Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Hillary Clinton called into O’Reilly last night.

He asked her about Nice and she started to give a boiler plate response.

“Our alliance with France is so strong…we need to stand strongly with them,” Clinton told O’Reilly. “We need to strengthen our alliances and I include NATO in that.”

She also said that we have to “do more to understand that this is a war against these terrorist groups.”

Then she said the word “diplomacy” and I tuned her out.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Hillary Clinton called into O’Reilly last night.

He asked her about Nice and she started to give a boiler plate response.

“Our alliance with France is so strong…we need to stand strongly with them,” Clinton told O’Reilly. “We need to strengthen our alliances and I include NATO in that.”

She also said that we have to “do more to understand that this is a war against these terrorist groups.”

Then she said the word “diplomacy” and I tuned her out.

So Benghazi was not by terrorists ? - a one sided war that we did not even respond to

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Clinton to Resettle One Million Muslim Migrants During First Term Alone



Darko Vojinovic/AP

by JULIA HAHN14 Jul 2016Washington D.C.4,046

If elected president, Hillary Clinton could permanently resettle close to one million Muslim migrants during the first term of her presidency alone, according to the latest available data from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Between 2001 and 2013, the U.S. permanently resettled 1.5 million Muslim migrants on green cards. However, under Hillary Clinton’s stated proposals, Muslim immigration would grow substantially faster, adding nearly one million Muslim migrants to the U.S. during her first term alone.
Based on the most recent available DHS data, the U.S. permanently resettled roughly 149,000 migrants from predominantly Muslim countries on green cards in 2014. Yet Clinton has said that, as President, she would expand Muslim migration by importing an additional 65,000 Syrian refugees into the United States during the course of a single fiscal year. Clinton has made no indication that she would limit her proposed Syrian refugee program to one year.
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Clinton’s Syrian refugees would come on top of the tens of thousands of refugees the U.S. already admits from Muslim countries.
Adding Clinton’s 65,000 Syrian refugees to the approximately 149,000 Muslim migrants the U.S. resettled on green cards in the course of one year, means that Clinton could permanently resettle roughly 214,000 Muslim migrants in her first year as President. If Clinton were to continue her Syrian refugee program throughout her Presidency, she could potentially resettle as many as 856,000 during her first term alone.
Analysis from the Senate Immigration Subcommittee found that Clinton’s plan to expand refugee resettlement could cost U.S. taxpayers over $400 billion.
Additionally, once Clinton’s Syrian refugees are in the U.S. as green card holders, they will have the ability to bring over their family members through chain migration.
With regards to Middle Eastern migration, Clinton’s 65,000 Syrian refugees would be added on top of the roughly 96,000 Middle Eastern migrants the U.S. resettled on green cards in a single year. Based on the minimum numbers Clinton has put forth thus far, as President, she could potentially resettle approximately 644,000 Middle Eastern migrants during her first term alone.
According to a September 2015 Rasmussen survey, women voters oppose Clinton’s Middle Eastern refugee plan by a remarkable 21-to-1 margin. Democrat voters oppose Clinton’s refugee plan by a 17-to-1 margin. Most remarkably, 85 percent of black voters oppose Clinton’s refugee agenda– with less than one percent of black voters supporting her plan.
Yet Clinton’s expansion to Muslim migration would be in addition to her expansion for immigration overall.
U.S. Census data shows that if a President Hillary Clinton were successful in passing a Gang of Eight-style immigration expansion bill, the U.S. could permanently resettle roughly 9.4 million migrants throughout the nation during her first term alone. This figure does not include the additional 11 million illegal immigrants already here to whom Clintonhas promised amnesty and U.S. citizenship.
Clinton’s desire to expand immigration is shared by GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan, who leads the pro-Islamic migration wing of the Republican Party.
Ryan has championed policies to expand Muslim migration into the United States. Ryan has repeatedly ruled out the possibility of curbing Muslim migration and has frequently chastised his party’s presumptive nominee for advocating policies to reduce immigration.
At times, Ryan has even echoed Clinton’s rhetoric in his efforts to denounce Trump and Trump’s proposals.
In recent weeks, Ryan has come under fire in his own Wisconsin district for continuing to support Islamic migration, and voting to expand Islamic migration, despite the fact that seven out of ten Wisconsin GOP voters would like a Muslim migration pause.

Paul Ryan has a two-decade long history of supporting open borders immigration policies, even though, according to Pew polling data, 92% of GOP voters and 83% of American voters overall want to see immigration levels frozen or reduced.
In stark contrast to Paul Ryan and Hillary Clinton’s support for open borders, Donald Trump has called for a common sense “mainstream immigration policy that promotes American values.”
“That is the choice I put before the American people: a mainstream immigration policy designed to benefit America, or Hillary Clinton’s radical immigration policy designed to benefit politically-correct special interests,” Trump said following the Orlando terrorist attack, carried out by the child of Afghan migrants.
Trump continued:
Clinton wants to allow Radical Islamic terrorists to pour into our country—they enslave women, and murder gays. I don’t want them in our country. Immigration is a privilege, and we should not let anyone into this country who doesn’t support our communities – all of our communities… The burden is on Hillary Clinton to tell us why she believes immigration from these dangerous countries should be increased without any effective system to screen who we are bringing in. The burden is on Hillary Clinton to tell us why we should admit anyone into our country who supports violence of any kind against gay and lesbian Americans. The burden is also on Hillary Clinton to tell us how she will pay for it. Her plan will cost Americans hundreds of billions of dollars long-term. Wouldn’t this money be better spent on rebuilding America for our current population, including the many poor people already living here? […]
America has already admitted four times more immigrants than any country on earth, and we continue to admit millions more with no real checks or scrutiny. Not surprisingly, wages for our workers haven’t budged in many years. So whether it’s matter of national security, or financial security, we can’t afford to keep on going like this. We owe $19 trillion in debt, and no longer have options. All our communities, from all backgrounds, are ready for some relief. This is not an act of offense against anyone; it is an act of defense.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]How Will Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Saudi Arabia Avoid the Trump Train?[/h]


AFP PHOTO/Stan Honda

by ROGER STONE15 Jul 20161,289

[h=2]A day of reckoning is coming for both presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and her mysterious aide Huma Abedin. This issue: Hillary Clinton’s relationship with Saudi Arabia, a U.S. “ally” that the 28 Pages report just brought into the bright sunlight.[/h](Don’t blame me for putting the scare quotes around “ally” — it’s right there, in scare quotes, in the report itself on the page numbered 415.)
Hillary Clinton is going to have to answer to media or (more likely, since the media doesn’t do their job) she can answer on live TV in front of millions of Americans when Donald Trump hits her a question about Saudi Arabia and Huma at one of the debates.
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With the political convention season upon us, the silent majority of Americans who don’t pay close attention to politics are about to start tuning in.
Those good Americans will find out that both Huma and Hillary have a lot of explaining to do about Saudi Arabia, the big money that the Kingdom has given to the Clintons, and why Hillary knew the Saudis were funding terrorism and didn’t do anything about it. The public will have questions about Saudi Arabian-raised Huma Abedin, a woman who I’ve already said I believe is a Saudi plant.
If our media even TRIED to do their job and tell citizens the truth, the 28 Pages would sink Hillary Clinton faster than Ted Kennedy’s car sank in the dark waters of Chappaquiddick one July night.
An issue like the Saudi influence on the government and the Kingdom’s support for terrorism is where Donald Trump’s populism comes into all its glory. I don’t care whether you’re a staunch conservative or proud progressive, almost nobody likes or trusts Saudi Arabia. Everyone knows that the Saudis are out for themselves and are our “ally” in the same way a scorpion is an ally to a frog when it needs to get across the river.
The 28 Pages report confirms this in a section that’s title says it all: Lack of Cooperation in Counterterrorism Investigations.
The problem has been that Clinton, Bush, and Obama have all been in Saudi Arabia’s pocket. (Do those bedsheets they wear even have pockets? I’m a fashion expert, so I SHOULD know these things!)
When you have an issue with the political elites of both parties on one side and most of the American people on the other, it’s exactly why Donald J. Trump is the ideal man for his time.
Hillary and Huma won’t be able to avoid questions — like the three questions I said Hillary must answer about Huma — forever. It’s a time for answers.
So far this election, Clinton’s media strategy will be familiar to anyone who grew up in Cold War era: duck and cover.
It’s been over 200 days since Hillary Clinton did a press conference. She didn’t do a single presser since last year. Not one since voting started in the primaries. Even the Washington Post slammed her for it, calling it: “ remarkable. And remarkably bad.” And when Hillary loses the Washington Post’s cheerleading on anything, that is remarkably bad.
Why has Hillary avoided the press?
Because, just like Hillary sucked at being Secretary of State, she sucks at answering questions from the media.
Take the last presser she did, all the way back in December 2015.
Andrea Mitchell asked Hillary a question about the Saudis and couldn’t help fawn like a schoolgirl: “…could you answer the questions that have been raised about foreign contributions from Middle Eastern countries, like Saudi Arabia, that abuse women or permit violence against women to the family foundation and whether that disturbs you as you are rightly celebrating 20 years of leadership on this issue?”
I’ll quote Hillary’s whole answer because it’s just remarkably bad:
With respect to the foundation, I am very proud of the work the foundation does. I’m very proud of the hundreds of thousands of people who support the work of the foundation and the results that have been achieved for people here at home and around the world.
And I think that we are very clear about where we stand, certainly where I stand, on all of these issues. There can’t be any mistake about my passion concerning women’s rights here at home and around the world.
So I think that people who want to support the foundation know full well what it is we stand for and what we’re working on.
Read it again. That’s not an answer.
Hillary doesn’t even mention the Saudis by name. She just rattles on about how great the work her foundation does. For a lefty like Hillary, saying you have good intentions gets you off every hook.
It’s a serious issue, especially given Huma Abedin’s Saudi connections, so let’s go further than Andrea Mitchell did: Bill and Hillary took many millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia — a country that violates the God-given rights of women, men, gays, Christians, Shi’ite Muslims, and anyone else it feels like with punishments like public beheadings — and Hillary Clinton took that Saudi money knowing that they sponsor terrorism.
Hillary knew they sponsored the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and Hamas and she still took their money.
A 2011 email exchange between then-Secretary of State Clinton and her top aide Huma Abedin shows that both women had personal knowledge of reports from State Department that the Saudis and UAE were spending an estimated $100,000,000 a year funding the spread of the Sunni Wahhabism that drives all the world’s major Islamist terrorism.
The email from Huma Abedin was dated Sunday, May 22, 2011, 08:04 AM and it quoted a Reuters story:
Islamic charities from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates financed a network in U.S. ally Pakistan that recruited children as young as eight to wage holy war, a local newspaper reported on Sunday, citing Wikileaks.
A U.S. diplomatic cable published by WikiLeaks said financial support estimated at $100 million a year was making its way from those Gulf Arab states to a jihadist recruitment network in Pakistan’s Punjab province, Dawn newspaper reported.
The November 2008 dispatch by Bryan Hunt, the then principal officer at the U.S. consulate in Lahore, was based on discussions with local government and non-governmental sources during trips to Punjab, Pakistan’s most populous province.
It said those sources claimed that financial aid from Saudi and United Arab Emirates was coming from”missionary” and “Islamic charitable” organisations ostensibly with the direct support of those countries’ governments.
Saudi Arabia, the United States and Pakistan heavily supported the Afghan mujahideen against Soviet occupation troops in the 1980s.
More than a month later, on Tuesday, June 28, 2011, at 6:52 AM, Hillary Clinton then forwarded the email from her account to another aide at the State Department with the instructions “PIs print.” [sic]
As a post on Foreign Policy in Focus reported:
Bryan Hunt, then-principal officer at the US consulate in Lahore, reported a string of troubling findings on his forays into southern Punjab, where he “was repeatedly told that a sophisticated jihadi recruitment network had been developed in the Multan, Bahawalpur, and Dera Ghazi Khan Divisions.”…
Saudi Arabia, home to the fundamentalist Wahhabi brand of Islam, is seen as funding some of Pakistan’s hardline religious seminaries, or madrassas, which churn out young men eager for holy war, posing a threat to the stability of the region.
“At these madrassas, children are denied contact with the outside world and taught sectarian extremism, hatred for non-Muslims, and anti-Western/anti-Pakistan government philosophy,” said the cable.
In that November 13th, 2008, cable, Bryan Hunt made the claim:
Government and non-governmental sources claimed that financial support estimated at nearly 100 million USD annually was making its way to Deobandi and Ahl-e-Hadith clerics in the region from “”missionary”” and “”Islamic charitable”” organizations in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates ostensibly with the direct support of those governments.
Need more proof that Hillary knew about Saudi funding of terrorism?
The claim that Saudi Arabia was funding terrorism would be related with even more specificity the very next year by Hillary Clinton’s own State Department.
It’s not like Hillary Clinton didn’t know about the threat of the Muslim World League. A memo went out in her own name about it.
As Breitbart News Lead Investigative Reporter Lee Stranahan revealed for the first time this past week, a 2009 email from the Secretary of States office showed that during the Obama administration, Clinton’s department believed Saudi Arabia was funding terrorism through charities including a Saudi NGO called the Muslim World League. As that 2009 email said, the Saudis were only fighting terrorism inside their own borders but didn’t restrict funds for:
…multilateral organizations such as the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO), Muslim World League (MWL) and the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY.) Intelligence suggests that these groups continue to send money overseas and, at times, fund extremism overseas.
The specific mention of the Muslim World League is deeply troubling since Clinton’s closest aide Huma Abedin, as well as both her parents, her brother, and sister all worked for the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, a group created by Saudi Arabia through the Muslim Word League to spread Wahhabism.
As Stranahan also broke, the offices of Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs that none other thanVanity Fair called the “Abedin family business” are located in the London office of the Muslim World League and WAMY, the group mentioned by name in 28 pages.
Both the 2008 email sent by Huma Abedin to Hillary Clinton and the 2009 email sent by Clinton’s own State Department agreed with previous assessments that the Saudi Arabia was a terror-funder.
But it goes back even further — all the way back to Bill Clinton’s administration. The Muslim World League was named in an assessment during the Clinton administration in 1995.
The Saudis spread their influence to George W. Bush, as well. The Muslim World League was removed from a list of terror funders less than a month after the 9/11 attack,Newsweek reported:
Two interrelated global charities directly financed by the Saudi government–the International Islamic Relief Organization and the Muslim World League –have been used by bin Laden to finance his operations. The organizations were left off the list of groups sanctioned by the United States last week, U.S. officials hinted to NEWSWEEK, in order to avoid embarrassing the Saudi government.
Now, the revelations in the 28 Pages does even more damage: as Stranahan reports this week, it shows that the buried report ALSO says the parent group of Abedin’s “family business” — the Muslim World League’s WAMY — was known to have funded terrorism.
As much as the MSM would like to write all of this off as a conspiracy theory, they just can’t dispute the fact that Hillary’s top aide is connected to a group that Hillary Clinton said is funding terrorism, that Bill Clinton’s administration to terror, that Bush connected to terror, and that the 28 Pages connect to terror.
The media can’t dispute those facts, so they simply ignore the story and hope it goes away.
So far, so good for Hillary and Huma.
But how is Hillary Clinton going to avoid the Trump Train heading down the tracks and straight at her?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Pictures of her scratching her nose? I didn't think this thread could get any more pathetic.

Benghazi, emails, Clinton foundation......all went nowhere.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Pictures of her scratching her nose? I didn't think this thread could get any more pathetic.

Benghazi, emails, Clinton foundation......all went nowhere.

Find another thread to troll LOL - you contribute zero (oops sorry to bring your I.Q. into the conversation).

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Jan 9, 2009
CNN: Many Sanders Supporters Say ‘No Way’ They Will Support Clinton Because of Her Trust Issues


BY: David Rutz
July 17, 2016 9:18 am

Hillary Clinton’s poor trustworthiness numbers stemming from her email scandal are “eye-popping,” a CNN panel said Sunday, and one reporter said many Bernie Sanders backers will not get behind her candidacy as a result.
The Department of Justice elected not to file charges against Clinton for mishandling classified information through her illicit private server at the State Department. However, the FBI still said she had been “extremely careless” with classified material and officially refuted her oft-repeated talking point that she never sent or received such information on her server. Comey added if Clinton had been an FBI employee and engaged in such behavior, it was possible she would be fired.
Clinton was “in a weaker position than a month ago,” CNN host John King noted, as Donald Trump has pulled effectively even with Clinton in the polls. King also quoted a CBS News / New York Times poll showing 67 percent of registered voters do not find her honest and trustworthy.
“That’s an eye-popping number,” King said. “It’s also worse than it was a month ago.”

King said the effect of Comey’s condemnation of her practices had struck a chord with her supporters.
“It was remarkable, talking to people last week, Clinton allies … about the impact of Comey, about how essentially it was a bag of bricks just put on her back in the sense that she already had honest and trustworthiness was already a question, but they say that it just pounded her,” King said.
Reporter Manu Raju said the Comey press conference provided a lot of “ammunition” for Republicans against her.
She hoped to change the story this week when Sanders, more than a month after losing the nomination to Clinton, finally endorsed her on Tuesday. However, the lack of enthusiasm on his end was palpable. The Washington Free Beacon reported that many of his fans in the New Hampshire audience felt angry and betrayed that he’d gotten behind Clinton.
Reporter Maeve Reston relayed that Sanders supporters who spoke to her refused flat-out to support Clinton.
“They believe that the Clintons think that they operate and live by a different system,” Reston said. “They continue to have trust issues, and many of them said to me there’s no way that I’m going to vote for her, no matter what Bernie Sanders says.”


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Jan 9, 2009
Nice: Neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama Mentions ‘Radical Islam’




by JOEL B. POLLAK15 Jul 20161,770

Neither former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton nor President Barack Obama mentioned “Islam” or “radical Islam” in their responses to the Nice terror attack on Thursday.

A statement released by Clinton on Twitter referred to “terrorism” but not “radical Islam.”
Clinton called into The O’Reilly Factor on Fox News on Thursday evening — a rare foray by the presumptive Democratic nominee.
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She mentioned “this is a war against these terrorist groups, these radical jihadist groups,” but did not ascribe the attacks directly to “Islam” or “radical Islam.”
For many months, Clinton refused to acknowledge the role of radical Islam in terror. In a November presidential primary debate, held in the immediate aftermath of the Paris terror attacks, she declined to say “radical Islam” because she said doing so would be “painting with too broad a brush.”
On Twitter, she said at the time that Muslims “have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism,” refusing to distinguish between Muslims in general and radical Muslims in particular.

"Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism."
9:57 AM - 19 Nov 2015

In December, she reiterated that she would not use the term “radical Islam” because she believed “sounds like we are declaring war against a religion.”
In June, under pressure from presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, sheacknowledged “radical Islamism” for the first time.
President Barack Obama released a statement Thursday calling the Nice event a “terrorist attack” but failing to mention “radical Islam”:
On behalf of the American people, I condemn in the strongest terms what appears to be a horrific terrorist attack in Nice, France, which killed and wounded dozens of innocent civilians. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and other loved ones of those killed, and we wish a full recovery for the many wounded. I have directed my team to be in touch with French officials, and we have offered any assistance that they may need to investigate this attack and bring those responsible to justice. We stand in solidarity and partnership with France, our oldest ally, as they respond to and recover from this attack.
On this Bastille Day, we are reminded of the extraordinary resilience and democratic values that have made France an inspiration to the entire world, and we know that the character of the French Republic will endure long after this devastating and tragic loss of life.
Trump referred to radical Islam in his reaction to the attacks, though he was circumspect, given the new flood of details in the wake of attacks. He told O’Reilly that it was still possible Obama might change his mind and refer to “radical Islamic terror.”
In a public statement late at night following the Nice attacks, French President François Hollande said: “All of France is under threat from Islamist terrorism.”

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Find another thread to troll LOL - you contribute zero (oops sorry to bring your I.Q. into the conversation).

Thought you had me on ignore.

That's at least the 5th time youve been caught lying about that. You think you should be judging Clinton about lying?

maybe a connect the dots thread on Russ is necessary

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Jan 9, 2009
Obama 2008 Campaign Ad: "Hillary Clinton. She’ll say anything, and change nothing. "

By i dunno
Monday Mar 14, 2016 · 8:22 AM CDT

28 Comments (28 New)



Assembled a team of rivals: keep them in the tent pissing out rather than the other way around!

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"The Washington Post says Clinton isn’t telling the truth. [...]
"But it was Hillary Clinton, in an interview with Tom Brokaw, who quote'paid tribute' to Ronald Reagan’s economic and foreign policy. She championed NAFTA –- even though it has cost South Carolina thousands of jobs. And worst of all, it was Hillary Clinton who voted for George Bush’s war in Iraq.
"Hillary Clinton. She’ll say anything, and change nothing. It’s time to turn the page. Paid for by Obama for America."


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Jan 9, 2009
Hillary Clinton, Racist: Her Top 5 Worst Comments (in Public)



Associated Press

by JOEL B. POLLAK9 Jun 2016832

Hillary Clinton has made Donald Trump’s remarks about a federal judge, among others, the basis for a campaign accusing him of being a racist. It is worth visiting Clinton’s own history of making racially offensive comments for political gain.

1. “Hard-working white Americans” prefer her to Obama. In May 2008, Clinton told the USA Today that while Obama was leading the delegate race, she still had a broader political base. Unfortunately, she made that claim in explicitly racial terms, citingan Associated Press poll “that found how Senator Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me.”
2. “Colored People’s Time.” Clinton appeared alongside left-wing New York City mayor Bill de Blasio at the annual Inner Circle Dinner this year, and joined in a racist joke based on a stereotype that black people are late for everything:
[COLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)]

Clinton: I just have to say thanks for the endorsement, Bill. Took you long enough. [Laughter]
De Blasio: Sorry Hillary, I was running on C.P. time. [Audience gasps]
Host: I don’t like jokes like that.
As Mediate later noted, the cable news networks mostly ignored the racist joke.
3. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wasn’t really THAT great. As she struggled to stop the Obama insurgency in the 2008 Democratic primary, Clinton tried to diminish Obama’s credentials as a “community organizer,” which had led some to draw connections between him and Dr. King. Clinton argued that it was really a professional politician, President Lyndon Johnson, who made the difference: “Dr. King’s dream began to be realized when President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act”
4. “Ah don’t feel no ways TAHHHHHRD.” Clinton, like Vice President Al Gore, and indeed like President Obama himself, has a tendency to imitate what she believes to be an African-American accent when she speaks before black audiences. Obama, who grew up in Hawaii, at least has some cultural competence and experience, honed through practice in inner city Chicago. Clinton manages to sound condescending every time — most notoriously in this cringe-worthy clip from 2008.

5. Obama’s “slumlord,” and “super predators.” Losing traction in 2008, Clinton belatedly attacked Obama’s connection to fraudster and fundraiser Tony Rezko: “I was fighting against those [Reagan] ideas when you were practicing law and representing your contributor, Rezko, in his slum landlord business in inner city Chicago,” she said in a South Carolina debate. The remark was described as racist by Obama fans — as was her 1996 term for chronic criminals, “super predators.”
Bonus: The photograph at top came from the Clinton campaign in 2008 (though not from Clinton herself.) Obama campaign manager David Plouffe called “the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we’ve seen from either party in this election.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘Hillary’s America’ Off to Strong Start at Box Office[/h]


Screenshot/D'Souza Media

by DANIEL NUSSBAUM17 Jul 2016168

[h=2]Dinesh D’Souza’s latest film,Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party, is off to a strong start at the box office after opening to an estimated $77,500 from just three theaters this weekend.[/h]According to the Hollywood Reporter, Hillary’s America — D’Souza’s third film after2016: Obama’s America and America: Imagine the World Without Her — scored a $26,000 per-theater average, good enough to earn the title of the year’s top per-theater average for a political documentary, besting the documentary Weiner, which took in $16,835 from five theaters during its opening weekend in May.
The film also easily beat Michael Moore’s political documentary Where to Invade Next, which earned a location average of $2,912 upon its release in 208 theaters in February.
[COLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)]

Hillary’s America played in just three theaters this weekend, in Houston, Dallas and Phoenix.

As Breitbart News reported Sunday, lines snaked around the block as hundreds of eager fans waited to get into the film’s premiere in Cleveland on Sunday afternoon, timed to the opening of the Republican National Convention in the city.
The film received a similarly enthusiastic reception at its premiere in Los Angeles last week.
L-R: Debbie D’Souza, Dinesh D’Souza, Jon Voight, producer Gerald R. Molen at the Los Angeles premiere of ‘Hillary’s America’ (Photo: Daniel Nussbaum)

“At the end of the day, we want this film not only to help mobilize and rally and unify Republicans, but we also want the film to reach middle-of-the-road guys and Independents and the kind of people who will probably decide this election,” D’Souza said at the film’s premiere at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood on Monday.
“I’m not really trying to convert the left. I’m content to dismay and flummox them,” he jokingly added. “But ultimately we want to get this film to as many people as possible.”
Hillary’s America opens wide in 1,500 theaters on July 22. Watch the trailer for the film above.

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