Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Worse, he didn’t tell viewers, keeping silent about the potential conflict of interest even as he conducted a contentious interview April 26 on his Sunday panel show,This Week With George Stephanopoulos, with Clinton Foundation critic Peter Schweizer, author of Clinton Cash.

"Stephanopoulos apologized profusely to his viewers and ABC News colleagues for his misstep, announced that he would no longer moderate the scheduled ABC-sponsored Republican primary debate next February, promised to address the embarrassing issue on Sunday’s program, and expressed regret that he had given the Clinton Foundation money in the first place."

"Not the end of the world" :missingte

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Clintons earned more than $30 MILLION in speaking fees and book royalties in 2014... as Hillary declares herself the 'champion of everyday Americans'

  • The former president and former secretary of state are in the top 1%
  • Hillary has earned at least $5m in royalties from Hard Choices since June
  • Together, Hillary and Bill have earned more than $25m for 100 speeches
  • Her 2016 campaign rests on being a champion for everyday Americans

PUBLISHED: 03:54, 16 May 2015 | UPDATED: 04:01, 16 May 2015

The Clintons have earned at least $30 million since January 2014, including more than $25 million for delivering 100 speeches, their annual financial report reveals.
Hillary, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016, has earned more than $5 million in royalties for her book Hard Choices which was published in June, according to the form.
The Clintons' income puts them at the upper end of the top 0.1 per cent of earners in the U.S. population.
But Hillary's campaign rests on her claim to be the champion of 'everyday Americans'.



TOP 1%: Hillary and Bill Clinton are two of America's highest earners after earning $30 million last year



CHALLENGE? Hillary's presidential campaign rests on her claim to be the champion of 'everyday Americans'


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Hipster Hillary! Clinton poses on campaign tour of Brooklyn as news emerges of her $30million earnings (so no wonder she could afford a onesie for Charlotte)[/h]
  • Presidential hopeful walked around trendy Brooklyn Heights on Thursday
  • Was filmed 'making new friends' with locals, and browsing some stores
  • Bought Charlotte Clinton two sets of baby clothes and a rhyming book
  • Stopped in a pizza joint and ordered Mexican-style salad for $7.50
  • Also met campaign donors who'd stumped up at least $27,000
  • This week campaign filings disclosed her and Bill Clinton's massive earnings

Hillary Clinton went on a walking tour of Brooklyn this week and picked up a cute souvenir for her baby granddaughter after a meeting with campaign donors.
The smiling presidential candidate, 67, wandered the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood and posed for photographs with fans on Thursday.
Her travels round the hipster area took her to two kids' stores, where she picked up swag for Chelsea Clinton's daughter Charlotte, who is almost six months old.
The walkabout came as official financial documents revealed that she and Bill earned more than $30million in 2014 from their lucrative public speaking and writing deals.




Hill in the 'hood: Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton took a stroll round Brooklyn earlier this week



For Charlotte: Clinton posted this image, which shows her buying a onesie for her granddaughter at the Women's Exchange in Brooklyn Heights



Hanging on the stoop: Clinton met a gaggle of Brooklyn kids during her flying visit

She also stopped at a local pizza joint, where she ordered a Mexican-style salad.
According to Politico, the former Secretary of State went out to meet with the locals before schmoozing with 250 fundraisers who had pulled together at least $27,000 for her campaign.


She later posted on Facebook about meeting the 'new neighbors' who live near her official campaign headquarters in the area.
Politico reported that her first stop was the Area Kids toy store, where she picked up a onesie.
She then moved on to the Brooklyn Women's Exchange non-profit, where she got a second onesie and a rhyming children's book called Simpson's Sheep Won't Go To Sleep.




One for luck: Clinton grabbed a second onesie at the Area Kids toy store



Classic campaigning: Clinton met a baby on her walkabout, and observed that she is 'beautiful'

For lunch, she swung by Monty Q's, a nearby pizza joint. But rather than picking up a slice, Clinton opted for the Fire and Spice salad, according to Capital New York.
The $7.50 dish contains romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, black beans, corn, grape tomatoes, red onions and tortilla strips - and is topped with a poblano dressing.
Capital reported that Monty Q's owner George Chamoun offered to buy Hillary's lunch for her, but she insisted on paying.



Salad, please: Clinton ordered a Mexican-style salad when she visited the Monty Q's pizza joint



Back to work: Clinton also swung by her campaign headquarters to spur on her activists

A video the Clinton team posted of her walkabout showed her posing on a brownstone stoop, meeting a 16-month-old baby and being spontaneously stopped by a cabbie who 'tells all his customers to vote for her'.
However, Clinton's woman-of-the-people image also took a hit after it was revealed that she and her husband Bill rake in $30million in 2014 alone.
New financial records showed that Hillary alone made more than $5million from book royalties, while speaking engagements for the likes of Goldman Sachs executives further swelled her coffers.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
George Stephanopoulos's top ABC spokeswoman was a Clinton employee too: Network VP at center of donation crisis worked in Bill's White House press office

  • Heather Riley's first job was in the Clinton White House press office
  • Now she's the ABC News vice president in charge of George Stephanopoulos's 'This Week' program
  • Stephanopoulos is a former Clinton White House communications director who gave $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation without disclosing it
  • Riley is handling the media fallout
  • 'They're cut from the same cloth,' said a former Hillary Clinton campaign advisor, adding that 'George and Heather are now a pro-Clinton team'
  • Riley insists it's 'false' to infer a political conspiracy and says she hasn't contacted anyone in Clintonworld about the scandal

The ABC News spokeswoman who is helped anchorman George Stephanopoulos navigate the media fallout from his Clinton Foundation contribution scandal is herself an alumna of the Bill Clinton White House, Daily Mail Online can reveal.
Heather Riley is a vice president of communications at the network, in charge of handling media requests for 'This Week with George Stephanopoulos, 'Good Morning America,' 'World News Tonight' 'Nightline' and '20/20.'
Her first job, however, was in the West Wing press office during Clinton's second term.
'George and Heather are a pro-Clinton team,' according to a political operative who helped manage media relations for HIllary Clinton's failed 2008 presidential campaign. 'They're cut from the same cloth.'
The source spoke on condition of anonymity.



Heather Riley, the ABC News vice president in charge of communications for George Stephanopoulos' television programs, said it's unfair to assume that she's biased toward the Clintons because Bill's White House gave her her first job



ABC TEAM: Riley (2nd from right) and Stephanopoulos (3rd from left) are both Clinton administration veterans. Other ABC staff pictured (l-r) are 'The Week' digital producer Ben Bell, Eric Thurm, former senior executive producer Jon Banner, ABC NEws Washington bureau chief Jonathan Greenberger and former production coordinator Kaye Foley



WORSHIPFUL: Stephanopoulos moderated a 2007 Democratic Party presidential candidates forum in Nevada, when Hillary Clinton was riding high in the polls –and later gave $75,000 to her namesake foundation

Riley told Daily Mail Online that any suggestion of a political conspiracy at ABC News 'is absolutely false.'
'I worked at the White House 15 years ago,' she said in a phone interview.
In 2013 she tweeted a photo of herself helping then-President Clinton prepare for what looks like a televised address.
'This was 15 years ago,' Riley wrote of her first job. 'Someone pointed out how neither hairstyle changed.'
According to her LinkedIn profile, in the twilight days of the Clinton White House Riley jumped to MSNBC and then to CNN, spending five years cutting her teeth in network television news.
Stephanopoulos left the Clinton administration in 1996, a year before Riley arrived.
She told Daily Mail Online that the two didn't cross paths in Clintonworld.
'I had never met George before I started working here,' Riley said on Friday. 'I don't think I even met him before I was working here for about a year.'
She also said she has had no contact with anyone in the Clinton orbit since she learned about Stephanopoulos' undisclosed charitable donations.
'No,' said Riley. 'I have not spoken with the foundation or the Clintons about this.'
The former Hillary Clinton media flack said Friday, though, that 'it's no secret in big media circles that the two share a love for the Clintons and an appreciation for how working for them launched their careers.'


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Geraldo Rivera lashes out at ABC for keeping Stephanopoulos – and says he was fired 30 years ago for giving $200 to a family friend who ran for MAYOR of a small town[/h]
  • Fox News Channel correspondent said ABC let him go in 1985 and cited a $200 check he wrote to a mayoral campaign in New Bedford, Mass.
  • George Stephanopoulos hasn't been disciplined by the network after he donated $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation
  • Contributions came over three years while he was reporting on the former first couple and ripping the author of a book critical of them
  • Rivera said $200 donation was ABC's excuse for firing him after network's president angrily spiked his story about Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedys

PUBLISHED: 21:12, 15 May 2015 | UPDATED: 21:57, 15 May 2015
ABC News anchor George Stephanopolous will keep his job despite donating heavily to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation while reporting on the former first family, and Geraldo Rivera says he has 200 reasons why that's ridiculous.
The same network fired him in 1985 after an internal squabble, using a $200 donation he made to a New Bedford Massachusetts mayoral candidate – a family friend, he says – as an excuse to get rid of him.
ABC's standards manual then, and now, prohibits journalists from donating to politicians.
'You are correct,' Geraldo said Friday morning after Daily Mail Online inquired about the inconsistency between his story and the Stephanopoulos saga. The host of 'This Week' admitted Thursday that he donated $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation between 2012 and 2014, but an ABC spokesman said he won't suffer any consequences.
'He's going to cover the 2016 campaign,' ABC communications vice president told Daily Mail Online.



200 REASONS: Newsman Geraldo Rivera was fired from ABC in 1985 for making a $200 political contribution, an amount that's one three-hundred-seventy-fifth the size of George Stephanopoulos's donations to the Clinton Foundation



LOYALIST: Stephanopoulos (right) was Bill Clinton's communications director during the 1992 presidential campaign and then in the White House from 1993 to 1996 – and gave his foundation $75,000 from 2012 to 2014 without disclosing it to viewers



BACK IN THE DAY: In the mid-'70s, Rivera hosted 'Good Night America' on ABC, a decade before he would be let go on what he says was a pretext

Both Riley and Stephanopolous worked in President Bill Clinton's White House. he as communications director and she as a press aide after he moved on, first to Columbia University and then to ABC.
Rivera said Thursday's news cycle, and the revelation that Stephanopolous will continue to report on Hillary Clinton's presidential run, is a head-scratcher.
'My firing from ABC News in 1985 was officially because I donated $200 to a family friend running in a non-partisan mayoral campaign in New Bedford, Massachusetts,' he said.
'Of course the real reason I was fired was because I complained publicly that Roone Arledge was spiking a "20/20" story about the Kennedy brothers’ relationship with Marilyn Monroe.'
'The Kennedy story never ran, I alleged, because of Roone’s relationship with the Kennedy family.'
Rivera expanded on his account later in the day on Facebook.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Univision has passed them all - check it out.

New member
Jan 9, 2009

Univision Tells Advertisers That It’s Unaffected By Fragmentation – Upfront


by David Lieberman
May 12, 2015 9:46am


We’re just midway through broadcasters’ Upfronts Week, but Univision may emerge as the company with the least defensive presentation. It was resolutely upbeat, and specific, even as it continues to fight a lingering impression among some advertisers that Spanish-language audiences tend to be comparatively old or hard up — losing younger, bilingual viewers to the major networks and digital outlets.
RelatedUnivision Enlists Bill Clinton To Call For Policies Of

Advertisers who increase their spending on digital video are “trying to chase this fragmenting viewer,” Advertising Sales EVP Steve Mandala said in his company’s gathering today. “Fragmentation is about other networks, not [Univision].” Some 91% of its viewers watch live vs anywhere from 44% to 56% for other major networks. “There’s no way to drive the opening-weekend box office…if the consumer isn’t seeing your ad exactly when you want them to see it.”
He added that 73% of the Univision audience doesn’t watch the “top 10 networks where the majority of your TV dollars are being spent.”
Unlike most of its rivals, Univision discussed the effectiveness of specific ad campaigns. For example, JCPenney saw ads on the company’s networks as well as elsewhere result in sales to Hispanic consumers growing three times as much as other sales. Papa John had 43% growth among Hispanic buyers vs 4% for others. After a series of recalls sent Tylenol retreating to the advertising sidelines for two years, a return to the airwaves saw sales to Latinos up 34% more than the rest of the population. A Nissan campaign also resulted in Hispanics accounting for 33% of its sales growth.
Univision execs didn’t ignore digital spending. “We’ve heard you. We have to get bigger to meet your needs,” Mandala says, although he adds that “we already have the highest quality content for our digital business.” He talked up the company’s desire to “super serve” bilingual millennials — which the company calls “billennials.” The “only way to do that is to build brands with the billennial in mind” such as Fusion, Unimas, and El Rey.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Unions Pour Millions into Clinton Foundation[/h]Some contributions reported as political activity



BY: Bill McMorris
May 18, 2015 5:00 am

Big labor funneled millions of dollars in dues money to the Clinton Foundation, according to a new report.
The National Institute for Labor Relations Research (NILRR), a union watchdog group, traced at least $2 million in donations from multiple union organizations and affiliates.
“U.S. Department of Labor’s union financial disclosure reports reveal that Big Labor gave at least $2,034,500 in union general treasury funds to Clinton Foundations. Union treasuries are funded mostly by compulsory union dues or fees collected from workers who would be fired for refusing to pay,” the NILRR report says. “As Mrs. Clinton became closer to her current run for president, donations amounts appear to have increased.”
The Clintons have turned their foundation into a lucrative “slush fund,” according to one charity watchdog group, and have received hundreds of millions of dollars from notable businesses, media personalities, and political luminaries. The family has maintained that none of those donations influenced her decisions as secretary of state and that the money is strictly philanthropic.
However, unions did not necessarily agree about the apolitical nature of the donations, according to NILRR.
“Some of these ‘donations’ are categorized by the unions as ‘political’ on their financial disclosure report” to the Labor Department, the report says.
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices, a national plumbers union, for example, poured in nearly $200,000 through two contributions in 2013; each of those donations was classified as a political activity.
The AFL-CIO, one of the nation’s most influential labor groups, contributed $23,000 to the Clinton Global Initiative in 2012 and reported the donation as a political activity. The union lobbied the State Department several times about pending free trade agreements over the course of the year.
Neither the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices nor the AFL-CIO returned a request for comment.
Clinton gave a tepid endorsement of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal being negotiated by the Obama administration in her memoir Hard Choices, but has backed away from that position since declaring her presidential candidacy.
A Washington Free Beacon review found that all of the donations unearthed by NILRR were accounted for in the public disclosures that Hillary Clinton pledged to make when she joined the Obama administration. She and the foundation have faced scrutiny for not properly living up to that pledge by author Peter Schweizer, the New York Times, Washington Free Beacon, and numerous other media outlets.
Neither the Clinton Foundation, nor the Clinton campaign returned request for comment.
Patrick Semmens, spokesman for the National Right to Work, said the donations fit into the pattern of Big Labor’s political influence peddling.
“Once again union bosses are playing politics with rank-and-file workers’ money, including money from workers who would be fired if they didn’t pay,” he said “There’s no question the union officials view two million dollars as a down-payment towards making sure that a Hillary Administration will continue the Obama policy of wielding Executive power to benefit Big Labor at the expense of independent workers and businesses.”


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Controversial Clinton-Tied Moroccan Mining Firm Supported by Ex-Im Bank[/h]



BY: Lachlan Markay
May 15, 2015 2:17 pm

A controversial state-owned Moroccan mining firm that has poured money into Hillary Clinton’s foundation has received more than $92 million in U.S. taxpayer support, public records show.
The firm, OCP, has been accused of violating U.S. and international law. According to a Friday report in Politico, it has also donated $6 million to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.
In September, the U.S. Export-Import Bank guaranteed a $92 million Citibank loan to OCP topurchase equipment from two American manufacturers.
That federal support came despite controversial practices by the state-owned company, detailed byPolitico in a story on the Clinton Foundation’s OCP-sponsored event in Marrakech.
Former employees of the company decried what they described as its discriminatory and abusive practices.
They say the company, formerly called the Office Chérifien des Phosphates, forced them to retire early and slashed their pensions, leaving them struggling to scrape by while hiring ethnic Moroccans for more senior jobs. The miners also told me how they had witnessed first-hand multiple examples of the “arbitrary and prolonged detention” and “physical and verbal abuse” that the U.S. State Department says Moroccan authorities mete out to Sahrawis advocating for independence in Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara.
“Hillary Clinton sold her soul when they accepted that money,” declared Mohamed Lahwaimed, who gathered with the other former miners in a second floor walk-up in the Western Sahara capital of Laayoune, a modern-looking desert town with a population of 200,000 people about 500 miles southeast of Marrakech. Wearing traditional Sahrawi dara’a robes and lounging on worn pillows, they sipped green tea and spoke Arabic. “And now we are concerned that if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency of the United States of America, she will take the side of Moroccans even more,” Lahwaimed said through an interpreter.
Added fellow former miner Lahbib Salhi, “All the tainted money that Morocco has gathered from taking away our rights has been used to bribe the Clinton Foundation and the international community.”
Revelations that OCP has donated millions to the Clinton Foundation have sparked controversy among some Republicans who claim the company may have violated U.S. law.
“We are concerned that OCP may have … been complicit in violations of U.S. trade law” through phosphate extraction activities in occupied territory in the Western Sahara, wrote Reps. Joe Pitts (R., Penn.) and Chris Smith (R., N.J.) in an April letter to the foundation.
They called on the foundation to “discontinue its coordination with OCP and return any accepted money from the enterprise.”
OCP’s activities in the Western Sahara have also drawn allegations of international law violations. When Politico reported Ken Vogel visited a town in the Western Sahara last week, he was tailed by Moroccan authorities.


New member
Jan 9, 2009

Joe Raedle/Getty Images/AFP

by RICH TUCKER16 May 2015272

[h=2]Even as the book Clinton Cash by Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer is, once again, the talk of the Sunday news and interview shows, one of the book’s subjects is keeping mum.[/h]Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has not given an interview to a national media outlet since she announced her candidacy, via Twitter, on April 12. Other candidates, both announced and unannounced, have given dozens, answering hundreds of questions.
Next week, Clinton plans to visit Iowa once again. “She’ll meet supporters at a grassroots-organizing event in Mason City on Monday. On Tuesday, she’ll speak with small business owners in Cedar Falls as well as local campaign volunteers,” a Quad Cities TV station reports.
National reporters will, no doubt, be on hand. But no word on whether Clinton will answer any of their questions.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Russ the Troll in full spam mode. Got his Monday morning marching orders I see. Does this guy even know he's a zombie sheep for the Republican Party?

New member
Jan 9, 2009

Cliff Owen/Associated Press

by BREITBART NEWS16 May 2015978

From Jonathan Allen writing at Vox:
Almost a decade ago, as Hillary Clinton ran for re-election to the Senate on her way to seeking the presidency for the first time, the New York Times reported on her unusually close relationship with Corning, Inc., an upstate glass titan. Clinton advanced the company’s interests, racking up a big assist by getting China to ease a trade barrier. And the firm’s mostly Republican executives opened up their wallets for her campaign.
During Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State, Corning lobbied the department on a variety of trade issues, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The company has donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to her family’s foundation. And, last July, when it was clear that Clinton would again seek the presidency in 2016, Corning coughed up a $225,500 honorarium for Clinton to speak.
In the laundry-whirl of stories about Clinton buck-raking, it might be easy for that last part to get lost in the wash. But it’s the part that matters most. The $225,500 speaking fee didn’t go to help disease-stricken kids in an impoverished village on some long-forgotten patch of the planet. Nor did it go to a campaign account. It went to Hillary Clinton. Personally.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Russ The Troll Daily Routine:

wake up
check spam email
repost spam at rx

repeat daily. Soooooooo alinsky.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
He does not realize that a troll is one who constantly Alinsky's and personalizes his posts. All I do is post articles and let the readers assess them on an individual basis. I obviously read more than the real troll does. He does not even read posts as a rule. I have him on ignore again so I read his post on your post. Funny how anything that does not fit their agenda puts anyone who is contrary to their agenda a troll. Laughable. If you think differently than him you are extreme right wing lol. He doesn't get it and he ever will.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Posts per day… Vit 12.19
Posts per day… Russ 6.65


where are joe and acebb post count? Lol....wabash got you good

remember your response" joe and ace post information". Lmao. Still in first place for most hysterical post here.

All of russ posts are spam

New member
Oct 29, 2010
" I post articles and let the readers decide" ---Russ the troll

lmao. All bias right wing website and spam articles. Too funny.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
where are joe and acebb post count? Lol....wabash got you good

remember your response" joe and ace post information". Lmao. Still in first place for most hysterical post here.

All of russ posts are spam


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