Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Jul 14, 2007
Possibly the funniest thing you've ever written on here.

I don't speak for Dave, but my guess is he knows you as a mentally crippled, homosexual alcoholic who uses a government voucher to access the internet from the basement of your aging stripper mother's igloo. Correct me if I'm wrong, Dave.

Solid job of humiliating yourself on the main forum last night, btw! For those who may have missed it:

The Cliff's Notes: alkiefagdrunk tells the entire forum they are stupid, then argues that 100% of NBA GMs agree with his position when it turns out that his own citation suggests the real number may be 50%. Par for the Cochise course!

My fav part is when he just randomly out of nowhere tells all of us that Donald Sterling got removed and that means we should listen to him. Just totally unrelated to anything we're talking about he brings up the fact he spent 137 pages going back and forth arguing every aspect of the Donald Sterling saga.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Ahhh, yes, racism is always priceless! Dave and JDouche. Quality human beings.


New member
Oct 19, 2007
My fav part is when he just randomly out of nowhere tells all of us that Donald Sterling got removed and that means we should listen to him. Just totally unrelated to anything we're talking about he brings up the fact he spent 137 pages going back and forth arguing every aspect of the Donald Sterling saga.

My favorite part is how you guys thought every team would take AD over Lebron other than the Cavs. That provided a chuckle.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Ahhh, Sheriff Joe, Pats, Dave, and JDouche all here together! Good ole fashion Klan rally!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
HarryCaray had the best line on AAAktard I've seen in a while:

Christ you are so ridiculous. It's not that you are always wrong (you are), but it's that you're always SO SURE you're right. You remind me of my ex wife in that regard.

Whispering Retard still hasn't figured out that nobody likes or respects him whatsoever.

Jul 14, 2007
My favorite part is how you guys thought every team would take AD over Lebron other than the Cavs. That provided a chuckle.

I didn't say that but whatever.

I'm just in awe of your coverage of the Donald Sterling issue.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

New member
Oct 19, 2007
I wouldn't have to play that card if you guys weren't a bunch KKK racists. Not going to lie, it is possible not to be a racist. A lot of us aren't.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
They're just hilarious individuals all around. Now JDouche is trying to make a big deal over a silly argument on Lebron or AD. The dudes a psycho. Poor kids. They try so hard, har to admire their effort. Must take a lot of work to look that dumb all the time.
They will never understand how stupid they are because they only allow themselves to hear from the same people who think in same whacked out manner they do.

Jdeucebag should never try to speak about sports....he actually looks as dumb when he tries to talk politics.

Nice gesture to try and help Dave but he isnt intellectually capable of learning. Dave makes Russ look smart and we all know Russ is mentally challenged.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I wouldn't have to play that card if you guys weren't a bunch KKK racists. Not going to lie, it is possible not to be a racist. A lot of us aren't.

My wife (who is black) will be indescribably amused by this. I'll have to let her and her family know ASAP.

It is possible to judge people by the content of their character, not their skin color. Except if you're a dimocrap, of course. In that case, your job is to prejudge minorities and spend your life convincing them they are too stupid and helpless to make it on their own. Remember this little gem?


Hey, let's research and see if LBJ happened to say anything about Natives! That way, 1/64th of you can really get outraged again! Oh, never it can't. Almost forgot...your masters are always exempt from their own rules.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
They will never understand how stupid they are because they only allow themselves to hear from the same people who think in same whacked out manner they do.

Jdeucebag should never try to speak about sports....he actually looks as dumb when he tries to talk politics.

Nice gesture to try and help Dave but he isnt intellectually capable of learning. Dave makes Russ look smart and we all know Russ is mentally challenged.

It's absolutely hilarious. These clowns epitomize the downfall of conservatism. Party of hate and intolerance. Sucks that we have to have these monsters in our generation. But thankfully with education and technology the youth will see these racist pieces of shit for who they really are. Just not good people. Liars, cowards, racists, evil people. Sad to see but it's better to confront evil than to watch it happen. Hopefully others reading see what kind of people Republicans cater to.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It's absolutely hilarious. These clowns epitomize the downfall of conservatism. Party of hate and intolerance. Sucks that we have to have these monsters in our generation. But thankfully with education and technology the youth will see these racist pieces of shit for who they really are. Just not good people. Liars, cowards, racists, evil people. Sad to see but it's better to confront evil than to watch it happen. Hopefully others reading see what kind of people Republicans cater to.

Was LBJ a Republican?

If not, does he fall into your group of "racists and evil people"?

New member
Jan 9, 2009

1) Benghazi is a non-issue for Hillary. It will pretty much only be talked about in loon conservative blogs that you read. In the real world it was a tragic event. If you think it's going to be some huge issue over whether it was the video or not, you're even more lost than I thought. So 0-1 in terms of conspiracies.

2) "The State Department has not and does not intend to initiate a formal review or to make a retroactive judgment about items that were not submitted during Secretary Clinton's tenure," Rathke told reporters.

0-2 in terms of conspiracies. Clinton's charitable donations will be as big of a deal as the paper she wrote on Alynsky. Only clown loons will care about.

3) In terms of her dead broke comment...

"I regret it. It was inartful. It was accurate. But, we are so successful and we are so blessed by the success we've had. And my husband has worked incredibly hard," Hillary Clinton told Fusion TV's Jorge Ramos in an interview Monday.
Clinton told ABC's Diane Sawyer in a June interview, "We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt." The former first lady cited legal fees that she and her husband had to pay during his White House tenure.

0-3 here. And it took about 3 minutes to find this information. Like I said Russ, you are a loon.

You must have flunked your class on Alinsky. You need to be right once in a while.
No it was you who was 0-3 and stood in the batter’s box with his eyes closed.
1.Benghazi defines the entire WH to include the State Dept and especially Hillary. If you don’t get it that is nothing new so we will move on. She is just as responsible for the lives lost there as is Obama. That was her Ambassador dumbass.
2. The State Dept does not want to look into items submitted after she left office….really. Better late than never dumbass. Guilt is guilt and all cases like this are retroactive. Why do you think they have an investigative process in the first place. Refusal to investigate has nothing to do with innocence….duh.
3. “Dead Broke” - you think she apologized look again. She said it was accurate. Dead broke…..right. Kool Aid has deluded your thought process big time. Maybe that is why she did what she did…duh.
You can use all the Alinsky you want but all we do is consider the source, the rest is irrelevant.

Hillary should "regret" almost every thing when all is said and done.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You must have flunked your class on Alinsky. You need to be right once in a while.
No it was you who was 0-3 and stood in the batter’s box with his eyes closed.
1.Benghazi defines the entire WH to include the State Dept and especially Hillary. If you don’t get it that is nothing new so we will move on. She is just as responsible for the lives lost there as is Obama. That was her Ambassador dumbass.
2. The State Dept does not want to look into items submitted after she left office….really. Better late than never dumbass. Guilt is guilt and all cases like this are retroactive. Why do you think they have an investigative process in the first place. Refusal to investigate has nothing to do with innocence….duh.
3. “Dead Broke” - you think she apologized look again. She said it was accurate. Dead broke…..right. Kool Aid has deluded your thought process big time. Maybe that is why she did what she did…duh.
You can use all the Alinsky you want but all we do is consider the source, the rest is irrelevant.

Hillary should "regret" almost every thing when all is said and done.

Russ, you are looking at this from a loon perspective. I'm trying to give you the real world perspective.

1) Benghazi is a non-issue. It was a tragic event. Just like 9/11. You know how many security flaws they found after 9/11? A lot. Shit happens, unless there was some intentional criminal behavior, which none has been found, it will be a non issue for Hillary. Grown adults who aren't tin foil psychos realize that bad stuff can and does happen.

2) The State Dept does not want to look in to it because it's not illegal for a charity to accept donations, even if it's from foreign governments. They also do not have to disclose their donors if their donors do not want to be disclosed. The Clinton's have that right, they don't have to forfeit their entire lives because conservatives are psychos.

3) Even though whether she was broke or not is a completely irrelevant issue to the 2016 election as only the deepest of loons consider it a serious issue, she has stated that when she left the white house they were broke and in debt. To her, broke could mean that they did not have more money coming than they were spending. Regardless, complete non issue.

Jul 14, 2007
Ahhh, Sheriff Joe, Pats, Dave, and JDouche all here together! Good ole fashion Klan rally!!

TSizzles motivation to make the NFL probably had a lot to do with him realizing that level of fame and fortune meant he wouldn't have to hangout with you anymore.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
TSizzles motivation to make the NFL probably had a lot to do with him realizing that level of fame and fortune meant he wouldn't have to hangout with you anymore.

Ha, he definitely would whoop your racist asses, that's for sure!

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