Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Hillary's first and only press conference this election cycle will be her announcement she's dropping out for "health reasons."

Problem is, her replacement will be that much worse.


"health reasons" - physical or mental lol

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
NEW YORK – Cheryl Mills, Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff during her four years as secretary of state, demonstrated a repeated inability to recall key information about her former boss’s private, unsecured email server in a deposition with Judicial Watch, according to a 270-page transcript released Tuesday.

In testimony Friday that lasted seven hours, three attorneys representing Mills and four from the Justice Department interrupted Judicial Watch attorneys approximately 250 times, shouting “objection” to argue why Mills should not answer the question posed.

When Mills finally did answer, she responded “I don’t recall” 40 times and “I don’t know” to another 182 questions.

Geez, you’d thing she was testifying against Tony Spilotro.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Aide Ducks Email Questions in Deposition, Citing Attorney-Client Privilege[/h]Cheryl Mills questioned for hours by Judicial Watch lawyers

Cheryl Mills / AP

BY: Alana Goodman
June 1, 2016 12:40 pm

A longtime aide to Hillary Clinton repeatedly dodged questions about the secretary of state’s email set-up during a court deposition last Friday, citing attorney-client privilege.
Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s former chief of staff, was questioned for seven hours by lawyers for the watchdog group Judicial Watch. A federal judge previously ruled that the group could depose State Department officials to determine whether Clinton’s private email server was used to intentionally evade public records laws.
Since Clinton left the State Department in 2013, Mills has also been serving as her personal attorney. She represented Clinton when the former secretary of state was ordered to turn over official emails to the State Department in 2014.
Mills said she “began representing the Secretary when she departed from the department on a number of matters, but this matter [producing emails] when it came up, she asked me to assist her on it.”
Mills and her attorneys repeatedly invoked attorney-client privilege and other objections during the deposition when asked about the set-up of Clinton’s email server, her conversations with Clinton’s tech aides, and details about Clinton’s legal representation.
Mills was represented by four Department of Justice attorneys and three personal lawyers during the deposition.
When an attorney for Judicial Watch asked about discussions between Clinton’s tech assistant Bryan Pagliano and Mills regarding “the setup of the server,” an attorney for Mills, Beth Wilkinson, cut off the question.
“I’m representing Ms. Mills, as we know, and she represents Hillary Clinton as her personal lawyer. And you are now asking about work she has done for Hillary Clinton as her lawyer,” said Wilkinson. “And it is beyond the scope of the permissible discovery, and so I am instructing her not to answer.”
When asked to specify which matters Mills was representing Clinton on, her attorneys objected to the question. Wilkinson also advised Mills not to answer questions about which other lawyers were representing Clinton, or whether Mills ever represented Pagliano.
It is not the first testy exchange between Mills’ legal team and interviewers. Mills and her attorneys reportedly walked out of an interview last month with FBI investigators and Department of Justice attorneys, after her lawyers argued that some questions were supposed to be off limits.
According to the Washington Post, Mills’s lawyers and the Department of Justice had agreed to limit the questions to specific subjects, “and [DOJ] prosecutors were somewhat taken aback that their FBI colleague had ventured beyond what was anticipated.”
Her legal team also reportedly invoked attorney-client privilege during the FBI interview, due to Mills’ representation of Hillary Clinton.
Judicial Watch has been suing the State Department for documents from Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state. After Clinton’s exclusive use of a private email server was revealed, the organization argued that there was evidence it was used to evade public records requests. A federal judge agreed to allow limited discovery related to the record keeping procedures under Clinton and the private email server.
Judicial Watch has also deposed State Department official Lewis Lukens in the case. Pagliano and Huma Abedin, another close aide to Clinton, are also scheduled for depositions.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Hillary wants Trump Univ looked into but not her emails. Did Trump U put our national security at risk?

New member
Jan 9, 2009

[h=1]A brief guide to Clinton scandals from Travelgate to Emailgate[/h]

5/17/16 9:20 AM




Hillary Clinton entered the presidential race under a cloud of scandal, from foreign contributions to the Clinton family foundation to her use of a private email account and server to conduct official business while secretary of state. But she and her husband are no strangers to scandal.
There often seemed to be no end of the scandals during President Bill Clinton's two terms in the White House and Hillary Clinton's campaigns for the Senate starting in 2000 and the Oval Office in 2008. Political experts began diagnosing "Clinton Fatigue" long ago.
Trapped in a primary fight that has dragged on far longer than expected, Hillary Clinton has struggled to escape the perception that she is part of the corrupt old guard of the Democratic Party. Her likely general election opponent, Donald Trump, has already begun to hammer the former secretary of state for the misdeeds of her past.
Hillary Clinton may become America's first woman in the Oval Office despite the heavy baggage of her last name, but the scandals will surely play a dominant role in the 2016 presidential race.
Stay abreast of the latest developments from nation's capital and beyond with curated News Alerts from the Washington Examiner news desk and delivered to your inbox.​

To help readers keep track of them all, herewith is a list of significant Clinton scandals over the years. It is by no means a comprehensive list. The Washington Examiner will update this list as needed in the months ahead.

Soon after her husband became president in 1993, first lady Hillary Clinton allegedly engineered the firing of seven employees of the White House travel office and the hiring of a firm with ties to the Clintons to replace them. Multiple investigations absolved the president of involvement but Hillary Clinton was found to have made false statements to investigators.
When first lady Hillary Clinton convened her task force to create her husband's national healthcare program, it included multiple representatives from government, the health and insurance industries and academics. Despite the obvious potential for conflicts of interest in closed deliberations, the task force's meetings were kept secretthroughout its existence.

Also from the Washington Examiner
[h=2]Tracking poll: Clinton, Trump contest is 'closest it's ever been'[/h]By Ryan Lovelace
06/02/16 7:27 AM

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Bill and Hillary Clinton were associates of Jim and Susan McDougal in the Whitewater Development Corp., an Arkansas real estate investment firm that went under when McDougal's Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan was closed by federal regulators for illegal accounting. Taxpayers lost $73 million due to Guaranty. The Clintons lost an estimated $67,000 on their investment, but McDougal helped pay off Bill Clinton's campaign debts, and Hillary Clinton's law firm received an unknown sum in fees for representing a Guaranty project that also failed.

Hundreds of FBI background files on officials in previous Republican presidential administrations were improperly given in 1993 and 1994 to Craig Livingstone, the director of White House security who was a Hillary Clinton favorite. No illegal activitywas ever proven, and Livingstone ultimately resigned.

Also from the Washington Examiner
[h=2]Krauthammer: 'Perhaps I could be persuaded' to vote for Trump[/h]By David M. Drucker
06/02/16 1:30 AM

Removing files from Vince Foster's office
Vince Foster was President Clinton's deputy White House counsel and long-time friend of Hillary Clinton. He committed suicide in 1993, and his body was found in a park just across the Potomac River from the White House. Files were also allegedly removed from his White House office before investigators were able to secure it as part of the official probe into his death.
Lost Rose Law Firm billing records
Congressional and Justice Department investigators began issuing subpoenas in 1994 for Hillary Clinton's billing records as a partner in the Rose law firm at the center of the Whitewater scandal. She said her role was incidental, but when the records mysteriously turned upin the White House in 1996, they showed she met repeatedly with key figures in the scandal.
Commerce Department's "pay to play" junkets


Seats on Commerce Department international trade missions were sold to corporate figures in return for big contributions to President Clinton's 1996 re-election campaign. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, who was reported to have opposed the scheme, died when one of the missions crashed in Croatia, leading independent counsel Daniel Pearson to leave his investigation unfinished.
Renting Lincoln Bedroom
More than 800 people stayed overnight in the Lincoln bedroom of the White House during President Bill Clinton's tenure. At least $5.4 million in campaign contributions from many of those guests went into Clinton's re-election effort. Among the paying guests were movie producer Steven Spielberg, Dreamworks SKG head David Geffen and long-time Hollywood powerhouse Lew Wasserman.
John Huang
A close associate of Indonesian industrialist James Riady, Huang initially was appointed deputy secretary of commerce in 1993. By 1995, however, he moved to the Democratic National Committee where he generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal contributions from foreign sources. Huang later pleaded guilty to one felony count of campaign finance violations.
Charlie Trie

Like John Huang, Trie raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal contributions from foreign sources to Democratic campaign entities. He was a regular White House visitor and arranged meetings of foreign operators with Clinton, including one who was a Chinese arms dealer. His $450,000 contribution to Clinton's legal defense fund was returned after it was found to have been largely funded by Asian interests. Trie was convicted of violating campaign finance laws in 1998.
Johnny Chung
Gave more than $366,000 to the Democratic National Committee prior to the 1996 campaign, but it was returned after officials learned it came from illegal foreign sources. Chung later told a special Senate committee investigating 1996 Clinton campaign fund-raising that $35,000 of his contributions came from individuals in Chinese intelligence. Chung pleaded guilty to bank fraud, tax evasion and campaign finance violations.
No controlling legal authority
Then-Vice President Al Gore repeated the phrase "there is no controlling legal authority" at least seven times during a news conference called to explain his multiple telephone calls from the White House to solicit contributions to the Clinton-Gore re-election campaign in 1996. In fact, the law was and remains clear that partisan campaign contributions cannot be solicited on or using federal property.
Monica Lewinsky and impeachment
President Clinton became only the second chief executive ever impeached by the House of Representatives in 1998 after being found guilty of obstructing justice and committing perjury in connection with a grand jury investigation of his sexual relationship in the White House with intern Monica Lewinsky. He remained in office, however, after the Senate failed to convict him. When the news of the Lewinsky scandal broke, Hillary famously blamed a "vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president."
Shortly before leaving the Oval Office, Bill Clinton issued a number of controversial pardons for controversial individuals represented by lawyers with ties to the administration. The most controversial wasconvicted tax evader Marc Rich who was pardoned after his former wife made big contributions to the Clinton presidential library and to Hillary Clinton's 2000 Senate campaign.
The Bosnia airport sniper lie
During her unsuccessful 2008 campaign for the Democratic presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton claimed to have come under sniper fire during her arrival as first lady at an airport in Bosnia in 1996. She recanted her claim after CBS News broadcast video of the arrival that demonstrated there was no sniper fire.
Hillary Clinton sat atop the State Department when the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked by a terrorist group on Sept. 11, 2012. But the former secretary of state was quick to blame the violence on protesters responding to an anti-Muslim video clip. Subsequent evidence has suggested the administration knew almost immediately that the raid was planned and executed by Islamic extremists, prompting former House Speaker John Boehner to form a select committee to investigate the response to the attack in 2014. Clinton sat for an 11-hour hearing before the select committee in October 2015 and denied knowingly spreading false talking pointsabout the attack. However, emails revealed during the hearing suggest Clinton told her daughter, Chelsea, the Benghazi compound was overrun by terrorists before she ever addressed the public about the controversial YouTube clip.
The email scandal

Hillary Clinton's decision to set up a private server at her Chappaqua home has dogged her presidential campaign since before it even began. The former secretary of state said she established the personal email network for the convenience of carrying one device and failed to address the discovery that she carried at least two different devices throughout her tenure. In June 2015, a federal judge ordered the State Department to release all 30,000 of Clinton's emails on a rolling basis at the end of each month until January 2016. More than 2,000 of those emails were deemed classified. In August 2015, the FBI seized her private server from a warehouse in New Jersey and began looking into allegations that Clinton mishandled sensitive intelligence.
Speaking fees
Following her departure from the State Department, Hillary Clinton joined her husband on the paid speaking circuit. The two raked in six-figure sums for each appearance, criss-crossing the country for events with special interests groups and Wall Street firms. Hillary Clinton faced pressure from Sen. Bernie Sanders to release the transcripts from her speeches to Goldman Sachs and other financial titans after she began running on a platform to rein in the same institutions that had paid her millions of dollars directly. She has thus far refused to provide transcripts, arguing she should not be held to a different standard than any other politician who has been paid for speaking at a private event.
The Clinton Foundation
Bill Clinton's namesake charity has fallen under scrutiny over the past year after the public learned how extensively it accepted foreign donations from corporations and governments with interests before Hillary Clinton's desk at the State Department. A prominent charity watchdog removed the foundation from its registry last year, and the charity was later forced to refile its tax returns after reporters discovered major donations had been omitted. Critics have accused the Clintons of using their philanthropic network to benefit themselves politically and financially.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Hillary wants Trump Univ looked into but not her emails. Did Trump U put our national security at risk?'ve been taking non stop about alleged fraud with the Clinton foundation but Trump fraud is off limits?

do you ever get tired of being a dunderhead and the biggest hypocrite in RX history?

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Tokens've been taking non stop about alleged fraud with the Clinton foundation but Trump fraud is off limits? (taking or talking???)

do you ever get tired of being a dunderhead and the biggest hypocrite in RX history?

Fraud - isn't that your middle name LOL. So you ignore post 3527. Connecting dots on Hillary is a no brainer, oh that would be you. Get real. The fact you refer to her's as "alleged" tells us all we need to know. You are the hypocrite.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Fraud - isn't that your middle name LOL. So you ignore post 3527. Connecting dots on Hillary is a no brainer, oh that would be you. Get real. The fact you refer to her's as "alleged" tells us all we need to know. You are the hypocrite.

I ignore a lot of your posts because your sources are mostly fringe right wing bullshit artists.

You havent connected a single dot. But the trump dots have been connected.....he's a fraud. But he's running as a republican and that means you excuse his behavior. The only good thing about Trump, he actually isn't a conservative or a republican

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Inside the Ring: Clinton, Aides Tried to Use Wireless Devices in Secure Areas[/h]SHARE


BY: Bill Gertz
June 2, 2016 12:42 pm

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her aides tried to use personal hand-held electronic devices inside areas used to store classified information, according to the just-released State Department inspector general report.
The Bureau of Diplomatic Security, the State Department’s security arm, told the inspector general that in March 2009 Mrs. Clinton rejected an offer from security officials to provide her with a secure government smartphone. “DS was informed that Secretary Clinton’s staff had been asking to use BlackBerry devices inside classified areas,” said the report, released late last month.
Another portion of the inspector general’s report states that Mrs. Clinton sought in late January 2009 to bring her BlackBerry into a secure area. Instead, State Department officials offered to set up a computer near her office desk to check emails, although the report says the stand-alone computer was never installed.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
I ignore a lot of your posts because your sources are mostly fringe right wing bullshit artists.

You havent connected a single dot. But the trump dots have been connected.....he's a fraud. But he's running as a republican and that means you excuse his behavior. The only good thing about Trump, he actually isn't a conservative or a republican

You continue to show your stupidity. Dots connected to Trump but not to Hillary, stupidity personified. He's a fraud and she is not, hillaryous.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
You continue to show your stupidity. Dots connected to Trump but not to Hillary, stupidity personified. He's a fraud and she is not, hillaryous.

Russ, vit has spoken. That should render all future news irrelevant. :)

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You continue to show your stupidity. Dots connected to Trump but not to Hillary, stupidity personified. He's a fraud and she is not, hillaryous.

You are delusional and fall right into the category as the old, stupid, white male.....just like dave007 and Con man Joe.

your hypocrisy is unmatched anywhere.

Kock brothers good.....George Soros bad

Clinton foundation fraud.....Trump University legit

get a grip on reality for once.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Hillary University: Bill Clinton Bagged $16.46 Million from For-Profit College as State Dept. Funneled $55 Million Back




by STEPHEN K. BANNON2 Jun 20163,246

With her campaign sinking in the polls, Hillary Clinton has launched a desperate attack against Trump University to deflect attention away from her deep involvement with a controversial for-profit college that made the Clintons millions, even as the school faced serious legal scrutiny and criminal investigations.

In April 2015, Bill Clinton was forced to abruptly resign from his lucrative perch as honorary chancellor of Laureate Education, a for-profit college company. The reason for Clinton’s immediate departure: Clinton Cash revealed, and Bloomberg confirmed, that Laureate funneled Bill Clinton $16.46 million over five years while Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. pumped at least $55 million to a group run by Laureate’s founder and chairman, Douglas Becker, a man with strong ties to the Clinton Global Initiative. Laureate has donated between $1 million and $5 million (donations are reported in ranges, not exact amounts) to the Clinton Foundation. Progressive billionaire George Soros is also a Laureate financial backer.
As the Washington Post reports, “Laureate has stirred controversy throughout Latin America, where it derives two-thirds of its revenue.” During Bill Clinton’s tenure as Laureate’s chancellor, the school spent over $200 million a year on aggressive telemarketing, flashy Internet banner ads, and billboards designed to lure often unprepared students from impoverished countries to enroll in its for-profit classes. The goal: get as many students, regardless of skill level, signed up and paying tuition.
“I meet people all the time who transfer here when they flunk out elsewhere,” agronomy student Arturo Bisono, 25, told the Post. “This has become the place you go when no one else will accept you.”
Others, like Rio state legislator Robson Leite who led a probe into Bill Clinton’s embattled for-profit education scheme, say the company is all about extracting cash, not educating students. “They have turned education into a commodity that focuses more on profit than knowledge,” said Leite.
Progressives have long excoriated for-profit education companies for placing profits over quality pedagogy. Still, for five years, Bill Clinton allowed his face and name to be plastered all over Laureate’s marketing materials. As Clinton Cash reported, pictures of Bill Clinton even lined the walkways at campuses like Laureate’s Bilgi University in Istanbul, Turkey. That Laureate has campuses in Turkey is odd, given that for-profit colleges are illegal there, as well as in Mexico and Chile where Laureate also operates.
Shortly after Bill Clinton’s lucrative 2010 Laureate appointment, Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. began pumping millions of its USAID dollars to a sister nonprofit, International Youth Foundation (IYF), which is run by Laureate’s founder and chairman, Douglas Becker. Indeed, State Dept. funding skyrocketed once Bill Clinton got on the Laureate payroll, according to Bloomberg:
A Bloomberg examination of IYF’s public filings show that in 2009, the year before Bill Clinton joined Laureate, the nonprofit received 11 grants worth $9 million from the State Department or the affiliated USAID. In 2010, the group received 14 grants worth $15.1 million. In 2011, 13 grants added up to $14.6 million. The following year, those numbers jumped: IYF received 21 grants worth $25.5 million, including a direct grant from the State Department.
Throughout ten Democratic Party debates, Establishment Media have not asked Hillary Clinton a single question about she and her husband’s for-profit education scam.

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