Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Have to admit, I skipped that one. A lot of articles and videos to keep up with.
I skip most also. Russ does what he always does....he looks to connect dots at places where the information he's given will fit what he's trying to connect.

gotta give the right credit....they have their sheep in full spam mode. It didn't work against Obama...I guess we will see if it works this time

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Bad day at Hilvill.

In fact, she’s had a series of bad days since she announced her presidential bid April 12. But Monday was the worst of them.

In a bombshell report, the New York Times reported that Clinton, as secretary of state, used her private email to share private intelligence reports from noted conspiracy theorist and political hitman Sidney Blumenthal, at a time when Blumenthal was being paid by the Clinton Foundation and liberal political organizations that helped lay the groundwork for Clinton’s presidential campaign.

The emails included reports on Libya at a time when Blumenthal was seeking business in the country and included dubious information. The Times reported that Clinton nonetheless “took Mr. Blumenthal’s advice seriously” and “continued to pass around his emails even after other senior diplomats concluded that Mr. Blumenthal’s assessments were often unreliable.”

A second story about Clinton and Libya broke the same day, this one casting further doubt on the Obama administration’s narrative about the attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, and specifically on claims Clinton made about nature of those attacks and motivations of the attackers. An intelligence report prepared by the Defense Intelligence Agency and sent to Clinton and other senior administration officials on September 12, 2012, just one day after the attacks, concluded that the attack “was planned ten or more days” in advance and was meant to “kill as many Americans as possible.” The report identifies al Qaeda-linked terrorists believed to have been involved in the assault.

Can you say up too your ass in alligators?

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Bad day at Hilvill.

In fact, she’s had a series of bad days since she announced her presidential bid April 12. But Monday was the worst of them.

In a bombshell report, the New York Times reported that Clinton, as secretary of state, used her private email to share private intelligence reports from noted conspiracy theorist and political hitman Sidney Blumenthal, at a time when Blumenthal was being paid by the Clinton Foundation and liberal political organizations that helped lay the groundwork for Clinton’s presidential campaign.

The emails included reports on Libya at a time when Blumenthal was seeking business in the country and included dubious information. The Times reported that Clinton nonetheless “took Mr. Blumenthal’s advice seriously” and “continued to pass around his emails even after other senior diplomats concluded that Mr. Blumenthal’s assessments were often unreliable.”

A second story about Clinton and Libya broke the same day, this one casting further doubt on the Obama administration’s narrative about the attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, and specifically on claims Clinton made about nature of those attacks and motivations of the attackers. An intelligence report prepared by the Defense Intelligence Agency and sent to Clinton and other senior administration officials on September 12, 2012, just one day after the attacks, concluded that the attack “was planned ten or more days” in advance and was meant to “kill as many Americans as possible.” The report identifies al Qaeda-linked terrorists believed to have been involved in the assault.

Can you say up too your ass in alligators?

Absolute monsters these people!!!

"The projects — creating floating hospitals to treat Libya’s war wounded and temporary housing for displaced people, and building schools — would have required State Department permits, but foundered before the business partners could seek official approval."

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Absolute monsters these people!!!

"The projects — creating floating hospitals to treat Libya’s war wounded and temporary housing for displaced people, and building schools — would have required State Department permits, but foundered before the business partners could seek official approval."
Lol. They are all in full spam mode. The Republican Party campaign strategy is to feed its sheep as much bullshit as they can and get them to disperse it everywhere they can. Guys like joe, Russ and Dave are too stupid to know they are being used. Behind closed doors, the powers that be in the Republican Party, laugh at those guys. This isn't even joking....I've seen them actually do it....they mock the far right of their own party. They act like a loon to real them in....and then laugh behind their backs after they get their vote.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
It is just too funny to ignore. Of the 404 posts priot to this one here is the breakdown. I have posted 91 times most of which are articles I have thrown out for discussion. The trolls call it spam lol. Then they deny being trolls. Check this out. To date Vitard has posted in this thread 72 times and Aktard 75 times (give or take lol). Their posts are Alinsky filled with personal attacks. Trolls thru and thru. They ignore the topics and Alinsky on and on. Too funny to ignore.

Most of you know I am a stats guy from the college football forum. I have never seen anyone break down the troll posts in a thread before and this the second time I have in this thread. The numbers speak for themselves. Why don't the trolls start another thread and call it "In defense of Hillary Clinton". Hell no, can't be done thus they troll on. They have been labeled as trolls numerous times and even been suspended from this part of the forum yet they persist on displaying their stupidity.


New member
Oct 19, 2007
Lol. They are all in full spam mode. The Republican Party campaign strategy is to feed its sheep as much bullshit as they can and get them to disperse it everywhere they can. Guys like joe, Russ and Dave are too stupid to know they are being used. Behind closed doors, the powers that be in the Republican Party, laugh at those guys. This isn't even joking....I've seen them actually do it....they mock the far right of their own party. They act like a loon to real them in....and then laugh behind their backs after they get their vote.

It's just funny how they do this every year and every conspiracy fails to produce anything. Dems keep winning, whoever wins the Dem primary whether it be Hillary or someone else will win the general... they just haven't realized that they are the reasons why the Repubs keep losing. Normal people have become terrified of the thought of these clowns running this country. We already have to deal with their shit in Congress, no chance in the General. But then again, a conservative can't even win the Republican primary. That's the only reason the elections are ever even remotely close is because the Repubs luckily vote in moderates, showing that the Repubs aren't a complete disaster.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
It's just funny how they do this every year and every conspiracy fails to produce anything. Dems keep winning, whoever wins the Dem primary whether it be Hillary or someone else will win the general... they just haven't realized that they are the reasons why the Repubs keep losing. Normal people have become terrified of the thought of these clowns running this country. We already have to deal with their shit in Congress, no chance in the General. But then again, a conservative can't even win the Republican primary. That's the only reason the elections are ever even remotely close is because the Repubs luckily vote in moderates, showing that the Repubs aren't a complete disaster.
Alinsky!!! This old dude Russ is completely losing his mind. He's spams and trolls all day. Dude truly believes he is connecting dots. Lmao.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Alinsky!!! This old dude Russ is completely losing his mind. He's spams and trolls all day. Dude truly believes he is connecting dots. Lmao.

Yea, it's just pure comedy. I mean, I would actually pay these dudes for this entertainment. It's just hilarious how they don't realize that .com bloggers and Google searches will never lead to anything. You have lawyers being paid millions and millions of dollars, real lawyers... not Acebb like lawyers, who actually know what they are doing trying to "connect these dots" and they still can't find a way. Russ and Dave aren't even allowed to cross the street without a helmet, they definitely aren't going to be connecting any "dots"... lmao.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
It is just too funny to ignore. Of the 404 posts priot to this one here is the breakdown. I have posted 91 times most of which are articles I have thrown out for discussion. The trolls call it spam lol. Then they deny being trolls. Check this out. To date Vitard has posted in this thread 72 times and Aktard 75 times (give or take lol). Their posts are Alinsky filled with personal attacks. Trolls thru and thru. They ignore the topics and Alinsky on and on. Too funny to ignore.

Most of you know I am a stats guy from the college football forum. I have never seen anyone break down the troll posts in a thread before and this the second time I have in this thread. The numbers speak for themselves. Why don't the trolls start another thread and call it "In defense of Hillary Clinton". Hell no, can't be done thus they troll on. They have been labeled as trolls numerous times and even been suspended from this part of the forum yet they persist on displaying their stupidity.


And I’ll bet there is no negligible difference in any of them.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
And I’ll bet there is no negligible difference in any of them.

Like I said - why don't they start a thread and call "It In Defense of Hillary Clinton". They are trolls that is why. They can't sustain a thread on their own that is of any value. We are concerned about the future of this country. They don't get it and they never will. And you are right, they just make personal attacks and avoid the topic at all costs.
Jan 24, 2012
Like I said - why don't they start a thread and call "It In Defense of Hillary Clinton". They are trolls that is why. They can't sustain a thread on their own that is of any value. We are concerned about the future of this country. They don't get it and they never will. And you are right, they just make personal attacks and avoid the topic at all costs.

The problem is none of these flimsy "scandals" like Benghazi are going to stick to Hillary. You badly overestimate the number of people who will consider things like Benghazi in 2016. The right should be spending more time finding a candidate and a platform that appeals to the masses. I say this as a guy who really really doesn't want to see Hillary in the WH.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The problem is none of these flimsy "scandals" like Benghazi are going to stick to Hillary. You badly overestimate the number of people who will consider things like Benghazi in 2016. The right should be spending more time finding a candidate and a platform that appeals to the masses. I say this as a guy who really really doesn't want to see Hillary in the WH.

Do you mean the Pauls?


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Chelsea Clinton Shocked by Boko Haram Terror, Which Was Ignored by Hillary’s State Dept.[/h]Hillary Clinton fought against designating Boko Haram as a terrorist group



BY: Brent Scher
May 19, 2015 1:47 pm

Chelsea Clinton expressed disgust on Twitter on Tuesday at the “unspeakably awful” news that Boko Haram has been raping hundreds of his female prisoners, but the rise of Boko Haram coincided with a refusal by Hillary Clinton’s State Department to designate it as a terrorist group, which hampered the United States’ ability to confront it.
Though Clinton would later state on Twitter that the United States “must stand up” to Boko Haram’s terrorism and #BringBackOurGirls, her handling of the terrorist group as secretary of state has been widely criticized.
As secretary of state, Clinton was urged separately by the Justice Department, FBI, CIA, and dozens in Congress to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist group. Her failure to do so “hampered the American government’s ability to confront the Nigerian group that shocked the world by abducting hundreds of innocent girls,” according to the Daily Beast.
“The one thing she could have done, the one tool she had at her disposal, she didn’t use,” a former U.S. official involved in the Boko Haram debate told the Daily Beast. “And nobody can say she wasn’t urged to do it.”
The head of the Justice Department’s national security division even sent a letter to the State Department requesting that the group, referred to at the time as the “Nigerian Taliban,” be added to the terrorist list.
Clinton’s State Department not only refused to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist group—which would have given law enforcement and intelligence agencies additional tools to fight its rise—but it actively fought against efforts to do so. State Department representatives lobbied against legislation in Congress that would have forced the administration to act against Boko Haram.
The State Department’s argument against designating Boko Haram as terrorists was that it was a “loosely constructed group.”
“Boko Haram is at the moment a loosely constructed group attached to trying to address grievances in the north,” said spokesperson Victoria Nuland. “There are different views within the group, and we’re continuing to look at that.”
Boko Haram, which pledged allegiance to the Islamic State earlier this year, was finally designated a terrorist group in 2013 after Clinton had left the department.
A House Homeland Security Committee report said in 2011 that Boko Haram “may meet the legal criteria for State Department [foreign terrorist organization] designation” and added that the State Department should initiate “an investigation into the designation.”
State Department officials now say it “could have acted sooner to designate Boko Haram a foreign terrorist organization.”
Many believe Clinton’s reluctance to designate Boko Haram as terrorists was due to the administration’s political fear that voters would realize al Qaeda was not “on the run.”
“According to current and former U.S. officials, the reluctance of Hillary Clinton’s State Department to designate Boko Haram as a foreign terrorist organization in the summer of 2012 was no isolated case; it was partly rooted in a larger effort by the Obama administration to narrowly define al Qaeda and deemphasize the rise of its new affiliates, especially in Africa,” wrote Michael Hirsh in Politico Magazine.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Top Staffers Quit Clinton Foundation Over Chelsea[/h]


Chelsea Clinton / AP

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
May 19, 2015 10:53 am

Chelsea Clinton’s unpleasantness is causing high turnover at the Clinton Foundation, theNew York Post reports.
Several top staffers have left the foundation since Chelsea came on board as vice chairman in 2011.
“A lot of people left because she was there. A lot of people left because she didn’t want them there,” an insider told me. “She is very difficult.”
Old colleagues also told the New York Post that Chelsea is difficult to work with.
None of this would surprise her former co-workers at McKinsey and NBC News. At both the management consulting firm and the network, co-workers allegedly were told they couldn’t approach Chelsea.
A source at NBC, where Chelsea was paid $600,000 a year, said, “If someone wanted to talk to Chelsea about something, they had to go through a producer.”

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Russ the troll king now going after Chelsea Clinton. What a pathetic display by the spam master himself.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
troll count this thread now up to 151 and counting lol.

New member
Jan 9, 2009

Larry D. Moore CC BY-SA 3.0.

by BREITBART NEWS20 May 201531

On Tuesday evening, the House Select Benghazi Committee issued a subpoena for Hillary Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal to testify on June 3 before the committee.
According to a Reuters report, the subpoena “is dated Monday but carries a notation indicating an unnamed deputy U.S. marshal served it on Blumenthal’s wife on Tuesday.” Gowdy’s office confirmed that “Blumenthal has been called for a deposition by the committee.”
The committee issued the subpoena after a New York Times report delved into the various emails Blumenthal, the longtime Clinton fixer, sent Clinton while she was secretary of state. Gawker and ProPublica first reported, based on some of Blumenthal’s emails that hacker Guccifer published, that Blumenthal, along with others who wanted to do business in Libya as the nation was transitioning to a new government, sent Clinton intelligence briefings that she forwarded to other administration officials.
The Times noted, though, that Blumenthal’s involvement “was more wide-ranging and more complicated than previously known, embodying the blurry lines between business, politics and philanthropy that have enriched and vexed the Clintons and their inner circle for years.”
According to the Times, “much of the Libya intelligence that Mr. Blumenthal passed on” to Clinton seems “to have come from a group of business associates he was advising as they sought to win contracts from the Libyan transitional government.” The unsuccessful venture “involved other Clinton friends, a private military contractor and one former C.I.A. spy seeking to get in on the ground floor of the new Libyan economy.”
Though the Obama administration barred Blumenthal from a State Department post, the Clinton Foundation and the left-wing Media Matters had Blumenthal on their respective payrolls.
Clinton often forwarded Blumenthal’s intelligence reports to her deputy chief of staff Jake Sullivan and, in at least one instance, to U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, who was murdered along with three other Americans during the Benghazi attacks.
On Tuesday afternoon in Iowa, Clinton said that she would continue to seek Blumenthal’s counsel if she is elected president. She said that she hears “from a certain small group of people and I’m going to continue to talk to my old friends, whoever they are.”
“I have many, many old friends, and I always think that it’s important when you get into politics to have friends you had before you got into politics, to understand what’s on their minds,” she said. “He’s been a friend of mine for a long time. He’s sent me unsolicited e-mails, which I passed on in some instances. I see that as part of the give and take. When you’re in the public eye, when you’re in an official position, I think you do have to work to ensure that you’re not caught in a bubble.”

from the above:
Though the Obama administration barred Blumenthal from a State Department post, the Clinton Foundation and the left-wing Media Matters had Blumenthal on their respective payrolls.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Top Staffers Quit Clinton Foundation Over Chelsea


Chelsea Clinton / AP

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
May 19, 2015 10:53 am

Chelsea Clinton’s unpleasantness is causing high turnover at the Clinton Foundation, theNew York Post reports.
Several top staffers have left the foundation since Chelsea came on board as vice chairman in 2011.
“A lot of people left because she was there. A lot of people left because she didn’t want them there,” an insider told me. “She is very difficult.”
Old colleagues also told the New York Post that Chelsea is difficult to work with.
None of this would surprise her former co-workers at McKinsey and NBC News. At both the management consulting firm and the network, co-workers allegedly were told they couldn’t approach Chelsea.
A source at NBC, where Chelsea was paid $600,000 a year, said, “If someone wanted to talk to Chelsea about something, they had to go through a producer.”

She sounds just like a younger version of her mother.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
[h=2]Top Staffers Quit Clinton Foundation Over Chelsea[/h]


Chelsea Clinton / AP

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
May 19, 2015 10:53 am

Chelsea Clinton’s unpleasantness is causing high turnover at the Clinton Foundation, theNew York Post reports.
Several top staffers have left the foundation since Chelsea came on board as vice chairman in 2011.
“A lot of people left because she was there. A lot of people left because she didn’t want them there,” an insider told me. “She is very difficult.”
Old colleagues also told the New York Post that Chelsea is difficult to work with.
None of this would surprise her former co-workers at McKinsey and NBC News. At both the management consulting firm and the network, co-workers allegedly were told they couldn’t approach Chelsea.
A source at NBC, where Chelsea was paid $600,000 a year, said, “If someone wanted to talk to Chelsea about something, they had to go through a producer.”

Who paid that outrageous salary!!?? Did it come from the donations??

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