Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Hillary scores big endorsement!

Bill approves.

An endorsement she probably doesn't want (not that Hillary Clinton would even admit to that), but a group of hookers in Nevada say they will caucus for their First Madam come Tuesday, February 23.


New member
Nov 10, 2010

Democratic US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton delivers a speech at the the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in the Harlem district of New York City


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary Has Coughing Fit During Race Speech[/h]



by BREITBART NEWS16 Feb 20163,855
In the middle of her Tuesday speech in Harlem that discussed race relations, Hillary Clinton had multiple coughing fits that prevented her from getting her words out on more than one occasion.
It got so bad that the audience enthusiastically started chanting “Hillary! Hillary!” to provide encouragement as Clinton started taking sips of water while popping in a cough drop.
She struggled to finish her speech in which she said that white Americans needed to recognize their “privilege” and help black Americans overcome “seen and unseen” barriers to opportunity and coughed some more as she exited the stage.
Hillary also had a coughing fit during last year’s Benghazi hearings.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Republicans Aren’t Fighting Hillary, They’re Fighting the Hillary-Loving Media[/h]


Charlie Neibergall/AP

by BEN SHAPIRO16 Feb 2016237
[h=2]Hillary Clinton is a red-hot garbage dumpster fire of a candidate.[/h]On Monday, she barked like a dog to indict Republicans as liars. That was after labeling Republicans her “enemies,” stating that she will not release transcripts of her $700,000 speeches at Goldman Sachs, pretending she doesn’t know what it means to wipe a server, standing on her vagina to push her candidacy, and trotting out her lecherous old husband to recite talking points about her genius.
Clinton’s speeches sound like a mashup of John Edwards, HAL 9000, and the Wicked Witch of The West atop her broomstick. Every move she makes is transparently ridiculous – she virtually shouts “SUPPORT ME, BLACK PEOPLE!” every time she opens her mouth in order to prevent
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

from wrenching away the coveted Democratic nomination from her Gollum-like fingers.Even her erstwhile allies recognize that Hillary’s awful. Saturday Night Live, a Hillary propaganda machine, now has Kate McKinnon as Hillary singing Bonnie Raitt’s I Can’t Make You Love Me to Bernie Sanders supporters. Democratic National Committee chairwoman
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)

couldn’t help laughing when Triumph The Insult Comic Dog insulted Hillary. Hillary has nothing going for her other than her last name.Well, that and the media.
Because even though an occasional joke about Hillary will slip through the media machine, the vast majority of the time, the media prop Hillary up. That same Saturday Night Liveroutine mocking Hillary had characters talk about how she was the most qualified presidential candidate in history and how much they loved her foreign policy. Triumph spent more time insulting Bernie Sanders than Hillary. The media have spilled gallons of ink over the question of whether insulting Hillary’s shrill screeching is sexist or not; they’ve played defense for Hillary on matters of race; they’ve covered for her completely on her email scandal.
Which is why this seemingly ultra-beatable candidate actually looks relatively unbeatable in a general election. Professor Tim Groseclose of UCLA wrote back in 2011, “What if media bias were suddenly to disappear? In such a world, how would America look and act politically? The answer is, approximately like Texas. More specifically, if media bias were to disappear, according to the analysis, then America would think and vote like any region that voted around 56-43 percent for Republican
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)

in the last presidential election.”Media bias has gotten even worse since 2008. Obama’s election was a case study in media bias, with the media completely ignoring Obama’s radical associations, including his two-decade membership in a church run by overt racist Jeremiah Wright; 2012 reinforced Americans’ belief that the media desperately wanted a second Obama term.
Now, they’re turning their guns in favor of Hillary. John Dickerson, who just moderated the Republican debate on CBS News, told Hillary back in September that she had “been transparent in the release of these emails.” ABC Chief News Correspondent George Stephanopoulos literally wrote in his memoirs that he and Hillary exchanged declarations of love after Bill’s 1992 victory. PBS asked Hillary zero questions about her email scandal at last Thursday night’s debate with Sanders; Gwen Ifill did, however, ask Bernie Sanders if he would be “the instrument of thwarting history” if he prevented Hillary from becoming the first X-chromosomed president. CNN senior political analyst David Gergen – a former high-ranking Clinton staffer – said last week that there is no one “more experienced and more competent than Hillary.” After Hillary got crushed by Sanders in New Hampshire,Time magazine ran a cover with the quote, “I know what it’s like to be knocked down.”
No wonder Rasmussen found this week that 47 percent of Americans think media bias is the biggest problem in American politics, even more than the 45 percent who say money in politics is the problem. Americans should be even more skeptical of the media: they haven’t pulled out all the stops yet in favor of their girl.
That’s why analyses of particular Republican candidates’ electability usually overestimates support for well-spoken, non-offensive candidates like Mitt Romney, John McCain, and
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)

. Those analyses tend to ignore the fact that the media attack Republicans like rabid dogs in a general election. That means that whoever Republicans nominate had best be prepared for the tidal wave of media hatred that will wash over them.

Aug 6, 2006

Guys PAY for that? Maybe 4 of them could get me to leave the bar with them. Several of them are so trainwrecked they couldn't get laid on the corner. My avatar photo is 15 years old and I'll bet she's still 15 times hotter than any of these huas.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007

Guys PAY for that? Maybe 4 of them could get me to leave the bar with them. Several of them are so trainwrecked they couldn't get laid on the corner. My avatar photo is 15 years old and I'll bet she's still 15 times hotter than any of these huas.
“E” looks outstanding. The rest not so much.

Aug 6, 2006
“E” looks outstanding. The rest not so much.

Dave the one you like can't really get a closeup of her face.

Most of them look like they had a 3 minute session with Gasman.

In the ring, not in their room :)

The last one on the upper-right looks like Julia Ann after a couple of left-rights.

Y covered her face. The rest in the front row should have followed suit.

Sep 21, 2004
Should be interesting. Your boy Nate Silver has Hils a 69% shot of winning NV (up from 50% yesterday, not sure why the big jump). 5dimes has Bernie as a slight favorite over Hils.
Not anymore. Nate's followers :103631605pounded Hillary at those odds.
Nevada Caucus - Democratic Winner
Sat 2/20 881 Hillary Clinton wins Nevada Caucus -160
11:00AM 882 Field wins Nevada Caucus +120

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Matt Drudge slams ‘media cover-up’ of Hillary Clinton’s declining health


The coming battle over cementing Obama’s national ‘transformation’

Suzanne Fields

The outrageous ordinariness of Donald Trump

Andrew P. Napolitano

Drudge Report creator Matt Drudge slammed what he called a “media coverup” of Hillary Clinton’s “flaring hypothyroidism” after the Democratic candidate suffered another coughing fit on the campaign trail. (FOX 10)more >

Clinton Addresses Race Issues in Harlem Speech (Associated Press)


By Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times - Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Drudge Report creator Matt Drudge slammed what he called a “media cover-up” of Hillary Clinton’s “flaring hypothyroidism” after the Democratic presidential candidate suffered another coughing fit on the campaign trail.
Mrs. Clinton, 68, struggled to recover from a coughing fit during a speech at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in New York City Tuesday, perpetuating rumors that the former secretary of state is in poor health. She suffered similar attacks last month during a speech in West Des Moines, Iowa, and during the Benghazi hearings in October.

“WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER?” the Drudge Report tweeted Tuesday night, linking to a Breitbart article on her speech in New York.
Tweeting from his personal account, Mr. Drudge, 49, added: “No probe into Hillary’s flaring hypothyroidism/Hashimoto’s is top media coverup of ‘16. There is a goiter forming!”
Mr. Drudge floated his theory about Mrs. Clinton’s declining health in October, calling it the “biggest revelation” of the Benghazi hearings.
Hillary health was biggest revelation at hearing. Coughing fit. Slow-speaking, obviously induced by meds. Choose not to believe if you must,” he tweeted at the time.

Mrs. Clinton’s campaign released a health statement in July confirming she had hypothyroidism and was taking medication to treat it, World Net Daily reported.
She also sustained a concussion after falling inside her home in December 2012. She was given blood thinners for a blood clot in her head and returned to work Jan. 7, 2013, World Net Daily reported.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Hillary Clinton Refuses to Clearly Say She Has Not and Will Not Lie to American People[/h]SHARE

BY: Aaron Kliegman
February 18, 2016 8:48 pm

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton refused to flatly say during an interview aired Thursday that she has not and will not lie to the American people.
Speaking to CBS’ Scott Pelley, Clinton appeared unwilling to definitively promise that she would always be honest as president.
Pelley cited former president Jimmy Carter’s 1976 promise to voters when he said, “I will not lie to you,” asking Clinton if she would also make such a statement.
“Well, I have to tell you, I have tried in every way I know how, literally from my years as a young lawyer all the way through my time as secretary of state, to level with the American people,” Clinton said in response.
“You talk about leveling with the American people. Have you always told the truth?” Pelley then asked.
“I’ve always tried to,” Clinton responded. “Always, always.”
Appearing a bit puzzled, Pelley pushed Clinton on the question, saying, “Some people are going to call that wiggle room that you just gave yourself. ‘Always tried to.’ Jimmy Carter said, ‘I will never lie to you.’”
“No, I’ve always tried to,” Clinton said again, appearing flustered. “You know, you’re asking me to say have I ever. I don’t believe I ever have. I don’t believe I ever have. I don’t believe I ever will. I’m going to do the best I can to level with the American people.”
Republican National Committee spokesman Michael Short issued a statement in response to Clinton’s interview answer, which says, “The fact Hillary Clinton felt the need to waffle on a question about whether she is a liar is precisely why two-thirds of the American people think she’s dishonest and unstrustworthy.”
Clinton’s response comes as the latest national Quinnipiac poll shows that two-thirds of American voters think Clinton is not honest or trustworthy.
The former secretary of state has had to battle low poll numbers when it comes to her honesty and trustworthiness for months, in part because of the ongoing FBI investigation into her private email server and unanswered questions about her role in the aftermath of the 2012 Benghazi attacks.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt), Clinton’s primary opponent, has been able to capitalize on the integrity issues surrounding Clinton and virtually tie her in the Iowa caucus and win a resounding victory in the New Hampshire primary by more than twenty points.
Beyond the FBI investigation and Beghazi controversy, Clinton has been accused of changing her stances on various issues when it is politically convenient for her.
Sanders has also said Clinton is too close to Wall Street in a race that has focused on going after the financial industry to address income in equality, citing the millions of dollars in speaking fees she has accumulated from finanical firms, many of which have links to Wall Street.
Sanders supporters have charged that Clinton’s tough rhetoric against Wall Street shows she is hypocritical, adding to the perception that she is untrustworthy.
Clinton is looking to regain momentum in the Nevada Democratic caucus on Saturday, although she is currently tied with Sanders there, according to recent polling.


New member
Jan 9, 2009

never lied lol

Jul 4, 2012
[h=1]Tightening race rattles Clinton World’s nerves[/h]
As recently as mid-January, a poll from NBC, The Wall Street Journal and Marist found Clinton with a 33-point lead in South Carolina.
“I don’t get it. I don’t think anyone expected this race to look like this,” said one former Clinton aide who maintains ties with the campaign. “A big loss in New Hampshire, basically a tie going into Nevada. You have to ask yourself, ‘What’s next?' "


"What's next" should be an indictment.

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