Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Jan 9, 2009
(rom the above)

Krongard noted that during Clinton’s four-year term, from January 2009 to January 2013, there was no Senate-confirmed inspector general in place. Suggesting the Clintons show a pattern of avoiding oversight, Krongard indicated that Hillary Clinton benefited from the fact there was no IG during her term.

New member
Jan 16, 2013
Mrs. Clinton is toast as the latest Oregon Poll demonstrates:
Oregon hasn't gone Republican in ages, here's the scoop:
Trump ahead of Clinton 53% to 26% with independents, wow!

The survey of Oregon voters statewide showed that, in a prospective General
Election match-up between presumptive Republican Party nominee Donald Trump
and likely Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton, Trump leads by a small margin,
44% to 42%, with 13% yet undecided.

The Trump lead is statistically insignificant, but shows the Oregon electorate is deeply
split about the direction in which the country should move. Both candidates have solidified
much of their own political bases, winning about four of every five partisans, but
Trump has a massive lead among Oregon independent voters, winning 53% support
compared to just 26% support among independents for Clinton. Another 21% of independents
said they are yet undecided.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Donald J. TrumpVerified account@realDonaldTrump
I am getting great credit for my press conference today. Crooked Hillary should be admonished for not having a press conference in 179 days.

New member
Nov 10, 2010


While both Democrats are ahead of Donald Trump, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders continues to poll much more strongly against the presumptive Republican nominee


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]NBC: Democrats Worried that Clinton’s Messaging Keeps Changing[/h]SHARE

BY: David Rutz
June 1, 2016 7:41 am

Hillary Clinton’s inability to nail down a clear campaign message is worrisome to Democrats, NBC’s Kristen Welker reported Wednesday on The Today Show.
Her messaging “seems to keep shifting,” Welker said, while pointing out general election rival Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan has been clear since his campaign launch.
Clinton has trotted out each of the following:
“I’m fighting for everyone who’s ever been knocked down but refused to be knocked out.”
“Breaking down barriers has been one of the major themes of my campaign.”
“We are stronger together in facing our internal challenges and our external ones.”
Welker asked campaign manager Robby Mook about worries from Democrats that her messaging has been “somewhat muddled.”
“Has that hurt her with voters?” Welker asked.
“I don’t think the messaging has been muddled at all, particularly the last few weeks,” Mook said. “Our country is going to be stronger when every single American can live up to their God-given potential.”
In addition to Trump’s fiery tone, Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I., Vt.) far-left populism has allowed him a clear voice on the campaign trail. The one-two punch of their attacks on Clinton in the last month has hurt her in the polls as she tries to put away the Democratic nomination.
Clinton is “clearly concerned” about a potentially embarrassing loss to Sanders in California, adding multiple campaign stops there. She was also under fire on Tuesday for not having held a formal press conference in months.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Claims She Never Told Staffers to Hide Private Email Use[/h]SHARE

BY: Jack Heretik
May 31, 2016 6:33 pm

Hillary Clinton claimed she never told staffers to hide her private email use during a Tuesday interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.
“I certainly never instructed anyone to hide the fact that I was using a personal email. It was obvious to hundreds of people, visible to the many people that I was emailing throughout the State Department and the rest of the federal government,” Clinton said.
Hayes asked Clinton about a report by the State Department inspector general that included harsh criticism of Clinton’s email practices. Hayes referenced a portion of the report that stated one of Clinton’s staffers had told others to keep quiet about the secretary’s use of private email.
“There’s just one line in that IG report that stuck out to me and I just wanted to get clarification from you directly, in which the [inspector general] found that a subordinate of yours had told people to stop asking about your use of private email—and that was a striking phrase. Is that true to your knowledge?” Hayes asked.
“I do not know who that person is or, you know, what that person, you know, might have said, because it’s not anything that I am aware of. I emailed, I emailed with hundreds of people and I emailed department officials directly with my email, as other secretaries have done,” Clinton said.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Hillary Clinton could lose Democratic nomination to Bernie Sanders

A narrow win in the 7 June California primary could hand Mr Sanders more than 250 delegates, which would call into question Ms Clinton's candidacy

A narrow win in the 7 June California primary could hand Mr Sanders more than 250 delegates, which would call into question Ms Clinton's candidacy

Hillary Clinton could lose the race for Democratic nominee as the focus shifts to California, where an influx of voter registrations threatens to derail her lead over Bernie Sanders.

Mr Sanders will be looking to the state to boost his campaign with news of a further 1.5 million people registering to vote since January this year.

The latest statistics from the Institute of California will be encouraging to Mr Sanders as even a narrow win in the 7June California primary, where the candidates are currently virtually deadlocked, could hand him an additional 250 delegates or more. Mr Sanders currently has 1,501 pledged delegates to Ms Clinton's 1,769.

The influx of additional registrants a 218 per cent increase compared with the same period in 2012 is likely to include large numbers of young voters and could make this scenario a reality.

Recent open primaries have shown that the Vermont senator tends to underperform in pre-election surveys and over-perform on primary and caucus days, thanks to the participation of new registrants and young voters.

If Mr Sanders were to win in California it would seriously call into question Ms Clinton's candidacy in the general election and could result in a number of superdelegates, including distinguished party leaders and elected officials who are free to support any candidate for the presidential nomination, withdrawing their support.

Mr Sanders said although Ms Clinton has received "a whole lot more" superdelegate support than he has to date, "they don’t vote until they're on the floor of the Democratic convention". He said that his job was now to convince them of his electability against Donald Trump.

He is considered the stronger contender against Mr Trumpnationally, with recent surveys putting him ahead by about 10 points.

Mr Trump and Ms Clinton, currently subject to a damning reporton misuse of a private email server while she was secretary of state, are possibly the most disliked nominees in decades, while Mr Sanders is the candidate more liked than disliked in favourability ratings.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
At this point and time this article which goes back to Oct 2015 is worth reading or re-reading. Blaming the video and knowing better tells a lot about Hillary and this administration:

Benghazi cover up tied to U.S. gun-smuggling operation: Documents

by Jim Kouri CPP on October 23, 2015Print: Share:
The Obama administration officials — with the awareness of the Secretary of State — were involved in violating a ban on arming rebels in Syria in an operation that mirrors the Iran-Contra scandal during the Reagan Administration. But while the news media initiated a feeding-frenzy on Iran-Contra, they’re either yawning or helping the Obama administration in covering up the Benghazi-to-Syria arms transfers.
During Thursday’s House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing, the news media and the Democratic Party information machine appeared to be creating their desired narrative: the GOP is on a witch hunt to stop Hillary Clinton’s inauguration as President. But the hearings did manage to force the release of documents that were being hidden by the alleged conspirators.Some of the many documents released by a watchdog group that investigates and exposes corruption and criminal activity by government officials and agencies provides evidence that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other senior officials, as well as President Barack Obama, deceived the American people regarding the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi U.S. consulate massacre. The pages released show that top administration officials were handed intelligence reports within hours of the attack that stated the Islamic terrorists’ actions had been planned up to 10 days before the attack and the goal was simply to assassinate as many Americans as possible.The documents also confirm the suspicions that U.S. government officials were well aware of weapons being shipped from Benghazi to Syria for use by rebel forces against the Al-Assad regime, according to Judicial Watch. In addition, the document-release contains an August 2012 analysis of intelligence that predicted the meteoric rise of al-Qaida in Iraq terrorists who morphed into the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. It also the predicted failure of Obama’s foreign policy aimed at regime change in Syria.In an overly redacted copy of a memorandum dated Sept. 12, 2012 — the day after the Bengahzi slaughter of four Americans including a U.S. ambassador — the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) reported to Hillary Clinton, then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, the White House National Security Council and the U.S. military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff that the Islamic terrorists planned their attack about 10 or more days prior to the slaughter that occurred on the day the U.S. acknowledged the 11th Anniversary of the attacks in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania that killed about 3,000 people.The terrorists intended to attack the sparsely protected U.S. diplomatic mission and to assassinate as many American officials as possible. The motive for the attack appeared to be revenge for the U.S. killing of Abu Yahya al-Libi, a high-level Al Qaida terrorist killed by U.S. drone strikes in North Waziristan.According to Judicial Watch’s analysis of the documents, the Benghazi attack “was planned and perpetrated by members of the Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR). BCOAR is also responsible for past attacks on the Red Cross in Benghazi and the attack on the British Ambassador, they have approximately 120 members.” Rahman [a/k/a “The Blind Sheik”] is currently locked up in a federal prison in New York for his role in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center which killed six people in New York. He is serving a life sentence.The redacted DIA memo identified the leader of BCOAR as being Abdul Baset (AZUZ). The memo reveals that he was sent to Libya to “core” al-Qaida’s replacement for Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahari, to creating al-Qaeda bases and training camps in Libya. Baset is described as not being “a charismatic leader, but rather just a violent radical.” The memo also states that the majority of BCOAR’s members are “under the age of 28 with a large number between the ages of 17-21 years of age.”The DIA reported that BCOAR built their headquarters and a training facility in Libyan city of Derna. “They train in the mountains surrounding Derna where they have large caches of weapons. Some of these weapons are disguised as feeding troughs for livestock. They have SA-7 and SA-23/4 MANPADS, as well as unidentified missiles over two meters in length,” the memo states.Judicial Watch, a group that has been successful in breaching the government’s “stonewalls,” obtained the documents after U.S. District Court Judge Katanji Brown Jackson ordered their release after the watchdog group’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Department of Defense had been denied. Judicial Watch was then forced to file a lawsuit for the requested documents and related material.The documents totally contradict statements made by Hillary Clinton and other national security and diplomatic officials appointed by President Obama about the Benghazi attack.They claims the murder of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, and the destruction of American property was a result of anger by Muslim civilians who were enraged by obscure YouTube video by an American filmmaker that denigrated the Muslim religion.“These documents… point to [the] connection between the collapse in Libya and the ISIS war – and confirm that the U.S. knew remarkable details about the transfer of arms from Benghazi to Syrian jihadists,” stated Tom Fitton.It wasn’t until faced with overwhelming evidence that President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other members of the administration finally conceded that the attack was perpetrated by a group of Islamic terrorists.In response to the documents, Judicial Watch’s President Tom Fitton said, “These documents are jaw-dropping. No wonder we had to file more FOIA lawsuits and wait over two years for them. If the American people had known the truth – that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other top administration officials knew that the Benghazi attack was an al-Qaida terrorist attack from the get-go – and yet lied and covered this fact up – Mitt Romney might very well be president. And why would the Obama administration continue to support the Muslim Brotherhood even after it knew it was tied to the Benghazi terrorist attack and to al Qaeda?”“These documents also point to [the] connection between the collapse in Libya and the ISIS war – and confirm that the U.S. knew remarkable details about the transfer of arms from Benghazi to Syrian jihadists,” stated Tom Fitton. “These documents show that the Benghazi cover-up has continued for years and is only unraveling through our independent lawsuits. The Benghazi scandal just got a whole lot worse for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.”​

(from the above)
The pages released show that top administration officials were handed intelligence reports within hours of the attack that stated the Islamic terrorists’ actions had been planned up to 10 days before the attack and the goal was simply to assassinate as many Americans as possible.The documents also confirm the suspicions that U.S. government officials were well aware of weapons being shipped from Benghazi to Syria for use by rebel forces against the Al-Assad regime, according to Judicial Watch. I

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Hillary's first and only press conference this election cycle will be her announcement she's dropping out for "health reasons."

Problem is, her replacement will be that much worse.


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