Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Let's see how Vit handles that last post. The truth comes out. Yep that Foundation is one of the biggest dots connected to date. Much more to come and it will continue to get deeper and deeper.

New member
Nov 10, 2010

[h=1]Why Hillary Clinton’s Foreign Policy Speech Wasn’t the One She Needed to Give[/h]

June 2, 2016

[h=2]She needs to speak to the people, not the establishment[/h]Hillary Clinton delivered a solid, well-crafted foreign policy speech today, and she did it very effectively. But this wasn’t the speech she needed to give.
First, her remarks were intended for the foreign policy establishment, the people who care about foreign policy details and America’s role in the world. These are not the people she needs to reach. She must speak directly to those who feel globalization has stolen their livelihoods and don’t see why Americans must carry heavier and more expensive burdens than others do. Some of those people are persuadable.

Second, she spent too much presenting herself as the plausible alternative to disaster. Her own foreign policy record is not sterling. She was an active secretary of state, but President Obama didn’t deliver his finest foreign policy accomplishments—striking the Iran nuclear deal, lifting the embargo against Cuba, negotiating the Transpacific Partnership—until Clinton had moved on. She deserves credit for helping to bring Iran to the nuclear negotiating table, but it fell to her successor to complete the deal. Her attempt to “reset” relations with Russia was a farce from start to finish. The “pivot to Asia” and agreement on the Transpacific Partnership were her biggest successes, but she has backed away from both while running for president. In short, Clinton is long on foreign policy experience, but short on foreign policy successes.

So it makes sense that Clinton would focus on Trump’s “bizarre rants, personal feuds, and outright lies.” Much of the speech was a collection of the most ridiculous things Trump has said. Some of this was very entertaining. But as she spoke, her campaign website featured a full page ad that reads “We can’t risk a Donald Trump presidency.” It’s way too early for Clinton to present herself as the alternative to a man temperamentally unfit to serve as president. She needs to deliver more. Most of all, she needs to persuade those who don’t care about foreign policy exactly why they should—and how her foreign policy vision can make ordinary Americans safer and more prosperous.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Let's see how Vit handles that last post. The truth comes out. Yep that Foundation is one of the biggest dots connected to date. Much more to come and it will continue to get deeper and deeper.

why would you think it would matter to him? in all seriousness?

"what difference does it make", liberals know their base all too well

New member
Jan 9, 2009
why would you think it would matter to him? in all seriousness?

"what difference does it make", liberals know their base all too well

It just proves him to be the forum hypocrite once again. He calls Trump a fraud and fails to label the Clintons the same thing. Whether it matters to him is of little matter to me. However, once again he is proven to be a true tunnel vision liberal but most of all an Alinsyite who can only dish it out and not take it. The Clinton Foundation is much worse than the emails and that situation will escalate until the election, in all seriousness LOL.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
you don't have to explain anything to me my friend

I just axed why do you think it would matter to him?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Let's see how Vit handles that last post. The truth comes out. Yep that Foundation is one of the biggest dots connected to date. Much more to come and it will continue to get deeper and deeper.

Awesome work, Russ.

It doesn't get any more crooked than the Clintons.

"alleged crimes" :pointer:

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Donald J. TrumpVerified account@realDonaldTrump
In Crooked Hillary's telepromter speech yesterday, she made up things that I said or believe but have no basis in fact. Not honest!

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Gotcha. What do you think does matter to him LOL
His imaginary millions?

His vacations to Virginia Beach?

His non wagering losing betting record?

His imaginary Philly season tickets?

His 30,000 redundant posts in 6 years?

I could go on and on but you get the picture.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
His imaginary millions?

His vacations to Virginia Beach?

His non wagering losing betting record?

His imaginary Philly season tickets?

His 30,000 redundant posts in 6 years?

I could go on and on but you get the picture.

tic toc...hell is waiting for you.

You can join Joe who is so miserable and lonely, only the cable guy will discover him.

(Wait, scratch that...I already said Joe was broke, so no cable guy. I'll have to cook up something else!)

New member
Oct 29, 2010
His imaginary millions?

His vacations to Virginia Beach?

His non wagering losing betting record?

His imaginary Philly season tickets?

His 30,000 redundant posts in 6 years?

I could go on and on but you get the picture.

Anytime you wanna go heads up in any sport....for a lifetime ban, let me know. The few picks you've posted here....have been major losers.

Eveything ive said about me is true and everything I've said about you is true.....let's review

hasn't spoken to family in decades

lied about Obama birth certificate

said molesting your sister is " boys being boys"

lost to me in heads up bet that sent you packing for a year

caught lying many times and then ignores the posted facts showing his lies.

But don't will all be over soon and then hell it is.....Joes rotting corpse will be there waiting. It's a race to the bottom!!

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Let's see how Vit handles that last post. The truth comes out. Yep that Foundation is one of the biggest dots connected to date. Much more to come and it will continue to get deeper and deeper.

Handle what ? Another bullshit hit piece that only old delusional people think is true?

still not one dot connected.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Anytime you wanna go heads up in any sport....for a lifetime ban, let me know. The few picks you've posted here....have been major losers.

Eveything ive said about me is true and everything I've said about you is true.....let's review

hasn't spoken to family in decades

lied about Obama birth certificate

said molesting your sister is " boys being boys"

lost to me in heads up bet that sent you packing for a year

caught lying many times and then ignores the posted facts showing his lies.

But don't will all be over soon and then hell it is.....Joes rotting corpse will be there waiting. It's a race to the bottom!!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
'Hillary Clinton has to go to jail!': Donald the counter-puncher clobbers his Democratic challenger over her classified emails as he says watching her anti-Trump speech was 'like taking Sominex'

  • Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting took the gloves off following a blistering speech by Hillary Clinton
  • 'Hillary Clinton has to go to jail' because of her classified email scandal, he boomed as applause erupted in San Jose, California
  • Trump alternated between dismissing Clinton's speech as 'like taking Sominex' and blasting it as 'a phony hit job'
  • He revived a pledge from late April to reopen the Clinton investigation – citing a five-year statute of limitations þ if he wins the White House
  • See more Donald Trump news as he says Hillary Clinton 'has to go to jail'

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New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Donald Trump Adviser: You Couldn’t Get the Truth Out of Hillary Clinton if You Waterboarded Her[/h]SHARE

BY: Aaron Kliegman
June 3, 2016 12:18 pm

A senior adviser to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign astonished a CNN host on Friday when he said that not even waterboarding would get Hillary Clinton to tell the truth about her private email server.
Appearing on CNN’s At This Hour, Barry Bennett left host Kate Bolduan astounded with his comment while they were discussing the Clinton email scandal.
Bolduan first played a clip of Trump at a campaign rally Thursday in San Jose, California describing how he would, as president, have his attorney general look further into Clinton’s email practices “from a fair standpoint” and suggesting she should go to jail.
“Is that a real threat, Barry?” Bolduan asked.
“Well it’s a real problem, that’s for sure,” Bennett responded. “If this [President Obama’s] attorney general tries to block it, then a special counsel should be appointed.”
Bennett then blasted Clinton for being dishonest about the federal investigation into her email server throughout the entire process.
“She has continued to lie about it, right? She told us the lawyers signed off on it. The inspector general said that’s not true. She said she would cooperate with all the investigations. She stonewalled the IG, and now everybody’s taking the fifth.
“You couldn’t get the truth out of Hillary if you waterboarded her,” Bennett then said, leaving Bolduan momentarily speechless.
“What?” Bolduan said with a shocked look on her face.
“You couldn’t get the truth out of her with a waterboard,” Bennett replied.
“And you brought in waterboarding,” Bolduan said resignedly, causing Bennett to chuckle. “If DOJ, Barry, finds that there was nothing illegal that happened, should Donald Trump still have his [attorney general] in a Donald Trump administration investigate her?”
“I’m more interested in the FBI, but if the DOJ tries to stop the FBI, then yes,” Bennett said.
An awkward pause soon followed, with Bolduan nodding her head slowly before asking another question.
The State Department inspector general, an independent watchdog appointed by President Obama, released a report last week showing that Clinton failed to comply with National Archives and Records Administration regulations on the use of personal email accounts by senior administration officials during her tenure as secretary of state.


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