Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009

Exclusive — Republican Woman Who Challenged Hillary Clinton Endured Years of Threats, From an Audit to Dead Fish Dumped in Her Yard



Spencer Platt/Getty Images

by KATIE MCHUGH9 Feb 20161,970
Republican New Hampshire state representative Katherine Prudhomme O’Brien endured nearly two decades of bizarre and menacing threats after she began protesting what she calls Hillary Clinton’s enabling of her husband’s predilection for sexual assault, she revealed to Breitbart News.

The most recent and vicious ones came after she stood up at a January Clinton rally and demanded to know why Clinton covered up for her husband after Juanita Broaddrick charged he raped her — and the mainstream media mobbed O’Brien in a frenzy.

“They were really specific about my kids and how I should watch my back,” O’Brien told Breitbart News in a strained voice. “It’s kind of hard to talk about. But everything’s fine. Everything’s OK. It’s just a lot of weird stuff that’s happened in the past that makes you wonder, what the heck does that mean? Why is this happening?”
“I had a pile of dead fish put in my yard,” she said, referring to when she announced she was running to become a state representative in 2010. “Someone had to walk across my property to put it there… Stuff like that.”
“I was kind of puzzled when it happened. I thought, this kind of stuff doesn’t happen in state rep. races,” she added.
“Back in 2000, I led a demonstration outside Hillary Clinton’s headquarters to ask her the same thing: Do you believe Juanita Broaddrick? That was what the whole demonstration was about. To ask her that question. And I was audited. I got the notice of that the eve of the demonstration. I was told by some pretty experienced law enforcement personnel that it would be wise for me to not do that demonstration.”
The demonstration took place during August 2000. O’Brien said she made a speech saying women should not be treated poorly and they should be believed when they claim they were sexually assaulted. O’Brien also tried to ask Clinton the same question during a rally in Nashua, New Hampshire in 2007. Secret Service led her away, she said.
Since Clinton has very tightly-controlled rallies, O’Brien decided to jump up and ask Clinton anyway — which drew the ire of Clinton’s supporters and the journalists invested in elected the first woman president.
“When I ask about sexual assault, they pretend like I’m asking about affairs, and they brush it away,” O’Brien said. “This is nuts.”
“People would call me and tell me bad stuff was going to happen to me, including that I would get audited,” she said. At the time she thought: “OK, that sounds paranoid. I should have to worry about that. This is a free country. This is America. But that feeling changed when I got audited. Because it made me wonder what else was going to happen.”
“I hope so. I hope everything’s fine. But I won’t know there’s a problem until it’s too late to know it’s a problem. But I hope everything’s fine… I’m just going to make wise choices and take the advice of the state police and local police. That’s how I operate. I’m also quite a proponent of the Second Amendment,” she said, adding New Hampshire allows concealed carry. “Anybody who looks at any women going down the street — the woman may or not be packing heat and act accordingly. That’s what I like about this state.”
“I think this is a lot bigger than me,” she continued. “This is still a free country and I demand it remain one.”
One female college student at the University of Michigan told O’Brien her question about the sex scandals — and rape allegations — plaguing the Clintons influenced the way they view the Democratic couple.
“The younger women are learning about this situation and they’re making up their own minds about this, and this narrative that Hillary Clinton is good for women is being exposed for the lie it is. Hillary Clinton is a traitor to the core values of feminism. And I’m glad that the young women appreciate that and see that.”
O’Brien also appeared on Breitbart News Daily with host Stephen K. Bannon Tuesday to discuss the threats she and her family received after she questioned Clinton at a recent rally.

(from the above)
“Back in 2000, I led a demonstration outside Hillary Clinton’s headquarters to ask her the same thing: Do you believe Juanita Broaddrick? That was what the whole demonstration was about. To ask her that question. And I was audited. I got the notice of that the eve of the demonstration. I was told by some pretty experienced law enforcement personnel that it would be wise for me to not do that demonstration.”


New member
Nov 10, 2010

Candidates have been accused of acting ham-fisted this election, but surely this New Hampshire pig takes the cake ... or bacon. The 600-pound swine managed to escape his nearby farm in Pelham, New Hampshire, on Tuesday and later showed up outside a polling station, harassing local authorities and generally acting piggish

New member
Nov 10, 2010

Though Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire primary in a landslide over Hillary Clinton, he will likely receive fewer delegates than she will.
Sanders won 60 percent of the vote, but thanks to the Democratic Party’s nominating system, he leaves the Granite State with at least 13 delegates while she leaves with at least 15 delegates.
New Hampshire has 24 “pledged” delegates, which are allotted based on the popular vote. Sanders has 13, and Clinton has 9, with 2 currently allotted to neither.
But under Democratic National Committee rules, New Hampshire also has 8 “superdelegates,” party officials who are free to commit to whomever they like, regardless of how their state votes. Their votes count the same as delegates won through the primary.

New Hampshire has 8 superdelegates, 6 of which are committed to Hillary Clinton, giving her a total of 15 delegates from New Hampshire as of Wednesday at 9 a.m.
The state’s 2 remaining superdelegates remain uncommitted.

In the overall delegate count,
Clinton holds a commanding lead after a razor-thin victory in Iowa and a shellacking in New Hampshire. Clinton has 394 delegates, both super and electorally assigned, to only 42 for Sanders.


Jul 4, 2012
Hillary Clinton has a major honesty problem after New Hampshire

More than one in three (34 percent) of all New Hampshire Democratic primary voters said that honesty was the most important trait in their decision on which candidate to support. Of that bloc, Sanders won 92 percent of their votes as compared to just 6 percent for Clinton.

Ninety two to six. That is absolutely unbelievable — even given the size of Sanders's overall victory in the state. And it should be deeply concerning to a Clinton campaign that has been resistant to acknowledging the idea that the ongoing controversy over Clinton's private email server while at the State Department is a problem for her.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]State Dept to release 550 Clinton emails over Presidents' Day weekend[/h]




Getty Images
By Julian Hattem - 02/10/16 11:22 PM EST
The State Department will release 550 emails from Hillary Clinton’s private sever this weekend, under pressure from a federal judge who earlier this week appeared visibly annoyed at its delayed efforts.
In a court filing late on Wednesday night, State Department official Eric Stein told the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that department staffers have made “significant progress” on preparing the emails for release.

As a result, the department will now be able to release the roughly 550 emails — which represent roughly 14 percent of the 3,700 remaining Clinton emails — on Saturday, in the middle of the three-day Presidents' Day weekend. The department had previously said that it could not release the emails until late next week.Releasing the emails on Saturday “provides time to address any additional problems that may arise,” Stein wrote, “as have occurred in the past at this final stage in the process.”
The Obama administration is already more than a week behind schedule on the emails, which were all supposed to have been released by Jan. 29.
But last month, in a surprise announcement shortly ahead of the Iowa caucuses, the State Department said that the last of Clinton’s emails would not be made public until the end of February.
Before Judge Rudolph Contreras on Tuesday, the administration said that it could not even release a fraction of those emails until at least next Thursday. In Stein’s filing late on Wednesday, however, he claimed that the State Department had brought on “additional resources” that have helped it speed up the process.
The State Department has been releasing the roughly 30,000 allegedly work-related emails from Clinton’s “homebrew” server on a monthly basis since last year, as result of a lawsuit filed by Vice News reporter Jason Leopold. The monthly tranches have steadily added to the fire surrounding the former secretary of State's bespoke email setup, which has been highly criticized from Republicans on the presidential campaign trail.

In court on Tuesday, the administration said that it had approximately 570 emails ready to be posted to the Internet, but that it would take days for officials to do so.Posting the documents to the Internet “could be upwards of 16 hours,” Stein wrote on Wednesday — or two 8-hour work days.
“Posting documents on State’s FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] website involves several steps, and State’s ability to efficiently carry out these steps is sometimes limited by the available technology and by the availability of personnel who are sufficiently familiar with the technology,” Stein wrote. “The FOIA system where the documents reside … can be extremely rigid and slow, making the necessary steps in the process more time-consuming than one might otherwise expect.”
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Clinton’s server is currently in the hands of the FBI, which confirmed to the State Department this week that it has an ongoing investigation related to the machine. The bureau is exploring the possibility that classified information was mishandled, and some of Clinton’s critics have hoped for a criminal indictment.
More than 1,500 emails released by the State Department from Clinton’s inbox have been classified at some level. Twenty-two emails, which the department did not release, even in a redacted form, were classified at the highest level of “top secret.”
The emails were not marked as classified when they were sent, officials have noted, and Clinton’s presidential campaign has brushed off the government actions as “over-classification run amok.”


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Bloomberg Hosts: Hillary Clinton Is the Problem for Her Campaign, Not Her Staff[/h]SHARE

BY: Aaron Kliegman
February 10, 2016 7:21 pm

Bloomberg hosts Mark Halperin and John Heilemann blamed Hillary Clinton on Wednesday for her presidential campaign’s recent struggles, saying she is the cause of and only person who can fix the problems rather than her staff and surrogates.
“This is a problem that goes to the core not just of the Clinton campaign, not to her strategy and strategists, or her polling and pollsters,” Heilemann said. “It goes to [Clinton]. She’s the only one who can fix it.”
Halperin added that “if [Clinton] has a good message, her husband can amplify it, other surrogates can amplify it. But she’s letting these people go out and say things that she’s not willing to say. And other candidates can maybe get away with that, but Hillary Clinton cannot … She’s got to be driving the message of this campaign, and she’s not right now.”
The two commentators were discussing the emphasis Clinton has placed on utilizing high profile surrogates on the campaign trail, like her husband and daughter, as well as other big name political figures and celebrities.
Halperin and Heilemann also addressed the current turmoil surrounding the Clinton campaign as her team is considering a staff shake-up after the former secretary of state lost the New Hampshire primary Tuesday night by over twenty points to opponent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt).
“We saw that coming a mile away,” Heilemann said to Halperin. “You remember when the campaign first got announced, we would talk to senior Clinton people who had signed up for it … they sort of had a pool about when they would get fired, when the first shake-up would be.”
Halperin agreed, saying such trouble “always happens when a Clinton campaign goes bad” and that there are now tensions between Clinton and her staff. He added that the situation, while not dire, is still “not so great.”
Both hosts also said Clinton’s biggest problem is not her campaign but that she is a weak candidate who is struggling to counter Sanders’ momentum.
“What do the Democratic professionals not officially affiliated with the Clinton campaign think is the problem with Hillary Clinton and her operation?” Heilemann asked Halperin.
“That she’s not a great candidate,” Halperin replied. “That her message is still really muddy and that she’s swimming upstream. She’s trying to run as the change candidate against a guy [Sanders] who is just always going to win on who represents change.”
Heilemann said that Sanders has trounced Clinton so far with “the whole bottom half of the age spectrum,” including winning seven out of ten women under the age of 45.
“That is a brutal number, not just because she should be winning women as the first potential woman president, but because it suggests that if [Sanders] can win with those people, he can win with African Americans and Hispanics in that same age cohort,” Heilemann said.
Clinton’s campaign has maintained that, despite a rough start, she enjoys widespread support among minority voters, which they argue will help her when the primary process moves to the South.
For months, Clinton was considered the presumptive Democratic nominee and leading by a wide margin in almost every poll, but her advantage has evaporated recently. She and Sanders virtually tied in the Iowa caucuses, although she technically won by a narrow margin, and the former secretary of state lost in New Hampshire by more than twenty points to Sanders, a self-declared socialist.
“In the end, a campaign’s failings are always reflective of the person who is running that campaign, the principal,” Heilemann said. “And to the extent that Hillary Clinton had trouble in 2008, and to the extent she is having trouble now, it goes to her weaknesses. That’s the only answer, the only way to fix it.”


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Report: A Dozen Email Accounts Belonging to Clinton Aides Handled Top Secret Intel[/h]SHARE

Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton / AP

BY: Morgan Chalfant
February 10, 2016 4:03 pm

Several email accounts belonging to top aides to Hillary Clinton handled top secret information that was recently found on the private, unsecured email server she used while heading the State Department.
Fox News, citing a government official, reported that a dozen or more email accounts–including those belonging to Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, Jake Sullivan, and Philippe Reines–handled the top secret information. Both Abedin and Sullivan are senior aides on Clinton’s presidential campaign. The top secret intelligence also made its way onto the email account of Patrick Kennedy, the State Department’s under secretary for management.
A separate source disclosed that the number of accounts that handled the top secret information could reach as many as 30.
The State Department confirmed the presence of top secret information in 22 emails found on Clinton’s email server late last month. The emails–amounting to 37 pages–were withheld from the agency’s public release of Clinton’s communications because of their sensitive contents.
“The documents are being upgraded at the request of the intelligence community because they contain a category of top secret information,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said on January 29.
The dozen or more email accounts belonging to Clinton aides had access to these emails, the government official told Fox News.
The State Department’s announcement last month marked the first time that the agency had acknowledged the presence of top secret information on Clinton’s server. Kirby said that the State Department was reviewing whether the information was classified at the time the messages originated on Clinton’s email.
Before the State Department announced that it would withhold the emails, the inspector general of the intelligence community sent a letter to lawmakers indicating that several dozen Clinton emails had been found to contain classified information, including intelligence from the government’s most secret “special access programs.”
Clinton’s presidential campaign has described the revelations about her personal email use as the result of a partisan attack to damage her pursuit of the White House.
The former secretary of state’s email setup is under investigation by the FBI.


Jul 4, 2012
Bullshit article, disgraceful thread!!!

Clinton Foundation received subpoena from State Department investigators

The subpoena also asked for records related to Huma Abedin, a longtime Clinton aide who for six months in 2012 was employed simultaneously by the State Department, the foundation, Clinton’s personal office, and a private consulting firm with ties to the Clintons.

The full scope and status of the inquiry, conducted by the State Department’s inspector general, were not clear from the material correspondence reviewed by The Washington Post.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]FIX IS IN: PBS Moderators Ignore Clinton Scandals[/h]



by PETER SCHWEIZER11 Feb 20161,719
[h=2]So let me get this straight: on the same day that the Washington Post reports that the State Department issued subpoenas to a family foundation bearing Hillary Clinton’s name as part of a federal investigation, the PBS debate moderators didn’t ask her about it.[/h]While presidential candidates
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

has been asked about a loan from Goldman Sachs and Donald Trump about bankruptcies in his past (legitimate questions in my mind), a federal subpoena to a foundation where Hillary Clinton recently served on the board doesn’t even warrant a murmur from Gwen Ifill and Judy Woodward, two PBS journalists?As the Washington Post’s investigative unit reported just today, the State Department Inspector General issued subpoenas to the Clinton Foundation as part of a federal investigation. (Why did the Inspector General issue the subpoenas? Did the Clinton Foundation refuse to turn over relevant documents? It’s unclear at this point.) What is clear is that the State Department felt the need to obtain internal documents from the Clinton Foundation as part of their investigation.
It’s also clear that the Clinton Foundation is of interest to the American people. All day it was a ten top trending subject of Facebook, which was the cosponsor of the debate. But it was never mentioned by the debate moderators.
In addition to the ongoing email investigation by the FBI, we now know that the bureau is also investigating the Clinton Foundation. How does this not warrant a single question by debate moderators?
Monumental journalistic malpractice is the only answer.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary Clinton Top Six Campaign Staffers Are All White Men[/h]



by PATRICK HOWLEY11 Feb 20161,393
[h=2]As Hillary Clinton’s campaign looks to the black vote in South Carolina to fend off Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

’ momentum, a look at her staff list reveals an exclusively white leadership team mostly comprised of white males. In fact, her top six campaign officials are all white guys.[/h]Perhaps black leaders in South Carolina should take a look at the Clinton 2016 team before making endorsements in the coming days ahead of the February 27 primary. Let’s break it down:
Chairman: John Podesta
Podesta served as chief of staff in the Bill Clinton White House during the impeachment crisis, and went on to found the left-wing propaganda organ The Center for American Progress. He also started up the lobbying firm The Podesta Group with his brother Tony. Podesta, 67, also happens to be a white male who went to law school at Georgetown.
Campaign manager: Robby Mook
Mook, like Podesta, is a man of Caucasian descent. Mother Jones recently called Mook“Clinton’s Secret Weapon in Nevada” who “could launch her comeback.” Mook headed Clinton’s 2008 effort in Nevada against Barack Obama. Mook, 36, grew up in Vermont, the son of a Dartmouth professor, and went to college at Columbia.
Chief Strategist: Joel Benenson
Benenson, 63, serves as Clinton’s chief strategist despite being a white male from New York City. He’s mostly been a corporate consultant and also served as a strategist for Obama in 2008. The impending Clinton staff changes will actually give Benenson more power over the strategy team.
Media Advisor: Jim Margolis
Another former Obama adviser, Margolis joined Team Clinton last year and is now one of her most senior advisers. He previously worked for fellow white people
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)

, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)

, John Kerry and Walter Mondale. White-haired Margolis’ blue eyes are now focused on helping Clinton to overcome the Sanders Surge. When the campaign is over, maybe he’ll finally have some time to help out with Oberlin College alumni events.Pollsters: John Anzalone and David Binder
Anzalone is a white man who used to work for Obama in 2008 and has worked with James Carville and Paul Begala. His Clinton campaign teammate David Binder is also a white man.
In addition to these senior staffers, Clinton’s communications team is stunningly white. When reporters need to get in contact with the Clinton campaign, they have to go through travelling press secretary Nick Merrill, a white man who also worked for her in 2008. White male Brian Fallon also serves as a spokesman, and Jen Palmieri, a Caucasian woman, is the communications director.
Clinton lost big to Sanders with white voters and young women in New Hampshire, where she still ended up with more delegates despite her staggering vote loss. Though she leads Sanders with black voters in South Carolina, Al Sharpton’s decision to campaign with Sanders and Sanders press secretary Symone Sanders’ concerted effort to appeal to the “Black Lives Matter” contingent could still swing the race.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]The Clintons Can’t Escape Their 90s Scandals[/h]Lawyer who defended Bill Clinton in Monica Lewinsky investigation to host fundraiser


BY: Brent Scher
February 12, 2016 4:59 am

Former president Bill Clinton is being dispatched by his wife’s campaign to an Ohio fundraiser co-hosted by a lawyer who worked to shield the Clinton White House from releasing information during the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Clinton will be a special guest at the $1,000-a-head event being held at the Contemporary Arts Center in Downtown Cincinnati that is being co-hosted by lawyer Tim Armstrong, who was hired by the White House to defend Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky investigation.
Armstrong was a leading lawyer in the 1998 effort by the White House to block investigators from forcing top aides to testify on a grand jury.
Armstrong authored the legal memo arguing in the case of Sidney Blumenthal that presidential communications privilege could be invoked. The memo also argued that Bruce Lindsey, who was White House deputy counsel and now is chairman of the board at the Clinton Foundation, could invoke attorney-client privilege to avoid testifying.
Armstrong was working for Washington, D.C., law firm Howrey, Simon, Arnold, & White when the White House hired him.
He now works as a law professor at the University of Cincinnati, which touts Armstrong’s efforts during the Lewinsky investigation on its website.
“During the Monica Lewinsky investigation in 1998, he defended the Office of the President of the United States in executive and attorney-client privilege litigation arising from the Independent Counsel’s issuance of grand jury subpoenas to attorneys in the White House Counsel’s Office,” it says on Armstrong’s official university biography.
Both Armstrong and his wife Eisha, who is also listed as a host for the fundraiser, are currently registered as Democrats in Ohio. Eisha has already contributed the maximum allowable amount of money to Clinton’s campaign.
Neither Armstrong nor the Clinton campaign returned requests for comment.
The Clinton campaign has postponed fundraisers that had the potential to hurt it in the polls against the surging Bernie Sanders campaign, but now seems to be scaling its fundraising apparatus back up after the $5.2 million boost that Sanders received following his New Hampshire performance.
The event will also be co-hosted by lawyer Richard Lawrence, a longtime Democratic donor who was accused of paying his way into a White House meeting with President Clinton.
Lawrence was one of the guests of a White House Coffee meeting for Democratic National Committee donors in March 1996.
DNC officials admitted to the Washington Post in 1997 that potential donors were told that $50,000 would buy them an invitation to the White House for coffee with Clinton. The meetings were described to Clinton as “political fundraisers in everything but name and the timing of the solicitation.”
The president was told that coffee events brought in about $400,000 for the party, which set up at least 34 White House coffee events from January 1995 to August 1996 as it was preparing for Clinton’s reelection effort.
Clinton was criticized for using the White House to assist with fundraising but also said that he “genuinely enjoyed” the meetings and “did not believe they were improper.”
The coffee date with Clinton seems to have made Lawrence a supporter of Hillary Clinton, too. His contributions to her began with $1,000 in 1999 to her first Senate campaign. He maxed out to her Senate campaign in 2005 and also her presidential campaign in 2008.
Ahead of this cycle, Lawrence was a national co-chair of the Ready for Hillary national finance council, and has now contributed an additional $2,700 to her current campaign.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Competing Democrats debate each other one night. Republican rivals take their shots at each other a couple of nights later. An air of frenetic normalcy sets over primary season: The country is $20 trillion in the red and under heightened terrorist threat, yet pols bicker over the legacy of Henry Kissinger and the chameleon nature of Donald Trump – another liability the mogul is marketing as an asset. It is business as usual.

Except nothing about the 2016 campaign is business as usual.

For all the surreal projection of normalcy, the race is enveloped by an extremely serious criminal investigation. If press reporting is to be believed — in particular, the yeoman’s work of Fox News’s Catherine Herridge and Pamela K. Browne — Hillary Clinton, the likely nominee of one of the two major parties, appears to have committed serious felony violations of federal law.

That she has the audacity to run despite the circumstances is no surprise Clinton scandals, the background music of our politics for a quarter-century, are interrupted only by new Clinton scandals. What is shocking is that the Democrats are allowing her to run.

For most Democrats, alas, any criminality by the home team is immaterial. A couple of weeks back, The Donald bragged, as is his wont, that he “could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.” Trump was kidding (at least, I think he was). Unfortunately, the statement might have been true had it sprung from Mrs. Clinton’s lips.

In a Democratic party dominated by the hard Left, the power Left, what matters is keeping Republicans out of the White House, period. Democrats whored themselves for Bill through the Nineties, seemingly unembarrassed over the lie it put to their soaring tropes about women’s rights, good government, getting money out of politics, etc. They will close ranks around Hillary, too. After all, if she was abusing power while advancing the cause of amassing power – er, I mean, the cause of social justice — what’s the harm?

More-centrist Democrats realize there could be great harm, but they seem paralyzed. The American people, they know, are not the hard Left: If Mrs. Clinton is permitted to keep plodding on toward the nomination only to be indicted after she has gotten it, the party’s chances of holding on to the White House probably disappear. By then, there may not be time to organize a national campaign with a suitable candidate (as opposed to a goofy 74-year-old avowed socialist).

So these Democrats play Russian roulette: hopefully assuming that the FBI won’t dare recommend criminal charges with the stakes so high; that the Obama Justice Department won’t prosecute if charges are recommended; that Obama will figure out a way to intervene with a pardon that won’t do Clinton too much damage, and that the public can be spun into thinking an investigation led by Obama appointees and career law-enforcement officers is somehow a Vast-Right-Wing-Conspiracy plot dreamt up by Republicans.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Blumenthal wanted to anoint Obama as Caesar.

TEL AVIV – Hillary Clinton’s longtime confidant Sidney Blumenthal suggested that the Obama administration use photographs of Osama bin Laden’s dead body to turn Congress into trophies and “liegemen bowing before” Obama, Clinton’s newly released private emails reveal.

Blumenthal further suggested that the post-mortem images should be exploited for debt ceiling negotiations to get “far right-wing Tea Party Republicans” to “admit to the President’s status above them and to his effectiveness.”

lumenthal said the administration should show the bin Laden images to every member of Congress in a special secure room, “something like when members were permitted to view Abu Ghraib pictures,” he wrote.

“This event should be staged over two or three days, occupying most of a work week, and continuing to dominate the public and congressional mind,” he wrote. “Don’t let the photos serve as trophies; instead take the Congress as trophy using the photos.”

Blumenthal continued:

“Here are the reasons: Having the members file through will provide testimony to the President’s feat. They will be not only acknowledging but also enhancing his power. They will in effect become liegemen bowing before him, but not in any way they will resent or will protest.

“They will serve as witnesses to the magnitude of what he has done. Each of them will emerge speaking to the national and local press on what they have seen. Their words will be descriptive, but they will not be equivalent to graphic images that could be circulated themselves and have mischievous consequences.”


Ghoulish little fucker.

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Jan 9, 2009
^^^Too bad they didn't have here on a leash before she got her private server. She does not know what the word "fetch" means that is for sure lol.

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