Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Oct 19, 2007
Dave, just read what Joe writes and how he acts sometimes... that's kind of what you look like. Is that really what you want people to perceive you as? A psycho, stalking, loon?

You can be better than that. It's possible, even at your age. Hope and Change!! Never quit trying to be a better person!

New member
Jan 9, 2009
I knew this thread would bring out the tards in force lol. All they do is avoid reality. Anyone who does not want the State Dept to look into all this is drinking the kool aid. Hillary is a joke and so are the Tards. That new book points plenty of fingers any one of which should be looked into. Had Bush had something like this going on the Liberal press and the Tards would be all over it. They ignore that Hillary claimed they were broke not that long ago (while they were buying a 1.1 million dollar house by the way). Yes and of course they would like Benghazi to go away too. When you have dozens of eggs on your face like Hillary does it becomes obvious. Bill has even been verbally stumbling when questioned about all this (blaming his acct lol) and Hillary has gone back into the closet refusing to answer questions. If the Tards were detectives every crime in America would go unsolved. The can't tell a telescope from a microscope. Every down is a punt formation for them.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Joe, Russ.

Twain said it best...


New member
Oct 19, 2007
I knew this thread would bring out the tards in force lol. All they do is avoid reality. Anyone who does not want the State Dept to look into all this is drinking the kool aid. Hillary is a joke and so are the Tards. That new book points plenty of fingers any one of which should be looked into. Had Bush had something like this going on the Liberal press and the Tards would be all over it. They ignore that Hillary claimed they were broke not that long ago (while they were buying a 1.1 million dollar house by the way). Yes and of course they would like Benghazi to go away too. When you have dozens of eggs on your face like Hillary does it becomes obvious. Bill has even been verbally stumbling when questioned about all this (blaming his acct lol) and Hillary has gone back into the closet refusing to answer questions. If the Tards were detectives every crime in America would go unsolved. The can't tell a telescope from a microscope. Every down is a punt formation for them.


1) Benghazi is a non-issue for Hillary. It will pretty much only be talked about in loon conservative blogs that you read. In the real world it was a tragic event. If you think it's going to be some huge issue over whether it was the video or not, you're even more lost than I thought. So 0-1 in terms of conspiracies.

2) "The State Department has not and does not intend to initiate a formal review or to make a retroactive judgment about items that were not submitted during Secretary Clinton's tenure," Rathke told reporters.

0-2 in terms of conspiracies. Clinton's charitable donations will be as big of a deal as the paper she wrote on Alynsky. Only clown loons will care about.

3) In terms of her dead broke comment...

"I regret it. It was inartful. It was accurate. But, we are so successful and we are so blessed by the success we've had. And my husband has worked incredibly hard," Hillary Clinton told Fusion TV's Jorge Ramos in an interview Monday.
Clinton told ABC's Diane Sawyer in a June interview, "We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt." The former first lady cited legal fees that she and her husband had to pay during his White House tenure.

0-3 here. And it took about 3 minutes to find this information. Like I said Russ, you are a loon.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Are you guys really sure you should be quoting polls already? I mean, seriously... let's be honest, hasn't really worked out for you guys in the past.
The stupidity of this crew is amazing. They still don't realize that Hillary can afford to lose Iowa and Colorado and win easily. After all these years of life between Russ and dave they still don't understand that if Hillary wins Ohio and Florida...with pa and the usuals still being safe blue states....every single Iowa vote can vote R and it doesn't matter. Almost shocking how stupid these people are.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Are you guys really sure you should be quoting polls already? I mean, seriously... let's be honest, hasn't really worked out for you guys in the past.

It’s a long road to the Presidency. Hillary will be undoubtedly be the Democratic nominee. Hell, she may even win.

One thing I’ve I learned from the past 2 presidential elections is…


New member
Oct 19, 2007
It’s a long road to the Presidency. Hillary will be undoubtedly be the Democratic nominee. Hell, she may even win.

One thing I’ve I learned from the past 2 presidential elections is…

Dave, let's do something fresh here. I think it would be in you and your buddies like Joe, Ace, Russ, Willie, etc's best interest to take this election cycle off. Grab some notepads, some flash cards, and just take notes. Feel free to ask us questions man. We won't bite. Just imagine a world where you aren't wrong all the time and people don't think you're super creepy.

Just imagine that. Let's start your rebuilding process today. First step is to throw out everything you think you know, because it's wrong. Throw out everything you believe, because it's kind of psychotic. And start over. You guys are like fresh little tiny babies just first coming in to this beautiful world. You're completely dependent on us grown ups to lead you in to being civilized and intelligent members of society. So it starts today. AK will teach you how to walk, Vit and Guesser will teach you how to run. At the end of the day, you guys will be much better off.

So first exercise. Close your eyes... remember you're just a little tiny baby so you have to do what I say. Pretend there's some jingle on like B I N G O or something that you can relate to. Imagine a better you. Imagine being able to walk around with out the NSA knowing about it, or being able to go to family gatherings where they actually want to invite you. Imagine all that. Let's get it! You are no longer going to be this tin foil, can collecting loon. You are going to be shown the way. Be prepared!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Dave, you know me to be a very intelligent man. Do you really think you should be judging who should be making the decisions? I realize I'm putting you in a difficult spot here because if you say "yes", that just reiterates how crazy you actually are. If you say "no", then you are pretty much admitting you realize that you are... a lunatic. You have 2 hours.

Possibly the funniest thing you've ever written on here.

I don't speak for Dave, but my guess is he knows you as a mentally crippled, homosexual alcoholic who uses a government voucher to access the internet from the basement of your aging stripper mother's igloo. Correct me if I'm wrong, Dave.

Solid job of humiliating yourself on the main forum last night, btw! For those who may have missed it:

The Cliff's Notes: alkiefagdrunk tells the entire forum they are stupid, then argues that 100% of NBA GMs agree with his position when it turns out that his own citation suggests the real number may be 50%. Par for the Cochise course!

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Possibly the funniest thing you've ever written on here.

I don't speak for Dave, but my guess is he knows you as a mentally crippled, homosexual alcoholic who uses a government voucher to access the internet from the basement of your stripper mother's igloo. Correct me if I'm wrong, Dave.

Solid job of humiliating yourself on the main forum last night, btw! For those who may have missed it:

The Cliff's Notes: alkiefagdrunk tells the entire forum they are stupid, then argues that 100% of NBA GMs agree with his position when it turns out that his own citation suggests the real number may be 50%. Par for the Cochise course!

Found one that was closer along the lines. Only 3 out of the 27 gms chose AD over Lebron. Glad to see you taking tabs on everything I do though, lol. And they were arguing that only the Cavs would take Lebron. Not even close. Nice try though. I suggest you follow the advice I gave to Dave and just start asking questions.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Dave, let's do something fresh here. I think it would be in you and your buddies like Joe, Ace, Russ, Willie, etc's best interest to take this election cycle off. Grab some notepads, some flash cards, and just take notes. Feel free to ask us questions man. We won't bite. Just imagine a world where you aren't wrong all the time and people don't think you're super creepy.

Just imagine that. Let's start your rebuilding process today. First step is to throw out everything you think you know, because it's wrong. Throw out everything you believe, because it's kind of psychotic. And start over. You guys are like fresh little tiny babies just first coming in to this beautiful world. You're completely dependent on us grown ups to lead you in to being civilized and intelligent members of society. So it starts today. AK will teach you how to walk, Vit and Guesser will teach you how to run. At the end of the day, you guys will be much better off.

So first exercise. Close your eyes... remember you're just a little tiny baby so you have to do what I say. Pretend there's some jingle on like B I N G O or something that you can relate to. Imagine a better you. Imagine being able to walk around with out the NSA knowing about it, or being able to go to family gatherings where they actually want to invite you. Imagine all that. Let's get it! You are no longer going to be this tin foil, can collecting loon. You are going to be shown the way. Be prepared!

Lets not.

Man, you should really consider laying off the sauce. It’s not helping the growing up process.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Lets not.

Man, you should really consider laying off the sauce. It’s not helping the growing up process.

It's your call man. Just extending a helping hand. If you want to love the rest of your life looking like a fool, that's on you!

New member
Oct 19, 2007
The stupidity of this crew is amazing. They still don't realize that Hillary can afford to lose Iowa and Colorado and win easily. After all these years of life between Russ and dave they still don't understand that if Hillary wins Ohio and Florida...with pa and the usuals still being safe blue states....every single Iowa vote can vote R and it doesn't matter. Almost shocking how stupid these people are.

They're just hilarious individuals all around. Now JDouche is trying to make a big deal over a silly argument on Lebron or AD. The dudes a psycho. Poor kids. They try so hard, har to admire their effort. Must take a lot of work to look that dumb all the time.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Possibly the funniest thing you've ever written on here.

I don't speak for Dave, but my guess is he knows you as a mentally crippled, homosexual alcoholic who uses a government voucher to access the internet from the basement of your aging stripper mother's igloo. Correct me if I'm wrong, Dave.

Solid job of humiliating yourself on the main forum last night, btw! For those who may have missed it:

The Cliff's Notes: alkiefagdrunk tells the entire forum they are stupid, then argues that 100% of NBA GMs agree with his position when it turns out that his own citation suggests the real number may be 50%. Par for the Cochise course!
You’ll get no argument from me.

On the other hand I’m sure AK will want to disagree.


New member
Oct 19, 2007
Ahhh, yes, racism is always priceless! Dave and JDouche. Quality human beings.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Lets not.

Man, you should really consider laying off the sauce. It’s not helping the growing up process.

He's only extending the olive branch and trying to meet you in person because he's running out of money and hopes someone will pick up his Firewater tab at the Arrowhead Inn tonight.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Luckily the conservative base is getting smaller and smaller as people get less racist and more educated. But we're stuck with these guys in our lifetimes. Luckily future generations will be better off.

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