Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Jan 9, 2009
I just finished watching "13 Hours". Wow. I guarantee you no WH Dem has watched or will watch that film. Now had Hillary been there that day they would have sent troops from just about anywhere to save her lying ass. Americans are supposed to be equal but when it comes to politics you can disregard that. She could not do what was best for those in Benghazi on that particular day but we are supposed to trust her while the JV's from ISIS (not ISIL) are flexing their wings. God blesses America not Allah. Love to here from anyone who has watched that movie.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Even if enough libtards vote for her, the crooked old hag has lost her moral right to govern.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’

Posted By Evan Gahr On 10:06 PM 07/05/2016 In | No Comments

Given the media feeding frenzy over the allegedly Jew-baiting tweet by Donald Trump’s campaign last weekend, maybe reporters should examine well-sourced allegations that Hillary Clinton once angrily uttered an anti-Semitic slur.

What is good for the kosher goose is good for the gander.

[dcquiz] Unlike the supposedly damning fact that the Trump tweet came from a racist feed, there is no six degrees of separation here.

The issue surfaced during her 2000 Senate campaign with publication of a new book on the Clinton marriage. Celebrity biographer Jerry Oppenheimer reported that the night Bill unexpectedly lost his 1974 Arkansas congressional seat bid, Hillary shrieked at his campaign manager, “you fucking Jew bastard.”

The left-leaning Guardian then did its own reporting on the allegation. Paul Fray, the campaign manager, plus his wife and another campaign worker confirmed the incident in considerable detail to the British publication.

“I was a little defensive about it. I looked to the floor thinking ‘How do I respond?’ I didn’t mind being called a son-of-a-bitch, but when it came to attacking my culture, that’s a whole ‘nother ballgame,” Fray recalled.

“You’ve got to understand it was the heat of the moment. We knew we had lost. It was a case of people lashing out at one another and it just got to that point.”

Fray’s wife said she was present at the time Hillary — renowned for her shrieking and cursing behind closed doors — allegedly made the comment.

Another campaign worker, Paul McDonald, told the Guardian he was standing within earshot and heard the words as well. “I don’t know what provoked it or what. I just remember that one little comment.”

The Clintons, just like with so many other charges against them later validated, emphatically denied the allegations.

The former president said, “I was there on election night in 1974 and the charge is simply not true.”

Then he parsed it: “She might have called him a bastard. I wouldn’t rule that out. She’s never claimed that she was pure on profanity. I’ve never heard her tell a joke with an ethnic connotation. She’s so fanatic about it. She can’t tell an ethnic joke – it’s not in her.”

Hillary even denied any bigoted thoughts ever crossed her mind.

“I have never said anything like that, ever,” she said. “I have in the past certainly, you know maybe, called somebody a name. But I have never used an ethnic, racial, anti-Semitic, bigoted, discriminatory, prejudiced, accusation against anybody. I’ve never done it. I’ve never thought it.”

So maybe it happened. Maybe it didn’t.

But, as regards to the supposedly nefarious intentions Trump tweet, mind-reading is not journalism. At least the charge against Hillary turns on the actual word of three eyewitnesses with no obvious motivation for lying to suddenly fabricate an incident.

Basic fairness dictates that journalists look into this.

URL to article:

Aug 6, 2006
Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A ‘F**king Jew Bastard’

Damn, that's the same thing I called myself tonight when I got my first look at the scores!

New member
Jan 9, 2009


In Berger probe said 'we take issues of classified information very seriously'

Published: 12 hours agoimage:
JEROME R. CORSI About | Email | Archive

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NEW YORK – FBI Director James Comey has a long history of involvement in Department of Justice actions that arguably ended up favorable to the Clintons.

In 2004, Comey, then serving as a deputy attorney general in the Justice Department, apparently limited the scope of the criminal investigation of Sandy Berger, which left out former Clinton administration officials who may have coordinated with Berger in his removal and destruction of classified records from the National Archives. The documents were relevant to accusations that the Clinton administration was negligent in the build-up to the 9/11 terrorist attack.
On Tuesday, Comey announced that despite evidence of “extreme negligence by Hillary Clinton and her top aides regarding the handling of classified information through a private email server, the FBI would not refer criminal charges to Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the Justice Department.
Curiously, Berger, Lynch and Cheryl Mills all worked as partners in the Washington law firm Hogan & Hartson, which prepared tax returns for the Clintons and did patent work for a software firm that played a role in the private email server Hillary Clinton used when she was secretary of state.


With Hillary making another run for president, don’t get caught up in the lies and spin! In “Hillary Unhinged: In Her Own Words,” find out who the true Hillary is with this raw and humorous collection of quotes that pitilessly underscores her hypocrisy
Lynch and Comey both served as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. They crossed paths in the investigation of HSBC bank, which avoided criminal charges in a massive money-laundering scandal for which the bank paid a $1.9 billion fine.
After Attorney General John Aschroft recused himself in the Valerie Plame affair in 2004, Comey appointed as special counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald, who ended up convicting “Scooter” Libby, a top aide to then Vice President Dick Cheney, of perjury and obstruction of justice. The charge affirmed the accusations of Plame and her former ambassador husband, Joe Wilson – both partisan supporters of Bill and Hillary Clinton – that Libby outed her as a CIA agent.
New York Times reporter Judith Miller’s 2015 memoir strongly suggests Fitzgerald improperly manipulated testimony and withheld crucial evidence in obtaining a conviction against Libby in his 2007 trial.
Prosecutor in Berger case
As deputy attorney general, Comey was involved in the investigation of Berger, as Fox News reported in 2004
Berger at that time was under criminal investigation by the Justice Department for removing from the National Archives various classified documents that should have been turned over to the independent commission investigating the 9/11 terror attacks and for removing handwritten notes he made while reviewing the documents.
The New York Times reported in 2005 that Republican leaders speculated Berger removed the documents from the National Archives because he was trying to conceal material that could be damaging to the Clinton administration.
There is no evidence Comey’s investigation for the Justice Department made any attempt to determine if anyone affiliated with the Clinton White House prompted Berger or coordinated with him in the decision to remove the classified documents.
Various statements Comey made about Berger’s mishandling of classified documents bear comparison to his comments regarding Hillary Clinton’s email server.
In 2004, Fox News noted Comey told reporters he could not comment on the Berger investigation but did address the general issue of mishandling classified documents.
“As a general matter, we take issues of classified information very seriously,” Comey said in response to a reporter’s question.
He added that the department had prosecuted and sought administrative sanctions against people for mishandling classified information.
“It’s our lifeblood, those secrets,” Comey continued. “It’s against the law for anyone to intentionally mishandle classified documents either by taking it to give to somebody else or by mishandling it in a way that is outside the government regulations.”
On April 1, 2005, Berger pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of intentionally removing documents from the National Archives and destroying some of them. He was fined $50,000, sentenced to 100 hours of community service and two years probation. Also, his national security license was stripped for two years.
Messages found stored on Clinton’s private email server show that Berger – a convicted thief of classified documents – had been advising Clinton while she served as secretary of state and had access to emails containing classified information.
For example, in an email dated Sept. 22, 2009, Berger advised Clinton advised how she could leverage information to make Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu more cooperative in discussions with the Obama administration over a settlement freeze.
Related stories (Story continues below):
Top 30 things ‘more trusted than Hillary’
Comey: FBI didn’t put Hillary under oath
Above the law? Hillary’s HUGE scandal list explodes to 25
‘No individual too powerful to jail’ – not even Hillary
Allen West ‘delighted’ FBI won’t prosecute Clinton
Trump and Cruz bury the hatchet
Trump points out 6-sided Disney ‘Frozen’ star to ‘dishonest media’
Law firm ties Berger, Lynch, Mills
Berger worked as a partner in the Washington law firm Hogan & Hartson from 1973 to 1977, before taking a position as the deputy director of policy planning at the State Department in the Carter administration.
When Carter lost his re-election bid, Berger returned to Hogan & Hartson, where he worked until he took leave in 1988 to act as foreign policy adviser in Gov. Michael Dukakis’ presidential campaign.
When Dukakis was defeated, Berger returned to Hogan & Hartson until he became foreign policy adviser for Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign in 1992.
On March 28, WND reported Lynch was a litigation partner for eight years at Hogan & Hartson, from March 2002 through April 2010.
Mills also worked at Hogan & Hartson, for two years, starting in 1990, before she joined then President-elect Bill Clinton’s transition team, on her way to securing a position as White House deputy counsel in the Clinton administration.
According to documents Hillary Clinton’s first presidential campaign made public in 2008, Hogan & Hartson’s New York-based partner Howard Topaz was the tax lawyer who filed income tax returns for Bill and Hillary Clinton beginning in 2004.
In addition, Hogan & Hartson in Virginia filed a patent trademark request on May 19, 2004, for Denver-based MX Logic Inc., the computer software firm that developed the email encryption system used to manage Clinton’s private email server beginning in July 2013. A tech expert has observed that employees of MX Logic could have had access to all the emails that went through her account.
In 1999, President Bill Clinton nominated Lynch for the first of her two terms as U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, a position she held until she joined Hogan & Hartson in March 2002 to become a partner in the firm’s Litigation Practice Group.
She left Hogan & Hartson in 2010, after being nominated by President Obama for her second term as U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, a position she held until Obama nominated her to serve in her current position as attorney general.
A report published April 8, 2008, by The American Lawyer noted Hogan & Hartson was among Hillary Clinton’s biggest financial supporters in the legal industry during her first presidential campaign.
“Firm lawyers and staff have donated nearly $123,400 to her campaign so far, according to campaign contribution data from the Center for Responsive Politics,” Nate Raymond observed in The American Lawyer article. “Christine Varney, a partner in Hogan’s Washington, D.C., office, served as chief counsel to the Clinton-Gore Campaign in 1992.”
While there is no evidence that Lynch played a direct role either in the tax work done by the firm for the Clintons or in linking Hillary’s private email server to MX Logic, the ethics of the legal profession hold all partners jointly liable for the actions of other partners in a business.
“If Hogan and Hartson previously represented the Clintons on tax matters, it is incumbent upon U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch to [disclose] what, if any, role she had in such tax matters,” said Tom Fitton, president of Washington-based Judicial Watch.
HSBC link
When Lynch’s nomination as attorney general was considered by the Senate one year ago, as WND reported, the Senate Judiciary Committee examined her role in the Obama administration’s decision not to prosecute the banking giant HSBC for laundering funds for Mexican drug cartels and Middle Eastern terrorists.
WND was first to report in a series of articles beginning in 2012 money-laundering charges brought by John Cruz, a former HSBC vice president and relationship manager, based on his more than 1,000 pages of evidence and secret audio recordings.
The staff of the Senate Judiciary Committee focused on Cruz’s allegations that Lynch, acting then in her capacity as the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, engaged in a Department of Justice cover-up. Obama’s attorney general nominee allowed HSBC in December 2011 to enter into a “deferred prosecution” settlement in which the bank agreed to pay a $1.9 billion fine and admit “willful criminal conduct” in exchange for dropping criminal investigations and prosecutions of HSBC directors or employees.
Cruz called the $1.92 billion fine the U.S. government imposed on HSBC “a joke” and filed a $10 million lawsuit for “retaliation and wrongful termination.”
From 2002 to 2003, Comey held the position of U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, the same position held by Lynch.
On March 4, 2013, he joined the HSBC board of directors, agreeing to serve as an independent non-executive director and a member of the bank’s Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee, positions he held until he resigned on Aug. 3, 2013, to become head of the FBI.
Comey, Fitzgerald and Valerie Plame
On Jan. 1, 2004, the Washington Post reported that after Attorney General John Aschroft recused himself and his staff from any involvement in the investigation of who leaked the name of CIA employee Valerie Plame after journalist Robert Novak named her in print as a CIA operative, Comey assumed the role of acting attorney general for the purposes of the investigation.
Comey appointed Patrick J. Fitzgerald, a U.S. attorney in Chicago, to act as special counsel in conducting the inquiry into what became known as “Plamegate.”
At the time Comey made the appointment, Fitzgerald was already godfather to one of Comey’s children.
On April 13, 2015, co-authoring a USA Today op-ed piece, Plame and her husband, retired ambassador Joseph Wilson, made public their support for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, openly acknowledging their political closeness to both Hillary and Bill Clinton.
The first two paragraphs of the editorial read:
We have known Hillary Clinton both professionally and personally for close to 20 years, dating back to before President Bill Clinton’s first trip to Africa in 1998 — a trip that they both acknowledge changed their lives, and gave considerable meaning to their post-White House years and to the activities of the Clinton Foundation. Joe, serving as the National Security Council Senior Director for African Affairs, was instrumental in arranging that historic visit.
Our history became entwined with Hillary further after Valerie’s identity as a CIA officer was deliberately exposed. That criminal act was taken in retribution for Joe’s article in The New York Times in which he explained he had discovered no basis for the Bush administration’s justification for the Iraq War that Saddam Hussein was seeking yellowcake uranium to develop a nuclear weapon.
In January 2016, Chuck Ross in the Daily Caller reported that Hillary Clinton emails made public made clear that one of her “most frequent favor-seekers when she was secretary of state was former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, a longtime Clinton friend, an endorser of Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and an Africa expert with deep business ties on the continent.”
Ross noted that Wilson emailed Clinton on Dec. 22, 2009, seeking help for Symbion Power, an American engineering contractor for whom Wilson consulted, in the company’s bid to pursue a U.S. Agency of International Development contract for work in Afghanistan.
In the case of the Afghanistan project, Ross noted, Clinton vouched for Wilson and Symbion as she forwarded the request to Jack Lew, who served then as deputy secretary of state for management and resources.
Ross further reported Wilson’s request might also have been discussed with President Obama, as one email indicates.
In 2005, Fitzgerald prosecuted Libby, a prominent adviser to then Vice President Dick Cheney, in the Plame investigation, charging him with two counts of perjury, two counts of making false statements to federal prosecutors and one count of obstruction of justice.
On March 6, 2007, Libby was convicted of four of the five counts, and on June 5, 2007, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton to two and a half years in federal prison.
On April 6, 2015, the Wall Street Journal reported the publication of New York Times reporter Judith Miller’s memoir “The Story: A Reporter’s Journey” exposed “unscrupulous conduct” by Fitzgerald in the 2007 trial of Libby.
WSJ reporter Peter Berkowitz noted Miller “writes that Mr. Fitzgerald induced her to give what she now realizes was false testimony.”
“By withholding critical information and manipulating her memory as he prepared her to testify, Ms. Miller relates, Mr. Fitzgerald ‘steered’ her ‘in the wrong direction.’”


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump 11h

After today, Crooked Hillary can officially be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary.

15,368 retweets38,532 likes





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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Chaffetz: FBI Will Have a Referral Within Hours to See If Clinton Lied Under Oath[/h]SHARE

BY: Chandler Gill
July 7, 2016 12:03 pm

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R., Utah) guaranteed to FBI Director James Comey during a congressional hearing Thursday that the FBI will have a referral within hours to investigate Hillary Clinton’s past statements under oath on her private email server.
“Did you review the documents where Congressman Jim Jordan asked her specifically and she said, ‘there was nothing marked classified on my emails either sent or received,’” Chaffetz asked Comey at a House Oversight Committee hearing.
Comey said he did not remember reviewing what Chaffetz cited.
“I don’t remember reviewing that particular testimony,” Comey said. “I’m aware of that being said though.”
Chaffetz then asked if the FBI investigated Clinton’s past statements under oath in front of Congress.
“Did the FBI investigate her statements under oath on this topic?” he asked.
Comey responded that the FBI needed a referral from Congress to be able to investigate the matter.
“Not to my knowledge,” Comey said. “I don’t think there has been a referral from Congress.”
Chaffetz asked to clarify if the FBI director needs a referral from Congress to investigate what was said under oath.
“Sure do,” Comey responded.
Chaffetz laughed.
“You’ll have one,” he said. “You’ll have one in the next few hours.”
Chaffetz called Comey to testify before the House Oversight Committee less than 24 hours after Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced she would accept Comey’s recommendation from Tuesday to not press charges against Clinton for mishandling classified information with her private server. Comey also said in his statement Tuesday that Clinton and her senior aides were “extremely careless” with their handling of classified material.
Politico reported that Chaffetz called it “surprising and confusing” that Comey did not recommend an indictment for Clinton, adding that the FBI chief’s criticism “makes clear Secretary Clinton violated the law.”
“Congress and the American people have a right to understand the depth and breadth of the FBI’s investigation,” Chaffetz said in a statement after Comey agreed to testify.


Sep 22, 2007
Right wing hypocritical twat...

This Fox News Host Ranting About Clinton Emails Was Bush's Press Sec When 5 MILLION Emails Vanished


By News Corpse
Thursday Jul 07, 2016 · 10:43 PM PDT

With the conclusion of the FBI's investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails, clearing her of legal wrongdoing, partisans on both sides are spinning this issue to their respective advantage. While FBI Director James Comey said plainly that there was no "evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws," Republicans chose to malign his reputation during nearly five hours of questioning in a congressional hearing that proved nothing.


Throughout this matter, one of the most vocal critics of Clinton was a Fox News co-host of The Five, Dana Perino. She embarked on an extended Twitter tirade yesterday beginning with an introduction to a multi-tweet rant:

Dana Perino Verified account ‏@DanaPerino
Would you allow me a bit of a rant on the Comey/HRC email story? Because I'm stewing. So here goes...

That was the opening for another twenty or so tweets about how dearly she appreciated the opportunity to work for the White House and how seriously she took her job. Each tweet contained an implied swipe at Clinton who she cast as not sharing her respect for the position. Perino sought to paint herself as having no political biases, she was just there to serve America:
That, of course, was utter bullcrap. She was the press secretary for a starkly partisan administration that sharply divided the America people. There was a sentiment within the Bush realm that "you are either with us or you are with the terrorists." Then Perino herself baselessly accused Comey of having a partisan double standard wherein he would have indicted a Republican under the same circumstances.
However, the most absurd part of this diatribe came when Perino referenced the time when she had to defend the Bush administration from charges of a cover up when they disclosed that two years of emails - more than five million - had been forever lost.
First of all, socks notwithstanding, Perino neglected to actually refer to any prior explaining rant. Secondly, if the emails were found (and that has not been established) it wouldn't prove that there was no intent to deceive, only that the attempt at deception might have failed.
Flashback to April of 2007. The Bush administration was in the midst of dual scandals regarding: 1) the outing of Valerie Plame, a covert CIA agent whose identity was deliberately compromised as payback for her husband’s criticism of the Bush lies that led to the invasion of Iraq, and 2) the unethical firing of eight federal attorneys for politically ideological reasons. Additionally, there were questions about Karl Rove improperly using a Republican National Committee e-mail account that the White House later said disappeared.
So contrary to her assertion that it wasn't the same, virtually every element of it is matched perfectly, There is classified information that was compromised, albeit in this case it was deliberate and it endangered the lives of covert CIA operatives. There were also improper political motivations in attempting to clean the Department of Justice of any attorneys left over from prior Democratic administrations. And there was an intent to hide official communications by using the RNC's email servers instead of those at the White House as required by law. On top of all of that, there were millions of emails that were never recovered. And the explanation given was that it was just a computer glitch. Which is funny because Perino mocked any suggestion that any of Clinton's missing emails might have been inadvertently deleted by tweeting:
What makes this even worse is that Perino just happened to be Bush’s press secretary at the time. That's right, she was not a pundit, she was the President's spokesperson. And this was the White House itself (not some home server) that lost millions of emails (not only 30,000) that were then being requested by investigators. And it was Perino who defended this blatant malfeasance. Here she is downplaying the matter in a report on CNN by Ed Henry (now at Fox News, but off the air because he was caught having an adulterous affair):

Perino actually used the defense that "there's no indication the emails were intentionally lost," which she dismisses as a defense for Clinton whom she believes should be prosecuted regardless of lack of intent. Now that's a double standard. And it is astonishing that Perino could be so rattled by the FBI's report when she herself was so intimately involved in spinning an identical controversy when she worked for Bush. Of course, now that she's at Fox News, she’s still spinning for the same right-wing gang.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Comey: Hillary’s FBI Testimony Wasn’t Under Oath Or Recorded, But It Would Still Be a Crime To Lie[/h]


by IAN HANCHETT7 Jul 201612,949

During testimony before Congress on Thursday, FBI Director James Comey stated that the FBI’s interview with presumptive Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was not under oath or recorded, but it still would be a crime to lie to the FBI.
Comey stated that he did not personally interview Clinton, and did not talk to all of the “five or six” who did interview Clinton.
He was then asked, “did she testify or talk to them under oath?” Comey answered, “No.” But added that “it’s still a crime to lie to us.”
When asked if there was a transcript of the interview, Comey stated that there wasn’t one because the interview wasn’t recorded, but there was an analysis of Clinton’s interview.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department is reopening an internal investigation of possible mishandling of classified information by Hillary Clinton and top aides, officials told The Associated Press on Thursday.

The State Department started its review in January after declaring 22 emails from Clinton’s private server to be “top secret.” It was suspended in April so as not to interfere with the FBI’s inquiry. State Department spokesman John Kirby said the probe is restarting after the Justice Department’s announcement Wednesday that it won’t bring any criminal charges.

“We will aim to be as expeditious as possible, but we will not put artificial deadlines on the process,” Kirby said. “Our goal will be to be as transparent as possible about our results, while complying with our various legal obligations.”

My question is why? Since when is the DOJ in charge of pony and dog shows? Since Obama took office? Sure seems that way.

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