution every year since 2007 was made to the Clinton Foundation.
Between 2007 and 2014—the last year that a Form 990 is publicly available from the Clinton Family Foundation—the Clintons have given $14,959,450 in total to charity. Of that amount, $14,769,000 went to the Clinton Family Foundation. From the Clinton Family Foundation, $4,312,000 was passed off to the Clinton Foundation—or nearly 30 percent of the total amount given to the charitable foundation.
Below is a breakdown of the flow of money since 2007:
The Clintons recorded giving $3,083,100 to charity, with $3,019,000 going to the Clinton Family Foundation. That year, the Clintons donated $300,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
The Clintons gave $550,000 to charity, all of which went to the Clinton Family Foundation. The Clinton Family Foundation then donated $1,000,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
The Clintons gave $1,000,000 to charity, with all of it going to the Clinton Family Foundation. That year, the Clinton Family Foundation kicked $150,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
The Clintons recorded giving $1,000,000 to charity, all of which went to the Clinton Family Foundation. The Clintons then paid the Clinton Foundation $125,000 from the Clinton Family Foundation.
The Clintons gave $1,400,000 to charity in 2011. The Clinton Family Foundation received the full $1,400,000. After these transactions, The Clinton Family Foundation then poured $352,000 into the Clinton Foundation.
The Clintons gave $1,825,650 to charity, of which $1,800,000 went to the Clinton Family Foundation. The family foundation sent $220,000 to the Clinton Foundation that year.
The Clintons donated $3,078,000 to charity in 2013. Of that amount, $3,000,000 was given to the Clinton Family Foundation and $57,000 was given to the Clinton Global Initiative. That year $300,000 went from Clinton Family Foundation to the Clinton Foundation.
The Clintons gave $3,022,700 to charity, with $3,000,000 going to the Clinton Family Foundation. The Clinton Family Foundation then kicked $1,865,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
The Clinton’s 2015 tax return shows $1,000,000 donated to the Clinton Family Foundation. The Form 990 for the Clinton Family Foundation is not publicly available, so the amount given to the Clinton Foundation is not yet known.
Clinton’s campaign did not return a request for comment.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Schweizer: Hillary’s in ‘Complete Violation’ of Her Memo of Understanding With Obama[/h]


by TRENT BAKER14 Aug 201612

During the Sunday edition of Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” Breitbart editor at large and author of “Clinton Cash” Peter Schweizer said Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is in “complete violation” of the memorandum of understanding she signed for the Obama administration promising to disclose all Clinton Foundation donors.
Schweizer noted that there are currently “at least 1,100” undisclosed Clinton Foundation donors.

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Partial transcript as follows:
“Barack Obama, to his wisdom, required Hillary Clinton before she became secretary of state to sign that Memorandum of Understanding you are talking about. We now know that two planks of that they completely violated. Number one, they said they were going to turn over all the names of all the donors on an annual basis to the Clinton Foundation. We now know that there’s at least 1,100 they have still not disclosed and we don’t know who the names of all the people giving them money. And the second one is precisely this: she said there would be no overlapping of the two and clearly that’s happening in the new batch of e-mails. Complete violation of her agreement with Barack Obama.”

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Clinton E-mails Show George Soros Gave Sec of State Foreign Policy Marching Orders[/h]



by RAHEEM KASSAM14 Aug 20162,581

[h=2]A series of message within the September 2015 State Department dump of Hillary Clinton e-mails show the Secretary of State of the United States received direct orders over U.S. foreign policy from none other than Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros.[/h]Soros – who for years has been suspected of pulling the strings behind Clinton as well as dozens of foreign policy and open borders groups – appears to have sent a message through his “special advisor” Jonas Rolett.
Rolett, who is listed as “Special Advisor to the Chair” on Soros’s Open Society Foundations website, sent a message to then-State Department official Richard Verma.

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Mr. Verma duly passed the message along to an e-mail chain including Hillary’s top foreign affairs advisor Jacob Sullivan, her Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip Gordon, as well as a recipient “William J” – believed to be William Joseph Burns who was then Deputy Secretary of State.
The e-mails, dated January 24 2011, begin with Verma forwarding a message from Rolett with the note: “Below message is from George Soros for the Secretary. Understand his organization was sending through other channels as well”.
Rolett’s message continues beneath, stating: “Rich, Here’s the text of the message. I’m available to talk at any time. Thanks, Jonas”.
Then follows what can only be construed as instructions for the Secretary of State from Democratic Party donor Soros, who has so far given her over $7 million this election cycle:
Dear Hillary,
A serious situation has arisen in Albania which needs urgent attention at senior levels of the US government. You may know that an opposition demonstration in Tirana on Friday resulted in the deaths of three people and the destruction of property. There are serious concerns about further unrest connected to a counter-demonstration to be organized by the governing party on Wednesday and a follow-up event by the opposition two days later to memorialize the victims. The prospect of tens of thousands of people entering the streets in an already inflamed political environment bodes ill for the return of public order and the country’s fragile democratic process.
I believe two things need to be done urgently:
1. Bring the full weight of the international community to bear on Prime Minister Berisha and opposition leader Edi Rama to forestall further public demonstrations and to tone down public pronouncements.
2. Appoint a senior European official as a mediator.
While I am concerned about the rhetoric being used by both sides, I am particularly worried about the actions of the Prime Minister. There is videotape of National Guard members firing on demonstrators from the roof of the Prime Ministry. The Prosecutor (appointed by the Democratic Party) has issued arrest warrants for the individuals in question. The Prime Minister had previously accused the opposition of intentionally murdering these activists as a provocation. After the tape came out deputies from his party accused the Prosecutor of planning a coup d’etat in collaboration with the opposition, a charge Mr. Berisha repeated today. No arrests have been made as of this writing.
The demonstration resulted from opposition protests over the conduct of parliamentary elections in 2009. The political environment has deteriorated ever since and is now approaching levels of 1997, when similar issues caused the country to slide into anarchy and violence. There are signs that Edi Rama’s control of his own people is slipping, which may lead to further violence.
The US and the EU must work in complete harmony over this, but given Albania’s European aspirations the EU must take the lead. That is why I suggest appointing a mediator such as Carl Bildt, Martti Ahtisaari or Miroslav Lajcak, all of whom have strong connections to the Balkans.
My foundation in Tirana is monitoring the situation closely and can provide independent analysis of the crisis.
Thank you,
George Soros
Indeed just days after the message was sent, Mr. Lajcak, named by Mr. Soros in the e-mail, was sent to the Albanian capital in order to attempt to negotiate the situation. At the time Mr Lajcak said it was up to Albania’s leaders “to do what we ask them to do”.
Mr. Soros is known for using and indeed manipulating major world events for both his ideological and financial interests. He became known in the United Kingdom as the man who “broke the Bank of England” during one of the worst financial episodes in the country’s recent history. On ‘Black Wednesday’, when Britain withdrew from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, Mr. Soros made over $1bn in one day.
His organisations have also recently been responsible for agitating against the new, populist Polish government, as well as in his home country of Hungary, where President Viktor Orban has repeatedly blamed him for the migrant crisis, claiming his staff are “drawing a living” from the problem.
In May, Breitbart London exclusively revealed the words of Tomasz Piotr Poreba – a former Adviser to the Committees on Foreign Affairs and Regional Development in the European Parliament – who said: “Not so long ago relations between the Clintons and billionaire Soros were revealed… Soros supports Clintons and Clinton followed his order. That is no secret.”
At the same time Mr. Orban declared: “…here, in Central Europe a shadow power exists, which is linked to George Soros, he is one of the most important sponsors of the Democratic Party, so I have to say that although the mouth belongs to Clinton, the voice belongs to George Soros”.
Mr. Soros recently called for the overturning of the Brexit vote to leave the European Union, and the Wall Street Journal revealed the multi-billionaire, while backing Mrs. Clinton to the tune of millions, is betting against U.S. stocks.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Clinton Foundation Only Gave $5,000 to Veterans’ Charities Last Year[/h]


Spencer Platt/Getty Images/AFP

by PATRICK HOWLEY15 Aug 20162,582

[h=2]The Clinton Family Foundation only gave one $5,000 contribution to a veterans’ group last year, according to tax returns provided to the Republican National Committee.[/h]The Foundation’s $5,000 donation to the Wounded Warrior Project represents less than one fifth of one percent of all of the Foundation’s giving in the year 2015.
The Clintons, rich from speaking fees, gave $1.5 million to their own foundation the same year that only $5,000 in Clinton money went to the vets.

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Donald Trump’s strong appeal to veterans around the country, particularly in swing states like Ohio and Virginia, is keeping the Clintons on the run.
Hillary Clinton is banking on support from various minority groups and women to get out the vote. Trump, meanwhile, is focusing on getting the vets to the polls.
Trump personally raised $5.6 million for a wide range of veterans groups during this campaign, dwarfing the charitable contributions of his opponent to the pro-veteran cause.

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