Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Sep 22, 2007
But, but, but, but, but....he was totally impartial and supported and McCain and Romney!

You call THAT a "long history," lol? Did it ever occur to you that he simply tries a case based on its merits, and the people that he tried were simply guilty? You still haven't explained why he would support McCain and Romney and then "throw" a case in favor the Democrats, schmuck...

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You call THAT a "long history," lol? Did it ever occur to you that he simply tries a case based on its merits, and the people that he tried were simply guilty? You still haven't explained why he would support McCain and Romney and then "throw" a case in favor the Democrats, schmuck...

Lol......did you read that headline and then read the article.

I was at a Yankees game in 2004 and then again in 2016....I have a long history of going to Yankee stadium :):)

Sep 22, 2007
Lol......did you read that headline and then read the article.

I was at a Yankees game in 2004 and then again in 2016....I have a long history of going to Yankee stadium :):)

ROTFLMAO!!!!! Perfect analogy, Vit. To say these clowns are grasping at straws is a gross understatement.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Clinton Refuses to Say if She’ll Cooperate with State Department Investigation[/h]SHARE

BY: Jack Heretik
July 8, 2016 7:09 pm

Hillary Clinton refused to say in an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Friday if she would cooperate with the State Department’s recently reopened investigation into her use of a personal email server to transmit classified material while she was secretary of state.
Blitzer asked Clinton if she would cooperate with the investigation, and she responded by referring to the Department of Justice’s investigation.
“Will you cooperate with this new State Department investigation?” Blitzer asked.
“Well, I assume they will pursue whatever process they think is appropriate, and I also assume that they will pay very close attention to what the findings were of the Justice Department investigation,” Clinton said.
“But, again, I will repeat, because I think this is important, over 300 people were on these email exchanges, some on many, some on a few, and these were experienced professionals who have had great years of dealing with classified material, and whatever they sent me, they did not believe and had, in my view, no reason to believe at the time that it was classified,” Clinton said.
“So I am very proud of the work that we did during my four years. We dealt with two wars, a financial collapse, the Arab Spring, and so much else and I think that the professionals with whom I communicated were very careful about how they handled classified material, as I was over the course of those four years,” she added.
The FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s server found that she and her staff were “extremely careless” with handling classified material but should not be prosecuted.
Blitzer asked again for a straight answer on if Clinton will cooperate with the ongoing State Department investigation.
“We are completely out of time but, very quickly, will you cooperate with this new State Department investigation?” Blitzer asked. “Because I know you didn’t cooperate with the Inspector General of the State Department in his investigation.”
Clinton again referred to the Justice Department inquiry.
“Well, there was a Justice Department investigation going on at the time and, of course, I fully cooperated with that,” Clinton said.


Aug 6, 2006
Think of the meanest lady teacher you ever had in elementary school. Heck, think of the 3 meanest. Everybody had at least 3 of them from grade 1-6. Always in a foul mood. Always a frown. Entire class waiting for her to snap... at anything! Except on Parent Teacher Conference Day 'AKA' Frozen Smile Day. It's her best performance ever! Mrs Meanie has morphed into Mrs Meltyourheart, right in front of your eyes. "Everything I do is about the kids," she boasts, as she smiles broadly at your parents, and then turns and smiles at you for the first time all year. Now imagine growing up to be an adult. And voting for one of these witches.
Oct 30, 2006

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]EXCLUSIVE – Juanita Broaddrick Provides Never Before Published Details On Bill Clinton’s Rape[/h]


NBC News

by AARON KLEIN10 Jul 2016393

[h=2]Juanita Broaddrick has told this reporter that she was raped not once but twice by Bill Clinton during the same infamous encounter in 1978.[/h]Broaddrick has rarely discussed the actual details of the alleged incident due to the graphic and traumatic nature of the event.
In August 2000, Connecticut Rep. Chris Shays told a local talk show that based on evidence to which he was privy from the Clinton impeachment trial, he found that Broaddrick had “disclosed that she had been raped, not once, but twice” to Senate Judiciary Committee investigators.
“I believed that he had done it,” Shays continued. “I believed her that she had been raped 20 years ago. And it was vicious rapes, it was twice at the same event.”
Now Broaddrick has for the first time publically confirmed her account that Clinton raped her twice.
She said that after the first round, in which the much stronger Clinton had her pinned down for a period of time, she was relieved when she thought it was over and was hoping he would leave the room.
Instead, she says Clinton turned to her and told her words to the effect of “I am going to do it again.”
And then he did, she says.
Out of sensitivity to the nature of the alleged event and its impact on her, this reporter did not ask Broaddrick to further describe the scene during our latest interview.
However, in an interview that broke nearly a decade of media silence, in November 2015 Broaddrick recounted some of the details to me.
Broaddrick’s story begins when she was a nursing home administrator volunteering for then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton’s 1978 gubernatorial bid.
She said Clinton singled her out during a campaign stop at her nursing home. “He would just sort of insinuate, you know when you are in Little Rock let’s get together. Let’s talk about the industry. Let’s talk about the needs of the nursing homes and I was very excited about that.”
Broaddrick said she finally took Clinton up on that offer in the spring of 1978 when she traveled to Little Rock for an industry convention along with her friend and nursing employee Norma Rogers. The two shared a room at the city’s Camelot Hotel.
Broaddrick phoned Clinton’s campaign headquarters to inform her of her arrival and was told by a receptionist that Clinton had left instructions for her to reach him at his private apartment.
“I called his apartment and he answered,” she told me. “And he said, ‘Well, why don’t we meet in the Camelot Hotel coffee room and we can get together there and talk. And I said, ‘That would be fine.’”
Clinton then changed the meeting location from the hotel coffee shop to Broaddrick’s room.
“A time later and I’m not sure how long it was, he called my room, which he said he would do when he got to the coffee shop. And he said ‘There are too many people down here. It’s too crowded. There’s reporters and can we just meet in your room?’”
“And it sort of took me back a little bit, Aaron,” she said of Clinton’s request.
“But I did say okay, I’ll order coffee to the room, which I did and that’s when things sort of got out of hand. And it was very unexpected. It was, you might even say, brutal. With the biting of my lip.”
Broaddrick said she did not want to rehash the alleged rape scene, explaining those painful details are fully available in previous news reports.
She told NBC’s Dateline in 1999 that she resisted when Clinton suddenly kissed her:
Then he tries to kiss me again. And the second time he tries to kiss me he starts biting my lip. … He starts to, um, bite on my top lip and I tried to pull away from him. And then he forces me down on the bed. And I just was very frightened, and I tried to get away from him and I told him “No,” that I didn’t want this to happen but he wouldn’t listen to me. … It was a real panicky, panicky situation. I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling to “Please stop.” And that’s when he pressed down on my right shoulder and he would bite my lip. … When everything was over with, he got up and straightened himself, and I was crying at the moment and he walks to the door, and calmly puts on his sunglasses. And before he goes out the door he says, “You better get some ice on that.” And he turned and went out the door.
In our November interview, Broaddrick recounted the aftermath of the incident, when her friend Rogers came back to the room after Broaddrick failed to show up to the convention.
“I was in a state of shock afterwards,” an emotional Broaddrick said, clearly still impacted by the event. “And I know my nurse came back to the room to check on me because she hadn’t heard from me. … She came up and it was devastating to her and to me to find me in the condition that I was in.”
“We really did not know what to do. We sat and talked and she got ice for my mouth. … It was four times the size that it should be. And she got ice for me and we decided then I just wanted to go home. I just wanted to get out of there, which we did.”
The detail about Clinton allegedly biting her lip is instructive. One woman who would later say she had a consensual affair with Clinton, former Miss America pageant winner Elizabeth Ward Gracen, would also reveal Clinton bit her lip when a tryst became rough.
Broaddrick says Bill repeatedly called her after the alleged rape.
Apparently that wasn’t the end of it.
In January, Broaddrick told me that within a few weeks after Clinton allegedly raped her, he started to call her repeatedly with the aim of meeting again.
“I was shocked to say the least that he would have the audacity to call me after what he did to me,” Broaddrick said.
She said that just a few weeks after the 1978 alleged sexual assault, “He called the nursing home that I owned and they patched the call through to my office and I didn’t know that it was him. And he immediately said, ‘Hi, this is Bill Clinton. I was just wondering when you were coming back to Little Rock again.’
“This just caught me so off guard. I had not expected anything like this at all. And I told him I would not be coming back to Little Rock again and definitely would not ever be seeing him again. And I hung up.”
Broaddrick recalled that Clinton, the attorney general of Arkansas and candidate for governor at the time, called the nursing home where she worked on numerous occasions over the next six months.
And you would think that would have been the end of it. But it wasn’t. About two or three weeks later, I was in a meeting and my administrator came into the meeting and she said, “You are wanted on the phone.” And she said it was Mr. Clinton. And I told her, I said, “Please tell him I’m not here.” She wasn’t aware of what had happened to me. Nor were the nurses. The two directors of nursings [sic] were the only two who had known what he had done to me. So she wasn’t aware, but she was very caught off guard why I wouldn’t speak to him.
And I went into her office later and I said if there are ever any phone calls from him, I can’t explain but I do not want to have any phone calls from him. Whenever he calls please tell him that I’m not here.
And then it happened a couple of more times. The board secretary answered the phone. And she said, “Mr. Clinton is on the phone.” And I just looked at her and I said please tell him that I’m not here.
And I think there was probably a total of maybe four or five calls within a six-month period after the assault. And I think he finally figured out I wasn’t going to talk to him again.
Broaddrick was asked what she thought Clinton wanted from her.
She replied: “I think he thought, well this is just a usual occurrence. I probably was with him and I am wondering whether I can get with this woman again. I was shocked to say the least that he would have the audacity to call me after what he did to me.”
‘I felt responsible until Bill came back.’
Broaddrick said the climate of women’s issues in 1978 was such that “I felt responsible. I don’t know if you know the mentality of women and men at that time. But me letting him come to my room? I accepted full blame.”
“And I thought ‘This is your fault and you have to bear this. There’s nothing you can do. He’s the attorney general. And this is your fault.’”
She states that all that changed in 1991, when she says she was at a meeting at the Riverfront Hotel in Little Rock and Clinton approached her there.
Clinton found out she was at the hotel “and they called me out of the meeting and pointed to an area to go down around the corner by an elevator area. And I walked around the corner and there he stands.”
“And he immediately comes over to me with this gushing apology. Like, ‘I’m so sorry for what happened. I hope you can forgive me. I’m a family man now. I have a daughter. I’m a changed man. I would never do anything like that again.’”
Broaddrick said she thought Clinton was sincere until he announced his run for president the following week.
“But still I have to thank him for that day because the blame then went off of me and on to him. And I knew that it wasn’t my fault. I knew that I didn’t use good judgement, but I knew that the incident was no longer my fault.”

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Flynn: Hillary Blaming White People ‘Totally Irresponsible’[/h]


by PAM KEY10 Jul 2016620

Sunday, on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos,” while commenting on the recent police shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota and a sniper targeting and killing five Dallas police officers and wounding seven, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, advisor to presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, and a potential VP for Trump retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn said presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was “totally irresponsible, when she talked about white people being to blame.”
Flynn said, “I think her speech, a couple of nights ago, was totally irresponsible, when she talked about white people being to blame. I mean, that is so irresponsible. What we have to look at is, speech that’s positive, that’s forward-looking, and demonstrates an intellectual courage, that doesn’t try to attack an ideology one way or the other. I mean, how are we going to fix this? We have to — we cannot keep having these types of events in our country, whether it’s an Islamic terrorist attack, or whether it’s an attack on our law enforcement professionals in this country.”

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Clinton Refuses to Say if She’ll Cooperate with State Department Investigation[/h]SHARE

BY: Jack Heretik
July 8, 2016 7:09 pm

Hillary Clinton refused to say in an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Friday if she would cooperate with the State Department’s recently reopened investigation into her use of a personal email server to transmit classified material while she was secretary of state.
Blitzer asked Clinton if she would cooperate with the investigation, and she responded by referring to the Department of Justice’s investigation.
“Will you cooperate with this new State Department investigation?” Blitzer asked.
“Well, I assume they will pursue whatever process they think is appropriate, and I also assume that they will pay very close attention to what the findings were of the Justice Department investigation,” Clinton said.
“But, again, I will repeat, because I think this is important, over 300 people were on these email exchanges, some on many, some on a few, and these were experienced professionals who have had great years of dealing with classified material, and whatever they sent me, they did not believe and had, in my view, no reason to believe at the time that it was classified,” Clinton said.
“So I am very proud of the work that we did during my four years. We dealt with two wars, a financial collapse, the Arab Spring, and so much else and I think that the professionals with whom I communicated were very careful about how they handled classified material, as I was over the course of those four years,” she added.
The FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s server found that she and her staff were “extremely careless” with handling classified material but should not be prosecuted.
Blitzer asked again for a straight answer on if Clinton will cooperate with the ongoing State Department investigation.
“We are completely out of time but, very quickly, will you cooperate with this new State Department investigation?” Blitzer asked. “Because I know you didn’t cooperate with the Inspector General of the State Department in his investigation.”
Clinton again referred to the Justice Department inquiry.
“Well, there was a Justice Department investigation going on at the time and, of course, I fully cooperated with that,” Clinton said.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Charity begins at home. Canadian style.

The Canadian affiliate of the Clinton Foundation is spending an astounding 78 percent of the money it raises on administrative costs, according to the Globe and Mail.

The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (CGEP) spent nearly 8 dollars for every 10 that it raised on salaries, office supplies, expenses, salaries and consulting fees, according to filings with the Canada Revenue Agency. The charity only spent 22 percent on “charitable programs.”


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