Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The irony of this entire thing is she's guilty as Hell according to Comey himself. He got his message across, meticulously breaking down and crushing every one of her talking points, and then warning other Americans not to try any of this shit themselves. And then like a one man justice committee set her free.

I read an article yesterday that Comey did the country a favor by not making her into a martyr.


Sep 21, 2001
Well hopefully she is charged with perjury now - Comey and everyone in the room agreed she lied under oath - fucken Bonds was charged with lying under oath - she should be no different

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]Republicans threaten PERJURY probe of Hillary Clinton over congressional testimony that 'nothing marked classified' was on her email server as committee chairman grills FBI director[/h][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[/FONT]The Republican chairman of a powerful congressional committee threatened on Thursday to ask the FBI for a new criminal investigation over Hillary Clinton's classified email scandal, focusing on the possibility that she perjured herself in sworn testimony to Congress. Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, asked FBI Director James Comey whether he had cause to charge her for lying in a statement she made to Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan during a 2015 hearing.
'There was nothing marked classified on my emails, either sent or received,' Clinton said at the time.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]Republican senators tell John Kerry to suspend Clinton's security clearance over her 'grossly negligent' behavior[/h]
NEW 'There is simply no excuse' for her behavior, they said in their letter, 'which left sensitive and classified national security information vulnerable to theft and exploitation by America's enemies.'

New member
Jan 9, 2009
It is so funny that the lib’s on this forum think all of these dots that connect to Hillary should be put aside and even forgotten. The same tards on here who think this thread should be handled the same way. That tells us all we need to know. If something bad concerns one of theirs they get a pass, plain and simple. So it is never about getting to the truth and one of them will never be completely truthful anyway.
Hillary is probably guilty of perjury as pointed out above. Had anyone but her done what she did they would have been found guilty and paid some consequences. Hillary has paid none. Benghazi, the emails, and the foundation are anchors that she has to drag around everywhere she goes. This administration is a joke but look who runs it. All of this if far from over.
This thread will continue until November. It is not like I am the only one who contributes to it. All the tards do is Alinsky this and Alinsky that. Truth is not important. Anyone who supports a liar has big time problems. I can give a pass to the uninformed because they don’t know any better. But if you know the facts and disregard them then you are an Alinskyite through and through.
Like superbeets I mostly post articles etc. but look how many there are on here, the "beet" goes on.

Sep 21, 2004
It is so funny that the lib’s on this forum think all of these dots that connect to Hillary should be put aside and even forgotten. The same tards on here who think this thread should be handled the same way. That tells us all we need to know. If something bad concerns one of theirs they get a pass, plain and simple. So it is never about getting to the truth and one of them will never be completely truthful anyway.
Hillary is probably guilty of perjury as pointed out above. Had anyone but her done what she did they would have been found guilty and paid some consequences. Hillary has paid none. Benghazi, the emails, and the foundation are anchors that she has to drag around everywhere she goes. This administration is a joke but look who runs it. All of this if far from over.
This thread will continue until November. It is not like I am the only one who contributes to it. All the tards do is Alinsky this and Alinsky that. Truth is not important. Anyone who supports a liar has big time problems. I can give a pass to the uninformed because they don’t know any better. But if you know the facts and disregard them then you are an Alinskyite through and through.
Like superbeets I mostly post articles etc. but look how many there are on here, the "beet" goes on.
Do you support Drumpf? Are you voting for Drumpf?

New member
Jan 9, 2009
^^^^^^anyone but Hillary - how many alternatives are there dummy

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Comey: I Worry About Precedent Set By Clinton Regarding Classified Material[/h]SHARE

BY: David Rutz
July 7, 2016 12:32 pm

FBI Director James Comey said Thursday that he did worry about the precedent set by Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server to transmit classified information for other federal employees.
Rep. Will Hurd (R., Texas) asked Comey if he was concerned about whether Clinton’s conduct “sends a message” to other employees regarding such behavior.
“Oh, I worry very much about that,” Comey said. “That’s why I talked about that in my statement, because an FBI employee might face severe discipline, and I want them to understand that those consequences are still going to be there.”
Comey is testifying before the House Oversight Committee about the federal investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server while at the State Department. He said Tuesday that Clintonhad been “extremely careless” with classified material but did not recommend charges be brought against her.
The full exchange is below:
HURD: Did you take into any consideration the impact that this precedence can set on our ability to collect intelligence overseas?
COMEY: Yes. My primary concern is the impact on what other employees might think in the federal government.
HURD: And you don’t think this sends a message to other employees that if the former secretary of state can have an unauthorized server in their basement that transmits top-secret information, that that’s not a problem?
COMEY: Oh, I worry very much about that. That’s why I talked about that in my statement, because an FBI employee might face severe discipline, and I want them to understand that those consequences are still going to be there.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Chaffetz: FBI Will Have a Referral Within Hours to See If Clinton Lied Under Oath[/h]SHARE

BY: Chandler Gill
July 7, 2016 12:03 pm

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R., Utah) guaranteed to FBI Director James Comey during a congressional hearing Thursday that the FBI will have a referral within hours to investigate Hillary Clinton’s past statements under oath on her private email server.
“Did you review the documents where Congressman Jim Jordan asked her specifically and she said, ‘there was nothing marked classified on my emails either sent or received,’” Chaffetz asked Comey at a House Oversight Committee hearing.
Comey said he did not remember reviewing what Chaffetz cited.
“I don’t remember reviewing that particular testimony,” Comey said. “I’m aware of that being said though.”
Chaffetz then asked if the FBI investigated Clinton’s past statements under oath in front of Congress.
“Did the FBI investigate her statements under oath on this topic?” he asked.
Comey responded that the FBI needed a referral from Congress to be able to investigate the matter.
“Not to my knowledge,” Comey said. “I don’t think there has been a referral from Congress.”
Chaffetz asked to clarify if the FBI director needs a referral from Congress to investigate what was said under oath.
“Sure do,” Comey responded.
Chaffetz laughed.
“You’ll have one,” he said. “You’ll have one in the next few hours.”
Chaffetz called Comey to testify before the House Oversight Committee less than 24 hours after Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced she would accept Comey’s recommendation from Tuesday to not press charges against Clinton for mishandling classified information with her private server. Comey also said in his statement Tuesday that Clinton and her senior aides were “extremely careless” with their handling of classified material.
Politico reported that Chaffetz called it “surprising and confusing” that Comey did not recommend an indictment for Clinton, adding that the FBI chief’s criticism “makes clear Secretary Clinton violated the law.”
“Congress and the American people have a right to understand the depth and breadth of the FBI’s investigation,” Chaffetz said in a statement after Comey agreed to testify.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Like I said, it ain't over till it's over. If she lied under oath there should be consequences to say the least. By the way is she a lawyer LOL

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Comey: I Worry About Precedent Set By Clinton Regarding Classified Material


BY: David Rutz
July 7, 2016 12:32 pm

FBI Director James Comey said Thursday that he did worry about the precedent set by Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server to transmit classified information for other federal employees.
Rep. Will Hurd (R., Texas) asked Comey if he was concerned about whether Clinton’s conduct “sends a message” to other employees regarding such behavior.
“Oh, I worry very much about that,” Comey said. “That’s why I talked about that in my statement, because an FBI employee might face severe discipline, and I want them to understand that those consequences are still going to be there.”
Comey is testifying before the House Oversight Committee about the federal investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server while at the State Department. He said Tuesday that Clintonhad been “extremely careless” with classified material but did not recommend charges be brought against her.
The full exchange is below:
HURD: Did you take into any consideration the impact that this precedence can set on our ability to collect intelligence overseas?
COMEY: Yes. My primary concern is the impact on what other employees might think in the federal government.
HURD: And you don’t think this sends a message to other employees that if the former secretary of state can have an unauthorized server in their basement that transmits top-secret information, that that’s not a problem?
COMEY: Oh, I worry very much about that. That’s why I talked about that in my statement, because an FBI employee might face severe discipline, and I want them to understand that those consequences are still going to be there.
Comey has had his 15 minutes of fame. He needs to shut his pie hole. His reputation has been tainted.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Then why testify - does that promote lying.

Did she lie under oath when she testified before the House Committe?

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