Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Find another thread to troll LOL - you contribute zero (oops sorry to bring your I.Q. into the conversation). were already caught lying about having me on ignore ....for the 5th time.

You are one clueless old man

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Milo To Open ‘Clinton Cash’ Screening In Cleveland, Ohio On Tuesday




by CHARLIE NASH15 Jul 2016429

Breitbart Senior Editor Milo Yiannopoulos will be speaking before a screening of Clinton Cash during the week of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio on Tuesday.

The new documentary, which is based on Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer’s book of the same name, will be screened at Tower City Cinemas in Cleveland, Ohio at 1:00pm on Tuesday as a coinciding event during the Republican National Convention week (although the event is not sponsored by the RNC.)
Schweizer will also join Yiannopoulos with an opening speech.

Clinton Cash is a must-see documentary that seeks to expose the corrupt, and sometimes terrifying, inner workings of the Clinton Foundation and the couple itself who have faced blistering heat from both conservative and liberal groups alike for their dodgy deals.
Clinton Cash investigates how Bill and Hillary Clinton went from being “dead broke” after leaving the White House to amassing a net worth of over $150 million, with over $2 billion in donations to their foundation. This wealth was accumulated during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure as US Secretary of State through lucrative speaking fees and contracts paid for by foreign companies and Clinton Foundation donors.
The film is based on the book, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, which dominated the headlines of the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal. The book’s investigations revealed foreign donors and companies funneling tens of millions of dollars to Hillary and Bill Clinton. As Harvard Law School Professor Lawrence Lessig wrote in the Washington Post, “On any fair reading, the pattern of behavior that Schweizer has charged is corruption.”
Clinton Cash has been lauded by top progressives for its exposure of crony capitalism and self-enrichment. Jeffrey D. Sachs, Columbia University Earth Institute Director, called it, “Compelling … how Bill and Hillary have mixed personal wealth, power, and influence peddling.” Daily Beast columnist Eleanor Clift calls Schweizer “… an equal-opportunity investigator, snaring Republicans as well as Democrats.” And Demos Senior Fellow Nomi Prins says Clinton Cash “… provides a damning portrait of elite and circumspect power and influence.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Pander much?

Monday in Cincinnati at the 107th NAACP convention, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said white Americans need to “recognize our privilege and practice humility.”

Oh the irony!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
'It Certainly Does Raise Red Flags'

INVESTIGATION: The Clinton Foundation Was Set Up To Be Corrupt

Clinton Foundation officials have ignored virtually all of the “best practices” urged by good governance organizations for public charities, according to an investigation by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Most glaringly, for example, the foundation’s insular board of directors is unusually small, ranging from only two to no more than five members, all of whom are among President Bill and Hillary Clinton’s closest and richest friends.

The “good governance” movement in the nonprofit field has been gathering strength for two decades, but it clearly has yet to reach the Clinton Foundation. Most foundation boards have on average 15 members, according to a 2015 survey by Boardsource, a national organization working to strengthen nonprofit board leadership.

Good governance groups also encourage well-managed non-profits to create dedicated oversight committees for audits, donations, governance, executive compensation and whistle-blower policy. The Clinton Foundation has none of those committees, according to its Internal Revenue Service 990 tax filings.

Term-limits are also recommended for board members to encourage fresh thinking in non-profit management. Seventy-one percent of all public foundations today have term limits, according to Boardsource.

Most of the Clinton Foundation’s board members have occupied the same board seats for most of the controversial non-profit’s life.

Arms-length, independent boards also are considered the essential first step in good governance.The Independent Sector, a non-partisan good governance organization for nonprofits and foundations urge the creation of independent boards and said they should be in the majority.

“A substantial majority of the board of a public charity, usually meaning at least two-thirds of its members, should be independent,” the group recommended.

That is not the case with the Clinton Foundation. The board consists of Bill Clinton’s tightest inner circle, including Democratic mega-fundraiser and now Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, former Arkansas Democratic Sen. David Pryor and the senator’s former aide, J.L. “Skip Rutherford.

McAuliffe was the top fundraiser for Bill and Hillary’s Clinton’s presidential campaigns. He also put up $1.35 million of his own cash to pay for the Clinton’s first 11-room mansion in Chappaqua, New York.

The gift infuriated liberal activist Fred Wertheimer who at the time said, “It’s just plain wrong. It’s dangerous. It’s inappropriate,” adding, “This is a financial favor worth over a million dollars to the president.”

Charles Ortel, a Wall Street analyst and twice a trustee of public foundations, argued the gift should have been disclosed in the foundation’s tax returns.

“Terry McAuliffe made it possible for the Clinton’s to buy their house in Chappaqua. That’s a significant financial relationship that should have been disclosed in the 990’s (tax return) and was not. And has never been corrected,” he said in an interview.

TheDCNF asked Gov. McAuliffe’s office to provide details of the terms of the cash payment and if the Clinton’s had paid it back. The governor’s office did not reply.

Sen. Pryor established a second legal defense fund for Bill Clinton after it was discovered that the first defense committee accepted $600,000 in illegal contributions raised by his longtime friend Charlie Trie. Reportedly, Trie delivered the money in two thick envelopes. He was convicted of election law violations.

Both defense funds were trying to raise money for Clinton’s legal fees generated by the Whitewater scandal and the President’s reported affairs with Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones.

Rotating on and off the board were other two women. One is Cheryl Mills who served as White House counsel to Bill Clinton and chief of staff for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Mills got into trouble when it was revealed she was double dipping and taking a salary from both the foundation and the State Department.

The other long-time board member was Ann Jordan, wife of one of Bill’s closest advisors, Vernon Jordan.

“When there too many insiders, it certainly does raise red flags,” said Vernetta Walker, the vice president and chief governance officer at Boardsource in an interview with TheDCNF.

You want a board that can say ‘no,’ adds Leslie Lenkowsky, a founding member of Bill Clinton’s Corporation for National and Community Service and an expert on philanthropy.

“It’s kind of hard to imagine those people will say no very easily to something the Clinton’s want to do,” he told TheDCNF. Lenkowsky later directed the Corporation under President George W. Bush.

McAuliffe, Pryor, Mills and Jordan serve as board members from 2000 to 2005. Pryor jumped off to become the Dean of the Clinton School of Public Service at the University of Arkansas. Rutherford would join the school after his stint at the foundation.

In 2006 McAuliffe and Mills were the only ones on the board. That year its net assets spiked from $80 million two years earlier to more than $200 million.

It’s also the year that the Clinton Foundation spent $12.6 million on Bill Clinton’s 60th birthday party. The foundation recorded the expense as “fundraising expenses.”

In 2005 Skip Rutherford became the foundation’s president. McAuliffe, Mills and Rutherford would serve as directors until 2009 when Mills left to work full time for Hillary as her chief of staff.

2009 was also Hillary’s first year as Secretary of State. That year was the high water mark for the foundation’s overseas operations. It then supported 70 offices and had 704 employees working overseas.

In 2010 it appears that McAuliffe and Rutherford were the only directors at the foundation. That year its net assets were reported to be $181 million.

“I rarely see only two directors,” Walker of Boardsource told TheDCNF. “Quite honestly I can’t remember when I’ve only seen two.”

“Usually in a public charity, the organization is much more cognizant of not having a lot of insiders or interested directors,” Walker told TheDCNF.

“That reassures the public that the organization is operating as it should and in best interests of the mission.”

In May 2011 Chelsea Clinton joined the board as vice chair.

A year later the foundation was renamed from the William J. Clinton Foundation to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. McAuliffe appears to be the only director that year, according to tax returns.

In 2013, however, dramatic changes were in play at the foundation. Press reports suggest that the changes were initiated by Chelsea, who wanted to reform the foundation and modernize it.

Also that year the foundation dumped the tiny and relatively limited accounting firm called BKD and hired international accounting powerhouse PriceWaterhouseCoopers.

In 2013, the foundation expanded the board to 12 people. But virtually all of them remained insiders.

They included Bill, Hillary and Chelsea, along with McAuliffe, Cheryl Mills and Frank Giustra. Giustra is a Canadian mining billionaire who donated $100 million to the Clinton Foundation to create the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership.

The mining mogul also benefited from the U.S. Government’s approval of a Russian state-run company’s effort to gain a controlling interest in his uranium mines in the Western U.S. Hillary, as Secretary of State, had to approve the transaction.

Another State Department alumni to join the board was U.S. Ambassador Richard Verma, who served as an Assistant Secretary of State while Hillary was Secretary of State.

Lisa Jackson, Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency chief joined the foundation that year. One of her claims to fame was using a phony email while at EPA under the pseudonym “Richard Windsor.”

Cheryl Saban joined the board too. Her billionaire husband currently is the third biggest donor to her super PAC. He is just behind Tom Steyer and George Soros in contributions to super PACs.

Saban’s 2016 super PAC contribution is a whopping $11 million. The Saban’s additionally donated between $10 to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Eric Goosby is on the board too. He headed up PEPFAR, a UN health organization that partnered with the Clinton Foundation while Hillary was Secretary of State.

Hadeel Ibrahim joined that year. Her father is Mo Ibrahim, a Sudanese-British telecom billionaire. Hadeel runs her father’s foundation.

Rounding out the board was Rolando Gonzalez Bunster, a solar energy enthusiast who received $100 million from a World Bank unit in the last month of Hillary’s term at the State Department.

In July 2013 Chelsea reportedly tried to initiate many reforms at the Clinton Foundation and recruited Eric Braverman to become the new CEO.

Clinton loyalist Bruce Lindsey had served as CEO for nearly all of the foundation’s life.

In December 2014 the board approved a $395,000 pay package for Braverman to become the new CEO. But the next month he abruptly resigned.

Politico reported that Clinton’s insular staff were appalled at Braverman’s attempts at reforms.

Braverman never explained the reasons for his departure. But Politico believes it was a backlash from Bill and Hillary’s hardened loyalists and “mega-donors” who chafed at the notion of more openness and transparency.

Bruce Lindsey now is back as CEO at the foundation.

TheDCNF submitted questions about the board to the Clinton Foundation, but they did not respond.

Read more:


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Chris Christie Prosecutes Hillary Clinton in RNC Speech: Is She Guilty or Not Guilty?[/h]


Posted By Tim Hains
On Date July 19, 2016

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie asks the crowd at the Republican National Convention to reply "guilty" or "not guilty" while he talks about Hillary Clinton's character, judgment and trustworthiness.

Charlie Rose Grills Clinton: "You Can't Rule It Out" That Your Emails Weren't Hacked; Clinton: "You Can't Rule It In Either"

"Is she guilty or not guilty?" Christie asked after every charge he laid before the crowd.

Hannity Rips Anti-Trump Crybaby Caucus: Why Did You Lie To Us? "I'm Sick Of Them"

"Lock her up" chants the crowd.

Full transcript:

CHRIS CHRISTIE: Tonight, as a former federal prosecutor, I welcome the opportunity to hold her accountable for her performance and her character.

We must present those facts to you, a jury of her peers, both in this hall and in living rooms around our nation.

Since the Justice Department refuses to allow you to render a verdict, let's present the case now, on the facts, against Hillary Clinton. She was America's chief diplomat. Look around at the violence and danger in our world today every region of the world has been infected with her flawed judgment.

But let me be specific so you can render your verdict. In North Africa, she was the chief engineer of our disastrous overthrow of Qaddafi in Libya.

Libya today after Hillary Clinton's grand strategy? Libya's economy in ruins, death and violence in the streets and ISIS now dominating the country.

Hillary Clinton, as a failure for ruining Libya and creating a nest for terrorist activity by ISIS guilty or not guilty? In Nigeria, Hillary Clinton amazingly fought for two years to keep an Al-Qaeda affiliate off the terrorist watch list.

What happened because of this reckless action by the candidate who is the self proclaimed champion of women around the world? These terrorists abducted hundreds of innocent young girls two years ago.

These schoolgirls are still missing today.

What was the solution from the Obama/Clinton team? A hashtag campaign! Hillary Clinton, as an apologist for an Al-Qaeda affiliate in Nigeria resulting in the capture of innocent young women guilty or not guilty? She fights for the wrong people.

She doesn't fight for us. She doesn't get the real threats America faces. In China, Hillary Clinton praised the Chinese government for buying our debt to finance President Obama's bloated stimulus plan.

So desperate for Chinese cash, she promised to oppose the Buy American provision in the stimulus bill in exchange for the cash to finance his huge expansion of government spending.

Hillary Clinton, putting big government spending financed by the Chinese ahead of jobs for middle class Americans guilty or not guilty? In Syria, she called President Assad a "reformer" and a "different kind of leader".

With 400,000 now dead...think about that.



Thousand. Dead.

At the hands of the man Hillary defended.

We must ask this question: Hillary Clinton, as an awful judge of the character of a dictator-butcher in the Middle East guilty or not guilty? In Iran, she led the negotiations that brought about the worst nuclear deal in history.

Let me be clear: America and the world are measurably less safe and less respected because of the Iran deal Hillary helped cut.

Period. After she launched those negotiations, she became the biggest cheerleader for it at the end.

A deal that will lead to a nuclear Iran, an Israel that will be less safe and secure and much more dangerous Middle East.

Hillary Clinton, as an inept negotiator of the worst nuclear arms deal in American history guilty or not guilty? In Russia, she went to the Kremlin on her very first visit and gave them the symbolic reset button.

The button should have read, "delete" she is very good at that because she deleted in four years what it took 40 years to build. The next year, she said our goal was to strengthen Russia.

Strengthen an adversary led by a dictator who dreams of reassembling the old Soviet empire? What a dangerous lack of judgment.

Once again, as a flawed evaluator of dictators and failed strategist who has permitted Russia back in as a major player in the Middle East is Hillary Clinton guilty or not guilty? In Cuba, Hillary Clinton supported concessions to the Castro brothers and got almost nothing in return for ending the embargo.

She supported a deal that didn't even require this murderous regime to return a cop killer, JoAnne Chesimard, to face justice.

Chesimard murdered a New Jersey State Trooper in cold blood, fled to Cuba and lives there to this very day.

How do you live with your own conscience when you reward a domestic terrorist with continued safety and betray the family of fallen police officer waiting for decades for justice for his murder? Hillary Clinton as coddler of the brutal Castro brothers and betrayer of the family of fallen Trooper Werner Foerster guilty or not guilty?

Finally, here at home, in one of her first decisions as Secretary of State, she set up a private e-mail server in her basement in violation of our national security.

Lets face it: Hillary Clinton cared more about protecting her own secrets than she did about protecting America's secrets.

Then she lied about it over and over again.

She said there was no marked classified information on her server.

The FBI Director said that was untrue.

She said that she did not email any classified information. The FBI Director said that was untrue.

She said all work related emails were sent back to the State Department.

The FBI Director said that was untrue.

As to Hillary Clinton, putting herself ahead of America guilty or not guilty? Hillary Clinton, lying to the American people about her selfish, awful judgment guilty or not guilty? Time after time the facts, and just the facts, lead you to the same verdict both around the world and at home.

In Libya and Nigeria guilty.

In China and Syria guilty.

In Iran and Russia and Cuba guilty.

And here at home on risking America's secrets to keep her own and lying to cover it all up. Guilty. Her focus group tested persona, with no genuineness to be found, is a sham meant to obscure all the facts and leave you able to vote for her. We cannot promote someone to Commander-in-Chief who has made the world a more violent and dangerous place with every bad judgment she has made.

We cannot make the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the United States someone who has risked America's secrets and lied about this to Congress and the American people.

We didn't disqualify Hillary Clinton to be President of the United States the facts of her life and career disqualifies her. We in this hall agree with all of this.

But I want to talk to all of you at home, in your living rooms. You are the ones who will decide this election. We have an alternative.

We have a man who is unafraid.

We have a man who wants to lead us.

We have a man who understands the frustrations and the aspirations of our fellow citizens.

We have a man who judges people based on their performance regardless of your gender, race, ethnic or religious background. We do not need to settle for less.

We cannot reward incompetence and deceit. We need to demand more than what Hillary Clinton offers for America.

We know exactly what four years of Hillary Clinton will bring: all the failures of the Obama years, but with less charm and more lies. It is our obligation to stop Hillary Clinton now and never let her within 10 miles of the White House again.

It is time to come together and make sure that Donald Trump is our next President.

I am proud to be part of this team.

Now let's go win this thing.​

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]McConnell Eviscerates Hillary at RNC: Scandals ‘Follow the Clintons Like Flies’[/h]SHARE

BY: David Rutz
July 19, 2016 10:34 pm

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) eviscerated Hillary Clinton and her legacy of scandal during his remarks at the Republican National Convention on Tuesday.
“I’m here to tell you Hillary Clinton will say anything, do anything, and be anything to get elected president, and we cannot allow it,” he said.
McConnell’s sharp differences with President Obama are well-known, but he said he gave him credit at least for being up-front about wanting to move the country to the far left.
“Not Hillary,” he said. “She lied about her emails. She lied about her server. She lied about Benghazi. She even lied about sniper fire. Why, even she lied about why her parents named her Hillary. So I ask you a simple question. At a moment when so many feel betrayed by their government, why in the world would Democrats put forward such a candidate?”

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Clinton has moved to the left on numerous issues during the primary season, including a full flip-flop on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Keystone Pipeline, and wavering views on immigration, guns and education.
“Friends, not since Baghdad Bob has there been a public figure with such a tortured relationship with the truth,” McConnell said. “Fortunately there’s a clear choice before us, and it’s not Hillary. You know what the next four years will look like with Hillary, and you know that if Hillary is president, we’ll continue to slide, distracted by the scandals that follow the Clintons like flies.”


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Ted Harvey: Hillary Clinton’s America Would Be a ‘Third World Country’[/h]


Alex Wong/Getty Images

by DAN RIEHL19 Jul 2016Washington, DC427

[h=2]Colorado state Senator Ted Harvey, chairman, toldBreitbart News DailySiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon that this year’s election represents a struggle between “two views of what America is.” Citing Republican National Convention speakers, Harvey said, “Throughout the entire day, you saw people stand up and be proud of being Americans and wanting America to be the number-one country in the world again, rather than try and equalize the entire world and bring America down to where it’s a second or third world country.”[/h]Added Harvey:
We are a country to be proud of. We have a system of government, a Constitution, that provides economic freedom for individuals, and we need to be proud of that. People are breaking down our walls and coming across our borders for the American dream because they realize that America has opportunity that no other country has. What you saw on display by the Republican Party and by the Trump campaign yesterday was truly an opportunity for hope for Americans and for the world. And if America fails, as Ronald Reagan said, we’re the last best hope for mankind. Where are people going to go? Where are people going to try to achieve the American dream?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
“Throughout the entire day, you saw people stand up and be proud of being Americans and wanting America to be the number-one country in the world again, rather than try and equalize the entire world and bring America down to where it’s a second or third world country.”

Global progressivism is the worst kind there is.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary Clinton Scandals: Is She Fit For President?[/h] June 21, 2016 Shahnaz H.

SOURCE: FLICKR[/h]What better way to take advantage of a position of power than to run anywhere from 700 to 1,000 FBI background checks on personal rivals? Filegate, as it’s known, allowed the Clintons to obtain illegal FBI files on adversaries from Republican administrations and of the many women who filed charges against President Clinton. It was said that the information was used to discredit people or to blackmail them against taking further action.


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Jan 9, 2009

[FONT=&quot][h=1]Hillary Clinton Scandals: Is She Fit For President?[/h] June 21, 2016 Shahnaz H.

SOURCE: WIKIMEDIA[/h]The Clintons abused the power of the IRS to take out revenge on their political enemies. Many who spoke out against or caused problems for the administration found themselves the subject of one, sometimes multiple, IRS audits. Among the targeted were several of the women who accused Clinton of sexual assault. Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, who was clear in his opinion of Bill and Hillary, found himself audited three times during the Clinton administration.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Mystery Surrounds Sources of Many Bill Clinton Speaking Fees[/h][h=2]Small foreign speaking firms often listed as source of payments, actual paychecks came from undisclosed third parties[/h]SHARE

Bill Clinton / AP

BY: Alana Goodman
July 20, 2016 12:00 pm

By all accounts, it was the most popular gala the Lady Taverners had ever held. Over 1,000 people packed the Park Lane Hilton in London on Oct. 30, 2009, with the crowd overflowing into the hallways, to listen to President Bill Clinton speak on the power of giving.
While Clinton’s speech helped raise a substantial sum for the prominent cricket charity, his staggering $290,000 speaking fee was not covered by the group, according to organizers. The fee also was not covered by “World Management Limited,” the marketing company Hillary Clinton listed as the payment source in her federal financial filings.
It was bankrolled by a wealthy British businessman named Robert Whitton—a name you won’t find included in the Clintons’ public disclosure forms.
A review by the Washington Free Beacon found that Hillary Clinton often listed small foreign speaking firms as the sources of her husband’s lecture payments in her Senate and State Department disclosures, even though the actual paychecks came from undisclosed third parties.
In certain cases, these funders had interests that intersected with the U.S. State Department. Whitton, a real estate mogul, had business pending before UNESCO, an international agency that received a quarter of its funding from the State Department.

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Government watchdogs say the practice is troubling from a transparency perspective, because it obscures the actual source of Clinton’s hefty payments. While the Free Beacon was able to track down information on the likely funders of several of these speeches, at least 30 of them remain a mystery.
Spokespersons for the Clinton campaign and Bill Clinton’s office declined to provide the names of any actual payment sources when contacted for this article.
Ken Boehm, chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center, a government watchdog group, said the way the Clintons have handled these paid speaking engagements “suggests secrecy and non-transparency.”
“While those paying the exorbitant fees have included special interests with lobbying efforts to influence federal policy, even more troubling is the fact that the true financial sponsors are sometimes hidden through cut-out middlemen or anonymous donors,” said Boehm. “The tens of millions in speaking fees going directly to the Clintons should be completely transparent. Anything less suggests unethical conduct.”
Senate ethics rules also frown on the practice.
“For payments which are received by an individual through a speaker’s bureau, list the actual payer as the source,” says a Senate advisory on federal disclosure filings.
In Whitton’s case, one of his newly-launched projects—a luxury development on protected land in St. Lucia—was facing a maze of red tape in the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.
The State Department oversees U.S. policy toward UNESCO, appoints the American ambassador to the agency, and provides nearly a quarter of the group’s annual budget. At the time, the United States was also one of the 21 voting members of UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee, a four-year term.
Whitton did not respond to request for comment.
Sally Allen, a businesswoman and former trustee for Lady Taverners who organized the Clinton event, said the former president’s staff vetted prospective funders beforehand.
“They were particular. There were certain categories [of funders] they would not have accepted,” said Allen. “They couldn’t have anything to do with things like tobacco, things like banking … quite a long list.”
She added that Clinton’s speech was “fantastic” and the Lady Taverners “raised more than they ever raised before” for its charitable projects.
Questions have previously been raised about the sources of Bill Clinton’s speaking fees. Last July, Fox News reported that an anonymous “mystery donor” paid for the former president’s $150,000 speech to the Radiological Society of North America. A review by the Huffington Post last May alsofound that several speeches Hillary Clinton gave in Canada were attributed to a company called tinePublic, Inc., but “were either sponsored by or directly involved” two major banks that supported the Keystone XL pipeline.
Federal disclosure filings reviewed by the Free Beacon indicate that this lack of transparency was routine.
Hillary Clinton disclosed that 16 of her husband’s speeches, which brought in nearly $4 million, were paid for by “World Management Limited” or “World Celebrity Event, Ltd.,” Mallorca-based speaking bureaus run by a former celebrity promoter named Onni Nordstrom.
Nordstrom has presented himself as Bill Clinton’s representative across Europe since 2001. He said in one interview that “Bill Clinton is one of the most lovable people I’ve met,” and has claimed to be in touch with the former president daily.
Clinton’s staggering speaking fees don’t show up in World Celebrity Event, Ltd.’s annual financial reports, according to a review by the Free Beacon. The company also said in one filing that it did not hold any events in the financial year ending June 2008. Hillary Clinton disclosed that four of her husband’s speeches were paid by World Celebrity Event, Ltd. during this time, totaling over $1 million.
Local media reports about several of the speeches also claim different companies and individuals paid the tab for the events. Nordstrom did not respond to requests for comment.
In one case, Hillary Clinton’s federal disclosure lists “World Celebrity, Ltd.” as the payment source for a $290,000 speech Bill Clinton gave in Bergen, Norway on May 22, 2007.
But according to local news reports, a group called Tema Foredrag AS put up the money for the event, with funds supposed to have come from a group of undisclosed investors called “Friends of Bergen.”
A May 2006 speech Bill Clinton gave in Glasgow, Scotland—attributed by Hillary Clinton to World Celebrity Event, Ltd.—was sponsored by “three mystery Glasgow businessman” named Satty Singh, Raj Bedi, and Ajay Chopra, according to a report in The Herald at the time.
A Clinton speech in Tromso, Norway—also attributed to World Celebrity Event, Ltd.—was sponsored by a company called TopEvent, according to Aftenposten.
Another 14 of Bill Clinton’s paid speeches, totaling over $3 million, are attributed exclusively to The Power Within, a Canadian speaker’s bureau. The group is run by Salim Khoja, a former stockbroker who was sentenced to three months in prison in 1995 for diverting money from his clients’ to his personal accounts.
The Power Within has presented speeches by a number of prominent celebrities, including Barbara Walters, Dr. Phil McGraw, and Martha Stewart.
While Khoja often sold tickets to the speeches, he didn’t provide the money up front for Clinton’s speaking fees and often asked corporations for loans or sponsorships, according to a former associate. Khoja did not respond to request for comment.
Stephen Freedman, a businessman who says he agreed to loan Khoja advance funding for prospective Clinton and George W. Bush speeches in 2009, sued The Power Within after the speeches fell through and Khoja failed to return his money.
“Salim was always shopping around,” Freedman told the Free Beacon. “Back in ’04, ’05, ’06, the markets were booming. There were a lot of corporations that would pay a lot of money to have one of these speakers to sponsor.”
Finding a company to sponsor the Clinton speeches depended on how strongly they wanted to put up the significant speaking fee, he said.
“It just depended on the budget for people to hire Bill Clinton speak for a day,” he said. “It’s way more expensive than other people.”
Freedman said he ended up recouping his money after the lawsuit. He said he found out later that the friend who introduced him to Khoja ended up getting a commission from The Power Within for facilitating the ill-fated investment.
“The guy who introduced me to Salim got a commission on the thing,” he said. “I didn’t know that, I thought he was a friend of mine. I thought he was doing me a favor.”


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Report: Lobbyists Have Raised $7 Million for Clinton, Nothing for Trump[/h]SHARE

Hillary Clinton / AP

BY: Aaron Kliegman
July 20, 2016 10:31 am

Lobbyists have raised $7 million for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign up to this point, while they have bundled exactly $0 for her opponent Donald Trump’s campaign, indicating the different strategies both candidates have pursued to win the White House.
These figures came from Federal Election Commission reports filed on Friday,according to the Washington Post.
Presidential candidates have counted on lobbyists to raise money for their campaigns over many years, but Trump, now the Republican nominee, has avoided such fundraising methods as he runs as an outsider not confined by traditional political methods practiced in Washington.

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Trump’s reluctance to woo lobbyists for campaign contributions has helped win him support among Republican voters but has put him in a financial hole compared to Clinton.
The presumptive Democratic nominee’s $7 million figure is the amount of money that federally registered lobbyists have raised for her campaign from the start of the election cycle in 2015 through June 30. People who raise more than $17,600 from friends, family, and colleagues are called bundlers, the Washington Post notes, and campaigns are obligated to disclose those bundlers who are lobbyists–but not all bundlers.
Lobbyists have also raised $2 million for the Hillary Victory Fund, her campaign’s joint fundraising committee with the Democratic National Committee.
About $2.4 million of Clinton’s $7 million total was bundled by veteran Democratic lobbyists, including some of the country’s most prominent fundraisers who work at large firms across many industries.
Some of these high-profile lobbyists who have raised money for Clinton are, according to the Post:

  • David Jones, who raised $763,000 for the campaign and $116,000 for the Hillary Victory Fund
  • Richard Sullivan, who raised $546,000 for the campaign and $445,000 for the victory fund
  • Heather Podesta, who raised $407,000 for the campaign
  • Steve Elmendorf, who raised $341,000 for the campaign and $73,000 for the victory fund
  • Linda Lipsen, who raised $320,000 for the campaign and $144,000 for the victory fund
Many of these top bundlers work at big firms that have household-name companies as clients–such as Elmendorf, whose lobbying firm Subject Matter boasts clients like Facebook, Goldman Sachs, and Citigroup.
Some of these lobbyists have longtime ties with the Clintons. Jones is on the finance committee for Hillary Clinton’s campaign and held a similar position on Bill Clinton’s 1996 presidential campaign. Sullivan is a former national fundraising director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and served as the national finance director for the DNC under President Clinton.
Another lobbyist who has raised large sums of cash for Clinton is Tony Podesta, the brother of John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman. He works for Podesta Group and has raised $268,000 for the Clinton campaign and $31,000 for the victory fund.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
I have mentioned many times how lobbying has ruined DC.

from the above: Trump’s reluctance to woo lobbyists for campaign contributions has helped win him support among Republican voters but has put him in a financial hole compared to Clinton.

Trump is already showing how he feels about lobbyists.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Top Clinton Lobbyist Bundlers Tied to Foreign Banks, Governments[/h][h=2]Firms represent Saudi Arabian, Russian, Turkish, Mexican, and Japanese interests[/h]SHARE

Hillary Clinton / AP

BY: Joe Schoffstall
July 21, 2016 12:00 pm

A number of Hillary Clinton’s top lobbyist bundlers, who have raised millions for her presidential campaign, either directly represent foreign entities or work at firms that represent foreign entities, according to documents from the Justice Department’s Foreign Agents Registration Unit.
Hillary for America, Clinton’s campaign committee, has hauled in more than $7 million in bundled lobbyist contributions since its inception. The committee finished2015 with $4.1 million in bundled lobbyist contributions. It has since added more than $2.9 million to its coffers from lobbyists, with $1.2 million of that amount pouring in during the second quarter of 2016, from April 1 to June 30.
Tony Podesta, owner of the Podesta Group and brother of Tony Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s campaign, is a top bundler for Hillary for America. Podesta has bundled $267,835 in contributions to date. Podesta was hired to work on behalf of Saudi interests.

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Saudi Arabia has built an extensive lobbying and public relations presence in the United States, theWashington Post reported in April. It has also supplied the Clinton Foundation with millions. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has given between $10 and $25 million to the foundation while Friends of Saudi Arabia has contributed between $1 and $5 million.
A Saudi government entity, called the Center for Studies and Media Affairs at the Saudi Royal Court, hired the Podesta Group to push its interests. Podesta personally lobbies on the group’s behalf, and his firm collects $140,000 a month for its services.
Hogan Lovells LLP, another U.S. firm hired by the Saudis, is registered to work for the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia through 2016, disclosures show. Robert Kyle, a lobbyist from the firm, hasbundled $50,850 for Clinton’s campaign.
In addition to Saudi Arabia, Podesta is registered to lobby on behalf of Sberbank CIB USA Inc., a subsidiary of Russia’s largest bank, which is majority owned by the government.
The Security Services of Ukraine accused Sberbank of transferring money to pro-Russia “terrorists” fighting for Soviet occupation in April 2014, a charge denied by the bank.
Podesta’s job according to the disclosure forms is to assist the bank in clarifying the scope of sanctions from Executive Order 13660, which President Obama signed in March 2014 to block “property of certain persons contributing to the situation in Ukraine.” Podeseta is also tasked with exploring possible avenues for sanctions relief.
Emanuel A. “Mike” Manatos, the senior vice president at the D.C.-based government relations firm Manatos & Manatos, was hired by the VTB Group, a Russian financial group that includes VTB Bank—another large financial institution that is majority owned by the government—, according to a foreign agents registration disclosure.
Manatos was tapped to provide counsel to VTB and to lobby the United States Congress and the Obama administration on sanctions imposed on Russian-affiliated banks. He has bundled $40,300 for Hillary for America.
Bundlers to Clinton’s campaign also lobby on behalf of Turkish interests.
Capitol Counsel LLC, a D.C.-based firm, provides government relations services to the Republic of Turkey, disclosures show. David Jones and Richard Sullivan, both partners at Capitol Counsel, combined to bundle $1.3 million for Clinton’s campaign; Jones has bundled $762,666 while Sullivan has bundled $546,030.
The Alliance for Shared Values, a New York-based nonprofit that is part of the Islamic Gülen movement—a religious and social movement led by Fethullah Gülen, who now resides in the United States—has also hired the Podesta Group, the Daily Caller reported. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has launched a crackdown on supporters of the movement.
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck LLP, a Denver-based lobbying shop, represents the Embassy of Mexico and was paid $52,000 for its services last year. Alfred Mottur, who works in D.C. for the firm, has bundled $32,355 for Clinton’s campaign.
McGuirewoods Consulting LLC lobbies on behalf of the Embassy of Japan. The firm employs Clinton campaign bundler Andrew Smith, who has pulled together $29,700 for Hillary for America.
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, which fields three Clinton campaign bundlers, also workswith the Japanese embassy. Hogan Lovells, who lobbies for the Saudi Embassy, is also registered to represent the government of Japan.
The Clinton campaign did not return a request for comment about the foreign clients of its lobbyist bundlers.


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