Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Oct 19, 2007

While reporting on, and aggressively defending the Clinton Foundation from numerous scandals and ethical issues, George Stephanopoulos, the star and poster boy of ABC News, hid his own conflict of interest from viewers. According to Politico, Bill Clinton’s former war room soldier and press secretary, the current anchor of “Good Morning America” and “This Week,” has donated at least $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
This is a bombshell of a black eye for ABC News.
Since ABC News hired Stephanopoulos as its chief anchor and chief political correspondent, many questioned how a former-Democrat operative could remain neutral in the role of a news anchor. Even before Hillary Clinton entered the 2016 presidential race, on numerous occasions Stephanopoulos exposed himself as a Democrat operativeworking as a news man.
With a bizarre but brilliant birth control question during a 2012 GOP presidential debate, it was Stephanopoulos alone who launched the dishonest “War on Women” narrative against the GOP in 2012, one of Obama’s (and the media’s) most effective re-election weapons.
Bias is one thing.
A conflict of interest is one thing.
Reporting on and defending the Clinton Foundation in front of the whole world without disclosing your $50,000 donation to that very same foundation is a cover up, a four alarm scandal.
ABC News has a Brian Williams-problem. Actually, it is worse. Stephanopoulos and ABC News covered up a $50,000 conflict-of-interest involving nothing less than presidential politics. By comparison, Brian Williams and his fairy tales are the stuff of Eagle Scouts.
To no one’s surprise, ABC News is currently standing by their exposed and disgraced anchor man.

People are allowed to donate to charities anonymously. And the Clinton foundation does in fact work with countries across the world to build schools and other humanitarian projects. Just because you're super dumb, doesn't change the law.

New member
Jan 9, 2009

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
People are allowed to donate to charities anonymously. And the Clinton foundation does in fact work with countries across the world to build schools and other humanitarian projects. Just because you're super dumb, doesn't change the law.

The Clinton Foundation has joined Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network on a list of naughty nonprofits maintained by Charity Navigator, a prominent charity monitor.

The foundation has come under intense scrutiny of late amid revelations it received millions of dollars in donations from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state. Money also flowed to the foundation from companies and businessmen who benefited from their relationship to the Clintons.

Furthermore, analysis of the foundation’s tax forms showed it spends a relatively small percentage of its income on charitable activity.

You have to be pretty shady to make the list with Rev. Al.


New member
Oct 19, 2007
The Clinton Foundation has joined Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network on a list of naughty nonprofits maintained by Charity Navigator, a prominent charity monitor.

The foundation has come under intense scrutiny of late amid revelations it received millions of dollars in donations from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state. Money also flowed to the foundation from companies and businessmen who benefited from their relationship to the Clintons.

Furthermore, analysis of the foundation’s tax forms showed it spends a relatively small percentage of its income on charitable activity.

You have to be pretty shady to make the list with Rev. Al.


Lmao!!! Good one Dave.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The Clinton Foundation has joined Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network on a list of naughty nonprofits maintained by Charity Navigator, a prominent charity monitor.

The foundation has come under intense scrutiny of late amid revelations it received millions of dollars in donations from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state. Money also flowed to the foundation from companies and businessmen who benefited from their relationship to the Clintons.

Furthermore, analysis of the foundation’s tax forms showed it spends a relatively small percentage of its income on charitable activity.

You have to be pretty shady to make the list with Rev. Al.


Charity my ass.

Clinton Foundation = money laundering scheme

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Manager Interned for George Stephanopoulos[/h]


George Stephanopolous, Robby Mook / AP

BY: Brent Scher
May 14, 2015 3:43 pm

George Stephanopoulos thanked Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager Robby Mook in the acknowledgement section of his 1999 tell-all memoir All Too Human.
Stephanopoulos’ book, described as “a new-generation political memoir” of a man “who got his hands on the levers of awesome power at an early age,” was written after he left the Clinton administration and returned to his alma mater Columbia to be a visiting professor.
Mook was an undergrad student at Columbia during Stephanopoulos’ brief tenure and was already politically active. He was a member of the College Democrats and was active in Democratic politics in his home state of Vermont.
Mook was also part of the team of interns who worked under Stephanopolous’ research assistant at Columbia, responsible for “reviewing thousands of pages of public records and making sure I got my facts straight,” wrote Stephanopolous.
Here is the excerpt from All Too Human where Mook is thanked:
All Too Human, page 329
Mook was part of Clinton’s failed 2008 campaign, running multiple state campaigns. He would later run the successful Virginia gubernatorial campaign for Clinton’s 2008 campaign chairman Terry McAuliffe.
The Washington Free Beacon discovered that Stephanopolous had donated thousands to the Clinton Foundation and failed to disclose that fact during ABC News’ coverage of controversy surrounding the foundation.
Questions have been raised as to whether Stephanopolous’ ties to the Clintons make him unable to impartially report on the 2016 election.
Stephanopoulos has since apologized for his failure to disclose the donations. He has also said that making the donations was a mistake and that he will not be moderating ABC’s Republican debate.
Top members of the Clinton campaign hosted Stephanopoulos and other members of the media for an off-the-record dinner in New York City just days before the campaign was formally launched.
The Clinton campaign did not return a request for comment on Mook’s relationship with Stephanopoulos.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
ABC News Anchor George Stephanopoulos Donated $50,000 to Clinton Foundation

Bias? What bias?

This is worse than Brian Williams pulling stories out of his ass. And the resident retards won't understand why.

From another article:

But an ABC official told Fox News on Thursday afternoon the anchor has changed that number, to $75,000. He is also pledging not to moderate any presidential debates, Fox News has learned......

Oh, great. Maybe the 500-lb Candy Crowley will have some free time in her may just be a matter of making sure that the nails which hold her chair together are imported from the planet Krypton.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
"I thought that my contributions were a matter of public record," he said. "However, in hindsight, I should have taken the extra step of personally disclosing my donations to my employer and to the viewers on air during the recent news stories about the foundation. I apologize."


You are so fucking dumb it is comical.

Well that's not what I said and if you believe you are proving what I said wrong, that just means you are doing your liquidation, Vit posting in the poly, sold, and policy thing again... lmao!!

It's funny how you constantly try to correct me for the most ridiculous things and you are always wrong.

Jul 4, 2012
Well that's not what I said and if you believe you are proving what I said wrong, that just means you are doing your liquidation, Vit posting in the poly, sold, and policy thing again... lmao!!

It's funny how you constantly try to correct me for the most ridiculous things and you are always wrong.

Yeah, thanks for staggering your way to realizing that a response of "People are allowed to donate to charities anonymously" has no meaning or relation to the ABC News topic. I'm so "wrong" that I got you to admit you posted a strawman.

Again, you're so fucking dumb it is comical.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Connections Paid Off for Indonesian Tobacco Tycoon’s Group[/h]Foundation donor hired Clinton supporters to successfully lobby for U.S. support


Putera Sampoerna / AP

BY: Lachlan Markay
May 14, 2015 12:30 pm

An Indonesian tobacco magnate secured U.S. government assistance for his foundation after donating to Hillary Clinton’s and hiring lobbyists, themselves Clinton Foundation donors, who worked for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.
The Putera Sampoerna Foundation, founded by the Indonesian tobacco heir Putera Sampoerna, got the U.S. government to underwrite millions in loans offered by the foundation and secured high-profile support for its activities from Sec. Clinton and other senior federal officials.
Sampoerna’s financial ties to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation and some of its major supporters could raise additional questions about its donors’ favorable treatment by the State Department while Clinton helmed the agency.
The PSF is one of those donors: it has contributed between $1,000 and $5,000 in 2008. A Clinton Foundation spokesman said that the donation was a membership fee for the Clinton Global Initiative’s 2008 meeting in Hong Kong.
According to PSF’s website, Bill Clinton personally invited them to represent Indonesia at the meeting.
At that meeting, PSF made a $7-million commitment to education efforts in Indonesia. The funding did not go through the Clinton Foundation, but a press release touted the commitment and Bill Clinton’s role in “convening” businesses and nonprofits to steer money towards major policy goals.
That convening power is a frequent tool of the Clinton Foundation, according to Peter Schweizer, whose book Clinton Cash sparked a recent controversy over donors to the foundation.
“The Clintons’ ability to convene various public and private interests around a common cause or project does create leverage for getting things done in the global arena. But [it] also creates opportunity for moving a lot of money around with very little accountability,” Schweizer wrote in his book.
“This approach positions the Clinton Foundation in a way a politician could especially love: with little direct responsibility, it is able to take credit for good results and avoid blame for bad ones.”
The PSF was established in 2001 and remains one of the largest charitable organizations in Indonesia. Putera Sampoerna is one of the country’s wealthiest men. He inherited his family’s PT HM Sampoerna Tbk tobacco company, running it from 1978 until 2000. Phillip Morris International bought 97 percent of the company, including Sampoerna’s stake, in 2005 for $5 billion.
Since then, Sampoerna, who was educated in Australia and Houston, Texas, has become an advocate for Western-style education in his home country, the most populous Muslim nation in the world.
PSF’s involvement with the Clinton Foundation focused on that educational mission. One of Clinton’s first trips abroad as secretary of state was to Jakarta. While there, she stressed the need for greater U.S.-Indonesia cooperation in the field of education.
That cooperation began almost immediately: A month after Clinton’s Jakarta visit, Amb. Cameron Hume arranged a meeting between Sampoerna and Iowa State University officials who said they were very interesting in establishing a “higher education partnership.”
The PSF said it would put $30 million toward the partnership contingent on matching funds from a U.S. university. State jumped at the opportunity, according to a cable from the U.S. Embassy revealed by Wikileaks.
The partnership would have “major benefits to the U.S.,” the embassy wrote. “This is neither an easy task nor within our traditional statecraft and public diplomacy structures,” it added. But the deal would “create a critical network of personal relationships and partnerships.”
Sampoerna planned to visit Washington, where he asked embassy officials to set up meetings with “State, USDA, USAID, or other relevant agencies,” according to the cable.
Sampoerna expected easy approval of the deal on the U.S. end. However, it did not go as planned. So he turned to a lobbying firm with deep ties to Sec. Clinton.
Ickes & Enright is run by Harold Ickes, Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff and a senior staffer on Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his wife, Janice Enright, also a former Clinton White House official and a top Hillary 2008 operative.
Together, the two have donated between $11,000 and $30,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Their firm did not respond to requests for comment by press time.
“He thought this would be a slam dunk,” Enright said of Sampoerna, who sensed that his foundation’s goals were aligned with American interests. “We said welcome to how the U.S. government works.”
Ickes and Enright registered as PSF’s lobbyists in 2009, saying they would work on education and foreign policy issues. Sampoerna said he wanted “U.S. validation” for his foundation and its educational mission.
The PSF struck a deal with Iowa State just months later. “Last fall,” the university said in 2010, “Iowa State officials also joined with the Sampoerna Foundation of Indonesia at the request of the U.S. State Department to help establish the Sampoerna School of Education in the country.”
The university did not immediately respond to question about the program.
The PSF also got the validation it craved from top U.S. government officials. Sampoerna was invited to speak at an April 2010 State event alongside the heads of USAID and the U.S. Export-Import Bank, as well as Melody Barnes, a top White House official. Clinton and President Obama also spoke at the event.
The following March, Scot Marciel, the new U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia, spoke at an event at the FSP’s Jakarta headquarters announcing a new Sampoerna higher education program. The next month, Marciel attended the fair, which was cosponsored by Hewlett Packard, a seven-figure Clinton Foundation donor.
Clinton again traveled to Indonesia in July, where she lauded the creation of that country’s chapter of a program called “Partners for a New Beginning.” A State news release noted PSF’s involvement.
“In partnership with the Sampoerna Foundation, ExxonMobil has committed $3 million over the next 3 years to support long-term, high-impact programs to reach young people who need it most,” the release said.
Like HP, Exxon Mobil has donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation. An Exxon Mobil spokesman said the company “neither sought nor received any special treatment or consideration on any policy initiative” from Clinton or her foundation. HP did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Other agencies with close ties to State were more direct in their support. In October 2011, USAID agreed to guarantee $5 million in loans for Indonesian students. The loans were provided by the PSF and UBS AG, which has donated between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
Clinton’s role in facilitating these transactions is unclear. Her presidential campaign referred questions to the foundation, which said that it played no role in advancing Sampoerna’s interests before the U.S. government.
The PSF did not respond to requests for comment.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Boeing Shareholder Challenges Ethics of Company’s Relationship to Clintons[/h]Boeing contributed $900,000 to Clinton Foundation, paid $250,000 for Bill Clinton speech



BY: Brent Scher
May 13, 2015 3:43 pm

America’s largest airplane manufacturer Boeing is closely aligned with Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Boeing shareholders are now confronting company management about whether the relationship between Boeing, the Clinton Foundation, and the State Department under Hillary Clinton violated ethics rules, according toFox News.
As secretary of state, Clinton had a beneficial relationship with Boeing. In 2009, she openly made “a shameless pitch” to a Russian airline to purchase Boeing aircrafts, leading to an eventual $3.7 billion deal for Boeing. Two months after the deal, the Clinton Foundation received a $900,000 donation from Boeing. Two years later, Boeing also paid Bill Clinton $250,000 to deliver a speech.
The chief lobbyist for Boeing, former Bill Clinton aide Tim Keating, also held a major fundraiser for Ready for Hillary Super PAC in 2014.
Fox News reports that Boeing shareholder David Almasi is challenging the company’s CEO on its relationship with the Clintons.
This chain of events is raising new questions for Clinton, and Boeing, as the former secretary of state launches her 2016 presidential campaign. The Boeing deal only adds to a growing list of business deals involving Clinton Foundation donors now coming under scrutiny.
Boeing shareholder David Almasi recently confronted CEO James McNerney about the ethics of it.
“That opens the door to charges of honest services fraud, that there was a quid pro quo between the Clinton Foundation, the State Department and Boeing,” Almasi said.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Well that's not what I said and if you believe you are proving what I said wrong, that just means you are doing your liquidation, Vit posting in the poly, sold, and policy thing again... lmao!!

It's funny how you constantly try to correct me for the most ridiculous things and you are always wrong.

Liberal comeback 101. What I said was taken out of context.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Yeah, thanks for staggering your way to realizing that a response of "People are allowed to donate to charities anonymously" has no meaning or relation to the ABC News topic. I'm so "wrong" that I got you to admit you posted a strawman.

Again, you're so fucking dumb it is comical.

Once again, him saying in hindsight he should have does not mean he has to. People can donate to charities anonymously. That is legal. If you want to apologize now or later that's fine with me. Thanks bud!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Montage: George Stephanopoulos Defends Hillary While Donating $50K to Foundation


This is worse than Brian Williams.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Montage: George Stephanopoulos Defends Hillary While Donating $50K to Foundation


This is worse than Brian Williams.

Yea... what a brutal travesty. I don't know how you'll go on living after this.

"I made charitable donations to the Foundation in support of the work they're doing on global AIDS prevention and deforestation, causes I care about deeply."

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Yea... what a brutal travesty. I don't know how you'll go on living after this.

"I made charitable donations to the Foundation in support of the work they're doing on global AIDS prevention and deforestation, causes I care about deeply."

If what this Clinton hack did was so admirable and ethical why is he apologizing?

His credibility is in the toilet. I hope his ratings tank and ABC fires him.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
If what this Clinton hack did was so admirable and ethical why is he apologizing?

His credibility is in the toilet. I hope his ratings tank and ABC fires him.

Because it's can be seen as a conflict of interest. Not the end of the world. Not like anyone will actually care about this but you psycho conservatives. But having a Vice President giving contracts to a company he is associated with to fight a war we shouldn't be fighting is not news worthy to you guys, lol.

Fraud City!!

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